Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sen. Johnson & DeSantis have emerged from the pandemic with a rare displays of honesty and courage and public service. Ironic twist to the new normal crowd seeing their elevation in status among the catastrophes laid at the feet of the political class. It's wonderful!

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

agree totally, question why was Ron Johnson alone during that hearing last week ? are there not 49 other Republican Senators - Rand Paul ? was he too busy or the others...what the hell is going on here ....

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My understanding of Senate rules is pretty old so, but I'm fairly sure that had to do with procedural rules and not being a "Senate Committee" hearing but a special hearing by one Member.

That said I believe it should have been held on the floor of the Capitol with every MoC in attendance. Shameful abdication of duty on every front of our public "service" sector.

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great explanation, because they are in the minority...gotcha !! thx, still others are for the most part silent on the issues we the People care about regarding this fake vax ...

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They are chickens! The subject is too toxic (pun intended.)

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm pretty sure they all watched it; you could see on the face of Jen Psaki at the press conference she was fully aware and of the rally as well. These people are like political fish swimming in information; nothing major escapes them. I'm sure that there are people around Biden who are opposed to the mandates but cannot come out publicly without committing political suicide.

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One word answer. - RINO cowards !

Oops I guess that’s 2 words . Could be they were self isolating in their cottages like the weasel trudeau

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It's a great quip! I share the idea that ridicule of these cowards should be relentless. However we should let none of them escape behind a supposed claim one is different from the other.

America's establishment parties, like many "democratic" countries, are designed to protect the insiders and exclude public participation. An effort they devote great time and resources advancing from gerrymandering to primary and debate rules.

It's to the point "debates" are nothing of the sort; it's more like a game show except game shows work hard to eliminate possible cheating or leaked questions.

Modern media debates conspire, cooperate with questions that never try to stump, to challenge, to provoke thought, but to lob a soft ball and cue a pat response.

They all play for dollars. Bipartisan divide is just a screw job in different flavors. Blue folks may back a green energy scam while Red folks bleed billions into Lockheed's 35+ year boondoggle of its F-35 almost good enough to fly planes.

Both sides are as rotten as the different news outlets, choose your poison, Wolff Blitzer or Maddow, it's same sh*t different bun. It is more accurate to see it for the class war it is, with looters and polluters & tyrannical lackeys posing as "Public Servants" carrying water. It's the few VS the many, the 99% we the people. :~)

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totally !!!

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Yes! Fantastic question and needs to be asked at the office of every red state Senator. The blue senators would just defame and obstruct based on their hx in prior hearings. I have started calling him Ron of God with all respect.

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hes a legend. thank god hes running for re-election- he and Rand are really our only voices against the DEMONcrat narratives

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Rand's playing both sides.

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i think you are spot on...nothing worse than a double agent !!!

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RemovedJan 31, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2022
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Rand Paul continues to falsely claim the vaccines are a good trade off for many adults - just not for *HIM*, since *HE* has natural immunity. Looks good on YOU though! (Like the hat in Caddyshack). This despite the availability of very effective therapeutics like HCQ & IVM. His crime is bigger than Trump's since Rand's an MD.

For weeks through 1/6, Rand publicly lobbied Rs to certify the coup d'etat, using Orwellian sophistry & doubletalk. Essentially, "we shouldn't overturn what the states did" & "we shouldn't overturn the election."

What the states did? As if "the states" agreed it was ok for SOME states to disenfranchise their own voters & other states. As if Texas et al never objected.

Overturn the election? As if SOME states hadn't overturned the election and we weren't trying to turn it back rightside up.

"The U.S. shall guarantee to every state a republican form of government..." −Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution

Republic, not banana republic. The U.S., the courts & the Senate were constitutionally OBLIGATED to Stop the Steal.

Rand Paul is a limited hangout.

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Jan 31, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2022

I am aggravated whenever I hear the recommendations for the 65 years and older taking the vax. I am doubtful because I do not think we ever got accurate counts on vax deaths in this cohort and in a 60 day window—even a 10 day window. Given the susceptibility to Covid for 14 days after the shot, there is probably a muddy group who died from Covid in nursing homes post jab who would have survived with early tx on HCQ and IVM. In fact, there was a significant early episode where a nursing home was treated for scabies with IVM. Pts got IVM and staff did not. No Covid morbidity or mortality among pts but there was among staff. But this and other events got swallowed up in the fog of war. As it happened, some of the wonderful physicians at the last Ron Johnson hearing had to evolve their positions over time to see that this is rightly. Dr Zelenko recognized very early— this is a killsh**. There is still significant divide over whether this is depopulation- genocide or reckless greed as usual. I’m with Dr Zelenko on this. Yet, I recognize there is a difference among sincere allies and the fog of spiritual and psychological war. I think Sen Paul has contributed, but imperfectly on the vax front and unless I’m wrong (not sure here), his advocacy for the so called vulnerable getting jab is not mandate advocacy. Nevertheless, the people commenting that it’s ok for the elderly should update their act by looking at the pathophysiology of the jab and obvious benefits to all ages of IVM and HCQ etc. And, stop All inclination to appeasement. RFK had it right — NO APPEASEMENT of the this evil. But, RFK has been in this war for decades, and the new guys are learning in the face of a mystery vax and evil cabal. I hope we learn to judge these drugs using first principles in physiology and not just Bayesian inference hocus pocus. So I don’t know about Rand. The comments on the election are beautifully argued here by you. It is also the case perhaps that 45 has some responsibilities for having too few advisors regarding the coup enacted but it’s all so de novo and nobody could have done better. We have never seen anything so terrible in this country and so widespread—like a cancer forming for years that emerges “suddenly”.

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Well said. Disappointed only one MD mentioned the possibility of a PCR false positive & none pressed home or tried to estimate the ramification of widespread false & fraudulent positives. They accepted the enemy number of 800k dead from covid. I think I know why, but my POV is NEVER accept the enemy's false premises. I agree, NO APPEASEMENT. I suspect they were asked not to mention false+s, one did anyway and dropped it.

45 facilitated the Dem/Deep State/RINO coup d'etat. He formed an Election Integrity Commission early on, chaired by Kris Kobach. Some states resisted the data requests & made a stink with their media comrades (now everyone knows why). At the time, through mid-2020, 45 was cock sure of reelection. So he strangled his own commission in the crib in 2017 before it could report, as if that would get the media off him. Then he did & said NOTHING about the countless stolen elections in 2018. Congress & several senate seats were lost, e.g. RINO McSally's AZ race. He only started casting around & hired the B-team of Il Duce Giuliani & "The Kraken" when he finally woke up & saw HIS race threatened. Too little, too late, too incompetent.

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Must be done. This man made virus is not of nature if it were we would be where we are the people involved must be brought to Justice millions killed millions permanently injured for live. Young couples wanted to be mothers and fathers cheated out of many joys of live by evil scientists and politicians by design. Crimes against humanity for no other reason than power and greed.

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I watched the video you posted. I believe you. I think Dr. Malone has to pick his battles. Right now, he is using his energy to fight against mandates which affect us, our children and our children's children. I have much empathy for your situation. But, you need to remember, Dr. Malone suffered with high blood pressure, restless leg syndrome, and other issues after he took the second injection. He is not completely healthy himself. And who knows, if they can get to you, they can get to him too. We need him. He has given us a lot of information. Information is power. We are not like sheep anymore.

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this sounds so bizarre and given the lies of the corrupt CDC and FDA literally in bed with the criminal organization Pfizer i would not put it by our govt to do something like this...on the other hand you may be trying to discredit Dr. Malone with this "story" attacking him personally..nice try...Dr. Malone is our General Washington, we have crossed the Delaware and Victory is within site..Stay Strong Patriots......steady as she goes...stay focused and be vigilant.... Freedom

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RemovedJan 30, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2022
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Jan 31, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2022

EC, I do not wish to be insensitive, but as of right now, there are billions of people who got injected with graphene, steel, nanotech and other undisclosed components which are now floating around and wrecking their bodies.

I understand your plight, I sympathize with your plight, and I thank you for the information you linked. I hope you find someone who can help you.

But given the predicament faced by humanity as a whole, repeatedly asking Dr. Malone does not appear to be a good use of this forum, besides the fact that the Karen Stewart interview you linked is very interesting and worth knowing about.

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I don't think Dr. Malone would do anything immoral or unethical in the realm of medicine. I think he loves mankind and wants people healed.

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RemovedJan 31, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2022
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I know what you mean. We are complicated. I just don't think he would cross the line. He speaks frequently of bioethics and understands them well. I think he follows the code of conduct. He also has had his own history of becoming disillusioned and betrayal and experienced psychological distress caused by those in power over him. I trust him as much as I can someone I have not met in person. I wish you well.

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great funnies but grim. I passed transcendent adoration for Ron DeSantis last year and just realized I can watch him when needed for a neurotransmitter boost😊 He knows evidence analysis in his bones and he loves people. Wonderful to hear him tell the truth and especially about the red headed liar. Of course, you’re in that league too and aren’t we lucky. Looking forward to the Navy Jag reportage. Happy Sunday.

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“The red-headed liar” so so funny!

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Governor DeSantis could lead the way on early treatment with repurposed drugs like the IVM and HCQ protocols.

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He with Ron Johnson would be a ticket I’d love to see!

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TrudieBoi seems to have lost his altogether in the face of such a "small fringe"....

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The fearful plea, the deer in the headlights look while nearly in tears pleading with the people with UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS to stop sharing their VIEWS with other Canadians since too many of them might stop liking him. What a coward.

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Some "fold like a cheap suit" and some will snap and go out "in a blaze of glory". You never know which ones will react like cornered animals....

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are looking at a left wing libertarian who would vote for DeSantis in a heartbeat.

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I don’t get that left wing libertarian thing. Small gov is on the right

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Except for the War on Drugs - 1.5 million arrests per year. Most federal legislation passed by Republicans. Republicans at the state level are preventing repeal of prohibition all over the USA and at the federal level on Congress as we speak. And where have these wonderful Repub. politicians been on coerced childhood vaccination ? As quiet as a mouse.

Where are the Repubs on pacifism and ending the military/industrial complex? You're smoking something stronger than weed if you see small government on the right. Man up and be a real Libertarian. Ron Paul and Justin Amash are the only libertarians from the Repub. party in the last 30 years.

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Impossible to man up

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Well, I'm very glad you asked. Libertarian just means not authoritarian. Left libertarians believe in a totally voluntary socialism, that is, one that exists from the bottom up and not imposed from the top down. If you imagine political belief as left and right on the east west axis, and north and south on the authoritarian/libertarian axis, then right and left libertarians share their libertarianism, while the Democratic and Republican Parties share their authoritarianism with Mao and Stalin, even though they are left and the Dems/Reps are on the right. Dems and Reps are equally authoritarian; they just disagree on what they want to compel you to do. They are also equally right wing, which is evidenced by Biden doing exactly what Trump did on multiple issues. Biden has been right wing his whole 50 year career in politics. At any rate, as an example of libertarian socialism, the Hutterites, the Christian pacifist group that supports the trucker convoy, are farmers who live in voluntary communism. That is, like the early Christians they share everything in common. But also like the early Christians it is entirely voluntary. They strongly believe in civil liberties. They are libertarians, but they are very left-wing in that they are actual communists, but not at all authoritarian. They are not forcing anyone to live in their community, nor locking them up if they don't "behave." A really interesting book is popular right now, The Dawn of Everything, which is by a couple of anthropologists. They argue that early city states (and I mean several thousand years BC) often had no central authority. They were run by public councils that made sure everyone was fed. But also, everyone in the community was expected to contribute to the well-being of the community by devoting part of their labor--it's called corvee in anthropology. So the city state might have communal fields that fed everyone, so everyone was expected to contribute to the labor there, or others might hunt or gather. That did not prevent private property--they clearly had their own households and household goods, as well as their own gardens and livestock, but they all had a say in government as well as a labor investment in the community. If they didn't like it, they could go live in another community. Many cities were like that, but of course other places had kings or rigid bands of warriors in control. The different sorts of governments even co-existed in some places at certain times, way way before the Greeks "invented" democracy (which they didn't really do, because only elites got to vote). Some indigenous American tribes were also governed like that--"chiefs" were appointed by acclimation, but they had no authority, and could be ignored even by a snotty child--the chief was more of a wise elder than an authority figure. There was no western syle "justice" system of punishments, nor was there any hierarchy within the society of rich and poor, nor was there any imaginary medium of exchange. If a crime did occur, the criminal's clan was expected to decide on reparations. At any rate, these are some examples of left wing libertarianism.

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Linda, it seems to me that you’re going by the European definitions of left and right. American right is small government, opposed to any authoritarian government. Right in Europe and right in USA are two totally different things. Hitler, Stalin & Mao are all on the left, according to the small government Republicans in the US. Now, our leaders, unfortunately, have often ruled more in the middle, thus more left leaning republicans. Where you get Biden being on the right is puzzling. He’s always voted left, even as that left evolves and becomes more tyrannical. But he’s 100% on the left. As was Hitler

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I am going by the Political Compass, which is a graph of political beliefs created by two university political scientists. You can find it online. They place everyone along an east west north south axis depending on how politicians have voted and what they have written and said. You can actually take a test to see where you yourself fall--I am in the lowest left hand corner. That is, I am as left wing and as libertarian as I can get, way left of Noam Chomsky. I basically believe in small government and no interference from it, but a voluntary social safety net at the community level. The US doesn't get to decide that left and right mean something different here than everywhere else. And it doesn't matter how Joe Biden has voted if his party is a center right party to begin with. Every single candidate running for office in 2020 for the Democrats was a right wing authoritarian except for Gabbard and Sanders, and both of them are more center left than actually left wing. Gabbard is far more libertarian than Sanders. But Biden is the most conservative of all of them, virtually indistinguishable from Trump on most issues. There is a reason his best friends in Congress and the Senate were very right wing Republicans, and why he has on occasion campaigned for Republicans against their Democratic opponents. He does not have a liberal bone in his body, which is why he is completely captured by corporations, and why he can stand up in front of bankers in 2019 and say "nothing will fundamentally change when I'm in office." Both parties are authoritarian. But it is hilariously incorrect to call Biden and his administration "socialist" as I frequently see conservatives do. He is the antithesis of socialism.

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“The US doesn't get to decide that left and right mean something different here than everywhere else.” I would argue that yes, we can, since our governmental set up is completely different than that of Europe. The whole premise of American exceptionalism. My father escaped from Hungary (communism) and I can assure you his view of left and right differs greatly from mine & that of most Americans. When your political paradigm differs greatly from the majority of the American population, and is based on 2 professors, this is where we’ll have to part ways.

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I guess so, since the very notion of "American Exceptionalism" has led to nothing but death, destruction and the corruption of every ethical impulse the US ever had. The country struggled with this idea for two years while global predators wanted to invade the Philippines 100+ years ago. The fake notion of "exceptionalism" is what sold the idea then--it is not part of this country's core. We have been headed into a hell of our own making ever since.

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It’s all relative, but there is such a thing as cuts

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I agree. Trump is definitely not a fiscal conservative. Time for us to go back to what our government was intended to be. But we’re sooo far away

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Remember when everyone knew pro wrestling was fake and they finally admitted it and the fans didn't care and continued to watch anyway?

We're almost there with politics and the media.

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great cartoons! And yes, DeSantis is standing alone among governors of high-population states in fully defending individual rights and freedoms.

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Not quite. There's Gov Kristi Noem, SD. She screwed up vetoing the tranny sports bill, giving strange nonsensical reasons - a huge mistake she's now trying to mitigate - but she was the best governor for refusing to do any covid mandates early on. Actually even better than DeSantis in that regard.

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022

Yes, true--one reason I added "high-population." I have admired her very much for standing firm against closures and mandates.

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Ah. Gotcha. Didn't click. Thanks. Great point. Much tougher to do what DeSantis did in a high-population state, especially Florida with the elderly population. And he turned the state majority R for the first time ever despite by far the biggest population growth of any state. He's really something.

DeSantis 2024

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Thank you Dr. Malone for standing up for truth and subjecting yourself to criticism from ignorant people. Who ever thought that medicine would be the victim of censorship and lies in the USA? that effective treatments would be denied to people and a "vaccine" forced on the populace? We can only hope that enough people are listening and thinking so the tide of power can be changed.

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Everywhere a puzzling and completely irrational DNC/media/security state propaganda.

BUT -- there is a VERY rational reason for that.

We are dealing with BIG Lie(s)

ANY, even rudimentary, discussion would unravel the lie(s) -- total censorship and prompt defamations are the ONLY choice for the immensely corrupt Deep State cabal.

PS: A sad thing is that GOP lunatics are equally repulsive and dangerous -- happily grunting together while feeding at same donor troughs.

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Like *YOUR* BIG LIE that people are not dying from the vaccines?


Me: "No way 800k died of covid. If 800,000 died, it's from 3 things:

* Denial of effective cheap therapuetics - HCQ & IVM (mass murder).

* Throwing covid patients out of hospitals into nursing homes (mass murder).

* The [covid] vaccines (mass murder)."

Boris Petrov: "First two are likely correct --the third is a sheer idiocy... "Hauptsturmfuehrer" see a doctor - to pool your head out of your ass ;-))"


Boris follows up with a HATE SMEAR on DR MALONE, Epoch Times & Chinese religious dissidents:

Boris Petrov: "OK - but remember, Dr. Malone is also avid supporter of The Epoch Times, a 'newspaper' published by well-financed (by CIA) 'religion' Falun Gong lunatics."

Everyone who doesn't agree with Comrade Boris is a "lunatic", including most people here.

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YES - especially from rabies vaccine -- mass dying for centuries.

You are a fucking idiot.

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Gee thanks! Don't forget lunatic too!

You know perfectly well I was referring to the covid vaccines.

Thanks for coming out of the closet, Tovarisch. Or shall I say, Tóngzhì?

How's Xi taste today, Boris?

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

DeSantis 2024

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Thank you Dr Malone the sit/mask joke was so funny! Im a Canadian/ Aussie in Mexico -having left Montreal (vax passports, draconian lockdowns, curfews- Legault MUST GO!) and i have for the last 18 months been in anti- vax mandate demonstrations. Im sad that im not back in montreal- actually Ottawa with the truckers. Heard Dr Paul Alexander and Dr Roger Hodgkinson speak today at the rally - live streaming- Dr Roger screaming 'IT's OVER!' Yes it must be over! Anothe man spoke about a 38 year old woman, mother of 4, forced to take the jab for her job and $$$ and died less than a month later because of the jab. And the young 17 year old, the only son of a trucker, who secretly took the jab to play hockey and died within the month. I want to tell you that it's this boy's 18 birthday tomorrow. The people were asked to sing Happy Birthday, I could only cry 😭

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Ohhh my gosh. Break your heart. Allowing shots without parental consent is criminal & in this case murder

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I love DeSantis too. I wish he would use his bully pulpit to push something like the India protocol/ drug mix as well. That works, but no one in high governmental office seems to be brave enough to push that.

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If enough folks lobby him, he may do it.

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I bet he’s waiting for the right momentum

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Go Doctor Malone! Helluva teaser on WarRoom.

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In March 2020, as a resident of hard-hit NYC, I was in support of the "two weeks to slow the curve." I imagined we would use that time to "get ahead of the game" and figure out how to handle, at least somewhat, the explosion of cases and hospitalizations. It was frightening watching the numbers of hospitalizations and deaths here rise so high over the next month. After just a few months, everyone knew someone who had died, or knew someone who knew someone who died.

Given that some people already knew that HCQ and IVM were effective early treatments ("curative," to use the word from the Project Veritas-exposed government communication), we absolutely could have used those two weeks--or even four (that is, a few weeks of suspended social activity and gatherings)--to start mass producing these cheap drugs and disperse them around the country and world. Then we could have reopened, and continued the mass production and distribution. I believe it was criminal not to do this, whoever was blocking it--most likely powerful lobbyists from Big Pharma, if not others.

We cannot ever let this happen again, and there need to be many trials in the coming months and years. The problem is, "happening again" is usually just different enough that not enough people recognize it right away, if ever.

We also need to take a good hard look at laws regarding EUA, blocking of access to approved, repurposed drugs, and immunity of drug companies. Someone suggested that vaccines should NEVER be released under EUA. This should be considered, but I'm not sure about it, because who knows what lifesaving vaccine might be held up in the future if we do this. We also need to make it UPFRONT IMPOSSIBLE for mandates to be imposed regarding EUA drugs. People should never have to "lawyer up" to protect themselves against illegal mandates.

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Let's hope all the normal people are finally awake and start taking back what we have lost in the last 2 years.

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LOVE and support all that you’re doing Dr. Malone! Looks like your event in Gig Harbor Washington is Sold out! We’re coming anyway to stand out front with signs of support! Any chance you’d be willing to let us take photos with you?! You have a pretty big fan club :). Thank you!

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Thanks for the laughs, especially today. Bob Moran's Lion is my favorite, but Gary Varvel is a Hoosier, so I have to give a shout-out to him.

A dear friend and her husband got covid in early January. They both use the FLCCC protocol so did IVM, but she must've stressed her lungs with many hours of snow removal when she was coming down with it. She had 1 hospital trip for respiratory distress 2 weeks ago and has been on O2 since, but Wednesday night he took her back in. Thursday was really bad (I of course have no idea how she is being treated), but Friday saw improvement. Then yesterday morning, she took a downturn and they called the family in, including one son from CO. It has made absolutely no sense to me. Her 25-hydroxy Vit D is in the mid-70s and they were saying she was in a "cytokine storm." She is in her early 70s but is in great shape with no glaring co-morbidities. I was screaming NO!!! all day on the inside (and sometimes into a pillow) and praying constantly. I could barely stop crying all day. Her husband of 50 years texted me about it being surreal slow motion watching her struggle - I would add horror.

Last night, the hospital kicked the family out at 7 (cruel and unusual punishment) and she was being given morphine and on "comfort care" which was a huge concern to me; like they were trying to hasten her death. More praying, LOTS of people praying. She made it through the night (PRAISE GOD!!) and is off the Bi-pap and back on high flow cannula O2. She's a fighter and I prayed Jesus would intervene, heal her and help her fight. No one knows what's next, but she's been moved to "aggressive care" so I keep aggressively praying.

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This is such a horrible story. Do you know how early they started their treatment & if they were in touch with a FLCCC doctor before going into the hospital? The hospitals are the last place you want to go!🙏

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Tell me about it. She is one of the most informed people I know about covid and early treatment. They had IVM on hand and took it and have been doing ALL the FLCCC prophy except IVM for months. She started IVM right away, but maybe didn't do a high enough dose? The last time I spoke with her, she was coughing, but not serious and the next thing I knew he was texting me to say he'd taken her to the hospital at 4 a.m. in respiratory distress. I don't know what they gave her then, but she did come home with O2. At that point, I asked if they were going to do a telemedicine visit, but didn't get a reply about that from him. The next thing I knew is what I related about Wednesday night. She is a retired nurse and I think they went to the hospital where she worked, so I think they trust people there. But I'm more like Pierre Kory who told his wife not to take him to the hospital if his blood O2 level was 44%!!! I have absolutely ZERO confidence that I would be treated appropriately. The corruption is so deep. I had also offered to text the FLCCC hospital protocol. Believe me, I have been pushy (and freaked out).

We have a folder w/POA and advanced directives about covid treatment that we had notarized - no remdesivir and no vents. It also contains the 3 pages of hospital protocol from FLCCC. We took it with us on vacation with our covid kit.

She was offered a vent 3x on Thursday night and refused. She knows they get $39k for that. I have been praying that no matter what they were giving her, God would intervene and help her body fight this off. Like I wrote earlier, none of this makes sense to me b/c I don't know the whole story and obviously if she had died yesterday, I wasn't going to be asking her husband. It will be a long conversation if she wins this fight and I'll be crying a lot of it!

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