The first cartoon reminds me of an old country saying:

“There is no lesson to be learned from the second kick of a mule.”

I added “If you did’t learn anything from the first kick, you deserve the second one.”

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

In these trying times, a little MASH humor helps us forget, if only for a few seconds, the greed, the criminality, the pharmaceutical malfeasance, the faulty trials, the lack of regulatory oversight, the $$$$$$ kickbacks, the lack of a real vaccine, the varying strengths in the vials, the “safe and effective” lies, the controlling mandates, the public shame against those asking questions, the gag order against respected doctors and scientists, the denials, the collaborating talking heads on news channels, the network cowtowing, complicit social media, the censorship, Google’s algorithmic deceptions, the hospital bribes, the hospitals that accepted bribes, the medical malpractice, the loss of doctor licenses for following their oath and trying to save lives, the nurses who lost their jobs for trying to save lives, the mandates against treatment, the neglect, deadly Remdesivir, deadly ventilation, the parents called terrorists, the shots, the toxins, the synthetic spike protein, the fetal cell lines, the adverse effects, the damage to children’s hearts and immune systems, the retroviruses, the embalmer findings, the bait and switch, the lab-created pathogens, the worldwide human experiment, the Gates-controlled WHO, the evil human beings taking part in these horrors, the permanent disability of millions, the deaths, the deaths to come, the denial of freedom, of life.

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I don't fault all pharmaceutical companies. Because of them childhood diseases no longer take millions of lives and anti biotics

have saved many. Cancer less of a killing disease and Aids patients live. Government involvement encourages dishonesty. Half for politicians, half for the company.

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You're absolutely right. It's only the criminal ones that need eliminating.

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The hand puppet in the mirror is my favorite. Yup. It's gotten that absurd. (We must be close to breakthrough on the normie front, right?) Nice collection.

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Money pox? Likely some “Midterm Pox” too...

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On the money, again! Love these. Thanks for making smile. I've been trying harder to smile a lot, like I used to, before evil began destroying this beautiful country and the world. It truly is infectious. Most people seem a little relieved to be part of the smile and greeting exchange. A few people are too oppressed by pain or anger or something that stops them from enjoying that moment. I wish I could encounter then more regularly to keep trying to break through. I should print these Substack funnies and hand them out. Although I suspect if those people are suffering a formation psychosis from any one of the evil ideologies being pumped into the soft brains of Americans(ht Yuri Bezmenov), I could become the victim of an actual act of violence. Not the pretend kind that are "words", which really means nonconformity to tyranny. Anyway, thanks again Dr. M!!

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I just doubled my anti depression meds. School shooting and the inability of the adults to protect the kids did me in.

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just turn off the tv for a while: I hope you are kidding .. about the doubling your dose, but I do get it: a good friend of mine, quite older than me just called me and said he was going to ER for anxiety.. he lives in Maryland. Listen to some music and prayer helps and hanging with some good people. I had to turn off the TV after two days; and just pray about the huge clusterbork there.. I mean really horrific.

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Yes joking. However for kids growing up exposed to this negative coverage day in day out, must take a toll on their outlook for the future. In my day news was 30 minutes at 5pm and 10pm. Just as much as we needed. My prayers for your friend.

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Thanks, I haven't heard from him yet, he did go to the ER, he is too old for all this.. prayers help

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Santayana, not Churchill

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Santayana said "Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it" in 1905, and so has precedence, but Churchill said "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it" in a speech to the Parliament in 1948, so it's not exactly wrong.

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Interesting trying to pin down original derivation of this idea. Perhaps ultimately there isn’t one single source but Native American leaders were quoted speaking as follows: “They who fail to remember their history are like wind in the Buffalo grass.”

Although it is attributed to different leaders there seems to be no definitive original spokesman. https://www.sdhspress.com/journal/south-dakota-history-32-1/dakota-resources-a-people-without-history-is-like-wind-on-the-buffalo-grass-lakota-winter-counts/vol-32-no-1-dakota-resources.pdf

Human wisdom is not a derivative from the echoes of our “western” civilizations but from something so much deeper we have forgotten most of it. Rediscovering just this would seem advised.

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Let’s not get in the weeds here. In grand scheme of things, does it really matter who said it? Much more profound issues to address.

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true: I also am a big picture person most of the time.. as well.

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"I hope I didn't get him pregnant" says it all. Insanity... but funny!

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Sadness is teaching children this is possible and normal.

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Even more pithily, Churchill said: “Study history, study history!“, although those who do so should watch for the trap described by Napoleon: “History is a set of lies that people have agreed on.“

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Yes, raised in England, taught Richard the Lionheart a great man. Then found out about The Crusades.

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Donkeypox one is both disturbing and delightful.

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I was a "vote Democrat or die" American. Raised that way. Totally disappointed in the party. Voted Trump.

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Margaret I am curious and so I am hoping you will indulge me.

What was the reason your family was D or die and why did you choose to follow that? What region of US? Union? What was the disappointment that made you vote Trump? Will you go back to D if no Trump or will you vote R? Would you vote for DeSantis if he were on the ballot? Is your family still D or die?

I read a book by Tim Russert many years ago in which he addressed the D or die region and family he is from. It was really interesting. I am always wondering what the tipping point is for such fundamental changes. Totally understand if you ignore this. : )

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We immigrated from England in 1959. My father worked for the City of Chicago. If you work for the city part of the job is knocking on doors to talk people into voting for the candidate running as a Democrat. Chicago has been run by the Democrats for almost 100 years. My parents were open minded,.never judged people by religion or race. All welcome. We saw Republicans as less that caring about poor people. They voted Labour in England. I voted Obama twice. Then I voted in the primary for Bernie Sanders. The Democrats favored Clinton, allowed her to cheat. I voted Trump. My mother was 91, she was furious with me. She didn't like Clinton either, however, we vote Democrat. I still think Trump was the best choice for the country. The constant attempts to have him impeached were annoying. I saw a parallel between the Republicans treatment of Bill Clinton and the way the Democrats went after Trump. I have never cared for Biden. I recalled his comments about not allowing his children go to school with black kids. Thought that disgusting. I volunteered with DCFS. There are many children of African ethnicity I totally love. The cover up of Bidens racist remarks. The way the media pretended he wasn't hiding, party never questioning his ability. I found that disturbing. Trump has a spoiled rich kid personality. That is what caused many to not vote for him again. I did. Truthfully Bernie Sanders had the only plan for the children in our inner cities. We need his plan to be implemented. I nursed the newborn crack babies. Mothers 14 year old prostitutes. Read the life story of Lequan Macdonald. Kid shot 16 times by a Chicago policeman. Sums up the lives of many kids in our inner cities. We can send billions to other countries but we cannot fund DCFS. 300 kids were severely beaten by parents, hospitalized several times. Returned and killed. That's life in our inner cities. Meanwhile people walking into the country illegally are taken care of. I believe in legal immigration. In 1959 we signed saying we would not take a dime from the USA. My Dad came 2 years before us to make sure he had a job. At some point kids born in the USA have to come first. If we offered nothing would the people be flooding into the USA illegally. I feel sorry for them. However, my heart is with the kids in Chicago. Truthfully, I think almost all

politicians end up caring more about themselves. Democrats have proven they do not care about American poor kids. I'm giving Republicans a chance.


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So interesting. I can clearly see where your heart is. I volunteered with CASA many years back. I understand and appreciate your passion for kids. In fact I share a lot of your opinions but come at them from a slightly different direction. I think people would really benefit from reading your story. There are (I hope) a growing number of people who have gotten their fill of the Uniparty we have so unfortunately been saddled with and see that people with mostly common goals, are able to listen and understand can find a new and better way forward.

I promise to read about Laquan. I did a search on him and clicked on a recent article in which they reported the officer who shot him full of bullets was released recently after serving 3 years (half the sentence). Sigh.

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I think men and women come at issues concerning children differently. Probably not a popular opinion today. Because of my husband's health we have a second home in AZ. I'm well aware of the fact that if I was visiting our border I could not turn those children away. Obama had to send the unaccompanied children back. 50% were under age 12. They were being sexually molested on the way here. He said he had to try to stop parents from sending then. I believe that decision kept him awake many nights. I do not get along with right leaning Republicans. I have found them to be inhumane and racist. I do not forgive George Bush for his bombing of Iraq. Very similar to Putins attack on Ukraine. I can easily make enemies of Republicans.

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I totally agree with you about Bush in Iraq. I'd like to suggest the time has come for D's and Rs to stop and realize that the parties have been playing us BOTH. They have both been divisive, they pick a bunch of issues to rail about but those issues do not really matter to them. What matters to them is globalism. Trump is the first since JFK to not be under the control of globalists. And we all know what happened to him. Other than Trump (who did more for black people in America than any in the past and is the only one who made ANY effort on the wall) there is NO person outside the globalists running for prez. Maybe DeSantis. The R's and D's surely hate him. To me that is a good indication of a person being for the betterment of US. I think you would not make an enemy of me. I know I wouldn't make an easy one of you.

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Good ones Doc! Oh let this madness stop! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The slide, "Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I hate you." hits the nail on the head.

Our society is divided into opposing camps by the mass media. Divide and conquer is the strategy. We are being conquered by the power elite (.001%) who own the media, both political parties and most everything else. As long as we think that the problem is created by those who buy a different brand of propaganda than we do, we fight with each other while the big rats run away with the cheese.

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They are all so good. It gives me hope. Thanks for that Sunday treat. We really do appreciate you both.

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Laughter truly is the best medicine

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Great truths, couched in humor, Dr. Malone! 'Not the Bee'? *Sigh* MANY of my thrice- jabbed friends and acquaintances are sick... with COVID, yet again. Lots of masks...even though they do nothing except spread fear. I haven't heard of any going into the hospital, including the elderly, so at least that is encouraging. I just wonder what being sick every couple of months is doing to their immune systems.

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

In my experience those who had the jab still became positive for Covid. None were very ill, none hospitalized. We are 76 and 80, husband COPD, so erred on side of caution. Living Winters in AZ. No mask mandate after 2020. We don't wear them. All our Republican friends, elderly, were jabbed by Feb of 2020.

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I am glad that you and your husband are, and have been, doing well. Praise God! I will not categorize people by party in this, I find it counterproductive. However, I have had friends who got very sick without a jab, because they had underlying conditions, one hospitalized. I have friends who continue to get sick (repeatedly) having already been jabbed. One who ended up in the hospital because of the jab is now on short-term disability and may have to retire. One who had two jabs because she has stage 3b colon cancer and still hasn't gotten sick, praise God. My husband and I knew better than to take it, we both have autoimmune diseases, and contracted it in February. It was pretty awful, but we had a doctor that actually treated us Re:flccc protocols.

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I see it seems to affect people differently. My step son has been sick for a year, he was a fairly healthy 60 year old. I don't believe in giving it to children or pregnant women. I'm fortunate to be exceptionally healthy. I was jabbed because of my husband. The short time it took to develop and approve it means certain trials were skipped. Even with years of trials eventually negative effects arise that could not have been foreseen. Eventually that could happen with the Covid vaccine. I don't agree with mandating it and forcing people to take it. We do that with childhood vaccines knowing a very small percent of children receiving the shots will die. That's after many, many years. So why would Covid be different.

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We're already seeing the fallout... news agencies are being told not to report on it.

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They don't report on anything negative to those Running the USA. That's why.

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Finally George Bush admitted the truth. I was kicked off FB for saying only difference between Ukraine and Iraq was the religion of the victims and the color of their skin.

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I personally appreciate the Potential Terrorist List the most, though I would add ... anybody who fails to speak “Our TRUTH” and Particularly Physicians and Scientists!

As for the reminders of insights from past grander days

The Kennedy quote , though I remember him most for his “Ask not what your Country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Country!”

Personally, it’s one I miss sorely....

True it isn’t funny, it’s a sad loss for us all.

As for the Churchill advice, not “funny” either. Perhaps the sad humor is that we sit letting our public schools substitute all the ugly things identified instead of teaching the truths - good and bad - of history to whet thought and inspiration

IMO, its helpful to add reminders of opportunities we’re losing by failing to intervene.

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