Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It was the flu vaccine taken at the same time as a COVID booster that killed my mom. Sent her immune system into overdrive….while docs thought ‘heart attack and stroke’…..because I had done all my research and knew things did not add up. I told them it was an inflammatory autoimmune reaction (we have lots of autoimmune in our family). I told them to get a neurologist in to evaluate her for myasthenia gravis (we were being kept out due to a COVID outbreak—-my mom never had COVID). They finally did….after a week with her essentially getting no fluids/food due to swallowing difficulties. In essence, she showed signs of sudden onset myasthenia gravis consistent with the research paper put out (McCullough’s name is on it) that spike of spike proteins accumulating in the spleen, traveling up the vagus nerve and affecting the nerve junction impacting swallowing, speech, etc. my mom’s symptoms were consistent and spot on the description. She also experienced fainting/dizzy spells. But the doctors were useless. Spent most of their time wringing their hands about COVID while not addressing medical issues right in front of them. Cognitive dissonance even impacts them!!!!

Turns out my diagnosis was right, but she died because the doctors did not have it on radar until it was too late and then failed to give care (stretched thin due to COVID). So her death certificate gives myasthenia gravis as cause of death. Makes me angry. I can only imagine how many seniors or immunocompromised individuals have suffered a similar fate.

As a lawyer, I think part of what needs to happen is a class action lawsuit or some lawsuits against doctors/hospitals for failure to diagnose treatable adverse effects that end up killing the patients. Let them explain why they are not even aware of the possibility of the adverse reactions as they treat some of the most vulnerable populations that have been told lies about how safe and effective the mRNA vaccines are…..let the hospitals and doctors point to the CDC and FDA. Their immunity regarding liability around the vaccines will not stand if it can be shown that the companies and government agents acted knowingly in approving and in the months that followed as they willingly and knowingly ignored evidence.

You have to go at them for fraud. And while we are at it….loop in the life insurance companies that will be paying out claims due to the fraudulent behavior of big pharma and our health care public officials.

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Absolutely. It should be possible to litigate against all the providers involved (they do NOT have the litigation shield that vaxxx manufacturers have!!!) - and, the petty bureaucrats and admin types who are the present-day dictators of "medical care". There is NO informed consent being given for these EXPERIMENTAL treatments. Having reviewed many med mal cases over the years, I can assure you that careful review of 99% of the electronic records linked to today's patients are riddled with errors - mis-coding, mis-diagnosis, failure to actually exam a patient while checking off boxes, prescribing errors, etc. A team of good litigators and independent physicians should pick a test site and just go for it. Class action on behalf of all the harmed at a particular institution.

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Why am I unable to click on the heart to this post but am able to reply?

TOTALLY agree!!

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It often happens on my computer.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Yes please. Please do this!!

So sorry about your mom. You tried and this gov and these agencies failed you.

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I think the insurance companies, both medical and life, are going to play an interesting part in this going forward. The question remains - are they going to hide the data and simply up everyone's premiums to cover their losses? Or will they come clean and release the numbers to explain premium increases?

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I agree. The insurance companies could be a key piece. If they are paying out big monies due to the toxicity of the vaccines….particularly for life insurance, they would or should be vested in determining if that is the result of fraud by big pharma. Part of the challenge is to figure out how to procedurally out big pharma in the cross hairs.

One of the things I like about Steve Kirsch’s approach or harassing the FDA/CDC and government officials with data, facts, and concerns is that he is actively eliminating their ability to claim they were not on notice.

Interestingly, this could theoretically be the basis for maintaining that the fraud is ongoing. For example, if big pharma is able to effectively cover its tracks on the data that they say warranted an EUA…..as data starts suggesting that on a larger scale the favorable results do not hold true…..the FDA/CDC arguably have a duty to investigate those harms to verify whether the representations from limited studies under the EUA hold up. However, we know they have actively avoided examining the issues.

So this would suggest negligence…..but a legal argument can be made that the negligence is intentionally reckless to the point that malicious intent can be inferred. Then that means it falls outside the scope of their protected public role and duties. They would have to explain their failure or run the risk of it being determined to be intentional and fraud. Almost like pitting those who are in cahoots against each other.

I hope that as more and more evidence surfaces then the case for fraud or intentional and recklessly malicious actions can be made. At that point, due to Steve’s persistence, none of the officials can claim they did not know or did not have notice.

What I keep coming back to….somebody has to foot the bill for all of this. We are seriously in debt as a nation. We are facing the 4th Industrial Revolution that will eliminate jobs in favor of automation (which favors the fin/tech elite), and more and more Americans are in financial straits. But yet, those in the WH and those beating the COVID drums seem unphased…..why is that? I can’t shake the feeling that something more is coming.

An example of how I’m thinking….notice how the FDA/CDC just lifted or eased some pandemic rules. They are doing this as schools go back into session. I expect that we will see a jump in positive cases (but not severe ones). This will lead to another round of talking about the need for protocols as we await the booster that Moderna and Pfizer are supposedly working on to be rolled out in September. So….I’m thinking we are in a wash, rinse, repeat pattern and there are till way too many who will sign up for yet another shot or scream about shutting down schools to protect the public. I do not think for a moment that Fauci, Gates, or any of the other architects of this nightmare have changed their plans.

It blows me away….visited with a friend and her family the other day. She is vaccinated/boostedX2 and had COVID in December of 2021. She let me know that she has come down with COVID again. Meanwhile, my family (with the exception of my husband) have not been vaccinated, have had COVID (which was very doable) and none of us got COVID after visiting her. Even she said….”I am beginning to wonder….” I should hope so at this point.

But hey. I am ahead of most because I already tracked Gates and his $$$$ and all the harm in the wake of his education reform which is all part of the same agenda.

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The end result we are all hoping/wishing/praying for (as advocated by Kisrsh/Dowd) and a host of others in the realm of pushing the legality into motions often takes so long. Twenty or thirty years goes by and the high priced lawyers on both sides have done the public a total dis-service of a product liability case. (as in Tobacco or asbestos) Years of discovery of evidence in plain view till a court case flourished.

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Very good point! Or will they demand help from the government to cover losses caused by the mandates and promotion of these toxic shots?

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"Too big to FAIL, too big to JAIL, but plenty big enough to get the U.S. taxpayers to cover their losses/asses!

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As blocks of business become unprofitable, the repricing of business going forward will reflect the bad mortality of the past. So it is not easy for the consumer to see it. Things like homeowners insurance that are renewed annually, it is a little easier to see. Fires in the west are a perfect example. But most definitely it is happening. I recently worked with one life provider. The mortality rate on the older product was set at about 7%. It is 15%. They are raising rates.

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Edward Dowd is doing a lot on the insurance numbers. Former blackrock guy. He’s on GETTR

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I'm sure he is overburdened like everyone else who is trying to effect change, but check out this attorney in Florida. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-learn-how-to-get-involved-?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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The root problem is that COVID is big business for hospitals and doctors, with compensation for a single covid positive case ranging from about $200K to around $500K depending on which state its in, and whether the patient dies (more if they do). Until that perverse incentive is removed, nothing is going to change.

I saw the predecessor of this disgusting practice years ago when my mom died of cancer. For six months they "could find nothing" until they recommended a surgery to correct a bowel blockage. The surgeon came walking out about an hour into a four hour job to tell us her entire abdomen was filled with cancer. She went to hospice and died 8 days later. The six month bill to medicare was north of $600K and when I saw it I immediately understood why they "couldn't find anything" even though she had eight of ten WebMD symptoms for her particular cancer. Methodist Houston.

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Lost my own mother to the same thing in '95. Knoxville, TN. Some things never change. Look at the crystal and marble "cancer centers" in every city in the country - the billions (trillions?) spent on "cancer treatments:" which provide little if any benefit except employment for the oncology industry. It is truly amazing and depressing.

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Amazingly, my border collie was also full of cancer a year later. Vet found it with a single $25 abdominal x-ray on the first visit. He showed it to me and said "See all that in there that looks like bubbles in the abdomen? Cancer.

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My same experience with a family member. Milk the system.

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Your story is heartbreaking. I remember one of my doctors being concerned back in the 80s about a new "managed care" model that was rolling out. He foresaw just what has happened to the practice of medicine. As for Houston Methodist, last year they withdrew hospital privileges for an ENT named Mary Bowden, who rarely used the hospital. Her crime was that she stepped up to treat covid patients and used the meds that were not "approved." She was helping people! She is suing the hospital now. https://thetexan.news/dr-mary-bowden-files-25-million-defamation-lawsuit-against-houston-methodist-hospital/

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So very sad. This is what happens when "doctors" go into the business for $$$ and not healing.

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In their defense, they do not usually go into it for the $$$, IMO. They tend to be caring people who want to help others. The System beats a lot of the empathy/sympathy out of them and they are so saddled with debt when they finish training that they can see no way out other than to become a cog in the machine. They are also indoctrinated as to the need for expensive, complicated technology to make diagnoses and treat people when their own brains - if engaged - would provide superior diagnostic outcomes and more natural integrative treatments that are far cheaper. This cannot happen within out existing techno-fascist Medical Industrial Complex system (yes, it is FASCIST - note how those who question the narrative are hounded and persecuted). I tell myself that this way of "helping" people care for their health is not sustainable and that collapse is inevitable. Hopefully, the time is near and we can create something better when the corporate interests controlling all of this fade away. We shall see!

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Absolutely agree there are plenty of doctors who care immensely about the horrors happening now. I was only speaking about the $$$ driven ones (sadly they exist). Also sad that there are once-good docs who have lost their way under managed care and big corporate medical foundations etc.

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Laura. I am deeply sorry for your loss.

Are you familiar with Reiner Fuellmich’s 10 LETTERS INDICTMENT CAMPAIGN?

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💔 I’m so so sorry about what happened to your mother.

I’m sure there are many who would love to be involved in something like this. Mike Yoder and Aaron Siri are two that have successfully been going after this nonsense in pieces. Yoder has been involved in the military cases being discharged for not taking the vaccine. Siri works with the ICAN network and has been FOIA-ing the government for all sorts of info. Also, Naomi Wolf has a team of 250+ voluntary lawyers and other professionals who have been combing through the Pfizer data dumps.

There must be a way to get a large group together to do this!

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I agree. I’m thinking that the frontline doctors and/or those fighting this might have some data or thoughts on how we might mount this kind of assault on the narrative. I know that in diagnosing my mother, VAERS was incredibly helpful. I put in symptoms and began combing through cases. The upshot was I found a case that was very similar, learned more, and then did independent research. Only wish I had been more vocal from the outset—-I knew something was off with the elevated triponins and no evidence of heart damage, etc., the erratic and uncontrollable blood pressure, the dizzy/fainting spells, the stroke like symptoms that came and went (meanwhile no evidence of a stroke or blockage on MRI and tests). I waited too long to push back. Don’t make the same mistake. Who cares if people view you as a conspiracy theorist…..it can mean one’s life if you stay silent.

I’ve been harmed by big pharma as a breast cancer survivor. Had the implants put in that cause cancer. Again, big pharma sticks it’s head in the sand while it collects billions until the harm is no longer deniable.

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I am so sorry about your mom. Many of us have heard similar tragic scenarios within our circle of friends or family. I'm so sorry. I am so angry with you. We need our doctors to stand up. State by state and demand our licensing boards start fulfilling their mission of protecting the public. They are not protecting anyone! Not the public, nor the indiviuals that they license.

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You know, I read that again and what I meant to say is that I am just as angry as you are. I don't anyone to think I am angry with someone is suffering a family loss.

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Laura your story is heartbreaking. Sorry for your loss. This is exactly the kind of story that should be on every big town/small town newspaper and news blip. The confiscation of the right to be informed and share the wellsprings of known remedy that under "0" medical care options is killing Americans in their paid for insurance coverage hospital beds.

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That is what this Covid mania is about, in great part. mRNA shots for every illness under the sun. Get your bimonthly multiboosters to fill your social credit account. Take your shots if you want to eat and drive and work.

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I am really looking forward to the eradication of influenza with these new mRNA "vaccines! Based on the immeasurable successes of the COVID "vaccines" it will only take 106 weeks of "two weeks to stop the spread" lockdowns, a two year regimen of no mask one mask two masks one mask no mask, an indefinite regimen of getting jabbed only to later be declared "unvaccinated" and in need of yet another jab, and of course most important of all, a complete and permanent cessation of in person voting. /sarcasm off

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I'm pretty sure the point is not to eradicate of even heal anything. Like any cartel, addict you until you are dead.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

Yes. Mainstream medicine has become about: "disease creation and maintenance". Period.

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It warms my heart and makes me feel optimistic every time I hear an MD speak truth about the system.

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LOL, which explains McDonalds INSIDE a heart institute.

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Exactly. That's why the Killer Klowns are all smiling!

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I totally disagree, because there is that invisible, magical hand of the market economy.... :P For sure, that would intervene and make it all right... right? RIGHT?!

Is it NOT clear at this point for everyone that PROFIT is NOT something to build a society on? It is like building the stairway to heaven, using bricks bought from Satan himself (he always has the best deals :P).

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Profit is absolutely not for building a Health Care system on. Not unless you want them to bleed you until you are dead.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Profit is not the suitable incentive for a lot of things... pretty much all society-related systems; think education, infrastructure, environmental protection and so forth.

The false idea is that "profit" makes everything more "efficient", but - as Noam Chomsky explained, the goal of any corporation is to maximize profit, delivering the worst product/ service at the highest price. The social burden when they relocate the production and the cost to the environment are considered "externalities".

In the Western "democracies", the military, police, and - especially - the politicians are "for profit"...

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It’s not perfect but it beats everything else. This missing ingredients are honesty, integrity and ethics. Without those, any system is doomed to failure. Since humans are weak and fallible creatures, it’s best not to give too much authority to any of us. I’ll take a free market system over any other every day of the week.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

"Free Market" has an elder sister; her name is the Tooth Fairy.

The problem here is "fiat currency", which is not anchored in anything; we need another financial system, anchored in commodities.

Endlessly printing money got us in this predicament.

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The problem is you don't have a free market in healthcare because you have government and insurer coercion messing it all up. If Pharma, doctors, and hospitals had to compete for our business, we'd have a whole industry devoted to ways of evaluating them, like Consumer Reports, JD Power, etc. for buying cars. People would figure out how to make decent choices, just like they do now for everything else. Buyer beware as always.

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There is no "free market" anywhere :P... This is as real as the Tooth Fairy...

If the market would be "free" what would be the need for the legalized bribe called 'lobbying"?

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... not to forget a topic that is near and dear to the WEF - H+...

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Alex Azar, the Lilly lawyer and former President of Lilly who through Pfizer's $1 Million dollar donation to RNC became the head of NIH made sure that the mRNA injections would be exempt from liability creates a GREAT FEAR in my life. The unfettered push to develop more mRNA type nano drug injections for profit WITHOUT the proper safety studies and GO SLOW approach will create genocide is not beyond reality. The mRNA research studies is a rush for profit that includes most drug companies because they see this as the future of drug intervention for improving the health of the individual and mass profit potential. DO NO HARM is trashed in the process. If I was a stock broker, I would short the life insurance companies and go long in the funeral category. My fears are expressed in the following article: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/stealth-pathogen-coming

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"The mRNA research studies is a rush for profit..."

More like a rush to kill off as many as possible as quickly as possible in order to rush in the AI trans humanist godless world desired by the very wicked people behind all of this.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yesterday I saw that due to the unbelievable success of the MRNA vaccines and technology in stopping the spread, achieving herd immunity and ending the covid pandemic, with an extremely safe and effective as promised 2 dose vaccine, Moderna is now building an MRNA manufacturing facility in my home town of Melbourne, Australia and alma mater of Monash University where it will be " Moderna's only mRNA manufacturing and finishing centre in the Southern Hemisphere and will produce Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine Spikevax, but will give Australia mRNA manufacturing capability in the event of a new pandemic, such as avian influenza. " How thrilled and excited I was to learn that the "vaccine plant building is set to (be) striking in appearance, with the exterior to be 85 per cent glass. " This must be an architecture metaphor to indicate how transparent the company proposes to be. Its that old adage I guess "Build it and they will come." Must raise a glass to another nail in the coffin of carefree college days for my children (and others ) as I had had in a beautiful, free city and nation. https://www.9news.com.au/national/moderna-vaccine-manufacturing-facility-to-be-built-at-melbournes-monash-university/8cb7d7d6-9c2d-4ac2-a567-7813273e22f8

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Surely this will go down in history as a monumental event and aren't you fortunate that it is right there in your own country! To paraphrase astronaut Neil Armstrong, that's one small step for big pharma and one giant catastrophe for mankind!

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Same in Canada. Trudeau breathlessly announced a deal to build a plant for Moderna in Quebec. Thankfully I’m out West! We can always separate!

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You had better get working on that separation!

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Agreed but we are at least seeing western provinces starting to exercise more of their power. The premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan told Trudeau last week to pound sand on cutting down on the use of nitrogen fertilizer for farm crops. The Premiers need to get a lot more aggressive when it comes to shot mandates. Even if it’s outside their jurisdiction, do it anyway. At the pace our court system moves, it will take Trudeau at least a year to drag them into court. It’s time for mass non compliance at ALL levels!

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I should have been more clear: the provincial premiers need to be more aggressive about “fighting” Trudeau’s shot mandates. Let him pound sand on that too.

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"told Trudeau last week to pound sand" —Yeehaa! Good for them! That asshole wants to starve everyone to death. He and his sicko WEF Masters!

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I sometimes laugh remembering how people used to say things like "Regulatory Agencies are necessary to prevent evil Corporations from abusing the public."

Fauci is very bad, but always remember that there are thousands of officials under him, in several agencies. All bear responsibility for this tragedy. Don't let them escape no matter what!

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Francis Collins greenlighted him and his merry band of miscreants.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We should all send this info far and wide.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Except in my church, where it is considered divisive and political. Sad reality.

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All the more reason to at least inform people it exists. I was barred from participating in a business conference because I am “unvaccinated. “ i protested. I could only push it so far but I did speak out.

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I am talking to people one-on-one. When I broach the subject, if the person remains silent or indicates they are uninterested, I let it go. I have been surprised how many I have found who are in agreement with me. What some people consider controversial, I consider to be a life and death matter. It is my duty to do what I can.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

It is quite amazing and heartwarming to make a truthful comment about COVID or the shots or the Globalists and the WEF, etc., and have random strangers wholeheartedly agree. I'm finding that there are a LOT more awake people around than the bad guys want us to believe!

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Time to find another church.

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It is a solid, doctrinally correct church, so I will stay there unless I get called out for my efforts to inform people. I do realize the primary mission of the church is not to warn about this agenda and I don't necessarily think it should be mentioned in the pulpit, except perhaps to direct people to places where they can find the information they need. Thankfully, our pastors have not told people to get the shots as a show of love for their neighbors or because that's what Jesus would do. Some are vaccinated, some are not.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

Hmmm . . . I think the world is involved in an existential "battle" between good and evil right now. Funny that some churches want to be politically correct and "stay out of of it". Or worse, go along with the evil.

Also, I suspect that God/Source/All-that-is/the Quantum Field/Divine Consciousness doesn't believe in being "doctrinally correct"! That is strictly human conceptions.

And another thing: the

"because that's what Jesus would do" argument doesn't hold water at all if they are using it to con people into taking the shots. There is NO WAY Jesus would have encouraged anyone to take an injection of a bioweapon that destroys their human body, a priceless gift from God!

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It is sad to learn about church congregations that have been indoctrinated to ignore Matthew 6: 25 - 34. I would not feel comfortable attempting to worship YHWH while surrounded by a mob of people who worship the government.

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Isn't that something...when something seems "divisive" to then ignore it, instead of talking it through together so everyone can experience listening and learning - like mature adults.

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Maybe you can educate them a bit on the role of the clergy during the Revolutionary War.

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We are living in a time of transition. Even in the "Bible belt", alter calls are few and far between. "Contemporary" (i.e. rock/roll shows) services have replaced traditional services and the few churches that preach salvation and have congregations singing the hymns of John Wesley and Fanny Crosby are dying.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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This is great! Unassailable web presence for C-19 comments and information. Bravo Dr. Malone!

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Except the site isn't letting some register. It keeps popping up with the PW requirements, even though PW being attempted fits the requirements.

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I just signed up with no problems.

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Maybe you aren't as "deplorable" as I am. LOL

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I simply provided an email address and then when the invitation arrived followed the link where I created a user name and password.

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That's what I did too. I followed the link, filled in for UN and PW, and then got errors.

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I don't understand what kind of mistake!

could send a screenshot to the mail oleliu12@gmail.com

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Screenshot sent.

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Did you succeed?

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No, I finally gave up. Nothing like being banned before you arrive. My reputation proceeds me! LOL

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I was just trying to help!

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did you enter data from substack? you need to register on the forum or log in using email, or Twitter, Facebook

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No worries though. I'll move on and just hang around my usual sites.

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I was trying to sign up/register using email. I've never had a Twitter account, and haven't been on FB for years.

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Try again! perhaps something with the network! I rechecked. Everything turns out

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Site is rejecting me too. 3 tries. Says code 500 problem. Try later. Hope I'm not permanently banned.

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I guess you've been in trouble before too, huh. LOL

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Sometimes parts of my comments are not appreciated. Brooms over the head. I understand and try and restrain myself. But sometimes I don't realize (when I'm posting it) that I've been bad.

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Please email me a screenshot


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For some unknown reason it won't offer me a screenshot. It sometimes does and I've used it.

In any event the message is (now several hours since my third try:


Seems like something went wrong, we are looking into it. Please try

again in a few minutes. There is no user record corresponding to the

provided identifier. Ok

For your further information - I used my full name, I pasted in an acceptable password

Thanks for your help!

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Try to register using gmail

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I do not have gmail on my computer. I did look into downloading it. I was advised "You must have an active Microsoft account to download the application." The only Windows App I use is the OS. I don't have a MS account.

I did try again with my Netscape (AOL)account. It rejected me again with a different message.

Seems like something went wrong, we are looking into it. Please try

again in a few minutes. Request failed with status code 500.

I would like to join. Are there any more options?

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If you are the tech help on that site, please add a note to the signup page that the confirmation email will come from noreply@bbs.market Most people wouldnt expect that since they are signing up to the forum.demed.com domain.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

No intelligent person who has received any of the information about these deadly gene altering cocktails will be taking any more of them. Now that many people are aware of a mass depopulation event underway, there should be a rather significant resistance and non-compliance going forward. I will not be taking any injections unless I know exactly what is in them. The loss of trust and credibility in the Rockefeller medical monstrosity is wonderful to behold.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone. I just shared this on Facebook. I've reached the point that I don't care if I make people mad. The list of people I know who are suffering after being jabbed is growing ever longer. I wasn't able to dissuade them from submitting their bodies to the toxin, but I can point them to doctors who might be able to help.

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Dr. Malone said in an earlier email " To Those Who Got The Covid Shot --- You Are Screwed". I understand that to mean that there is nothing you can do to heal the damage. Why then, do the Front Line doctors provide the "I Recover" protocol or does Dr. Thomas Levy recommend his Ozone, IV or Liposomal Vitamin C and supplement protocol to cancel the toxic spike protein? He actually shows through darkfield microscopy an improvement in the red blood cells. https://tinyurl.com/yh5beazv

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Drs. Marik and Kory are helping alleviate some of the symptoms people are experiencing. We actually met a 27 year old young man recently whose symptoms have improved after treatment. The doctors treat individually, changing the protocol as needed. Some do not improve, but an improvement in symptoms can prevent suicide. There are vaccine injured who have killed themselves because they cannot live with the effects of their particular injury.

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I think what one CAN do is stock up on antivirals (Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine) and follow the FLCCC I-Care protocol at the very first sign of symptoms. Any symptoms. If it ends up being a cold or the flu (or nothing) rather than covid, no harm done. Those are two of the safest drugs on the planet.

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Like the rest of the picture, available treatment help is evolving. Dr Malone himself reported having Covid, having long Covid, having a disastrous experience with a bad batch of Moderna and substantial (maybe full) recovery thanks to Ivermectin. it can pay to stay tuned for any and all possibilities for improvement (from credentialed sources).

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See if FB takes it down!

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you are so cute! An apology? The CDC and the FDA, the WHO, Fauci, Gates, Tedros, Birx, Pharma execs, hospital staff, and ALL the perpetrators of the charade corona plandemic need to have military tribunals for charges of crimes against humanity, and treason - for using the plandemic to rig our last election. The punishment for treason is death. Get on with it!

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wouldn’t go anywhere near these vaccines! I’m sorry I had the first 2 COVID only vaccinations and now I have a cardiac arrhythmia. They need to go back and do legitimate clinical trials and honestly analyze the VAER’s data because right now- I don’t trust anything they say or do. Ditto for the medical community that shut down all early treatment for COVID costing hundreds of thousands of lives. This includes hospitals who used protocol’s and treatments that killed people because they were paid more to use those lethal treatments including Remdisivir and mechanical ventilation while blocking witnesses (family) from visitation.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Make this part of the ESG score and they’ll be mandatory at all publicly traded companies. Complete the bifurcation of the American economy with the bicoastal elites firmly in control of 2/3 of the country’s GDP with the backing of the govt. lovely.

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So the elephant in the room is, who will take these deadly shots willingly? Or is the plan to continue the depopulation scheme by adding these to a mandatory childhood list (also to remove big pharma liability) and then mandate them via fiat to the rest of us plebes?

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There are a lot of people who still have no idea that the mRNA "vaccines" are deadly. They'll gladly take these shots. When they become sick or have adverse reactions, they'll deny their sickness or adverse reactions have anything to do with the poison injections. They'll do this till they die.

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Such an enormous tragedy. I feel the grief and loss daily, but then make an effort to not look back when it happens to those in my life who stubbornly wouldn't listen or take the first bit of caution to examine the variety of alarming safety signals for themselves.

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Who are they kidding? Even my stepdad knows no more shots ever for anything.

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Isn't that the sad truth. I've gone from taking all my vaccinations and getting (my now adult) children all of theirs. To trying to convince my son to not let them inject their children. This is crazy.

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It's a delicate thing, trying to convince your adult children that the official narrative, heard everywhere on traditional media, is dead wrong. You don't want to imply that they don't know how to raise their own kids, but you don't want to watch them make a deadly mistake either. I'm finding it doubly hard when both parents have medical training (they're both veterinarians).

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Plenty are still brainwashed. I know a few that still line up every time they are allowed to get another "booster". Most of my friends seem to have had their awakening. Sadly, it took jab injury, and me pointing out that it WAS from the jab, and showing them the data to prove it, for some to get the memo. (They all made comments to me last year that if I had ANY health issue, such as auto accident, etc., that I should be denied hospital care, since I wouldn't get injected.) A few can't think about anything more than what Fauci, Walensky, or CNN tell them, and if the media begins telling them that a fleck of bird droppings might fall from the sky and kill them, they'll be carrying an umbrella, even though it's triple digit hit and no cloud in the sky. They'll be in line for the combo COVID/flu jab as soon as it's available.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After what I've witnessed I will no longer be getting any kind of shots. Period

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m already feeling anxiety about what Fall will bring. How many shots will be recommended...my husband works for a healthcare system that enforced the shots until the 3rd one. Too many people were either leaving or they were having a hard time hiring which resulted in overburdened staff and facilities. I’m hoping they won’t enforce another one but I think they will say regardless of booster status it’s flu season so line up. My husband runs one of the hospitals and I think he now finally feels like he was forced to force the shots on employees. Before it was the “shots work and they will keep our staff safe and at work”. They got employee engagement screenings done. ER had a lot of dissatisfaction with the required shots and admin while they got their highest rankings ever amongst the doctors(med staff). They are the ones pushing these vaccines...on the front lines. Now he’s disappointed. People gonna people. He tried hard to sell it but not everyone bought in. He feels he had no choice. It’s frustrating to see him go through this process because I’ve said all along they should be a choice and I think he agrees but fears for his job. He’s not a fake the funk guy so this was tough for him. Now we have our first grandchild coming and our daughter in law works for said health system. She will not want the shots while pregnant so this could get sticky. She would not get the booster. It all gives me such anxiety.

Also I read proteins stay in the lymph nodes 60 days or so. Is that why my right underarm(same side as shot) swelled up to softball size? It lasted a few weeks. Our doc friend said that means your immune system is getting tested and doing it’s job. I didn’t feel so great about it. I don’t want this again. They always have excuses!

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Good Morning Dr. Malone. I am reading your latest article after listening to Del on Epoch.


I think people are coming around to the truth. This new book might interest you :) Why Trudeau is a Great Leader: Hilarious Blank Book (Anti-Trudeau Series): Maple, Henry: 9781700700292: Books - Amazon.ca

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