
A reader just sent me this to add to the list:

Idaho House passes ban on gender-affirming medical care

"A bill criminalizing gender-affirming healthcare for minors has overwhelmingly passed the Idaho House"


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All this goes to show just how much of the woke agenda is being pushed by a minority of amoral, noisy and (unfortunately effective) activists. They take their argument to the streets with torches and rocks, we take ours to the courts and the legislature. It is becoming clear that we need to work harder at making those venues as afraid if us as they are of squalling mobs of progressives

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

strange that this list kind of also means "places I'd consider living" vs "places I'd not consider living"

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Maryland is off my list forever. Youths would be able to override parents who oppose their being vaccinated but not override parents who want them to be vaccinated. Are youths capable of making a well-considered decision on this topic or not? Maryland provides a schizophrenic answer.

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As a refugee of Communist California who just relocated to Independent Idaho, I could not agree more!!!!

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Bravo to all the states that are trying to protect our children.

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What we need are more protections from judges who are capable of the most outrageous decisions. That law in Texas was prompted by a,case where a woman appeared to convince her 2 yr old STEPSON he wanted to be a girl and began the process. How she got custody is anybody's guess but to make a long messy story short- she did and a judge agreed to the mutilation. That has been in courts for some time now and the mommy-who-is-not has the judges approval to take the kid to Calif. for his mutilation. Back in court again and a push--finally--to impeach the judge. But it should never have gotten anyway near this far to begin with.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023

not to diminish work being done by the unity project but don't think any of these bills will matter much if the biden/WHO treaty is signed by global govt's on 2/27/23 by the biden admin. with NO congressional approval which will supersede any constitutional rights if another 'pandemic' is 'declared'. funny that day before yesterday i could find the text of the treaty on-line and today i cannot but here is a link to the prior amendments to the text and it is shocking what you see as crossed out. https://apps.who.int/gb/wgihr/pdf_files/wgihr2/A_WGIHR2_7-en.pdf

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That may prove to be THE straw. Roberts plainly bases his decisions more on politics than the Constitution. If that ear of his is so finely tuned to the public mood then it should be clear even to him that piece of garbage should be doa. Medical malfeasance may finally have tipped the balance in our favor and if he was frightened of public reaction over SOTUS overturning the un-ACA, he might have some idea of public reaction to this monstrosity

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Roberts is both deaf and dumb. After he rigged Obamacare his statement went something like this: When the public is opposed to laws that have been passed by their representatives the remedy it to vote for different representatives. That was a slap in the face because there was not one Republican in the House or Senate that voted for the ACA and Roberts darn well knew that.

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The clown college in DC needs to be replaced. Great statement for T shirts!

Clown College with a red circle around it and a red diagonal. Somebody go for it!

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I LOVE THAT IDEA -- but don't know anybody who makes T-shirts -- but will try to find that person or business

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Yoohoo. All this is pretty window fluff to distract from Biden signing a TREATY Feb 27th with WHO that will give away Medical Freedom anytime a "Pandemics" oh pardon me, I mean PLANDEMIC is 'announced' to ?? WHO! Here come the mandatory jabs (no freedoms gotta do what the treaty says!), the gulags for the non jabbed etc. etc. The masking. The lockdowns. The 'you can't go to the beach, a walk or outdoors'. The you can't own a pet chicken, dog or cat because some expert says 'they transmit disease!" And no, he's doing it as an executive action signing away YOUR freedom of choice, by passing Congress and the States Rights to self determination. Effectively you'll be a slave because slaves do not have a right to bodily autonomy. Well, Dr. Malone where are you on this lovely floating *urd?

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Yes. In my opinion, establishment of this WHO-led worldwide medical police state is the gateway to removal of all freedoms and establishment of global technocratic totalitarian rule.

Furthermore, according to our Constitution AND the Treaty itself, the agreement must be ratified by legislatures. However, the Treaty also says that the accord would go into effect immediately, on a "provisional" basis, when just signed by the member representatives to the WHO. This is an end-run that everyone needs to actively oppose!

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Biden buyem plans to sign it Feb 27, 2023.. sooo... and no Congressional vote indeed is needed this has been support (Executive branch power to sign a treaty without Congressional consent) 2x before by Supreme Court. So, where do you think we are going to be able to 'stop' it? Only by mass civil disobedience. And we saw how well THAT worked for the 'masses' with the con jabs and death jabs and masking...

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As mentioned earlier there are some legal approaches to consider and I've read something about Congress taking action to oppose it. Trump pulled us out of WHO before. It may take concerted action on the part of voters, but electing a strong and capable President (and Congressional support) in 2024 may help our cause. In the meantime we need to come up with opposition strategies. The most frightening ploys IMO are digital currency and Government ability to rate our behavior and cut off funds for non-compliance.

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Another impeachable offense to add to the long long long list.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a wonderful start to protecting all children! Definitely an A+ for all the new regulations/laws for the states listed, & I pray more will follow suit! Thank you for posting!

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State Senator Bryan King of Arkansas has introduced two bills against the pharmaceutical elites that should be supported:

SB7, which would add the criminal offense of prescription drug harm or homocide;

and SB8, which would create the criminal offense of vaccine harm.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great information that needs sharing.

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I see someone has already shared Idaho's HB71 with you, banning "gender affirming" drugs and surgeries on minors--it passed the House with over 80% support and now we are hoping it will get a similar reception in the Senate.

That said, Idaho has several bills in the hopper.

HB69 -- prohibits vaccine passports or requirements for vaccines in order to enter public facilities or receive government services, etc. Bill doesn't go far enough but it would be a start (introduced).

HB121 -- codifying the right of residents of care facilities to in-person visitation (introduced).

HB139 -- prohibiting overt/pornographic sexual materials from being distributed to minors via the schools (introduced).

HB154 -- making the administration of any mRNA vaccine a misdemeanor (introduced).

HB155 -- prohibiting requirements for any vaccine that is under an EUA. (Passed the house.)

HB160 -- requiring that a person receiving any health service [which would include vaccinations] from a district health department must first review and sign a risk/benefit statement (introduced).

SB1005 -- requires that parents must be provided with a copy of Idaho's policy allowing parents to opt out of stated immunization policies for day care. (Passed the Senate unanimously.)

SB1029 -- prohibits a child protection investigation based on a child’s immunization status and to provide that a court shall not grant an order terminating a parent and child relationship based on a child’s immunization status. (Passed the Senate by overwhelming majority.)

SB1071 -- prohibits instruction on human sexuality, sexual orientation, or gender identity prior to fifth grade (on 3rd reading in Senate).

SB1088 -- prohibits private businesses from refusing service to people not vaccinated for coronavirus and also prohibits requiring coronavirus vaccination as a condition for employment in private businesses unless employment requires travel to foreign venues requiring vaccination (introduced).

I think I missed a few, but we're trying--and many of us are writing, testifying, etc. to try to make sure these bills go through.

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Update: Idaho's SB1029 listed above just passed the House with another overwhelming majority--64-5-1! Next stop: Governor's desk....with majorities in both houses that are veto-proof!

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Sending your comment off to Unity.

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The Unity Project is a fantastic organization. As are others like PERK, Physicians For Informed Consent, and A Voice For Choice Advocacy. Thank you, Dr. Malone, for supporting them.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the heads-up! I live in California, but, hopefully, NOT for the rest of my life.

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Remember when California used to be a free state?

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When I first saw states with bills to oppose I automatically thought the list was going to go on and on. Pleasantly surprised that there were 19 states with bills to support and only 4 woke communist perverted states, which probably could be figured out without even saying their names, with bills to oppose. The people of California, Maryland, New York and Washington should be ashamed of themselves for their legislature trying to legalize diddling kids. If you live there and oppose these bills you should fight to beat the perverts back , if not leave and stop funding these sick individuals with your tax money. I just don’t understand the willful perverse obsession to mess with children. Why does this country allow less than 2 percent of the country dictate their perversions on the 98 percent of the rest of us. It’s not a matter of a minority, it’s a matter of protecting minors. We should never allow someone’s perversions be pushed on children, to justify their decisions they have made so that they somehow think they are ok or normal. The protection of our children should be priority. J.Goodrich

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Thank you for passing this information on.

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The funders of these bills that destroy the fabric of America need to be exposed!

Just like the funders of the Shotgun injections need to be exposed!


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One of the funders is reportedly John Stryker, the heir to the Stryker Medical Equipment Company. Kara Danskey gave a presentation on her take of the the subject @KDanskey on Twitter. She has a public substack. I just found that out and plan to subscribe.

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