May the latest FOIA revelations serve as kindling for their funeral pyre 🔥

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Nicely phrased.

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Not sure they deserve funerals.

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Bonfires, then.

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Bonfires of the Vanities?

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Waste of fuel. We used to use stocks in the public square. Victims could come by and abuse them. Public punishment is important as a reminder to others to behave.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are truly a class act, Doctor, in including Berenson's name in your post :-)

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The US Government & Big Tech, among others, have clearly violated the Nuremberg Code. When will we hold them accountable for their crimes?

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The question is how when all of DC are uniparty elitists.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well I obviously will share this on the few social media sites that won't censor it . Thank you Dr Malone for all your honesty and difficult work.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I concur with all the commenters and add the unfortunate foundation to all the lies, in a comment I posted on Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid that is irrefutably relevant to yet another Malone spot on expose...

Obummer signed legislation into law in 2017, a law that makes it perfectly legal for the media to intentionally lie to the American people by its own government, a repeal of the Smith-Munda act of 1948 which banned the use of propaganda used on American citizens. The law was a hidden little gem inside the NDAA (Defense Authorization Act, spearheaded by generously funded Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio).... the “Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill.... essentially a de facto Ministry of Truth, a curtailment of press freedom, a “countering disinformation and propaganda act” exactly like the “Patriot Act” .... right, sounds um... patriotic... but is the complete opposite.... it literally set the stage for witch hunts and website shutdowns considered a source of “disinformation.” https://www.technocracy.news/obama-signs-countering-disinformation-propaganda-act/ ....

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Thank you for posting this. I am so glad we can see the systematic ruin of our nation by those that purported to be 'on our side.' Liars that they are. Bush-Obama same coin.

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Yes Helen… signed and sealed by traitors, a witch hunt bill wrapped up in wordplay ready for the “final solution” of Julian Assange…. and anyone else who dare expose the elected and non elected behind the curtain seditious destruction of our country and constitution.

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REPEAL THE NDAA we must hammer on that now

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I agree 100%.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We want JUSTICE from the 'Empire of Lies'... how do we get it?

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My brother, an attorney was practicing medicine on Facebook…

…any medical post or meme was critiqued by my lawyer brother and he was allowed to practice medicine on my page, as long as it was pro-vaccine

I finally blocked him as he was endangering my friends (he would respond with denigration and accusations implying he would report me)…

…haven’t talked in a while

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Attorneys tend to lean left. It's an occupational hazard, the law being the codification of political correctness. They swear an oath to support the regime. They won't get the good jobs or invited to the good parties if they support the wrong regime.

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I have argued that attorneys went after the 10th Amendment even before the ink was dry for its daring to give to the people power they feel belongs solely to them--particularly after they assume the black robes

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Unreal Pete Wiggin

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He was bizarre...said things like “why do you think you should be allowed to spread disinformation” when I stated something like that no drug can say blanket “safe and effective”

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Many, family or not have lost their minds . It hurts more when it’s family.

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Yes. According to Mattias Desmet, people in the grip of Mass Formation "lose their minds". Anyone who doesn't align with the official narrative is the enemy and must be attacked. Rationality goes out the window. They will show their loyalty to the collective by following any directive issued by the "leaders", no matter how absurd. Unfortunately, we can't wake them up. All we can do is tell our own truth, honestly and courteously, without pressing the issue, in the hope that doing so will keep the "hypnosis" from getting deeper.

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Excellent. And Hannah Arendt in “the origins of totalitarianism“ emphasized that totalitarianism often starts in the bureaucracy without a shot fired. And what are Tony Fauci, Collins and Birx but bureaucratic physicians?

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I feel your pain. The vaccine advocates and their lies have cemented the civil war. We are now Brother against Brother and our family is included. I mourn for us. I weep for us.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The deadly truth comes out and the mainstream media yawns - that’s the trouble we’re in.

No one seems to even care that our own government created the virus, rushed a flawed vaccine, lied about it, quashed any dissent and continues to push the “safe and effective”nonsense.

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The mainstream media is being paid (and/or intimidated) to yawn upon command. It's now their job.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WOW, more blatant in our face proof beyond reasonable doubt, the Biden admin is without question a criminal organization 🤬

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I concluded some years ago that the USG was the worlds largest criminal enterprise. Now they have demonstrated it to anyone willing examine its actions critically. Criminals now control virtually every Federal agency and instrumentality and they have for at least 20 years now. That includes the misnamed "Federal Reserve" which goes back over a century.

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Agreed. One difference between then and now is that the criminality has become more and more blatant. It's as though they all now understand that nobody will be convicted or pay any kind of price for their crimes.

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let's change their belief

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have been shocked with how impotent Republicans seem to be or prefer to be regarding these issues. Need I say I’m even concerned if they win Congress in the midterms?

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there is only one party now. We have to start deciding who is a nationalist and who is a globalist. There is a global government that has been gaining power since the 50s

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"..."I am not sure why Twitter has suddenly become so aggressive against accounts like Dr. Bostom's ... its actions make no sense to me either legally or commercially," Berenson told Just the News Wednesday..."


The "conspiracy deniers" are all bought and paid for. Most are overt narcissists, sadists, and sociopaths - arrogant small men with smaller minds - and, they delight in anonymously exercising their power over the "unenlightened" peasantry. It's the same people who filled the NSDAP, the SA and SS; inhabit most of the corporate board rooms in Amerika, Inc.; and, recently the halls of the Uvalde school (while preening and strutting with their military gear). All these people are worthy of disdain and disobedience, not to mention arrest and imprisonment.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great read but painful to accept the challenge we face. Thanks

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Dr. Malone, you've provided some great info today!

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remain puzzled as to why leading members of our society continue to post on Twitter? These Twitter turkeys respond to membership; reduce Twitter users by half or more and watch them squirm. There must be an alternative; why doesn’t Musk or other entrepreneurs create one, as competition weeds out the worst like no other.

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Gettr is good.

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Truth Social is a pretty good alternative, with the latest update it is much improved. It has lots of good content now too.

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I would like to use TruthSocial but, compared to other similar apps, I repeatedly get messages like, “can’t connect to internet”. I’ve deleted and reloaded the Truth Social app on several occasions, shut my iPhone down, etc. and I continue to get the same response. I’ve read a similar complaint somewhere but I have yet to see what the solution might be for my phone. I also have yet to find a way to actually contact TruthSocial app people to find out if they would help me.

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Here in Europe we still have no access to Truth Social...

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It's where the herd goes.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is an end in sight for this behavior. It begins in November. Maybe we'll become more careful about choosing our rulers. If not, we deserve what we get.

For those who moan that the electoral process is too corrupt to be redeemed, and choose to abstain, this is what your apathy gets you. The electoral process is exactly as good as its participants. If you don't participate, you get what the participants want. If you think you participated, perhaps by voting for some third party kook with no chance of winning, and you didn't get the result you wanted, then you didn't participate hard enough. Civilization requires a lot of work to maintain. We seldom get what we hope for. We usually get what we work for.

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