Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What does this FDA language even mean, “safe and effective?"

It means they maliciously left out the "un" and "in" prefixes.

"unsafe and ineffective" - there, fixed it for you.

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Yep - a bit like looking at the rickety old bridge over the bottomless pit of doom and saying to your friend "looks safe and effective to me"

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Excellent point. Hadn't realized. As you say, words without formal agreed scientific definitions. Basically meaningless advertising terms like 'New and Improved'

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Just talked with a Japanese doctor, Nattokinase works to kill the Spike protein

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I have been taking it for months now....

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I am trying to get my brainwashed chum to take it but so far nothing - at least he is prepared to talk about it

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Have any double-blind Human trials been conducted on nattok?

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I started taking it a few weeks before you stated you were taking it.

Do we know how long we need to take it? I suspect this depends on the level of DNA impurity in the particular shot received, but that is only a guess.

Any side effects (other than blood thinning) we should be aware of?

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deletedNov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023
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I don't know what to get for a blood test. My research indicates it may not be that simple, because I could and should have antibodies masking the spike's presence.

A big part of the problem is not having access to an MD (or functional medicine Dr.) that thinks independently of big pharma, realizes this is a potential problem, and isn't in fear of losing their license or board certification by properly testing for an mRNA vaccine injury followed by treating it if one has occurred.

Obviously I am working on that, but it takes time.

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I have a possible Functional Medicine MD under an hour from where I live. I say possible because I have a scheduled interview, which is the first part of the procedure to get accepted as a patient.

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I also take K2-MK7 per the Doctors

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I got some Nattokinase, but appear to have naturally thin blood resulting in excessive, but not life threatening, bleeding from the kind of small wounds you get working around the house. I almost bled all over my barber last haircut, because a minor wound on my hand reopened driving to his shop. Fortunately I have been a regular for a long time, he is a good guy, and so he offered a bandaid that fixed the problem. After that my wife, who also has a scientific background did some reading and talked me into quitting another herbal supplement that is also a blood thinner and that seems to have fixed the problem. I had Covid very early, didn’t take the jab, and have had no noticeable problems. I don’t know if it was this or being more isolated, but I have had one common cold in four years. The reason I was taking anything is the “shedding” that is said to occur, but probably is more propaganda.

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Scott, It does appear that there is a shedding factor that may not be proven yet, but a number of people have reported the effect. Herbs are powerful and we always need to know the ramifications, glad you're better.

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I take it twice a day instead of a blood thinner.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. Yesterday I spoke with a 40 year old man who shared that he regretted getting his 2 shots. He also said he and his wife suffered a miscarraige shortly after she took the jab. He believes it was associated with the shot. Also, and in some ways more frustrating, my Dad died 3 weeks ago from a 2nd heart attack. There is no history of heart disease in his family. He was 95 so it's not like he didn't have a great run, but after 2 shots and 2 boosters I am suspicious. He was a WW2 vet and trusted that the government was telling the truth about the vaccine. Of course, that generation was the most fearful of Covid because of the awful propaganda that was deployed. It was only in the last 8 or 10 months he shared that he would not take another shot going forward. Sigh. Too late. Keep going. God bless you and Jill and Peter M and Pierre K and Mary H. and Steve K and Harvey R. and . . . . Joe Uveges

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Pretty sure it took out my FIL who was 93. Not sure how many shots he took, but withing a couple weeks of No.2 he had heart failure, as did his son, but of course not related to you know the thing.

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Sorry you are the grave witness of "Both shotgun Barrels" Blast!

Your right to be heard and never ignored is welcomed here, as truth and discovery of harm.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Truth wears no mask, she seeks neither place nor applause,

bows to no human shrine;

she only asks a hearing."


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.... truth, today's Wordle

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That's lovely and resonates. Would love to hear more from'Anon'

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. Tedros and Pfizer CEO are mot likely pretty angry with you and MTG. Since the 400 elite's who paid $40K a plate to eat with XI and gave him a standing ovation, are making their next move for the overthrow of the U.S.A. The last vestige is Trump, and of course, the very last is the power of Almighty God.,in which not even one of the greatest murderers in the world can take down. Thank you for staying in the fight, even after sustaining injuries. Vitam Impendure Vero (Dedicate your life to Truth)

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Schwab and this dirty gang want you to eat bugs and own nothing. I'd say anyone who prescribes that for humankind is their enemy and should be treated accordingly. After all, their private jets can't stay in the air forever.......

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I remember reading about the horrendous situation in Haiti after the earthquake, that still goes on to this day; where people are forced to make 'dirt cakes' in order to eat. And I remember reading this statement from a reader in the comment section:

"Before I eat dirt, some people are going to eat lead!"

The elite are pushing the envelope!

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San Francisco please not open your Golden gates to XI,

you'll be letting vast unwelcome strangers in.

Judy Garland and Tony Bennett would not approve of it. That's no joke.

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Just give Nancy a bottle of that XI Rice Wine and she'll be ripping up the invitation like the State of the Union address! ;)

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She could learn how to swear in a conversation in Mandarin, while in high heels and skirt.

That'd make him wonder just how crazy we all are in the USA. Shyt has really changed!

Rotsa Ruck in Frisco you "Peaking Duck"! Quack!

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... hahah she wears a pearl necklace for some unknown reason... but when it comes to being a mandarin speaker, swears and wears 👠? Surely, you're describing former Australian PM Kevin Rudd ? ;)

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In honor of Tony Bennett’s passing, a homeless person sings, “I left my cart in San Francisco.”


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Ahh humor....it's what's needed to survive.

So here is a joke on topic of San Fran.

I started dating again...yep after all these years of being ok with being single I had to try.

So i decided to date Homeless women...so far it seems to be going pretty well...but what i have found the best part to be is that the date is over, you can just drop them off anywhere.

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Our little county in NC is all agog because a Chinese company that deals in hemp has located there. I hope it's not a secret lab like the one in CA. We are very near UNC Chapel Hill and Ralph Barrick . . .

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"Vitam Impendure Vero" - I love it

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You're a Gem ! Thanks so much for expressing so much great info. And good luck with your Health...

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Thank you very much. I have been attacked as a anti vaxxer. It was you and the Frontline Drs. , and DR Vladimir Zelenko who helped me with that decision. I never closed shop and always shook hands and hugged people, who would later tell me they had covid, I would tell them not to worry and thank them for telling me. I got covid before it was a scare. We did take the proper nutrition as a prophylaxis and never had another problem. I was attacked so much that I finally just shut up about the subject. I am slowly learning of the vaxxed folks with their NEW medical problems. I lost 2 to the supposed

covid but lost 8 to the vaccine. Two with in hours and six within days. Thank you very much for surviving the treatment and filling us in with your scientific and firsthand view. Love, e

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Basically parallel here. Take a right…handshakes and hugs. Ed

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I loved the conference on Monday. You three panel members were all great. You Dr. Malone certainly stood out!! I thought it was brilliant to have attorney Renz to help show the criminal offenses that had been committed. I don’t no why, I always expected Dr.Fauci, Dr. Walensky, etc. to be subpoenaed and questioned by experts just like this conferences panel. Is this not what is so lacking in DC, common sense!!! I would pay a lot of money to see Fauci under oath questioned by a competent scientist, NO? I just don’t get it...

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Fauci was questioned by Rand Paul, MD. Fauci couldn't remember anything. (A common ploy of the guilty). I expect there will be further tries, most likely with similar results.

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Rand Paul’s questioning of Fauci was great. I would pull it up on CSpan to watch him get completely flustered again and again. I know if it were Dr. Malone asking the questions, he could hammer him on the processes of testing, approvals, all of the adverse reactions and harms done to the body that have been hidden, even censorship. It would be a complete debacle for Fauci. Imagine Fauci’s anxiety before a hearing of being questioned by someone who has 100 times more knowledge of the vaccine process. I had called house leaders over and over again asking for this back then I had asked Dr. Malone if he was willing to be on a panel to question these people and he said he would. The house leaders have just completely disappointed me. They just can’t get anything that is good for America done and I honestly think they don’t want to. Nuremberg would never have happened if this House of Representatives was in control of it. They are all to corrupt. They can’t even do their job on a budget. All of their promises have resulted with less than zero results. Sorry I once had so much hope that as we have seen 500,000 deaths caused by our government health establishment it would create a “consensus” of house members to fix this so it would never happen again. But instead it will.

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I share your frustration. It's been really tough since the last election. A major problem with our Constitution and Bill of Rights - No Kill Switch!

On the other hand look at the progress Dr's Malone and their fellow warriors have made against incredible odds. From here, it seems the thing to do is to join in their resistance. We all still have things to live and fight for. Be of better cheer. Big job rolling boulders up hills. Better than laying squashed under one tho. Let's continue our efforts as members together in the loyal opposition

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I try as hard as I can. Thanks Jean!!!

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James, for some reason I never expect a lying guilty person to answer questions with the facts in a congressional hearing setting.

There is no incentive for being truthful and no disincentive to lying.

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You’re right GMoody, before and after the last election, with so many promises made by the REPUBLICANS, I naively thought they would do something. I was stupid to think that, I was wrong. Why would any voting republican bother to vote in this next election with congress people like this. I will vote but they will loose the house because of their incompetence. Frustration!!!

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The f.d.a. saying the dna poses no threat is such an obvious lie it defies comprehension. The threats offered by dna are almost always long term in occurring. Cancer, birth defects both can take many years to develop and then “proving” causation then a bear of a problem. Best to avoid the contamination and if the feds do not know this they have earned dismissal

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's all so much for people to fully wrap their heads around. Endure we must.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks to both of you, Robert and Jill!!

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Dear Dr. Malone,

Please find someone who will read your statement into the Congressional Record. Having it on Substack and other platforms is awesome. But having it ON RECORD is awesomer!

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I agree. The entire statement NEEDS to be in the official Congressional Record.

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Unfortunately, the number of people interested enough in this subject to read or listen to your comments is small. Probably doesn't include politicians or other decision makers. Most people are willing to trade their freedoms and their health in exchange for the luxury of trusting others to make the big, difficult decisions in their lives.

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Yes, that happens to the uneducated.

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...and to the over educated academic types who pray at the altar of the experts.

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Many PhDs I know personally fell for the official narrative. I think those that had reverence for the sanctity of the human body and questioned authority did not fall for the ruse.

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Sadly, the only safe measure of a drug's safety and effectiveness is that it is not under patent. Once the opportunity for obscene profit is gone and that drug's efficacy warrants continued production, it can be considered safe.

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Excellent point. Take only tired and tested medication decades old and out of any patent and only if sick and it is absolutely necessary. Why any person lucky enough to be healthy would risk that most precious gift to possibly prevent something that might never happen is beyond me. It feels like a scam; like an oil additive designed to protect your new car's engine that actually damages it. There should be an explicit recognition of this scam and a clear law against it. The snake oil scam.

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Ironic to finish your essay with a line from Neil Young, perhaps the most outspoken Covid liar from the music scene of the 1960's and 70's. He is representative of the blinding effects of evil. Evil loves to turn virtue into virtue-signaling or vice, and the greatest trick it ever played on humanity was convincing them it didn't exist.

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That was an intentional poking of the bear

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Florida called a Special Grand Jury in December 2022 to investigate “any and all wrongdoing” with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines.", at the request of Gov DeSantis. We need to keep an eye on this grand jury, with its power to CRIMINALLY indite those that deceived and fraudulently pushed the shots.

Unfortunately the Grand Jury process is secret, but there is hope to hear something in the next few month. Pray!

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And thank goodness we have Dr. Joseph Ladapo as our Surgeon General in Florida. One of the few voices of sanity and reason in this Covid Clown World

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