Dear God. Now we've seen everything.....

They will probably blame the eclipse on President Trump? Or maybe global warming?

This is insanity. Election 2024 is America's last good chance at ending this insanity.

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Apr 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Democrats have hastily introduced a House Resolution condemning orbital motion.

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Apr 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

and are working on shifting the poles.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm surprised they didn't just use it as a reason to cancel the election like their buddy Zelenskyy did in Ukraine. Wouldn't that be easier . . . and expected from them?

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Now you've given them the idea!!

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Don’t hold your breath Shrugged we have an election coming

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😂😂😂 I said to my family last night, there in essence is a solar eclipse every day and it’s called night time. Common sense has been “educated” right out of people!

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Common sense has become uncommon

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It is now common senselessness.

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And yet Another ....

" I'm stealing this one"

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I’ve noticed we are quite similar in our thievery.

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Or “common nonsense”

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That is even better!

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Dr.Nash, the real eclipse is the 1.25 million illegals that have registered to vote in Texas in the past 3 months with no picture ID, just a name and last 4 of a supposed SS#. What in tarnations goin on down dear? About 250,000 in Arizona and Pennsylvania. This is just in a couple months and in a couple states. At this point Joe Biden will get upward of 100 million votes. Probably 1/2 illegal. Texas is turning me BLUE.????

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4


Recall that Biden beat Trump (Trump had a record 76 million votes) with 81 million votes. More than Barack Hussein Obama had in 2008 or 2012. With this illegal immigration, Biden will probably get more than 300 million votes. That's more voting citizens than live in this country.

And the media and all judicial gatekeepers will say HORAAAY!

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And the lefties will swear by the numbers being authentic. Must be all those dead folks voting again

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

The courts will too - by not hearing any case accusing fraud. “This case has no standing . . . “

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I swear I heard that before, but for the life of me, I just dont know whore

Scotus toilet tissue is on sale, and I gotta get sum

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As I have commented before the fdr/lbj crowd still have a strong influence here. Saw the wind change coming and went from d to r in registration but still push the new deal agenda as hard as they can. Are being replaced, maybe a bloodbath this election so tey are pulling out the stops. That was a newsweek article you referenced (?) I think and it did not mention that i.d. required to vote. Will see what happens but if we win suspect a stampede south back to the river.

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The law for federal elections does not required an ID as far as I know. Be default, if the state requires one for state elections then even if there are fed elections on the ballot does state law trump?

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State does here. Constitution says states regulate elections so who knows.

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I read this morning that a NYC NGO got a grant which it is using to give illegals fake IDs.

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Those NGO's need to go!!!

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

You might be surprised to learn (but not so much after thinking about it), those NGO's get the majority of their funding from the US government.

Let me say it more directly: Our government is funding the invasion of our country by illegals.

You can't make this stuff up.

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Evil Incarnate, you nailed it!!!

That's exactly why I've been calling for a REAL T.E.A. PARTY!!!

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5


the Biden administration is creating a full system to fight against President Trump if he wins the election. This includes a system of “war games” and a legal system that will try to prevent President Trump from ...taking office

Joshua P ETv tomorrow

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I wonder if the brains have drained out by all these injections

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It does seem they've caused severe neurological disturbances.

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Chicken or egg?

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eggs I think. Arent the reptiles earlier, and they laid eggs. Imagine the surprise when that one lizard sees her eggs hatch and one has a chicken in it!

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I’m so excited every night to watch the amazing disappearance of the sun and appearance of the moon. I hope the same for tomorrow. .

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

If the moon does ultimately prove to be made of green cheese, and passes directly in the path of the sun's rays, we could all be in deep fondue. I've stocked up on corn chips.

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Always a positive guy. BTW: What exactly is green cheese?

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Only NASA knows.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Well, NASA claims they landed there several times as early as July, 1969. Didn’t they bring back green cheese samples called moon rocks? I've had some cheese that was as hard as a rock. Perhaps that's it?

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You two are cracking me up! Thanks for the laughs!

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All credit goes to Mr. Lord. He always cracks me up too.

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Lol!!! ROFL

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Gates GMO corn chips? Or some unmodified maze?

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Lot of events converging on this eclipse, folks. Let's start with the Hadron Collider:

An official at CERN – which is is built above where Apollo was thought to reside in the underworld – admitted they were trying to open the ‘dimensional doors’ with the LHC and that something may just come through them::

"A top boffin at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) says that the titanic machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or "unknown unknowns" - for instance "an extra dimension".

"Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, briefing reporters including the Reg at CERN HQ earlier this week. —https://www.theregister.com/2009/11/06/lhc_dimensional_portals

From their own imagery, CERN explains what they are: https://bitchute.com/video/5y2kQuwSCiAx [1:58mins]

CERN's logo is 666 in an eclipse-in-progress configuration.

This list of things happening on April 8th was compiled from a few comments on the web:

1) An eclipse with more precautions of any eclipse that I recall in my life. (National Guard, FEMA warnings, local warnings to prep with food and water, comms down warning etc)

2) CERN is going to re-ignite on April 8th to search for dark matter as this eclipse is going on.

3) A comet named "devils comet" will also be observable during said eclipse.

4) NASA will be launching 3 rockets named after a serpent deity (deity of darkness and disorder in Eygptian..Apep) as this eclipse is happening.

5) Many predictive programming medias reference this eclipse (Leave the World Behind film..produced by Obamas...and then the netflix show, 3 body problem).

6) Israel to sacrifice red heifers as part of their ritual to allow the construction of the Third Solomon temple.

7) 5-7 Planets aligning

8) All the Biblical "coincidences" with Salem the first 2017 eclipse, and Nineveh on this upcoming one..

9) The red heifer being born a few years ago and prepared for sacrifice on the alter they have already specially made in Israel

10) End of Ramadan Sunset April 9

11) Crosses over or very near a bunch of towns called Nineveh

12) The XMark from this and the 2017 eclipse is over a geographic location named Little Egypt

13) X marks the spot on the new Madrid fault zone which is six times larger than the San Andreas fault zone in California. The USGS says earthquakes are 3 times more likely to occur during an eclipse.

14) Billions of cicadas are coming out of the ground

https://tritorch.com/degradation/April8thEclipseHasManyManyConvergencesMarch2024.mp4 [33mins]

Oh, and rooster symbolism is all over this thing: https://tritorch.com/degradation/Eclipse2024UnleashingDemonsOnEarthMarch2024.mp4 [4:38]

More info on CERN here: https://tritorch.com/occult

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Life comes down to the battle of good versus evil. That is, God/Creator of all things versus Satan. CERN is Satan. If they somehow open a portal, the captive demons - the Nephilim - may be released. If so, the National Guard won't be able to help us.

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The Great Controversy, by Ellen White is an interesting take on this

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What a list, TriTorch!!

Here’s a great video I saw which talks about a lot of this:


And one talking about how they’ll be spraying our air in a big way on 4/8 as well:


At a certain point, i.e. NOW, the war becomes completely spiritual and the only way to truly fight is down on our knees in prayer. The infiltration of evil is thick and deep beyond our understanding and no political candidate could possibly ever save us. Part of the Satanic deception is to divide us and to trick us into thinking there is still hope for a human ‘hero’ to step in and save the day, but there is only One who can save us now, and that’s Jesus Christ. The hour is late, truth is truly stranger than fiction, and we are living and breathing in Revelation times.

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Agree 100%, this crucial information Underwhelmed, thank you for sharing it. You could put the greatest person that ever existed in office today, and it would make no difference. Only through Jesus Christ will we prevail.

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Craziness. Don't believe or love The Creator but believing in gods(is a bit ignorance). Consider you are wishy/hopey; check out your miracle fingerprints, your blood-type your bodily functions.. superstitious? Just happens. Eternal Salvation isn't happenstance or magical or gold your tongue. The miracle of birth and healing is perhaps happenstance? Foolishness/ignorance much? Maybe magician? I'm soooo SORRY for you. What a lonely person. FATHER GOD, Jesus Christ is waiting for your wake up, loving you no matter your refusal to bow your knee to Him.

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Kay L Martin, to whom is this commented directed? If it’s TriTorch, then I think you misunderstand his points because he sees and knows the whole truth of it. Take a look at his writings.

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KABOOM.....When it rains....it pours red rains.

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Apr 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This eclipse is the real deal. I live in Houston and we are already seeing the effects, this morning before sunrise it was already dark...not sure how much worse it's going to here get before next week.

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This wins the award for the best comment of the week!

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences. Something is weird about the messaging in the lead-up to this eclipse. If something happens, like a ship running into and demolishing a bridge destroying a critical supply chain channel, it was no coincidence.

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I am seeing more speculations. Reminds me of the Maui affairs.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 5

Yes. I think you are right.

It was just a fire, right? Fires happen all the time and it was a tragedy as all fires are in neighborhoods.

Except, dozens of children who were oddly home from school that day couldn't be found and nobody was looking for them. That's weird.

The roads were ordered to be closed so the emergency help couldn't get in and the residents couldn't get out. Weird too.

Water needed to fight the fires was in short supply and more supply was not given for it. Weird again.

The fires were so hot that the aluminum components of nearby automobiles melted as if under the heat of a smelting operation. Yet, nearby grass was untouched and green as usual. Really weird.

Trees were filmed burning from the inside out. Only microwaves - or radiation - can heat from the inside out. Too weird.

Anything painted blue wasn't affected. Weird.

There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences.

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And the really weird part?

Nearly all Americans just don't give a shit because they've been told not to

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Wickedness in high places.

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Nailed it.

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Stating the obvious may get you a box of Animal Crackers

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In war, the aim has always been to hit supply chains and infrastructure. I don’t see why it would be different now, except there has been so much intentional misinformation for so long...

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All of the eclipse "stock up now" is to keep our brains' fear centers on hyper alert. If we are all afraid we can be easily herded. There's trained and there's untrained.

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Well, i didnt stock up, and i guess I'm not going to, either.

I figure if something happens, I will lose a few pounds which I could stand to lose anyway.

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I'm still stocked up from the Plandemic.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!!!

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Piker! - I’m still stocked up from the Y2K crisis. Spam, Sardines, beans&rice.

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Lol ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂 😹

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Well, the cast from Mony Python, Micheal Nash's cats, and the locals hanging over at the local 7-11 market could use their respective donations from you, if you dont need that expired stuff anymore

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T, I am a good girl 👧 scout.

I've been using and rotating my much smaller pantry to manage the expiration dates!!

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I'll buy one pizza, and an order of 6 garluc knots, on sunday night.

I'll be okay, right?

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You'll be in a carb-coma and you'll sleep right through it!

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With bad garlic breath the demons will hate.

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My wife too !

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Me too, Ana ! ... took me til '22 to heal from the corn cobs

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Well, then you obviously used them wrong. Insertion is not really recommended


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NOW you tell me, T.! ... and I thought I was ahead of the game removing most of the kernels 1st

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Oh my!

Lol ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂

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Spin Spin Spin! I’m from the government and I am here to help!

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I brought popcorn Tom. There's enough for both of us. Enjoy the dysfunctions known as art.

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Apr 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And just for the record, Alex Jones has come to be far more reliable than MSM.

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ALWAYS has been! Just because he gets excited about what he sees and believes, he is written off to our peril . Different personalities but resembles veracity of Our Trump.

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The space aliens rants are priceless

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Aint that the truth!

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AJones is Nostradamus!!

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Yeah, uncanny how accurate he is with his forecasts

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Apr 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember the Y2K hype. I wish the internet had died in 2000. Our social skills, health, and mental fitness would all be much better off now.

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Apr 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is one of the craziest things I have seen in a while. When did everyone turn in to such weenies? People are afraid of eveything these days.

I thought it was crazy the bread and milk were bought out when the weather called for snow. This solar insanity "eclipses" that!

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Hey now !

Blue hair rules !

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Unreasonable fear...no intelligent thinking thru a sudden emergency.

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If it wasn't so serious to some people it would be funny. I read yesterday that Indiana's govern call the eclipse day a day of emergency.

I was fortunate enough to see a total eclipse from Hood River OR in 1979. People were there from all over the world. It was the town we had just moved to the day before and had one hotel where we were staying and it was packed. When I got the pictures back from the pharmacy I said where are the pictures. They said they did not turn out and showed me the negatives - I was like that's the eclipse! We caught it perfectly. Send them back to be developed.

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I’ve been waiting for a 2024 Total Solar Eclipse posting.

I’ll preface this by saying I had my journey to the hill country of Texas to experience another total solar eclipse all planned out. After my experience with the 2017 TSE, Idaho Falls area, I couldn’t wait for another opportunity in a semi-arid area again. Of all the possibilities along the path of totality, Hill Country had the best chance for a cloudless day. Alas, was not to be - even the most optimistic forecasts are less than stellar. Still have my room reserved in San Angelo though, but 😔

Anyway, if this were happening 4 years ago, had this post been made in 2019, even 2020, then, yeah, sure your points and dismay would have been echoed by myself. But, we’re in the 4th year of 💩 💩 head’s reign of imbecility, leftist mayors, Marxist DAs, most major (ALL major) cities on the brink of collapse, planes (or parts of) falling out of the sky: ships, large and small, running into bridges; millions of invaders, who knows how many of them are hostile 🤷‍♀️; …

Blessing to all in the path: may your skies be clear, the moment indelibly etched into/onto your memories (and not on your retinas), your gas tanks ever full as is your pantry. To those making the journey: may your fortunes exceed mine.

Remember: next TSE in USofA is 2044, IN MONTANA! It’ll be a sunset TSE - that’ll be interesting. and THEN in

2045 there will be another coast to coast TSE: Northern California, touching the NE tip of Texas, and then sliding out to sea across central Florida. Can I just hang on for 21 ½ years. 😊

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Live in the hill country and today a really big doe met me at the bottom of the decks steps demanding she be allowed to “dip her beak” in my bucket of bird seed and at the feeder station her partner in crime made a similar demand. Obviously a solar eclipse event where deer think they can fly….right?

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I found several bot fly larvae while picking manure this morning. Can't miss them, a pretty pink. Nice to know the wormers given on Sunday panned out. But now I wonder why the ones given in January allow the larvae to get almost as big as my pinky nail. I think next year I will switch the timing of those two wormers. I can't wait to see what's in the manure on the 8th!

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Best comment ever! Lol!!

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Silly of me. My reaction to Micheal's lovely deer visit compared to what I found.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

If you see an effigy of Joe Bidens face in the pile of steaming poo, make sure you stick the pitchfork through it, before throwing it in the wheelbarrow.

Just for good measure

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Will do!

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May want to hire an exorcist fot that day.

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I'll just take my rosary with me.

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Can of pea soup, just to be safe.

Safe, safe, safe, safe, safe

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Yuck . . .

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Well, tell me sir hill country dweller - am I correct in my assessment of weather conditions come Monday?

Or should I hit the road tomorrow as planned?

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Forecast for Mon is partly cloudy/rain/late thunderstorm. But that has not been too accurate lately and we are not really in but abut the hill country

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Read all the Biblical Prophecies then tell us you don't get what is occurring World -wide.

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My son and I figured if we drove southeast for 4 hours we would be in the sweet spot. Early afternoon the sky would be black for 11 seconds or so. Then we thought about clouds and decided to just catch the peripheral view from here (perhaps clouds also) and trash the special made glasses. I use the words clouds loosely cause, you know . . .

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If I was only 4 hours away…

In 2017 we drove, caravanned, five-six hours to get close to center of totality. Return trip was a touch longer and I had to fill the old truck’s tank and empty ours (return trip in Montana should’a been about the same but Montana DOT thought Eclipse week was a good time to limit the interstate to a single lane). Son’s GF, now wife, had a much worse go of it as she had to travel thru several metro areas to get home in western CO.

Just checked the weather forecast for the 2045 eclipse and it is amazingly gonna be clear from coast2coast. Hallelujah - can’t wait.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

You can use my welding shield if you want. I have several extras

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Would that be heavy see through plastic?

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Apr 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've been warning people for weeks about this terror.

I've told them over and over to NOT look at the sun or you'll burn your FKNG eyes out.

They laugh at me, but they'll learn.

I'm wearing a mask like in the picture with a nice pair of chinese solar eclipse shades and a welding helmet over the whole thing.

Probably keep it on Tuesday too!

I won't see nothin. NoSirEee.........nothin. Ha!

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"Never let a good crisis go to waste"

Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals, page 89

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#44s rule book for the entire 8 yrs.

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