I urge everyone including Dr. Malone to read the piece Dr. Naomi Wolf wrote yesterday, February 19. The title is The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the US. It’s a big wake up call.

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Yes, it is EXCELLENT and I hope Canadian Parliamentarians are reading it. The fact that Brandon renewed the emergency powers for another year tells you everything. It's time to start badgering our elected representatives until it is rescinded.

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Unfortunately I don’t trust our elected representatives to do anything past lip service.

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I'm as cynical as you are, believe me, but I also believe we can wear them down as we've been doing in IN with a medical freedom bill they've screwed around with and now gutted. They are accountable to us and we are not letting up.

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Keep up the pressure on all fronts!

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Here in CT, "Red Ned" is onboard the covid money train and masoquistic masking and lockdowns and clot shots.

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As many said yesterday at the Boise Global Covid Summit, we have to start local to force change.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

No doubt, an entire mercenary army could have crossed the Rio Grande in the past year. The number of young single men encountered by the Border Patrol was reported as “unusual,” and they entered without vetting among the 2 million. Until Naomi pointed this out, I never thought something so tyrannical could ever happen.

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And our government is flying them all over this country. Are they seeding them? I hate to be paranoid but I do have to consider the motivation.

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I wasn’t, until now. I hadn’t connected the dots, but the number of countries included in the immigration makes the theory plausible.

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At this point I just try to stay alert about my environment and make sure I have the ability to protect myself. I never expected to be living in a time like this and I can only hope things don’t progress in this country but I am not optimistic despite all the good people speaking out (finally).

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I was at an estate sale this weekend in an affluent community. I asked a couple in line what they were looking for. They were shopping for sterling silver flatware to melt Into bars. I cannot stop thinking about it.

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Is there any safe haven for what we own? Not sure. It seems like this all happened in the past 2 years but the reality is that it has been in the works right under our noses for decades. Many of us see this but most still don’t (and prefer not to).

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We've seen these threats to liberties before numerous times under George Bush, Nixon and the Vietnam era and under Woodrow Wilson.

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On a completely different topic (and sorry to be off topic), but has anyone here had a chance to read this paper yet on the BLAST of sars-cov 2 and who exactly owns the FCS patent? https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fviro.2022.834808/full

This is mind blowing.

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On substack?

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Yes, her Substack is titled Outspoken.

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I disagree with one statement in your news round up. We should not be forcing vaccination on ANYONE.

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Totally agree! If someone wants the shit injection, go for it, but those who have known for years the Govt. cannot be trusted, No, we don’t want ur spurious forced injection, respect our decision. Now we no longer trust the damn deaths-head hospitals. It’s a very bad situation. Stay healthy boomers, & anyone else moving up the ranks of age; get ur vitamin D levels up above 60 nmol, walk a mile or 2 every day& develop ur sense of humor… but do not fall into the hands of those who appear to want us dead.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

I signed up for the online workshop you are doing today and tomorrow and plan on listening to the one tomorrow. Thank you for presenting. It will be interesting to hear what Dr. Ryan Cole has to say about autopy. I worked with a pathologist in Fort Smith, Arkansas as a nursing student. I worked in the lab and Dr. K., who was over the lab and pathology department. It is an interesting field. I wanted to hear what Dr. Cole says about changes in cell structure with people that have died as a vaccinated and unvaccinated covid infected person. I am hearing that there are places in the United States where people were and are continuing to be cremated because they died with covid/vaccinated and not. For me, it was like listening to my friend who suffered through the concentration camp. She saw many haunting, horrible things. Unrepeatable things that tortured her until the end of her life. We have medical people, working in hospitals that are seeing some horrible things and are trying to make it 'OK' in their mind. They are in a unsustainable reality. To all the people posting on here with other writings such as Dr. Naomi Wolf. Thank you for linking us up. In so many ways, Dr. Robert Malone, and all others that are willing to step up to the plate even though they have been attacked will be forever remembered in chronicling the events that have changed our society forever. We may all come out of this with some mental illness, PTSD, if you will. I have days that I do not speak to anyone. I have days that I think I am the only one that sees the madness. Then I get on here and I have some connection and I follow through and go out into the world without fear. So thank you.

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Francis Collins couldn't find science with both hands and a flashlight.

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The Emergency is extended to be in line with the preceding and overly broad updates to the DHS memo. With honking coming this week, I hope Americans will be as peaceful and loving as the Canadians. Are we willing to sacrifice our livelihoods for the sake of free thought and expression? Protests and desire of discourse does not guarantee change as we see Canada behaving like China, truly dictatorial and the truckers and protestors lives are going to be hunted down by all avenues of government. The police were filming and taking pictures, when asked if it was to identify each protestor...

"The simple answer is yes, if you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges," said Bell at the weekend press briefing. "Absolutely."

"This investigation will go on for months to come. It has many, many different streams, both from a federal financial level, from a provincial licensing level, from a criminal code level, from a municipal breach of court order, breach of court injunction level," said Bell."


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Understand that yes they will be doing that BUT all of this is a way to scare and create fear. How is that working? Its not. There have been large truck protests in Vancouver, and in Quebec. The Alberta govt is suing the federal government for implementing the Emergencies Act. More to follow...

We have to remember words are not actions. Politicians lie like they breathe. Most of the protest arrests have been catch and release. Even the arrests of the organizers were peaceful (eg. Tamara Lich). Yes there were thug cops doing horrific things. But most cops did not come-- these were not locals. #Blackface Nazi or whoever controls him (WEF) combined RCMP, Quebec SWAT ( harassed bike gains and natives for eons) who are known for their nastiness AND also rumours of US hired guns. I guess it gives them some practice for the upcoming US convoy.

As far as the financial level the regulator FINTRAC is a laughing stock of the world(closely followed by Australias regulator)-- our Chinese money laundering here (especially in Vancouver, BC ) is legendary. Blasted by the RCMP (super irony) in BC in a 2018/9 report of the state of money laundering in Canada. There was NO federal response to their complaints (and miss that Chinese political party funding?) FINTRAC is sorely underfunded, understaffed and circa 1990s in their ability to track anything-- proof?-- they/CSIS hired an infamous hacker to do their work and all he did was release partial info from GiveSendGo.

What the truckers have done so beautifully is to strip off the mask (no pun intended) of the veneer of "democratic" government for the people. The emperor has no clothes-- governments around the world are panicking because they too will be shown to be the same.

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I just donated to the truckers on the Unity Project. I know it is the real deal because Dr. Malone is involved.

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Do you know who's really afraid? The Government of Canaduh!

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I hope Trudope and his minions, along with Singh the NDP are having diarrhea for the next month or until booted out of government. Please remember Castro's bastard son gave the CBC in Canada $1.6B, do not watch or listen and most important do not believe a word they spew. CTV is on the list along with The Toronto Star, all Fake News. I am praying for our brave Truckers, and will pray for the USA's Truckers as well. Please be peaceful, follow our heroes in Canada. God Bless us all.

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You made me smile really big! Thank you.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I thoroughly enjoyed the Boise Global Summit yesterday and was able to watch most of it live. This wasn't my first Global Summit so there is a lot I've heard before. I'm very thankful for The Epoch Times and NTD for broadcasting them! I especially appreciated Dr. Amerling's talk as well as Dr. Kim Milhoan's. Both had great insights about "how we got here." I had my husband watch those two segments later as well as Dr. Cole introducing his brother. My husband was wiping his eyes by the end of Andrew's story.

Doug and Kyle's stories are living examples of how the medical establishment refuses to see a connection between the jabs and adverse events leading to even more misery for those who took them. It's truly criminal.

I also think your presentation using videos to make some of your points instead of you speaking the entire time was wise given the fact that you and Dr. Jill are so tired from traveling. It allowed you to save energy for the Q and A times.

We are so thankful for you and all the participants including all the "awake" people in the audience. 🙏

Someday I hope to be done with horrifying Francis Collins news. It's bad enough what he did with the GBD and the lab leak cover-up, but then he also used evangelical leaders to influence their congregations to get the jab b/c they trusted him. 😡

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It looks like former Vice President Biden is preparing for the next big protest coming here to the good ol' USA. Thank you Dr. Malone. I hope your talk in WA is fruitful!!

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The title of Chapter 7 in The Real Anthony Fauci by R. Kennedy is "Dr. Fauci, Mr Hyde: NIAID's Barbaric and Illegal Experiments on Children." It is followed by a quote from Max Planck that reads "Science advances on funeral at a time".

The first paragraph starts "During the nearly four decades since Dr. Anthony Fauci took the agency's reins, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ( NIAID) has often treated America's most vulnerable children as collateral damage in its director's single-minded pursuit of profitable pharmacological solutions for steadily declining public health. "

This 2004 BBC Documentary is also mentioned https://youtu.be/is6Dtx8bXSU.

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Haven't made it to Chapter 7 of Mr. Kennedy's book yet... judging from the first four chapters, I thought he'd be drawn and quartered by then.

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And SAGE in the UK are warning about Original Antigenic Sin, a potential new variant with 35% case fatality and NPIs causing variants with a fitness advantage.


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sigh, and the fear porn continues....

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“ Congress may modify, rescind, or render dormant such delegated emergency authority.”

Clearly that is one recourse.

Can the administration be sued to stop the emergency on the grounds there are no grounds? Can the judiciary block the extension?

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Just a reminder folks; God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for a lot less. Think about it.

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Dr Malone, that piece from the Heritage Foundation was a "Be first to jump on board the train" quick essay. It was very sloppy and full of the sins of omission. The legal claims ignored all the actual law and Constitution Bill of Rights provisions. In Jacobson, the law enacted had a provision that allowed a person to pay and fine that effective "opted" them out of the vaccination process. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are not suspended during emergencies, unfortunately I do not have that case right at hand, but this has been recognized many times. The Founders did not intend the use of emergencies to effect a coup. Our federal court system and less than stellar state courts have failed to follow through on the law during the period immediately before, after and for some months to 2021, many having been directly threatened and others ducking their duties. I am seeing some more rationality returning, seeing the religious exemption decisions. There will be another round at the USSCt over the mandated death shots, they just took up the NY teachers' case that Sotomayer had rejected out of hand. The people in their states are getting progress and pushing on their state legislatures. My state legislature has become a corporatocracy, it is so disgusting for a state that has traditionally been referred to as an example of strong libertarianism. That has not been the case for decades, as Idaho has adopted the Obama admin style of growing state government and eroding liberty with admin law and fee generating rule structures. 53% of the state budget is supplemented by federal taxpayer funds, and the damn ARPA $ that lets the feds add more strings whenever it desires. The answer is dumping the fed monies and lopping off state employees to go work in the private sector. Idaho's economy has picked up more than ever before in its history with blue state refugees including businesses. Housing is scarce and very expensive even in my rural county now. I was shocked when the CDC implemented a rent collection stoppage despite having zero authority, and landlords had to go to court to stop it, the program never got beyond paying a small percentage of past due rent, and it went to the nonpaying renters not the owners. Landlords discovered renters had received the back rent due because 99% of them went and spent it on large obvious purchases -cars, boats. I could not understand what was happening, that the Trump appointees did not shut the program down. Even after the USSCt finally stopped it the Biden Amin announced they were going to do it again anyway and re-implemented. The landlords went back to court, and this time it was a couple three months rather than a year and half to stop it. The litigation to stop the power grabs is expensive and laborious. I have noticed this admin is following the Obama mode-ignore the USSCt orders. Again, the Biden Admin failed to hold quarterly auctions for drilling. They also are not implementing the Stay-In-Mexico order, despite the requirement they proceed with it while pursuing their appeal. Same tactic on the religious exemptions in the military. They gave a few and rubber tamped the rest after severe harassment and obstructing. The judge in that case just issued a stinging rebuke; I want the plaintiffs to press for criminal contempt - put the responsible parties in jail until they comply.

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In short: A lawless government is a criminal government. Do not obey a lawless government lest you be lawless too.

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Thank you Dr. Malone. I don’t know if you or your subscribers are aware of this internet platform. It upholds free speech and operates outside of the mainstream big tech. https://rightforge.com/

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When did you start the rightforge.com plateform?

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Hi Helen, I didn’t start it. I just found out about it and wanted to let everyone know.

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Welcome to the New Fascist States of America! Hiel Brandon! Heil Brandon! Heil Brandon!

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The bureaucrats are in deep trouble unless they are able to create diversions with new pandemics or new wars.

Biden spends more time with Fauci than with his wife so what did you expect with the extension of the emergency orders? The WHO and many other countries' health officials look with apprehension on US policies, had they let them expire saying we need to transition into a post-pandemic world then it would have been game over for Pharma which is highly profitable in a lot of ways to the US Government; licenses and fees, taxes, both from the company and employees.

I spent some time with an older sister who has been at a nursing home for 3 years on her birthday today and saw on the wall prior "boosters" that had consent forms which few had the strength to deny, though my sister had covid twice or at least tested that way with the shots. Nursing home patients (those who have survived this) have been tortured.

Delta is still a threat. One of the doctors who are part of the truth and transparency movements got it from his kids and ivermectin did not help much; he found another effective remedy.

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The powers granted to el Presidente are frightening total marshall law! Looks like the same masterplan Trudeau used. Probably made by K Harris husband Emhoff law firm Piper! I hope the freedom ralley has taken every step to avoid any reason to give the WEF agents excuse to enact. Remember jan 6 and what a domestic terrorist is!

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