thank you for clearing that up ! If she loves Ron Paul, how can she be whatever they say? Ron Paul should have been president years ago. He is one of the smarter people in this country. I have read several of his books and lots of his essays. A true American! Not many left of these ! All the sins they smear on this lady are plus points for me LOL

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Ron Paul was the person who showed me the flaws of the political system. When he didn’t win, I knew the system was rigged

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

I voted for Ron Paul many years ago. His son Rand is also a doctor and a good US Senator. Rand was onto Fauci and the Covid-19 scam from the beginning. Fauci created this monster with help from DARPA. And. All of these people got rich killing Americans with the virus first. And now with the toxic vaccine.

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he is older than the candidates but if possible, I would still vote for him. He has a clear eye IMO on lots of the problems going on in the world right now. He had a clear view then and it has not changed ! But an honest man will probably not make it to the presidency.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This may be a bit off of the essay subject but it shows insight that so many of us don’t have but I’m thankful that some do.

When Trump took the two debates with Biden on CNN with all of Biden’s wishes and desires, I have to admit I was scratching my head wondering why would he possibly go into the LIONS den when he’s ahead? Can we all now see what a brilliant and insightful decision Trump made willingly doing this debate!! If this debate didn’t happen the democrats, the media, his cabinet, and the RINO’s would have continued to allow Biden’s charade and the deception of the American people. Between this debate and all the fraudulent lawsuits against him, IMO, its the perfect example of the saying you always use Dr. Malone, “The truth is like a lion, you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself.” Honestly this saying is a reflection of your truth as well Dr.Malone. J.Goodrich

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You nailed it James. All the pundits left, right and in between were scratching their heads wondering why Trump agreed.

Won't hurt any of us to hear the Nichole and Dr. Malone conversation. I wonder if she is interviewing more people, shopping perhaps for supporters; and if she will post the interview.

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Well said.

With that said. Propaganda is deadly. It is a mind killer.

Propaganda in News used to be illegal in the US of A. What few know -- It's in most of my recent books including "Invisible Treason" and "Mindless War Two" -- Obama stuck a sentence or two into the "must pass" multi=thousand page Defense Authorization Act as he was leaving office that canceled a little known Senate Bill from back around the 50s. Bingo.

So now we are inundated in Fake News. Lies. Propaganda. Too bad for us.


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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Propaganda is the icing on the cake, to me anyway, with these "candidates". Most, if not all, shoot themselves in the foot, over and over again with words and actions, in a feeble attempt to placate the masses.

Most humans cannot take full inventory of lies, misdirections, or falshoods they've professed. This lack of forthrightness, or thruthful expression, tends to bite us all in the end, no matter how proficient we are at it

I suck at lying to people, as I'm mentally incapable of remembering what I said, and the details of those untruths

I will say, however, I have been quite successful, in the past, at lying to myself, regardless of how pathetic an attempt I had made to convince myself of that thought process

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But maybe, MAYBE, his one req should’a been to delay the 1st "debate" until after the demonrat coronation, or until closer to the time of the 2nd "debate." Now we know why they did this, we’re seeing the fruits, but if I’d had my druthers, I’d have liked to seen this fubar situation closer to Nov when whatever their evil brains try to cook up to mess with President Trump, the election, the nation.

Of course, I’m kind’a liking how this is shaking out, as it is: the vacuous veep is only a tad more cognizant than her boss (with or without out whatever drug cocktail is up for the day), which still makes nearly anyone in the Two Dot or Wibaux Montana phonebook eminently more qualified, no one likes the vacuous veep, if the vacuous veep is passed over then all those educated and patriotic citizens who judiciously cast ballots - that is for anyone with the ‘dm’ moniker (Demonrat with a side of melanin) who will then stay home; basically, because 💩 💩 🧠 followed his boss’ protocol for choosing a veep (select someone even less competent than you and whom everyone recognizes would be a catastrophe if promoted - it’s called job security or screw the country, depending on your perspective), the demonratz are in a pickle - damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

Blessed 248th tomorrow y’all — God Bless America!

Don’t know ‘bout y’all but whenever I say it or hear it, "God Bless America" always comes across as a PRAYER and a PROCLAMATION - been leaning a bit more towards the former of late.

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Great points SR Miller, things seem to be panning out well thankfully. I’m thrilled the truth of joeys cognitive problems have been forced to come into the light. It’s kinda nice to see the left in total panic. Well hope you have a nice 4th of July SR Miller. Enjoy your freedom if we’ve learned anything in the past 4 plus years we see how fragile things can be.

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Blessing to you&yours

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Is it really going to make a difference that Biden was exposed? The Dems are sending messages wondering if I am going to vote for Biden even now. Basically it is none of their business as I will make my own choice of someone who is rational, critical thinking, who knows what a bioweapon looks like, and will stand up for freedom, sovereignty and democracy.

But honestly, I am not sure if truth is like a lion. Because it seems like the majority of humans have become deranged, confused and unable to think even more than prior to covid.

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I think it has made a difference, not only with what we all saw at the debate a week ago, but with all of these phony charges they have brought against Trump, his poll numbers keep going up. The die hard democrats like James Caravelle and others are saying there is no way they will win with Biden. Biden is contemplating backing out and handing it over to Camilla. For me it’s sad but sweet in that our country has been put through hell with Biden and honestly the whole democrat party, it’s been a disaster. For most of us we already knew Biden’s condition and what he’s done, but many on the fence I think were shocked to see how he really is, he’s lost it!! The dem machine is still going to try to steel this election and I have my doubts that any Republican will stop them but the truth is coming out and it is making things interesting Sue S. Hold on and watch there’s still a long way to go but the truth always wins in the end!!

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Soros at 93 is still involved in matters like this? The man needs to sit down and go somewhere smh.

But he’s doing the same tactic that Bill Gates did — and the Rockefellers: “control the information, control the narrative”:



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All part of the same cabal.

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And unfortunately, Soros has his son to carry on his evil agenda when he croaks. 😤

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Re Rockefellers. David R is into regenerative farming. So there’s that.

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The carch is that he hopes to use the rest of us as fertilizer for his garden

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Soros is bad, bad, bad, but one should also look deeply at the Ford Foundation that has been around since before Soros and shells out even more money than Soros for the Socialist/Marxist causes. As for Shanahan I find her thoughts very well defined and thoroughly thought out. Won't be voting for RFK jr, but do support a lot of his work.

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I think what happened to Bill Hewlett's foundation may have occurred with the Ford Foundation, earlier of course. Bill did not specify how his money was to be spent and was taken over by globalist.

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The Bill Ayes types got themselves in drivers seats and were left to determine how Foundation monies were/are disbursed. Ayes even had Obama participating for a while, before Obama stepped into Politics.

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Her history should give you pause.

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Jul 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Congratulations on interview with Nicole !!!

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Here's Nancy Pelosi describing the "wrap-up smear". Notice how she is smiling the whole time as she describes how members of the opposition are lied about & their reputations are deliberately tarnished. She is truly an evil person.... https://thedeplorablepatriot.com/2022/10/16/flashback-nancy-pelosi-explains-the-wrap-up-smear-tactic-of-democrats/

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So I don’t think I have ever read Rolling Stone & the closet I ever got to any leftist rag was the Huffington Post. Nonetheless, I did run across the hit piece from Vanity Fair (something else I have never wasted my time on) which included insinuations from the family about RFK’s mental state. Given that one would think the Dems have enough problems on their hands right now, not sure why they want to open the floodgates. But regardless, I am opposed to RFK & not because of any &/or all hit pieces. I am opposed to RFK because, despite his own experience, he still fundamentally believes that government is the solution; he just wants to be the one who determines what that solution looks like.

But even leaving that aside, your own experience being on the receiving end of the extent & scope that these people are willing to go, is exactly why I will support no one other than Trump. Neither RFK nor his “running mate” have any idea of what is in store for them if they become a real challenge to the party & what happened to his father/uncle might be the easiest fate to endure. Trump is battle tested, RFK/running mate are not. Since 2016 Trump has endured coup after coup attempt (& that is just from within his own inner circle), gone thru RussiaRussiaRussia prosecution, 2 impeachments, 90+ indictments, found guilty of 34 of the most asinine charges that could land him in prison for the rest of his life & bankrupt him & his family, & is still standing. I appreciate wanting to hold out for the ideal or idyllic, but, as you well know, these people will not be defeated or even challenged by the Don Quixote types but by someone who has proven he has the experience & b*lls to go toe to toe with an evil the likes of which humanity has never seen. This is a real life version of The Lord of the Rings.

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Well stated. You see the big picture

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I have to thank you all for the education lessons. I have learned a lot just by daily reading all the comments. Not one of my friends believes any of this information I share with them, so very sad.

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Correct. It really boils down to being a truth seeker. Seek the truth and ye shall find it. Sometimes learning the truth requires one to change their viewpoints. That is a real truth seeker of which there are many on this site. Some people are afraid of the truth for it may require them to change. So they will not be set free.

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Isn’t it part of life’s decisions that we all make, to put ourselves and our loved ones in the safest place with as much security to allow them FREEDOM and a sense of ease in their lives. I would say that the position of POTUS is probably the most critical person we elect that allows safety, security and liberty to our loved ones. I have mentioned the watchman on the wall in a previous post.

“The watchman stands on the wall. Behind him is a city with its citizens and citizens the watchman loves. Before him is the vastness of the outside world, a world with enemies and threats both small and large.

With a weapon in his hand, he stays awake late into the night keeping his eyes on the horizon and the shadows, ready to give the clarion call of any approaching evil.”

The watchman on the wall has been present throughout history and is made reference to in the Bible. We have to recognize that these threats of evil include all of these battles against our first amendment. A president that not only looks away at these threats but ushers them through our gates should be removed as a watchman of our constitutional rights. We should all do what we can to stop this tyranny that is destroying our country and our political freedom. Our country is under siege by these Nazi like figures. I pray that in this next election these evils are swept from our cities for decades to come. J.Goodrich

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Very interesting, but she’s still part of the billionaire club isn’t she? Her background would place her very comfortably within the UN 2030 goals. Maybe off topic, maybe not. Do we know how Mrs. Massie died yet?

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Being a billionaire does not automatically make her a "member of The Club."

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Go look at her past. If you’re comfortable with UN 2030 globalization goals, she’s your gal.

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Sometimes the “past” IS the catalyst for change. Just because I was raised and baptized a Jehovah’s Witness does NOT mean I can’t see the light and become a devout Catholic. In fact, drug addicts often make the best advocates for anti-drug programs. To quote a truly vapid idiot who inadvertently may have said something applicable and true here: “let the future be unburdened by the past.” 😬

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I question that her positions/donations are so recent. It is possible to regret voting for Hilary and for Biden out of a dislike for Trump… She would be a heartbeat away from the most visibly important position, and she’s a unknown entity to most of country. She had the money to back him, but I don’t understand his choice.

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The money. and don't forget he wants reparations. I liked his stance on vaccines, but that's about all.

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Despite my protestations in her favor, I too share your concerns.

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I also question her ties to China through her education… I don’t wish to be conspiratorial, however…

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That’s a great saying Barbara Lee. It seems whenever the past is repeated it’s notably negative actions that reoccur. We have been watching socialism and tyrants overtake our country and as history shows it never works. This is what we are fighting against.

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You might also remember that Elon Musk was also a WEF young leader. He’s as far from that now as possible. Sometimes we get enchanted by the devils silver tongue and once we see the inside of the beast we are completely reformed.

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Musk has ties to China. He's interesting, but not good. And boy, what a father he makes. I feel sorry for his children.

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This comment is more than laughable. 89% of American businesses have “ties” to China. Where do you think all the things you buy come from?

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Laughable? I don't have ties to China. I'm not beholden to that government. I'm not seeding the world with children and not taking care of them. I'm specifically referring to Musk and his character.

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Musk is an interest character. I have no idea who is he internally. That being said, our inner thoughts are know to God alone.

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You can discern some of his character by his lifestyle. Even the Godfather believe a man should spend time with his children.

Seriously flawed man.

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Yes, he is unredeemed. That being said, even the redeemed are complex and flawed people.

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No, but there is a conspiracy out there. Far fetched but aren't they all. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/06/30/did-mossad-just-assassinate-rep-thomas-massies-wife-because/

If you watched the Tucker/Massie interview, it's what promted the above thought.

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I have no idea if this was a hit to make him more cooperative or less vocal. I would just like clarification as to the cause of death and if she was known to have any health issues.

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Maybe she took the vax.

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I would like to know too. They had just gotten back from a tour of Mt. Rainer with a grandson the week before. Health issue; accident; suicide; murder, how many other causes are there?

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It’s a terrible thing to loose a beloved spouse of over 30 years.

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Dr. Malone made no secret of the fact that he and Dr. Jill were left-of-center Democrats from Central California when he told the truth on the Dark Horse Podcast in 2021. They are heros because they took personal risks to tell the truth for humanity when they could have remained silent and been safe and comfortable. They are international celebrities because of their integrity and fearlessness in the face of evil. And because they continue telling the truth.

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Yes better late than never to awaken. Like the movie The Illusionist. Once you understand the tactics and game plan of the left it is calming clarity…for now you know it. No more mystery.

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Never get starry-eyed.

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As I wrote early this a.m. about this:

"Read the Rolling Stone piece-what a biased pile of bull. Massie "far right"? Raw milk enthusiasm a bad thing? Watching Tucker a demonic act? And I'm so tired of the left constantly trying to smear with incessant labeling of Q-Anon. Like calling all conservatives racist, they never quit. Get a thesaurus at least.

For the best expose, get Tucker's interview with Matt Taibbi, a Rolling Stone journalist for 10 years, and a journalist in Russia for the 10 years in the fall of USSR. Fascinating."

Commenter Shelly said she has found the Tucker interview online that is not behind a paywall. However. the TCN subscription is well worth it. And for those w/o the time to listen, the transcript is posted below the interview.

Taibbi speaks extensively of his time at Rolling Stone, and how it all went the authoritarian route it used to despise.

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Tucker's interview with Taibbi opened my eyes to the depth of deception I had not understood before. Well worth the time.

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Jul 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

George Schwartz has tried every which way to take Glenn Beck down. Glenn's a fighter and Schwartz is running out of time given Jan 2025 is around the corner.


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All those hit pieces sound pretty demonic to me.

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Is there NO WAY to stop Soros? Stopping him and his ilk would save America from ruin. The man and his sons and their orgs are EVIL.

As for RFK, Jr.. I liked him and his agenda, but he picked the wrong person for VP. IMHO, she is dangerous.

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BarbM: Is there NO WAY to stop Soros?

Ask that same question over and over again. Insert different names:

Bill Gates

Klaus schwab



(All billionaire elites scheming to eugenics the world)

Honorable mentions:

DOD slimebags

Gain of function researchers

Chemical companies who produce toxic chemtrail juice

Flimflam Fowchee

John Kerry

Hillary & Bill



The Satanic-Pigs of. "The View"

(All the leftards going along with this)

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Just like RFK, a life long Democrat who FINALLY saw the light, let’s let Shannahan speak and grant her the courtesy of considering what she actually says now over what a younger California raised self might have thought. If I were now judged on some of the things I did in college and young adulthood, the judged would completely miss the transformed judgee. I am not what I was. Shannahan may be the same.

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She's 38 years old. Look at more of her current history. Find it now before it disappears.

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The Presidential Debate that Americans deserved to hear: Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Donald Trump.

Watch the "Real Debate" at therealdebate.com. Skip to the start at ~25:30 minute timestamp. The full video is 2 hours 48 minutes.

Through an ingenious use of technology, the Real Debate showed CNN's Q&A between Trump and Biden followed by RFK Jr's answer to the same question. At least with the Real Debate on X (and Rumble), voters will have a chance to compare and contrast the candidates in a meaningful way. Note that the Real Debate included a studio audience full of RFK Jr. supporters while the CNN debate had no studio audience whatsoever. Hmm...

A billion times "thank you" 🙏🙏 to Elon Musk for making the Real Debate possible and for supporting free speech on X. For once, we say "thank heaven🪽for multi-hundred-billionaires! " We may disagree with Mr. Musk on other issues, but his dedication to free speech seems genuine -- and we’re all for the right to speak and the equally important right to listen!

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F Rolling Stone. That mag became a propaganda horn decades ago. The good thing not many people read RS, NYT, WP, WSJ and others anymore.

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