"The Astonishing First Week of the Second Trump Term"
"The civilizational inflection point in our cold civil war happened sometime between Donald Trump's second inaugural address on Monday and the end of his new presidency's second day on Tuesday. At some indeterminate moment between Monday's soaring midday speech, in which the first nonconsecutive two-term president in over 130 years artfully took a sledgehammer to the entire Obama-Biden era legacy without so much as uttering the men's names, and Tuesday's epochal executive order coming as close as legally possible to banning wokeism throughout the republic, the war ended.
And as with the English capturing New Amsterdam from Peter Stuyvesant and the Dutch centuries prior, it happened without firing a single shot."
All of these policies can create a snowball effect in Europe and nations around the world—We’ve seen it in Argentina. It’s common sense policies, as Trump told Democrat Representative Brad Sherman yesterday—to his face, like he did with the WEF cabal.
I was overwhelmed at the first five days of President Trump—it’s too much winning, but don’t stop!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
One priceless part was watching the WEF globalist’s expressions and the audience in general. In combination with scheduling his trip to help the every day citizens in western North Carolina instead of bending the knee. Klaus Schwab had a very bad day. Hopefully the first of many!
Klaus having his final day would be even better. I’m not one to speak this way normally, but there are people who don’t deserve to walk amongst good human beings. A couple of others I can name are Fauci and Soros. There are many others, but these 3 are a good start to hear they’ve passed on to their eternal place of damnation.
Yes Soros and Fauci preemptively pardoned, that tells us that Biden and Harris were NEVER working for Americans, but for the Elitist Overlords that allowed them to launder money around the world at the expense of good honest people who list their homes and livelihoods to the Ukraine war. It’s like letting murderers and rapists to go free … oh right, they did that too. The Legacy media completely ignores these facts as they are all on the same team.
President Trump is a builder. I pray! I pray! I pray! We need all the warmongers to disappear from DC and our nation. We need to revamp our bloated over priced ineffective sick care system that is headed in the wrong direction for the last 100 years. I pray that RFK Jr. is in a leadership role at HHS. We should remember the names of all the political obstructionists including Pence and Durbin that are not supporting RFK Jr. Vote them all out of office.
Remember the “little hand grenade,@ backnin the late 80s, early 90s - Ross Perot? He was a smart businessman but his motivations were, at best, unclear. He said some good things and I was on board, initially. Smart businessman, yes, but delinquent in essential elements.
POTUS Trump has, may have, that missing essentials. But I can’t define it: he ticks the correct boxes, but many do; perhaps it’s a knowable unknown?
Anyway, I’m hoping there are enough supporters in congress, both houses, that his (our) vision can be put back in place. Even the best QB without a more than adequate O-line will get sacked too often (which we’ve seen).
It is a well-known and easily demonstrable fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on. They cannot read or debate the issues because the Bills approach 2000 pages each. And there are sixty to one hundred new bills for them to vote on every day they are in session.
During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot called attention to this insanity with a diplomatic observation that "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy was the one specific reason that the people in America suffered".
Mr. Perot then suggested that the best and perhaps only way to make government officials accountable was to include the citizens in the decision-making process - every hour, every day.
He went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and called the proposed mechanism
With this computer program every interested citizen can indicate whether or not they agree or disagree with every line item of every law, policy and program on the books or that was being advanced. It can be used at every level of government and in every jurisdiction.
To prevent chaos the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights would be exempt from review.
Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available. He referred to it as the Fourth Branch of government; The Citizens Branch / The Electronic Townhall.
If the government is truly of the people, by the people and for the people then what better way is there to perfect every section of the various laws and policies that do effect each and every one of us every single day?
It would not be difficult to expect at least 500 thousand qualified citizens, per congressional district, to read four pages of law or proposed law and get their Ratify or Annual input every day the congress is in session. The results could be aggregated, made known and we would all be better off.
The program would even allow a citizen to go back and change their vote as they matured. And when a super majority is reached the law/proposed law is either ratified or annulled by immediate recognition of the enforcement mechanisms.
With tens of millions of laws and tens of thousands of taxes there is plenty of work to be done.
According to Mr. Perot, this, the harnessed experience and the combined intelligence of hundreds of thousands or even millions of citizens focused like a laser light on the real issues, will, as surely as night follows the day, perfect every law in our country and eventually it will right every wrong.
Mr. Perot publicly announced his intention to give the fourth branch of government to the people in America if he was elected President.
But this attempt to empower our humanity was so far removed from the business-as-usual-two-party-system that the talking heads and trolls yelled out that Mr. Perot was trying to destroy our Constitution, our government and our way of life.
The ELECTONIC TOWNHALL was denounced as unworkable.
How would the poor participate?
How would fraud be prevented?
What about those who do not know how to use a computer?
In a final act of desperation, the control freaks claimed that letting the average citizen to pass judgment on the individual pieces of public law would lead to chaos and pandemonium.
But we all know the truth: only the concerned will bother to participate.
The media was so intensely negative towards the ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL that Mr. Perot was forced to stop talking about it, but he never withdrew it from his platform.
It’s now been thirty-two years since the proposal.
No other person of national reputation or significant influence has picked up the idea. BUT the big two political parties regularly stage "townhall meetings" where they talk of "reform" and "returning power to the people" and try to link themselves to the empowering part of the idea without adding to its manifestation.
And still we suffer in the hopeless loop of: "candidates with a sense of morality and respect for the Constitution who understand true brotherhood, justice and democracy and who will do the right thing for us each and every time, trust me".
While we cannot make light of sincere individuals who get into public office, we must acknowledge the fact that regardless of who has been elected to public office the problems in our government get more complicated and our people continue to suffer.
Could we possibly admit that our national situation, now being made global, is far too complicated for the President and the 535 elected members of the legislature to manage in our best interests?
You, the person reading this know some of the things we need.
Your friends, our fellow countrymen have their solutions too.
The only way to organize the workable ideas is to create a device that will enable all of us to simultaneously contribute our best thinking and most benevolent experience towards solving our most complicated problems.
That device is THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL and the place to begin is with our existing laws.
According to Ross Perot, this is the only way forward.
If I knew that back then, I have forgotten! Thanks for the review of Ross's great idea. I voted for him and the vote ended up being a spoiler, Dems won as a result. I always regretted. . . now, not quite so much!
I think, in retrospect, it was a great idea. The technology easily exists NOW.
However, I would have some caveat's to be able to influence such a momentous decision as a congressional vote. . .
specifications for a "special voter"
-- must be at least 32 yrs old, own 1/2 acre+ of land, and pay ALL major taxes.
-- last conviction of any felony must be 5 yrs old, at least
-- member of Dem or Repub party only, in good standing, no socialist or communist background
-- at least 2 yrs of college education or 6 in a professional trade
-- cannot represent any "constituent group"(i.e. lobbyist)
-- must have a full time job or business with proof of salary or profit for 2 yrs
Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule, regulation and supreme court decision on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.
Nothing short of this is going to ameliorate the present situation, nor will we get to the Stars without it.
And now we must decide who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.
Right now, in order to determine how much freight an opinion carries, the first question is:
# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?
a. citizens only - Yes No
b. natural born citizens only - Yes No
c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No
d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No
e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No
f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No
# 2. Ages of Voter
g. minimum18 years
h. minimum 21 years
i. minimum 25 years
j. minimum 30 years
k. minimum 33 years
l. minimum 35 years
# 3. Sex of Voter
a. Male – Yes - No
b. Female – Yes - No
c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No
d. Transgender - Yes - No
# 4. Competence of Voter
e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No
f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No
g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No
h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No
j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No
k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No
l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No
m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No
n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No
# 5. Genetic presence of Voter
a. Male without children – Yes - No
b. Male with children – Yes - No
c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No
g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No
# 6. Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of public
a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No
b. Male without children – Yes - No
c. Male with children – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No
Guess you’ve found your calling; me, not interested in an Electronic Townhall of any sort. Making matters public, making it easy to voice opinion - all for that — but we have a republic for a reason, not a (pure, or even watered down) democracy. Our USofA founders were wise in avoiding "democracy."
My drum that I beat as often as possible begins with obliterating the 17th amendment and returning The Senate to the states AND Term Limits (2 max, with cooling off periods between running for federal government seats equal to or longer than their last elected position.
As for the little hand grenade: that Townhall position may have been what cooled my initial ardor— but it makes sense that the owner of EDS would advocate such a scheme <- not said with a sneer 😊
Hmmm. I think an electronic townhall could work at some level. How about only allowing x number of "special voters"? If you figure there are 200 million potential voters for Fed Congressional laws, how about 1% of the populous max could be a contributor? How about the "special voters" could overide CONGRESS itself with 60% vote majority?
So, 2 million special voters, 50 states that's nominally 40,000 people voting in each state max . Apportion per the House ratios, not Senate. I think it would have a reasonable chance of working if my specifications for "special voters"(above post) were accepted. It would be worth a try if nothing else. . . Say, try it at random for six months as a trial balloon, then have a referendum to include in Constitution.
So, a super democracy. Of the elite. Or the lucky. That have the ability to override the decisions of the duly elected REPRESENTATIVES of the PEOPLE in a REPUBLIC.
🤔 I’ll pass. I’m comfortable with the vision the founders left us and, as I’ve said, my main concerns at this point are repealing the 16th and including term limits.
(Although I’ll admit I’m kind’a working on a story where that sort’a oversight IS going on - tho it isn’t anywhere near the numbers you envision. In my telling I’m thinking +/- 7,000, behind the scenes throughout the known history)
Yes, quickly; anything that creates a system that deviates from 1 citizen, 1 vote should have no place in our American republican/representative governance. What you’re presenting is essentially the "super delegate" protocol of the demonratz where they can assure the candidate the party wants is chosen above what the demonrat voter wants during the primaries. Or, eventually, as the party power brokers, you can just choose the Demonrat candidate that superseded the wishes of the primary voters - as we saw in the last election cycle.
Well, I would not be for such a system you describe. Any concept like this relies on vetting and pruning and a dynamic dumping of all who fail to simply vote honestly, objectively. Possibly consequences if they FAIL or are corrupted.
Term limits of two election cycles; not re-upped for second term until 5 yrs pass?
The big idea:
-- prevent non-sensical laws, help drain the swamp
I don't pretend to have it all thought out nor would I wish to make the situation worse.
Not easy, I agree. . . term limits, more specifications for these "special voters"?@!
The answer , I believe, lies in partial implementation to experimentally VET the system to find what works. Presently, the Federal system and all other political systems make laws and implement "nationwide" or state wide, etc. Any answer for the complicated amalgam of crapp we have inherited COULD be incrementally adjusted and pruned to arrive at a MORE optimum solution. Being an engineer, I keep thinking of a "self-tuning controller" type law system.
Example: Try the Mark ONE version, figure out how it fails, tweak it. By about Mark V, it may come close. There is no way I, alone, ginning up crapp in my single brain, can hope to effect a worthwhile change in one go.
Likewise, there is no way anyone, including a Congressional committee, can do such.
Anyway, 250 years ago the fundamental fabric holding it all together was the necessity of a virtuous people.
John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” That is the wrench you’re trying to engineer away from (as do I in my writing). The problem we have as engineers is thinking the chaos of millions can be controlled by equations - predicted, possibly, controlled, no.
What the founders hoped, prayed was that self-interest, morality, common heritage/experiences would suffice. But we’ve allowed avarice, greed (not the same as self-interest), accumulations of power to corrupt our body politic. What needs to happen is wringing out the elements that are corrupting the institution(s).
I see the total length here is some 46 minutes. I watched previously a 14 minute version, probably trimmed of Q&A, etc. It was magnificent. A relaxed resumption of American power and prestige. As if he picked the flag up off the floor that had been casually cast down and soiled by his buffoonish, treacherous predecessor, who was our humiliation incarnate.
I wish for the new President safety and security. I applaud his courage after at least two attempts on his life. Beneath the veneer of civility, all the schmoozing, the supremely slick stage designs in Davos, there are some very sinister people who've been at their work for a very long time. I hope they've been rendered inert in response, but I wouldn't count on it. I'll never forget what I've heard coming from their very own mouths.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated as I never considered myself political. I pray you and your wife Are part of these changes, to use your ethics, expertises, and wisdom to help our world. ❤️
I also pray Kennedy continues to be an Intercal part of all of this ❤️🙏❤️
RFK2 is the ONLY person talking about geoengineering. The only one in the political arena.
It was this single interview which made me realize I wanted him to run this country, because he was the only one with the balls to talk about what the govt has been secretly (out in the open) doing to it's citizens, our lands, air and water. RFK shows that he has real chutzpah, and doesn't care about being illegally gag ordered.
The man has huge freaking gonads, and apparently fearless is a minimalistic adjective representing the integrity of this man.
Since I do have immense respect for Dr. R., I would get down on one knee, with the $50.00 in hand, bowing my head, begging him to do his magical mystery tour on this subject https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
(sorry, but this time of year is a bit slim pickins on the financial path with all the large annual bills coming due in February). I can write an IOU for the balance, if necessary.
Seriously, I would have voted for RFK2 on that one issue alone. Yesterday, it was a bloodbath in the skies above our heads, and my body feels that junk drift down into our air column, my neck glands swell to double their size, and I feel like total crap from the exposure.
Jumping off my soapbox....
(sounds of whistling bombs, and a huge explosion as my feet hit the ground)
The Globalists/Marxists just got neutered. They are going to crawl back under their rocks but are not going to disappear. The Spiritual dynamics are still at work and if we as a nation don't focus on these our recovery will be relatively short lived. God has given us a reprieve. If we don't follow Him and become to slf suffecient without him things will goo back worse than before
The Globalists will go to plan B for the duration of Trumps Tenure. They will not go quietly into the night. They are a committed bunch. Watch for attempts to subvert Trump, skirt around his executive orders, denigrate him, chip away at his power, etc.
There is rampant misunderstanding that is spreading throughout the leftist Democrats that once were my clients and friends. There will be no misunderstanding about where the U.S. stands on world affairs from this speech; I can only pray that the plan Pres.Trump has will be allowed to flourish against such odds. So far, so good!!!
It hasn't happened yet thru the ages for any length of time. This is still the school room. The idea of paradise to be found here was dispelled by Jesus long ago.
I have never been a fan of the party system and reflect on George Washington's warnings about it. I also have never been a big fan of Donald Trump. All this being said, by and large I have to give President Trump his due for carrying out the promises he made and so quickly. Can there be improvements, naturally, and I trust he will be more open to taking advise from reputable folks this time, but he is off to a good start and in the right direction. Kudos President Trump.
We have become a nation in a permanent state of emergency..."Executive Orders."
The Constitution set up by the founding fathers has been replaced by a Constitution adopted by a Corporation called the District of Columbia incorporated in 1871. A shadow government makes believe that it is the same as the founders.
Our Government has been "restricting" our Constitution since the Civil War- by use of Emergency Rule. All Executive orders and the War powers act are covered by Emergency rule. Wilson WW1, Roosevelt WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War...
You need to take a closer look at the historical record.
See 93d Congress 1 ,1st Session7i j ,SENATE Report No. 93-549. Then The National Emergencies Act of 1976
"Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there are now in effect four presidential proclaimed states of national emergency:
"Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens."
A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. For 70 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency.
Here is how FDR got away with it. President Trump is going to return the favor to the Democrats. The Eastern Establishment and the CFR only have themselves to blame.
Here is main deception by FDR:
It was here that every American citizen literally became an enemy to the United States government under declaration. He changed Wilson's original 1917 Act.
The nation got a taste of what FDR meant when, on Invoking the Trading with the Enemy Act, FDR imposed a national banking holiday and prohibited all gold transactions. Roosevelt's use of the Act was questionable, to say the least. Congress had passed the Act in 1917 to give the president broad economic powers during wartime or national emergency, but not to regulate the domestic economy in the absence of a foreign threat. Without the statute, FDR was left to act under an unspecified presidential emergency power.
12 USC 95(b) refers to the authority granted in the Act of October 6, 1917 (a/k/a The Trading with the Enemy Act or War Powers Act) which was "An Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes".
This Act originally excluded citizens of the United States, but in the Act of March 9, 1933, Section 2 amended this to include "any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof".
1. Wilson's exercise of power in the First World War provided a model for future Presidents and their advisors. During the preparedness period of 1915-1916, the submarine crisis in the opening months of 1917, and the period of direct involvement of U.S. armed forces from April 1917 to November 1918, Wilson utilized powers as sweeping as- Lincoln's, "The Trading with the Enemy Act."
2. The next major development in the use of executive emergency powers came under Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Great Depression had already overtaken the country by the time of Roosevelt's inauguration and confronted him with a totally different crisis. This emergency, unlike those of the past, presented a nonmilitary threat.
Here is main deception by FDR, who cause the problem: F.D.R. may be guilty of the most extreme disregard for civil liberty. It was here where every American citizen literally became an enemy to the United States government under declaration. FDR change Wilson original 1917 Act.
George W. Bush declared 13 emergencies and Barack Obama declared 12 -- nearly all of which are still active today. Bill Clinton declared 17 national emergencies, six of which are still active. Ronald Reagan declared six and George H.W. Bush declared four -- but all of those have been revoked by now. There are 28 active national emergencies.
"Declared National Emergencies Under the National Emergencies Act, 1978-2018" (PDF). Brennan Center for Justice.
Ryan Struyk (January 7, 2019). "Trump's wall would be the 32nd active national emergency". CNN.
Moon, Emily (January 8, 2019). "The United States' States of Emergencies". Pacific Standard. Retrieved February 11, 2019.
Heath, Kendall (January 10, 2019). "Here's a list of the 31 national emergencies that have been in effect for years". ABC News. Retrieved February 11, 2019.
Roberts, Emily E. (February 28, 2019). Declarations Under the National Emergencies Act, Part 1: Declarations Currently in Effect (PDF). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
I will have to dig through my external hard drives...I have a ton of files. I'll try to find the files on USA, Inc and get back to you over the weekend or next week. Stay tuned!
Following are some links about US, Inc. There may be some redundancy among them.
The file I find most compelling, because it has substantial data to make the point, is a 2010 documentary called “The Corporation Nation.” It is 7 hours, and the material is very dry, going deeply into the weeds, but I watched it all, by watching it in several shorter sessions over a week’s time. I found it very interesting.
Javier Milei socked it to 'em too. Trump is not spiritual or a deep thinking man, but he sure is one helluva businessman. That's his forte. And when he promises to do something, he does it! I'm impressed with the speed with which he's already made good on so many of his promises! He had it all lined up and ready to roll on day one.
Dear Drs. Malone — Beautiful job summarizing this speech and all it meant into a single, inspiring post. Your efforts helped so many of us gain a quick understanding of the historic turnaround for America and the world that happened — oh, just last week! What a change after half a decade of darkness, death, and despair!
Still worried about the AI and mRNA technology being touted — likely won’t work, will be bad for humanity, and will cost more than an arm and a leg. But overall, incredibly encouraged.
"The Astonishing First Week of the Second Trump Term"
"The civilizational inflection point in our cold civil war happened sometime between Donald Trump's second inaugural address on Monday and the end of his new presidency's second day on Tuesday. At some indeterminate moment between Monday's soaring midday speech, in which the first nonconsecutive two-term president in over 130 years artfully took a sledgehammer to the entire Obama-Biden era legacy without so much as uttering the men's names, and Tuesday's epochal executive order coming as close as legally possible to banning wokeism throughout the republic, the war ended.
And as with the English capturing New Amsterdam from Peter Stuyvesant and the Dutch centuries prior, it happened without firing a single shot."
Josh Hammer - Newsweek
All of these policies can create a snowball effect in Europe and nations around the world—We’ve seen it in Argentina. It’s common sense policies, as Trump told Democrat Representative Brad Sherman yesterday—to his face, like he did with the WEF cabal.
I was overwhelmed at the first five days of President Trump—it’s too much winning, but don’t stop!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I’m exhausted from all the winning! 🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎉🎉🎉🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Can it be true that Newsweek allowed this statement to be published? Wow with a capital W!
Alex Jones always said it. The Allies of Humanity said it and Everybody knows it,
"There is a war on for the hearts and minds of humanity"
They might retreat, but never think they're not still there. Not till they're not still there.
One priceless part was watching the WEF globalist’s expressions and the audience in general. In combination with scheduling his trip to help the every day citizens in western North Carolina instead of bending the knee. Klaus Schwab had a very bad day. Hopefully the first of many!
Klaus having a bad day, makes my day!!
Klaus having his final day would be even better. I’m not one to speak this way normally, but there are people who don’t deserve to walk amongst good human beings. A couple of others I can name are Fauci and Soros. There are many others, but these 3 are a good start to hear they’ve passed on to their eternal place of damnation.
Yes Soros and Fauci preemptively pardoned, that tells us that Biden and Harris were NEVER working for Americans, but for the Elitist Overlords that allowed them to launder money around the world at the expense of good honest people who list their homes and livelihoods to the Ukraine war. It’s like letting murderers and rapists to go free … oh right, they did that too. The Legacy media completely ignores these facts as they are all on the same team.
Biden & Gorge Soros - and son Johnathan - are Council on Foreign Reations members
GMoody, If there was an eternal place of damnation there would be very few people in power left.
That’s fine, then good people could take in those positions, and what a wonderful world it would be.
Yes! Too Bad, how sad (NOT), for Klaus! He seemed flabbergasted that Trump did a “Zoom” meeting/conference! That was incredible!
The zoom was a titanic power move!
President Trump is a builder. I pray! I pray! I pray! We need all the warmongers to disappear from DC and our nation. We need to revamp our bloated over priced ineffective sick care system that is headed in the wrong direction for the last 100 years. I pray that RFK Jr. is in a leadership role at HHS. We should remember the names of all the political obstructionists including Pence and Durbin that are not supporting RFK Jr. Vote them all out of office.
I would add Murkowski, Collins and McConnel.
Yes! 🤡🤡‼️
Dick-head Durbin is longtime DemoComie parasite.
I didn't realize that was his middle name. The More You Know.
Good synopsis. I watched it live. Trump is pulling no punches. That is refreshing. Thanks for putting the review in print for us to save.
When he went off script of,the teleprompter of,his prepared speech, i knew classic Trump
To repeat a comment from my businessman step-dad...."we need a smart businessman at 1600". We now have one there and he is loaded for bear.
Mad as hell, and he is not going to take it anymore
Exactly! He understands the deep hole Brandon put us in! 😡🥵🤯🤬
Yes; and more is needed.
Remember the “little hand grenade,@ backnin the late 80s, early 90s - Ross Perot? He was a smart businessman but his motivations were, at best, unclear. He said some good things and I was on board, initially. Smart businessman, yes, but delinquent in essential elements.
POTUS Trump has, may have, that missing essentials. But I can’t define it: he ticks the correct boxes, but many do; perhaps it’s a knowable unknown?
Anyway, I’m hoping there are enough supporters in congress, both houses, that his (our) vision can be put back in place. Even the best QB without a more than adequate O-line will get sacked too often (which we’ve seen).
Would someone please test the waters in Kentucky!
It is a well-known and easily demonstrable fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on. They cannot read or debate the issues because the Bills approach 2000 pages each. And there are sixty to one hundred new bills for them to vote on every day they are in session.
During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot called attention to this insanity with a diplomatic observation that "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy was the one specific reason that the people in America suffered".
Mr. Perot then suggested that the best and perhaps only way to make government officials accountable was to include the citizens in the decision-making process - every hour, every day.
He went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and called the proposed mechanism
With this computer program every interested citizen can indicate whether or not they agree or disagree with every line item of every law, policy and program on the books or that was being advanced. It can be used at every level of government and in every jurisdiction.
To prevent chaos the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights would be exempt from review.
Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available. He referred to it as the Fourth Branch of government; The Citizens Branch / The Electronic Townhall.
If the government is truly of the people, by the people and for the people then what better way is there to perfect every section of the various laws and policies that do effect each and every one of us every single day?
It would not be difficult to expect at least 500 thousand qualified citizens, per congressional district, to read four pages of law or proposed law and get their Ratify or Annual input every day the congress is in session. The results could be aggregated, made known and we would all be better off.
The program would even allow a citizen to go back and change their vote as they matured. And when a super majority is reached the law/proposed law is either ratified or annulled by immediate recognition of the enforcement mechanisms.
With tens of millions of laws and tens of thousands of taxes there is plenty of work to be done.
According to Mr. Perot, this, the harnessed experience and the combined intelligence of hundreds of thousands or even millions of citizens focused like a laser light on the real issues, will, as surely as night follows the day, perfect every law in our country and eventually it will right every wrong.
Mr. Perot publicly announced his intention to give the fourth branch of government to the people in America if he was elected President.
But this attempt to empower our humanity was so far removed from the business-as-usual-two-party-system that the talking heads and trolls yelled out that Mr. Perot was trying to destroy our Constitution, our government and our way of life.
The ELECTONIC TOWNHALL was denounced as unworkable.
How would the poor participate?
How would fraud be prevented?
What about those who do not know how to use a computer?
In a final act of desperation, the control freaks claimed that letting the average citizen to pass judgment on the individual pieces of public law would lead to chaos and pandemonium.
But we all know the truth: only the concerned will bother to participate.
The media was so intensely negative towards the ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL that Mr. Perot was forced to stop talking about it, but he never withdrew it from his platform.
It’s now been thirty-two years since the proposal.
No other person of national reputation or significant influence has picked up the idea. BUT the big two political parties regularly stage "townhall meetings" where they talk of "reform" and "returning power to the people" and try to link themselves to the empowering part of the idea without adding to its manifestation.
And still we suffer in the hopeless loop of: "candidates with a sense of morality and respect for the Constitution who understand true brotherhood, justice and democracy and who will do the right thing for us each and every time, trust me".
While we cannot make light of sincere individuals who get into public office, we must acknowledge the fact that regardless of who has been elected to public office the problems in our government get more complicated and our people continue to suffer.
Could we possibly admit that our national situation, now being made global, is far too complicated for the President and the 535 elected members of the legislature to manage in our best interests?
You, the person reading this know some of the things we need.
Your friends, our fellow countrymen have their solutions too.
The only way to organize the workable ideas is to create a device that will enable all of us to simultaneously contribute our best thinking and most benevolent experience towards solving our most complicated problems.
That device is THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL and the place to begin is with our existing laws.
According to Ross Perot, this is the only way forward.
If I knew that back then, I have forgotten! Thanks for the review of Ross's great idea. I voted for him and the vote ended up being a spoiler, Dems won as a result. I always regretted. . . now, not quite so much!
I think, in retrospect, it was a great idea. The technology easily exists NOW.
However, I would have some caveat's to be able to influence such a momentous decision as a congressional vote. . .
specifications for a "special voter"
-- must be at least 32 yrs old, own 1/2 acre+ of land, and pay ALL major taxes.
-- last conviction of any felony must be 5 yrs old, at least
-- member of Dem or Repub party only, in good standing, no socialist or communist background
-- at least 2 yrs of college education or 6 in a professional trade
-- cannot represent any "constituent group"(i.e. lobbyist)
-- must have a full time job or business with proof of salary or profit for 2 yrs
Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule, regulation and supreme court decision on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.
Nothing short of this is going to ameliorate the present situation, nor will we get to the Stars without it.
And now we must decide who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.
Right now, in order to determine how much freight an opinion carries, the first question is:
# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?
a. citizens only - Yes No
b. natural born citizens only - Yes No
c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No
d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No
e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No
f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No
# 2. Ages of Voter
g. minimum18 years
h. minimum 21 years
i. minimum 25 years
j. minimum 30 years
k. minimum 33 years
l. minimum 35 years
# 3. Sex of Voter
a. Male – Yes - No
b. Female – Yes - No
c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No
d. Transgender - Yes - No
# 4. Competence of Voter
e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No
f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No
g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No
h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No
j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No
k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No
l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No
m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No
n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No
# 5. Genetic presence of Voter
a. Male without children – Yes - No
b. Male with children – Yes - No
c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No
g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No
# 6. Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of public
a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No
b. Male without children – Yes - No
c. Male with children – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No
g. Depends on the office - Yes - No
h. minimum18 years - Yes - No
i. minimum 21 years - Yes - No
j. minimum 25 years - Yes - No
k. minimum 30 years - Yes - No
l. minimum 33 years - Yes - No
m. minimum 35 years - Yes - No
Ross quit when the deep state told him they would murder his daughter!
really? Did not know that.
I remember this.
Damn, I'm old😵
Thomas, Source please?
This is the cleaned up version
Memory of event. Was 40 years ago?
Which one? Nancy or Suzanne?
Guess you’ve found your calling; me, not interested in an Electronic Townhall of any sort. Making matters public, making it easy to voice opinion - all for that — but we have a republic for a reason, not a (pure, or even watered down) democracy. Our USofA founders were wise in avoiding "democracy."
My drum that I beat as often as possible begins with obliterating the 17th amendment and returning The Senate to the states AND Term Limits (2 max, with cooling off periods between running for federal government seats equal to or longer than their last elected position.
As for the little hand grenade: that Townhall position may have been what cooled my initial ardor— but it makes sense that the owner of EDS would advocate such a scheme <- not said with a sneer 😊
Hmmm. I think an electronic townhall could work at some level. How about only allowing x number of "special voters"? If you figure there are 200 million potential voters for Fed Congressional laws, how about 1% of the populous max could be a contributor? How about the "special voters" could overide CONGRESS itself with 60% vote majority?
So, 2 million special voters, 50 states that's nominally 40,000 people voting in each state max . Apportion per the House ratios, not Senate. I think it would have a reasonable chance of working if my specifications for "special voters"(above post) were accepted. It would be worth a try if nothing else. . . Say, try it at random for six months as a trial balloon, then have a referendum to include in Constitution.
So, a super democracy. Of the elite. Or the lucky. That have the ability to override the decisions of the duly elected REPRESENTATIVES of the PEOPLE in a REPUBLIC.
🤔 I’ll pass. I’m comfortable with the vision the founders left us and, as I’ve said, my main concerns at this point are repealing the 16th and including term limits.
(Although I’ll admit I’m kind’a working on a story where that sort’a oversight IS going on - tho it isn’t anywhere near the numbers you envision. In my telling I’m thinking +/- 7,000, behind the scenes throughout the known history)
Did you look at my special voter specifications at all-- above?
Yes, quickly; anything that creates a system that deviates from 1 citizen, 1 vote should have no place in our American republican/representative governance. What you’re presenting is essentially the "super delegate" protocol of the demonratz where they can assure the candidate the party wants is chosen above what the demonrat voter wants during the primaries. Or, eventually, as the party power brokers, you can just choose the Demonrat candidate that superseded the wishes of the primary voters - as we saw in the last election cycle.
Where does it end?
Well, I would not be for such a system you describe. Any concept like this relies on vetting and pruning and a dynamic dumping of all who fail to simply vote honestly, objectively. Possibly consequences if they FAIL or are corrupted.
Term limits of two election cycles; not re-upped for second term until 5 yrs pass?
The big idea:
-- prevent non-sensical laws, help drain the swamp
I don't pretend to have it all thought out nor would I wish to make the situation worse.
How do you get those special people to avoid the pitfalls of being corrupted by those responsibilities influencing?
Not easy, I agree. . . term limits, more specifications for these "special voters"?@!
The answer , I believe, lies in partial implementation to experimentally VET the system to find what works. Presently, the Federal system and all other political systems make laws and implement "nationwide" or state wide, etc. Any answer for the complicated amalgam of crapp we have inherited COULD be incrementally adjusted and pruned to arrive at a MORE optimum solution. Being an engineer, I keep thinking of a "self-tuning controller" type law system.
Example: Try the Mark ONE version, figure out how it fails, tweak it. By about Mark V, it may come close. There is no way I, alone, ginning up crapp in my single brain, can hope to effect a worthwhile change in one go.
Likewise, there is no way anyone, including a Congressional committee, can do such.
p-rog, do you see why the founders’ plan, our Constitution, is so valuable (and so fragile.
Damn, fat fingers, small screen 😖
Anyway, 250 years ago the fundamental fabric holding it all together was the necessity of a virtuous people.
John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” That is the wrench you’re trying to engineer away from (as do I in my writing). The problem we have as engineers is thinking the chaos of millions can be controlled by equations - predicted, possibly, controlled, no.
What the founders hoped, prayed was that self-interest, morality, common heritage/experiences would suffice. But we’ve allowed avarice, greed (not the same as self-interest), accumulations of power to corrupt our body politic. What needs to happen is wringing out the elements that are corrupting the institution(s).
I see the total length here is some 46 minutes. I watched previously a 14 minute version, probably trimmed of Q&A, etc. It was magnificent. A relaxed resumption of American power and prestige. As if he picked the flag up off the floor that had been casually cast down and soiled by his buffoonish, treacherous predecessor, who was our humiliation incarnate.
I wish for the new President safety and security. I applaud his courage after at least two attempts on his life. Beneath the veneer of civility, all the schmoozing, the supremely slick stage designs in Davos, there are some very sinister people who've been at their work for a very long time. I hope they've been rendered inert in response, but I wouldn't count on it. I'll never forget what I've heard coming from their very own mouths.
Here's my recommended theme song for Re-President Trump. It has something of the right feeling in it.
Oh, absolutely! Perfect song for Trump-I can see him on stage with Steven Tyler, screaming out “I’m BACK, I’m BACK”……YUP!
Thank you so much for keeping us updated as I never considered myself political. I pray you and your wife Are part of these changes, to use your ethics, expertises, and wisdom to help our world. ❤️
I also pray Kennedy continues to be an Intercal part of all of this ❤️🙏❤️
I thought I already said this because I too had concerns about not seeing a lot or hearing a lot from Kennedy right now.
I also pray they are just keeping him safe behind-the-scenes,
and most important Trump and he are using their wisdom together to make all of these plans for a GREAT WORLD come to fruition. ❤️🙏🏾❤️
Sadly I feel RFK is toast. Something is wrong and I smell a rat. Behind the scenes I believe Trump may be doing something that is undermining him.
RFK, jr. is ‘bad for jab business’… will Trump be able to push him through? Are these health issues RFK’s actual #1 concern? I do hope so.
RFK2 is the ONLY person talking about geoengineering. The only one in the political arena.
It was this single interview which made me realize I wanted him to run this country, because he was the only one with the balls to talk about what the govt has been secretly (out in the open) doing to it's citizens, our lands, air and water. RFK shows that he has real chutzpah, and doesn't care about being illegally gag ordered.
The man has huge freaking gonads, and apparently fearless is a minimalistic adjective representing the integrity of this man.
Which brings to question is why Dr. Malone doesn't talk about this since 23 ?
2023 https://www.malone.news/p/the-greening-of-the-globe?utm_source=publication-search
Since I do have immense respect for Dr. R., I would get down on one knee, with the $50.00 in hand, bowing my head, begging him to do his magical mystery tour on this subject https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
(sorry, but this time of year is a bit slim pickins on the financial path with all the large annual bills coming due in February). I can write an IOU for the balance, if necessary.
Seriously, I would have voted for RFK2 on that one issue alone. Yesterday, it was a bloodbath in the skies above our heads, and my body feels that junk drift down into our air column, my neck glands swell to double their size, and I feel like total crap from the exposure.
Jumping off my soapbox....
(sounds of whistling bombs, and a huge explosion as my feet hit the ground)
Please, please, we need all the positive vibrations we can get at this moment!! Just say "YES". He must and can prevail!
I will pray for the Lord to direct his path…
I smell a rat too! Still praying Kennedy’s gets confirmed! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
The Globalists/Marxists just got neutered. They are going to crawl back under their rocks but are not going to disappear. The Spiritual dynamics are still at work and if we as a nation don't focus on these our recovery will be relatively short lived. God has given us a reprieve. If we don't follow Him and become to slf suffecient without him things will goo back worse than before
“Neutered”. We use a different word in the horse business
Thank you Carole.
The Globalists will go to plan B for the duration of Trumps Tenure. They will not go quietly into the night. They are a committed bunch. Watch for attempts to subvert Trump, skirt around his executive orders, denigrate him, chip away at his power, etc.
That WEF call is the apotheosis of Zoom meetings – a call to end them all!
Trump: "Hello..."
Awesome! Trump did well!
There is rampant misunderstanding that is spreading throughout the leftist Democrats that once were my clients and friends. There will be no misunderstanding about where the U.S. stands on world affairs from this speech; I can only pray that the plan Pres.Trump has will be allowed to flourish against such odds. So far, so good!!!
I think once anti-Trump Americans experience what his changes will bring, they will change their tune.
It hasn't happened yet thru the ages for any length of time. This is still the school room. The idea of paradise to be found here was dispelled by Jesus long ago.
I watched it and loved it.
Great summary of the speech. Thanks Doc.
It has been an earth shattering week. Beyond my wildest expectations.
I have never been a fan of the party system and reflect on George Washington's warnings about it. I also have never been a big fan of Donald Trump. All this being said, by and large I have to give President Trump his due for carrying out the promises he made and so quickly. Can there be improvements, naturally, and I trust he will be more open to taking advise from reputable folks this time, but he is off to a good start and in the right direction. Kudos President Trump.
We have become a nation in a permanent state of emergency..."Executive Orders."
The Constitution set up by the founding fathers has been replaced by a Constitution adopted by a Corporation called the District of Columbia incorporated in 1871. A shadow government makes believe that it is the same as the founders.
Our Government has been "restricting" our Constitution since the Civil War- by use of Emergency Rule. All Executive orders and the War powers act are covered by Emergency rule. Wilson WW1, Roosevelt WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War...
You need to take a closer look at the historical record.
See 93d Congress 1 ,1st Session7i j ,SENATE Report No. 93-549. Then The National Emergencies Act of 1976
"Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there are now in effect four presidential proclaimed states of national emergency:
"Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens."
A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. For 70 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency.
Here is how FDR got away with it. President Trump is going to return the favor to the Democrats. The Eastern Establishment and the CFR only have themselves to blame.
Here is main deception by FDR:
It was here that every American citizen literally became an enemy to the United States government under declaration. He changed Wilson's original 1917 Act.
The nation got a taste of what FDR meant when, on Invoking the Trading with the Enemy Act, FDR imposed a national banking holiday and prohibited all gold transactions. Roosevelt's use of the Act was questionable, to say the least. Congress had passed the Act in 1917 to give the president broad economic powers during wartime or national emergency, but not to regulate the domestic economy in the absence of a foreign threat. Without the statute, FDR was left to act under an unspecified presidential emergency power.
12 USC 95(b) refers to the authority granted in the Act of October 6, 1917 (a/k/a The Trading with the Enemy Act or War Powers Act) which was "An Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes".
This Act originally excluded citizens of the United States, but in the Act of March 9, 1933, Section 2 amended this to include "any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof".
Part 2:
Historical timeline:
1. Wilson's exercise of power in the First World War provided a model for future Presidents and their advisors. During the preparedness period of 1915-1916, the submarine crisis in the opening months of 1917, and the period of direct involvement of U.S. armed forces from April 1917 to November 1918, Wilson utilized powers as sweeping as- Lincoln's, "The Trading with the Enemy Act."
2. The next major development in the use of executive emergency powers came under Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Great Depression had already overtaken the country by the time of Roosevelt's inauguration and confronted him with a totally different crisis. This emergency, unlike those of the past, presented a nonmilitary threat.
Here is main deception by FDR, who cause the problem: F.D.R. may be guilty of the most extreme disregard for civil liberty. It was here where every American citizen literally became an enemy to the United States government under declaration. FDR change Wilson original 1917 Act.
George W. Bush declared 13 emergencies and Barack Obama declared 12 -- nearly all of which are still active today. Bill Clinton declared 17 national emergencies, six of which are still active. Ronald Reagan declared six and George H.W. Bush declared four -- but all of those have been revoked by now. There are 28 active national emergencies.
"Declared National Emergencies Under the National Emergencies Act, 1978-2018" (PDF). Brennan Center for Justice.
Ryan Struyk (January 7, 2019). "Trump's wall would be the 32nd active national emergency". CNN.
Moon, Emily (January 8, 2019). "The United States' States of Emergencies". Pacific Standard. Retrieved February 11, 2019.
Heath, Kendall (January 10, 2019). "Here's a list of the 31 national emergencies that have been in effect for years". ABC News. Retrieved February 11, 2019.
Roberts, Emily E. (February 28, 2019). Declarations Under the National Emergencies Act, Part 1: Declarations Currently in Effect (PDF). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
I have a lot of files about the US becoming a coporation too.
Can you provide some links, I have some but it is good to find new links?
I will have to dig through my external hard drives...I have a ton of files. I'll try to find the files on USA, Inc and get back to you over the weekend or next week. Stay tuned!
Following are some links about US, Inc. There may be some redundancy among them.
The file I find most compelling, because it has substantial data to make the point, is a 2010 documentary called “The Corporation Nation.” It is 7 hours, and the material is very dry, going deeply into the weeds, but I watched it all, by watching it in several shorter sessions over a week’s time. I found it very interesting.
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7veG3RQ51I4
Here are more links:
Everything You Know About the United States and its Laws is WRONG ! — The “United States” is NOT the “United States of America”:
WHAT? Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15 – States That THE UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION and Not a Government:
The United States is a Corporation – Supreme Court Case, etc.: https://foundationfortruthinlaw.org/Files/United-States-is-a-corporation.pdf
Proof ‘The United States’ is a Criminal Corporation
The Revolutionary Origins of the American Corporation by Pauline Maier: https://www.sci-hub.ru/10.2307/2947236
The Origin of Government and the District of Columbia: https://ia800907.us.archive.org/27/items/originandgovern00tindgoog/originandgovern00tindgoog.pdf
Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st was illegally suspended in favor of a Vatican “Crown” corporation in 1871:
When the US Became a Corporation: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/when-the-united-states-became-a-corporation/
The Unites States Is Not a Democracy – It’s a Corporation! The Act of 1871: https://www.newstreason.com/post/history-the-united-states-is-not-a-democracy-it-s-a-corporation
United States Is a Federal Corporation Says US Code, Title 28: https://www.educatedinlaw.org/2019/02/united-states-is-a-federal-corporation-says-u-s-code-title-28/
Sovereigns Keep Telling Us the United States is a Corporation. So Is It?:
US is a corporation: https://themarshallreport.wordpress.com/2021/01/20/trump-ode-to-the-corporation/
Trump retruths Dr. Jan Halper: https://rumble.com/v35cqua-trump-re-truths-dr.-jan-halper-hayes-exposing-1871-u.s.-corporationcrown-an.html
Treaty of 1871: https://tierneyrealnewsnetwork.substack.com/p/take-10-minutes-and-watch-the-most?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=728707&post_id=13%E2%80%A6
And for good measure, here are a few fun clips I cannot vouch for, but find interesting:
Dissolution of the US Corporation: https://rumble.com/v24sgb8-donald-trump-to-take-office-as-the-19th-president-of-the-united-states-unde.html
Second Declaration of Independence: https://rumble.com/v196g65-the-dissolution-of-the-united-states-corporation-signed-5202020.html
Hope this helps!
Javier Milei socked it to 'em too. Trump is not spiritual or a deep thinking man, but he sure is one helluva businessman. That's his forte. And when he promises to do something, he does it! I'm impressed with the speed with which he's already made good on so many of his promises! He had it all lined up and ready to roll on day one.
Dear Drs. Malone — Beautiful job summarizing this speech and all it meant into a single, inspiring post. Your efforts helped so many of us gain a quick understanding of the historic turnaround for America and the world that happened — oh, just last week! What a change after half a decade of darkness, death, and despair!
Still worried about the AI and mRNA technology being touted — likely won’t work, will be bad for humanity, and will cost more than an arm and a leg. But overall, incredibly encouraged.