I thought Alex Berenson was a “good guy”. I’m sad to see he’s a jerk, at least in this instance.

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He hasn't been a good guy in a coon's age. Good guys don't do to Dr. Malone what he did...

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I don’t know what he did to Dr. Malone. Looks like I’m behind.

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I don’t understand how people can be so cruel. When I see vaccine damaged people having such a struggle it just breaks my heart.

It makes you wonder how much Alex Berenson is getting paid to write such garbage. Maybe they are being blackmailed or maybe they are just plain mean.

No matter the reason it doesn’t justify someone to slander or be cruel to another person.

I remember watching Mr Berensen attack Dr Malone. I couldn’t believe he was doing that. I thought he was suppose to be a good guy. Well we now know he is not.

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Alex Berenson is dead to me. No excuses for his attacking of this poor victim. I suspect he was was gotten to either through monetary means or blackmail. Doesn't matter he is done.

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I unsubbed from him as soon as I saw the unwarranted attack on Dr Malone. Berenson's a snake.

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ANYONE with any connection to the NY Times is automatically your enemy.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

He ambushed him in an interview. Nasty bad news concerning that, and other positions he has taken about Ivermectin and more.

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Dr. Robert Malone vs Alex Berenson

“For some unknown reason (though I have suspicions), instead of Alex Berenson using his time on Fox News to confront the malicious and fraudulent manipulation of medical science, he decided to attack the credibility of Dr. Robert Malone.”


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That is correct. He was a jerk and intellectually he is NOT equal to Dr. Malone in science. Not even close. The thing is, Dr. Malone could be a journalist if he wanted, but Alex Berenson could never be a good doctor. He could go back to school and get an MD., but would would want to go see him? Would you want someone like that caring for you or your family? Yikes!

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Great clip never saw that chewed him up and spit him out!!!

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Yes, Dr. Malone is always respectful and professional. Alex is just a jerk. He can’t seem to control himself.

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I had become a paid subscriber until I found out he called Naomi Wolf bat shit crazy. I quickly unsubscribed and got a refund. I didn’t know either....

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I don't know either. Neither long COVID or vaccine injured ill should be treated to baseless random skepticism. (The Spike will spike, either from the virus or the vaccine.)

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The choice of using the Spike protein as the Antigen (produced by the vaccine) was the HUGE MISTAKE by the vaccine makers, because they had not & did not research its full actions and it’s capacity as a complicated & ACTIVE immune toxin ….They didn’t know and they proceeded with their rush job to make the money making Billion dollar vaccine…( ie- they didn’t care either)…..We now know that was the hidden plan from the start….. It explains why Fauci said “Pres Trump IS going to experience a viral epidemic”.. He said this long before COVID-19 was known to exist (at least to others)……. It is a bit like the disturbed child who sets a neighborhood house on fire and in attempt to be a HERO he is the one that runs to officials to report what he “found” down the street burning…… but it gets out of control and burns the house & people in it…….. Fauci (the kid) was hoping for the reward of making the vaccine ($$$$$) to save us all !

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Possibly so. Yet Fauci was very close to the Deep State. Sundance at Conservative Treehouse published some letters he wrote HRC. They were gushing, almost love letters.

That places him very tight with the globalist. It is not unreasonable to ask if Fauci’s incompetence was part of Obama Biden incompetence?

Setting the Middle East on fire.

Creating global refugee crisis.

Open borders

Leaving the Taliban 80 billion in weapons.

100 billion to the Ukraine war.

Funding Iran with secret hundreds of millions.

The plandemic…

Ignoring effective prophylactic treatments

Massive testing at high cycles.

Ignoring natural immunity.


Breaking the supply chain.

EUA on vaccine technology tgat every previous attempt failed.

Mysterious GOF research with China.

Pattened viral matches to COVID.

Mysterious DOD involvement with the vaccines.

Shutting down US and and European energy production and capacity to produce.

Causing energy costs to skyrocket. Etc…

At what point does incompetence become competent incompetence?

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That is a kind question to a heinous list of treasonous and inhuman activities listed, all of which are true. Fauci applied for 75 pattons over 25 yrs. I’d say determined to be evil .

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Yours is a mild interpretation. The origin of this virus in his lab and release should be presumed intentional until disproven by release of every document created in that lab.

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Agreed. I don’t think the spike protein was a mistake. My money is on deliberate.

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He attacked Dr Malone’s credentials claiming he was a fraud. Berenson is nothing more than a grifter. I joined his substack,even paid for his subscription. Then all he did on virtually every posting was push his new book.

He also contuously whined about Twitter banning him like a little child. I then decided to cancel the subscription, even before he went on Fox and trashed Malone.

The only beef I have with Tucker Carlson is that he continues to have Berenson on his show.

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Alex has been a jerk in many instances. I tried to graciously give him the benefit of the doubt in the letter I wrote him last year but will never make that mistake again:

• “Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world)

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Good on you Margaret. I left him last year for the reasons below:

“He attacked Dr Malone’s credentials claiming he was a fraud. Berenson is nothing more than a grifter. I joined his substack,even paid for his subscription. Then all he did on virtually every posting was push his new book.

He also contuously whined about Twitter banning him like a little child. I then decided to cancel the subscription, even before he went on Fox and trashed Malone.

The only beef I have with Tucker Carlson is that he continues to have Berenson on his show.”

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Fabulously written letter! Did you ever get a direct reply from Berenson?

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Thank you, KRNapa, and hahahahahaha, no :-) Alex pretended it/I didn’t exist, but I know he saw it because tons of people tweeted it at him, as did I. (And I know he read it because he’s too much of a narcissist not to read something with his name in it ;-)

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Margaret Anna Alice,

That was magnanimous to write to Alex. I was a subscriber with Dr. Malone.

After his purposefully rude attempt to make Dr. Malone inferior, I realized he was not a professional. His self importance was an attempt to make a true scientist look like less. It was easy to drop him.

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Get revenge by forming a fake Alex Berenson Fan Club (they did this on Frazier the TV show, although in that plot, the members were actually fans of Frazier Crane). Claim that dozens of people will attend an event in which Alex is to be honored with some bs "journalism award." And see if he shows up. If he's as narcissistic as you think he is (and apparently he is), you should be able to get him to bite at the bait. Be sure to have the video cameras rolling when he does show up (at a restaurant, etc.). Reel him in. Research his past NYT articles and praise them, quoting whatever he said to prove that you read them, etc.

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😆 Brilliant!

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Hey, it's better than dating Dr. Jordan Walker (Pfizer)!

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His views smell of disinformation and being a paid character assassin. I still have trouble understanding why Dr. Malone is deciding to sue his cohorts.

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Thomas, perhaps if you read Malone's responses to the why again, it will help you understand. You know he is not a litigious person by nature. He knows the difficulty, money and time it takes.

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I happen to be watching Tucker the first time Alex Berenson was on his program, which was right after the social distancing and mask wearing appeared. He had not written his first ‘covid book’, which I have, and I call it a pamphlet. On that show it was explained why Alex was even discussing a scientific field he knew nothing about. It came out that his wife, a psychiatrist, had mentioned to him the very real outcomes drugs have on youth. It was this that led him to research and write a book about drugs and their effects. With that success, I feel he felt he was capable of researching in professional areas he was himself was limited in. Perhaps he got in over his head or perhaps his wife has indicated that opposition to the ‘jab narrative’ is, in reality, a form of reverse psyops and he bought her diagnosis.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

I was one of Berenson's early substack subscribers. I give him a lot of credit for saying things in the early days that needed to be said, and that no one else was saying. I also credit him as being one of the first - through his lawsuit - to expose the government's efforts to silence vaccine critics.

It didn't take long for him to start thinking he was an expert in all things covid. He was saying ivermectin was ineffective, and that Dr. Malone did NOT invent the mRNA technology. He had an opportunity to debate Dr. Kory about the effectiveness of ivermectin, and spent about ten minutes in that discussion, and then bailed- he had something else important to do. After all the reputational capital he staked on his ivermectin position, I couldn't understand what else could possibly be more important.

Then he extended his "expertise" to things having nothing to do with covid- e.g. he didn't hold back his opinion- people saying the election was stolen were a bunch of tin-hat wackadoodles.

For me Berenson got to be high maintenance. I did not renew after the first year.

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You are too kind to that exemplar of the NYT

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Not just this instance, he's a slimeball in my book, one day toadying to the NYT, next day calling them out. One day praising Dr. Malone, next pulling the rug out from under him on national tv. Anything for more eyeballs, with all the backbone of an oligochaete. And no Alex, that's not a vertebrate.

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If anyone is "controlled opposition" its Berenson. A clown with no scientific chops working in the dead industry of "journalism". Easiest kind of guy for a pharmaceutical company to hire to do controlled opposition....

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Alex Berenson dropped the ball on the Fauci files. I think he started out as a good guy but like most people he serves corrupt men.

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He is typical of NYC area Commie Dem Elitist. End of Story!

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Thank you for rising to Angelia’s defense, Robert. I responded to Alex’s repugnant words in the following tweets:



I was so disgusted with his vicious gaslighting, I issued a Robinhood challenge to my readers in the updates section of the post I published this morning:


I am urging everyone who is still inexplicably supporting Alex to immediately cancel their subscriptions and transfer their support to Pierre Kory.

If you would be willing to share my challenge with your readership (especially on Twitter, where it can go viral and sting Alex’s ego), I would be elated if we can make enough of a dent in Alex’s subscriptions for him to actually feel the pain. Yeah, I want him to hurt, and I’m not ashamed to say it :-)

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was not a paid subscriber to Alex but canceled my free subscription so that he got the message. Just furious with him over this latest incident and what he did to our WONDERFUL Dr. Malone! And he sure is wrong about Ivermectin! WAKE UP ALEX AND SHAPE UP!!! 🤬🤬🤬

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was a paid subscriber to Alex Berenson's Substack but canceled it when he attacked Dr. Malone.

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As did I

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Get a refund, or are they a thing of the past?

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I paid for the entire year. I emailed Berenson to ask for a prorated refund. Of course I never received it.

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You can ask tech support to process it for you :-)


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Hey MAA - I believe (it was over a year ago) I emailed substack and they told me I would have to go to the author for a refund. So I emailed dickhead Alex. To which dickhead Alex did not respond.

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Refunds became extinct the moment the idiots realized how much they had given away for free on the internet (1996-2015). And the people who paid for this mistake were the innocent subscribers (you. me.). Signing up for a subscription at that critical moment, in the end, was a three-card monte ripoff.

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I paid for the entire year. I never asked for the refund. I would guess he had a lot of cancellations and that got the point across.

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You can contact tech support to request a prorated refund :-)


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He probably has been awake from minute one. Just another undercover chaos agent...my two cents.

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No. He has a very thin skin.

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Wow! This Berenson guy is a piece of...er “work”! I stopped my subscription immediately after he attacked Dr. Malone in that Fox segment, but at the time I just thought maybe he just didn’t like Malone’s style or something, but jeez, after seeing this it’s really hard to imagine him as anything other than a chaos agent. On the other hand, Maybe he’s just a crazy narcissist that decided early on the mRNA gene therapy wasn’t for him and got angry that none of his elitist, multi-jabbed friends invited him to dinners anymore. That’s why he’s so gung-ho to prove they don’t work??

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I support Kory already! Yay! I liked your tweets and tryed to respond with my own 'prickly pear'-which I think he needs to hear. There is something that is self-serving in his approach, and I can't seem to put my finger on what is making him like that, except money and social status with one group of people. Maybe he is hanging out with the WEF....

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Thanks so much, Helen! And yes, I can't help but wonder if he is being intentionally infuriating as rage bait. I honestly find his behavior completely inscrutable as no amount of money or attention could be worth damaging what minuscule sliver of credibility he once had—unless he's trying to ingratiate himself to his NYT colleagues by bonding over bashing vaxx victims.

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That social contact is his 30 pieces of silver. Well, maybe he will choke on an hors d'oeuvre...I really don't wish anyone harm, but I am frustrated with his mean spirited tweets at people that are in a vulnerable state of mind as well as their body.

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Already did.

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Who is Pierre Kory?

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Dr. Pierre Kory (https://substack.com/profile/31671068-pierre-kory-md-mpa) is one of the leading lights of the medical freedom movement and has been at the forefront of research demonstrating the life-saving efficacy of ivermectin as well as treating the vaxx-injured. Angelia is Pierre’s patient, and Pierre came to her defense, at which point Alex viciously maligned Pierre. You can see the trail of tweets and Alex’s abominable behavior in my challenge:


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Thank you. I’m reading your links now. I’m canceling Berenson.

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Thank you, Patriot Ronda. I really appreciate your taking action.

Pierre’s series on the ivermectin disinformation campaign and the corruption of the high-impact journal industry are exceptional and will be featured in his upcoming book, “The War on Ivermectin.”

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I had seen a comment by Dr. Malone which lead me to believe that he was not a fan of Berenson’s but I didn’t think much about it. I don’t form judgment based on what others think but now that I have more information, I have formed an opinion.

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Please go to the FLCCC website to see what kind of wonderful person Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik are, along with all their colleagues there. There is a wealth of free information there about how to try to prevent covid-19 and what to do if you do get it. They also have info on how to get ivermectin through other sources. The FLCCC does not offer it for sale themselves. Just a wonderful group of people.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Dr. Kory and Marik are just awesome doctors, who take caring for people seriously. God Bless them. They aren't the only good doctors out there, but since covid, one has to be very choosey. I went to a doctor back in 2020 (in the summer) to get Hydroxy and was told by the doctor to see a therapist after he told me to take a vaccine. I refused, and he referred me. I went because I was fearful of loosing my license and then I never went back to him or the therapist. I found another doctor that gave me Ivermectin. I was going to go to New York to help the people there. My nurse friend told me not to come, and they were killing people by neglect, poor medical, nursing practices, and chaos like she had never seen.

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Bless you for standing strong and resisting the gaslighting and coercive tactics, Helen!

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deletedJan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023
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Yes, I am so happy that Dr. Kory is Angelia's doctor. She is in good hands. FLCCC.net is amazing. I have followed them from the very beginning and view their weekly updates on Zoom.

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You are wise to evaluate the evidence and form your own opinions, whatever the situation :-)

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Did so long ago.

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deletedJan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023
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Alex NEVER apologizes. To do so would be to admit error, which he is incapable of doing.

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Who is resposible for writing this federal regulation? Can you tells us Dr. Malone?

# 25 DOD is authorized to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to conduct ‘prototype’ experiments on the general public, and under such contracts, is exempt from legal obligation to comply with Good Clinical Practices or other FDA regulations. See 10 USC 2371b (2015), renumbered 10 USC 4022 (Jan. 1, 2021, effective Jan. 1, 2022)

This lady is just one example of the millions harmed by the injections. What action can be taken to end this carnage that has impacted millions of Americans? Do we not have any moral and ethical leadership left in DC?

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I think the only legal avenue is to go after employers and individual executives who forced employees to take it. They have no such liability shields...especially the individual executives that issued the orders. Then shareholders go after them as soon as the employee class actions hit.

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To me the problem is today. Getting regulatory reform with the current 'climate' will take forever. I'm afraid that leaves it to we the people to do ALL we can to oppose/prevent such actions.

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Don't they still have to have informed consent, be voluntary and compensated for harm?

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To be honest, I’m starting to get confused about who’s on “the good side.”

Spew Peters annoys me but obviously isn’t swimming down stream. Completely trustworthy? Maybe not.

DeSantis rocks but now Trump is lashing at him.

What the heck Trump?!!!! Don’t stand next to Lindsey now! Not now buddy!

Alex, well I thought he was a mandate fighter so I guess I assumed he knew the obvious about the injuries we’re all seeing in our friends.

What leader is next to turn two-face on us? Or get all complicated? Sheesh.

I long for the days when Superman didn’t have inner struggles to do what’s right.

Maybe that was just me as a kid and now I’m finally growing up at 43.

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You can't follow anyone because doing so is giving up your ability to think for yourself and make the decisions that are right for you.

Trump has a big mouth but a little stick. He did everything that midget man Fauci told him to do. Trump held back the distribution of hydroxychloroquine, locked down the nation, and created warp speed bioweapons. Trump and all of his advisors should have known better.

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I don't really blame Trump for caving to the massive bamboozle when COVID first hit. I do blame him now for his continued insistence "his" death jabs saved millions of lives. I managed to overlook his ridiculous ego during the first go-round, but I don't think I can suck it up again. DENOUNCE THE JABS, TRUMP, AND DO IT N.O.W.

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I watched Trump when he said on national TV that he had a good feeling about hydroxychloroquine. Fauci and Birx made some snide remarks. I immediately did research on the Internet and found numerous sources that said hydroxychloroquine was a safe drug when prescribed by a doctor. I knew right then that Dr. Fauci was lying. Anybody with half a brain could do the same. Either Trump and all his staff are half-wits or they were doing what they were told to do.

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Sure and now we have Biden. Think man. Think.

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It’s difficult to know who to follow, none of us will ever agree with anyone 100% and those we agree with may also make a mistake.

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"DeSantis rocks but now Trump is lashing at him."

This blog is great and explains who is behind DeSantis, apparently an operation by the stablishment to get rid of the populist MAGA movement. Great info regarding the Covid-19 pandemic from day 1. First place that gave us heads-up about a new contagious desease emerging in Wuhan, even days ahead of the MSM:


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I hope DeSantis holds off on running until 2028. I think he would be a great leader for our country, but I wish he would just hold off. Lindsey Graham is not a friend to anyone, but himself. Anyone pushing for war. People don't understand that Zelensky was installed by our government. The people in Ukraine aren't supporting him, but they are afraid to speak up.

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Well said. Yet, I wonder will we have a country to defend in 2028? Something is afoot that doesn’t have anything to do with our electoral process. I’m kind of dumb, so probably I’m out of it, but I worry that our old ways of understanding are nothing but a distraction while more nefarious forces are at work. I can’t grasp it, but it’s there.

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You have good instincts (the opposite of "dumb"). You're not out of it. Absolutely nothing makes sense anymore.

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I feel that way more than half the time. Sometimes, I think other people feel the same or see the same things I do and then, some strangeness or awkwardness comes over me. I think, I've become socially awkward!

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People are complicated...or confused.. I don't know what to think either.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Sorry, wrong reply box (somehow, the delete is not working).

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

There is a growing number of physicians in the US now openly pushing for the mRNA products to be pulled from the market, and much regret at forcing these ineffective and dangerous products onto the public. While I agree, and to some extent appreciate, the change of stance and welcome them to the fold, I have ongoing anger at their late arrival. These physicians and medical researchers, many of whom willingly took the jabs, and some of whom were coerced, are only now concerned with the evident lack of clinical test data associated with the experimental treatments. It is only now that millions upon millions of people have been subjected that they see a problem, while siting the lack of efficacy and large scale injury caused by the jabs. It was wrong from the start, and they could have, as a group, rejected the narrative. Instead they stayed quiet while 1 in 3 vaxxed children suffered immediate, cardiac damage, younger people are dying suddenly and for no apparent reason, and no one knows the long term effects of the jabs for any particular cohort. All to fill the coffers of their beloved pharma giants. Yes, thanks for your latent support, but please don't pretend that you couldn't see what might come of all this. I'm just an engineer, and I could at least see the possible negative outcomes. If not in specifics, in principle.

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Dr. Malone came out early against them! And he took the jabs and found them to problematic so he spoke up! He spoke up without hesitation and thought people would responde appropriately and stop giving them or at least take another look, while limiting the jab to the most at risk of death from covid the infection and taking alternative treatments too. Your handle does say it all. It is ulgy out there and if you watch the Dr. Nass on the https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ , you can see just how bad it is. Dr. Nass is brilliant. She is under persecution from the Board of Medicine. I will be watching tomorrow and praying for a good outcome.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Hi Helen,

Yes, agreed. There are a number of medical and health professionals who have said from very early on that the jab was/is problematic.

Dr.s Malone. McCullough, Nass, Risch and others were early to the fight. Dr Malone suffers vaxx injury.

Unfortunately, they were shouting into a hurricane of ignorance, misinformation, disinformation, and Ill intent.

Most of the doctors out there were and still are at risk of career suicide, or at least ostracisation from their peers and medical groups.

Still, many have been injured by the charade. If we're to trust our medical providers, it is incumbent upon them to tell their patients the risks, which most have not done. Thus, the now lamented lack of vaxx uptake and the predictable, increased, lack of enthusiasm for any vaccines for almost any reason. And frankly I don't even trust my own Healthcare providers to render care that is in my best interest.

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I suspect the # is growing partly because there is now no price to pay for speaking up, and partly because many of the doctors are little more than pill pushers and were unable to grasp the reality of the situation.

I admire the doctors who paid the price for speaking the truth and educating us.

We owe them.

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They are all in huge denial because they are very afraid of the truth which is unavoidably becoming more and more apparent every day. Desellle needs to stay vocal and keep up the Tweets. God bless her.

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This is precisely why I stopped subscribing to Alex Berenson!

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It seems occasionally Berenson feels the need to interject with opinions he has no biz making since he's not a clinician or scientist. This tweet is just the latest example. Previously it was his thoughts on IVM. Personally I stopped listening to him after his attacks on Dr. Malone.

Moreover, Berenson doesn't understand any of the methodologies of studies he cites to "prove" effectiveness of Paxlovid or ineffectiveness of IVM. He also has no experience as a clinician. So he should just shut up about things he doesn't understand. His need to interject completely undermines anything of value he adds to the dialogue.

CJ Hopkins recent substack, How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP, provides a good description of journalists like Berenson. https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/how-to-memory-hole-a-psyop as follows:

"...Journalists like Lee Fang, Alex Berenson, and even Glenn Greenwald — whom I like and respect —are the perfect vehicles for limited hangouts. They have the requisite “outsider” credentials while still being members of George Carlin’s “big club” (or maybe just “associate members” … a few million dollars isn’t what it used to be).

The point is, such journalists sincerely believe that they are “independent,” and “adversarial,” and in many instances they actually are … just not when it comes to reporting a story like the most elaborate mass-PSYOP in human history, which is what we’ve been experiencing for the last three years. Crossing that line would mean the end of everything for them, their money, their status, their social and professional networks, basically, their entire lives. No one has to explain this to them. They got where they are by knowing exactly where that line is, and how close they can get to it, without ever actually stepping over it.

If you ask them, they will tell you “there is no such line,” not for “adversarial” journalists like them, not because they are lying, but because they cannot see it. They have been trained, and have trained themselves, to not see it...."

So the problem with Berenson is that he keeps trying very hard to cross back over the line of acceptance so that he will once again be welcomed back to the commercial journalistic coterie he was trained in. That's his world.

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Berenson is controlled opposition in my opinion. Has absolutely zero scientific chops. He's just a clown journalist prostituting himself to the highest bidder...

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Berenson, who is obviously in the pocket of the pharmaceutical industry, ought to lose all his subscribers. I dumped his substack after his egregious and infamous Fox News attack on Dr. Malone. Fake videos? What’s HE smoking? Something stronger than the weed he so abhors I would guess.

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Who ISN’T in Big Pharma’s pocket?

Forbes Hit Piece on Project Veritas is Written By a Scientist Funded by... Guess Who!?

I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with "riser"...


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His wife is an MD. That says something about his motivations I think...

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She is a psychiatrist. She probably attends to the 'worried well.'

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Then she is into pharmaceuticals big time. They hand that addictive poison out like candy.

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Yep! That is what they do. Psychiatrist don't even really listen to you anymore. There aren't many old school that try to listen to the person to work through problems. Take a pill,... next!

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a good friend of mine is on more than one, and he keeps getting worse, but is also safe and effective...

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I am sorry. It is almost better to go to psychologist and say no drugs. I've only seen drugs work when people have full blown psychosis and they are actively hearing voices and they are in a bipolar. Depression is hard to treat.

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I am sure that is part of it. He wants to be the one and only approved safe and effective MSM COVID measure critic.

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The Wall Street Journal just openly criticized the vaccines:


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This is a guy on youtube reacting to it, so not on wsj.

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Hope he or his family never experiences her pain and suffering... one never knows , what goes around comes around .

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I can only hope she goes after the libel piece. These are hard battles. Another example of an upside-down world.

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Alex Berenson is and has been for some time what my Irish-American father used to call "a fathead." By that Dad meant someone so full of himself that it blinded him to the truth. The former NYT employee approached the Ukraine conflict with the same open-mindedness that he approached this story of vaccine injury. He was (and remains) convinced by the outlandish propaganda disguised as "news" about Ukraine and Russia that the CIA feeds to American media these days. He's wrong about that and he's equally wrong about the injuries suffered by Angelia Desselle and others. As I said initially, he's a fathead, one who occasionally gets things right but when he's wrong, he's wrong in a big way.

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I don't even understand what Berenson's point was?

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HIs point is that he has been trying really hard to be famous for a long time and it just isn't fair when somebody new comes along and gets people's attention.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Please tell me she is suing all of them. She really needs to make them shut the F up.

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I wish I could do one of those Steve Kirsch Polls. Will Alex:

1. Humbly apologize and retract his tweet.

2. Ignore the evidence, and act as though he did nothing wrong

3. Pile on even harder

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