Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Really love the funnies and all the emotions evoked in your post today, Dr. Malone.

If I may add . . . besides not being economic units, we are also not lab specimens.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone - Thank you for starting our day with humor, humanity, and grace. You are one of those whose shoulders we stand upon.

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You most definitely are! A true warrior! THANK YOU! ❤️

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I find lately that I am looking up prayers and verses to help me get through things, even though I have not been an overly religious person.

At work and with my family, I am very vocal about early effective treatments because I knew "horsepaste" was a flat out lie, what heinous fraudulent crimes Big Pharma has committed in the past, and there is massive amounts of data showing the jab isn't safe and effective. This has negatively affected my friendships and relationships.

I have been able to heal these rifts caused by divisive messaging and evil lies, by applying part of the Lords Prayer "and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us" and Leviticus 19:18 "You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself"

The people around me didn't cause this huge covid/ Pharma/politcal fraud mess, but they are victims of manipulation saying that the jab is safe and effective, it's their savior after two years of terror. I think I see them waking up from these lies because I know far fewer people got the booster than the jabs.

I hope Dr. Wolf and Dr. vanden Bossche are wrong and everyone will eventually be ok.

Your posts keep me sane and it's good to know how many others there are out there who are working to fix the problems we all face.

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Prayers and biblical verses... A ray of light shines through the dark clouds. I am "religiously inclined" but I'll tell you that in my 77 years on the planet, I've not before now seen such a large constellation of ill omens. I've been driven to redouble my prayers but also to take other steps to help subdue pessimism. For example, when the forces of evil said "Be afraid" and "Save yourself with our vaccine", I started paying attention to honest men and women like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kory, Dr. Huber, etc. and started ignoring those pontificating from inside the CDC and FDA, the captured crowd. I bought Ivermectin and started to be more serious about using my own eyes, ears, and God-given brain to protect myself and my family from diseases, and not just from the Rona. Then the 'experts' suddenly pivoted and told me I absolutely had to hate Putin and Russia. Again, seeing that their lies were as transparent as those previously associated with the Rona, I dismissed their advice out of hand. I found alternative sources for real news (e.g. The Duran, Moon Over Alabama, Redacted, Patrick Lancaster, iEarl Gray, etc.) and soon learned that the propagandists and the 'leaders' they were shilling for are as incompetent as they are deceitful. Oh, and I decided to read The Brothers Karamazov, a book I've meant to read for decades, as an antidote to their "hate Russia" malarkey.

There's more, but that gives an idea of the personal change this series of crises has worked in me. I believe what has happened has profoundly changed the Weltanschauung of highly educated and widely experienced people like Dr. Malone. It's worth mentioning, I think, that it has also had a profound effect on the lives of lesser known people like you and me. From what I've seen and read, there is a veritable army of us out here right now. May our ranks swell.

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Right on Johnny! Another good info source is Russel Brand on YT, Jimmy Dore YT calls out the Biden admin lies, Thee Greyzone, Jermwarfare and The Highwire Matt Taibbi, America Outloud, Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb, Darkhorse Podcast are all good too. Thanks for your info picks, I’ll check them out!

I don’t think Putin is as bad as CCP, he could have been a trusted trading ally if not a friend. He’s right when he says NATO has been encroaching and Ukraine is corrupt with a big Nazi problem. They've been going after the Russian population since Zelensky was put into office by Victoria Nuland in 2014. Plus the Rand report put out by the US explicitly states the agenda to balkanize Russia so we can get to their juicy assets.

I stand with ALL the people who get hurt when our elected leaders can’t act like civilized adults who have the citizens best interests in mind and not profiteering from Raytheon Lockheed Martin etc stocks.

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Thanks, Candace, for naming new 'places' for me to visit. I had already subscribed to the Grayzone and Darkhorse, but the others are new to me. (Well, not exactly. I know Matt Taibbi's work, but not through a substack. I've read his articles before in print mags.) I firmly believe the old saw about God opening new, unexpected doors when all we seem to see are doors slammed shut. The Internet is a handy tool that the enemies of decency and the good have learned to exploit. Now, though, when those same enemies cannot afford to close it down, it reveals itself as a source of truth for us if only we will make the effort to search (another of my beliefs is that God is not a magician who overwhelms our human senses, but rather a loving father who wants us to cooperate in his plan; he expects his sons and daughters to do their part).

I could not agree more with your final sentence. Take a look when you have a chance at the stock portfolios of our senators and congressmen. Their money is heavily invested in the death merchants' corporations. It explains quickly why they increased by 10 billion President Poopypants' recent proposal to "aid Ukraine." The stench of corruption on the Potomac is enough to turn the stomach of even a seasoned turkey vulture.

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Yup, we're in agreement on this. My Utah senator Mitt Romney (R) is worth $300 million and Pelosi, Keeper of the Crypt, is worth $250 million. I despise Romney, especially when I just read he signed a gun control bill. I'm sorry, but if we can send 18 year old kids to war to get their asses shot off at and make them pay taxes, then they can have the right of a gun. I used to never want anything to do with guns, but the last 2 years of a steep totalitarian slide made me change my tune on that issue, as well as many other issues.

It's the Uniparty of Kleptocrats that keep us fighting over a false dichotomy of "left vs right" when it should be citizens against the 3,4,5 letter entrenched deep state bureaucracy that isn't under congressional or executive control the Brownstone Institute laid out nicely. Fauci, FDA, CDC is an example of being in DC for decades cashing in when they are supposed to be regulating. I think this is disease ridden, corrupt, stinking "Swamp" that needs to be cleared out.

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If you want a look at a very nice diagram of the DC offices run by lobbyist money.


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One of the best quotes ever Dr.Malone. Thankful for substack , keep the light on!❤️‍🩹

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing your heart today. I watched this before I read yours. Neil Oliver says more in 9 minutes than many people (including pastors) can say in 40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68bjj1rfdqM

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I agree, which is the main reason I posted the link! I know the jubilee context because I've read several of Jonathan Cahn's books, specifically "The Oracle: the Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled."

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Bmom are they novels or ??

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They are written in fictional style, which personally I find cumbersome b/c of his style of writing - it's hard to figure out who is speaking at times - but they are historical in that he covers things that have happened and how they relate to prophecy. My husband has read most of them but I've only read "The Oracle" and "Harbinger II." I saw Cahn interviewed by Eric Metaxas on his radio show and was blown away by some of what Cahn shared in "The Oracle." Dr. Michael Brown (also a Messianic Jew like Cahn) has also interviewed him.

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OOOOh. That sounds interesting. So, he relates real history to old testament prophecy? history in recent times or hundreds of years ago?

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Current events - like Harbinger I and II are centered around 9/11 and The Oracle has Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem. If I could find the link to the Metaxas interview, I'd link it, but he got banned from YT and Rumble has a terrible search feature. Here's the one on Brown's site: https://askdrbrown.org/library/lineoffireradio/interview-jonathan-cahn-oracle-0 It will give you a taste as to whether you want to read the book or not.

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As a Presbyterian who prays debt and debtors, I wondered why other denominations use trespasses.

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Lisa, I was brought up Catholic but have been Lutheran for most of my life. So, Catholic(maybe Episcopalean too) use trespasses but most protestant denoms use debts / debtors. The Neil Oliver video claims the Catholic church changed it from Debts/ debtors to tresspass etc. because they were trying to break the connection, apparently, with the Jewish tradition and disavow the idea of debt forgiveness . . . What is true? not sure. One would need to see the original Aramaic or Greek text and translate. . . surely someone has done that. . .

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You had me with John Prine, especially "In Spite of Ourselves", one of my very favorite tunes. But this:

"That we are not economic units, but luminous beings and that humanity is much more important than wealth. That we are all fragile and need each other.

Have a great Sunday and please take a moment to remember those who are gone, those presence graced us with so much wisdom. Our lives are short and we all stand on the shoulders of giants."

Made me cry. God Bless you Robert Malone. What a beautiful Truth. Please don't stop.

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From the movie Jerry Maguire "You had me at hello..."!

Robert, I don't know you, almost certainly I will never meet you but I follow your observations very closely as part of my method of steering my way through the shitshow we live in now. Everything I have read so far about you or from you has impressed me enough to stay with you.

Then you introduced John Prine and I thought "You had me at hello!", that is to say, you didn't need to do or say anything extra...but you did!

You mustn't give up! There are many people like me, ordinary folk, mostly without a voice or a platform, who wake up in the mornibg to see what the Inbox has from Robert Malone.

Like I said "You had me at hello...!" 👍

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Yes, I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote Springer...! I shall now hide my head...!

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You could edit and correct your original comment. ;-)

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

I could at that...! And I did, thank you! 😁

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Thanks for the tears, I needed an excuse to release after diving into the following regarding the government psychological operations promotional video


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BT thank you for the link. After reading it I sent it onto my kids. I have been trying to open their eyes. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to politics but thankfully this article stays with the facts.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love me some John Prine, ya'll! Good piece Robert!

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I envy those who live life grounded in faith.

I was raised by my grandmother who despised any and all organized religion. Her mantra was "I believe in Nature."

I, too, believe in Nature... but nowadays it seems not enough to make me want to continue living in this corrupted world. I feel utterly ill-equipped to deal with it.

Your posts, Dr Malone, and others, like Tess Lawrie .... are one thread I am hanging on to...

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Nature can hold you, heal you and give you comfort. It is a greater force than any corruption can wield. Your Grandmother was wise in this area.

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I agree with you in principle. The fact is, I feel best when I am tending to my garden... except that I stand to lose my home, garden, even my marriage... all due to the insane injection mandates that my employer is STILL enforcing.

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I am so sorry you are suffering. Some of the strongest, most brilliant people have lost everything only to rise like the Phoenix.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I cried also and hope that we will stop being lab specimens soon.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Summer’s End” really struck a chord with me. My brother (age 45) passed away from Covid on January 26th of this year. He had a wife, 4 young kids, and was a Nebraska farmer with my Dad. His family lives a mile away from our parents. His death rocked our world. None of us will ever be the same. My parents are trying to navigate dealing with my lost Sister-In-Law and also trying to be involved with their Grandchildren in every way possible. It is heartbreaking. The whole Covid thing has haunted me from the beginning. I had Covid in October of 2020. I didn’t even know I had it until I lost my taste and smell. However, to this day, I still cannot eat meat or garlic, and coffee smells horrible. Oh well, small price to pay compared to my brother. I had a dream on February 4th, 2021 where angels warned me about the vaccines. It was the scariest and most real dream I have ever had. Since then, I have been on high alert about the vaccines, but then when my unvaccinated brother died from Covid, I felt like maybe I/we were being punished for being so obsessed about thinking that the vaccines were bad. Most of my immediate family, my sister’s family, the rest of my brother’s family all had Covid in 2020 before vaccines, and we were all fine. How was it that my brother and my vaccinated parents were the only one’s to elude the virus until December of 2021 when Delta infected all 3 of them? My vaccinated parents were fine, but my brother was not. How could it be? It has made me question myself, question my dream, and question life itself. If we were on the side of what we felt was “right”, how could this happen to my brother? Even after all that has happened, I still 2nd guess myself at times, but I still lean towards the vaccines being a catastrophe. I have followed you, Peter McCullough (I actually texted him when my brother and parents got Covid asking him for advice and he texted me back, which I was so thankful for, as at the time, I was in a panic for my parents), Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. Kory, Dr. Gold, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Cole, Dr. Marik, Dolores Cahill, and the list goes on. I think I have read every article written by all of these people and more. Just ask my husband. LOL! I have been obsessed. Anyway, for some reason Covid and the vaccines have taken a stronghold on our lives and I am continually searching and trying to find answers. I feel like my brother was murdered by people who decided it was okay to mess with science. My sister and I are trying to get a lawsuit started for my brother as there were many mistakes regarding his care. We would also like to find a way to create a memorial wall for all of those lost to Covid. I hope I can find my place in all of this mess and find a way to move on from it. Anyway, thank you for all you have done Dr. Malone! It was shortly after my dream in February that I found your March interview about your thoughts on the vaccines, and it brought some science to what I was intuitively feeling. Also, thank you for the song today. It brought a few tears, but the humanity of it makes me feel love. Also, love for my brother and his family and for what they have had to endure. Many blessings to you! ❤️

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Just guessing you have already tried detoxxing to get your taste back. . . If not, perhaps ZD stack for a couple of months ?? I'm an engineer not a doctor!

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you thank you thank you Robert for sharing the videos of John Prine, one of my favorite people of all time.

He died of Covid 2 years ago, may have been saved if the Great Barrington Declaration and protocols with ivermectin and other early treatments had been allowed to be followed.

Instead he was put in the hospital and put on a ventilator. End of story.

You are wonderful and generous, and I so much appreciate your Friday Funnies and Sunday Funnies. We don't always agree 100% on the politics (I don't like either major party, think they are both corrupt and scandalous), but I find so much inspiration in most of the posts you send out.

Don't always agree with everything J. D. Spears says, but love most of his work! Thanks for sharing that as well!

Carol Kennedy

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So soothing and sad, at the same time. Thank-you. You are a pillar of strength, in the mania surrounding the world, right now.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This SF is a 200 +% er! Between this and your Epoch TV Roundtable am well headed to a welcome restore. Reactive spirit up, my fav relates to counting to ten. Like country but this is my first with John Prine. Very moving. Thank you for the introduction. Can well appreciate your appreciation for him. Also appreciate Dr Desmet’s recommendations about continuing our efforts and joining together to have a greater effect.

We are so fortunate to be able to join you and Dr Jill. Particularly in coming up with ways to deal with the issues we are facing! Thank you ever so much for being here! Much caring to you on this a rainy Sunday!

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Having now listened several times, an especial thank you for the John Prine selections. Am glad to have them to come back to when the melodies and thoughts will be helpful!

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