Brother Malone, you do understand you are truly a master of exposing the unknown to the surface of humanity’s needs.

You have been chosen for this time in American history. Thank you sir for making these day easier to swallow. 🇺🇸🌎✝️

Ps You owe much to a great women!

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am sorry that you are encouraging the nattering nabobs of negativisim! Things couldn't be better! Record numbers of people are becoming poorer even as their immune systems are under continuous assault. In this case what doesn't kill you makes you weaker.

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Dr. Malone, I highly recommend adding Anne Gibbons of Anne Can’t Stand It to your repertoire:


She’s a brilliant NYC cartoonist, and I recently talked her into joining Substack. She does a weekly cartoon, always highly topical. She’s a great complement to Bob Moran and JimBob.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I enjoy the writing on Substack but at approximately $50/year subscriptions EACH it is becoming unaffordable. I have had to choose which subscriptions to get based on supporting those who are standing tall despite the barrage of attacks against them. Dr. Malone is a prime example.

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I agree - I would like Substack to consider grouping writers or number of articles for a reduced aggregate fee. Although many Substacks are free (like mine), if you don't want to leave comments.

I think I currently have about six I subscribe too. $350 a year seems like not that much - for what I am getting out of it. I find myself reading other sources less and less. I may even up the subscriptions to around ten or more as I find more good ones. $60 a month seems reasonable to spend - but we consume a lot of media each day. I guess Jill and I are junkies.

BTW - I have unsubscribed to most of the MSM that I used to pay for.

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I stopped my subscription to the Wall Street Journal because they have become biased. I don't know exactly what it is about Donald J. Trump but he is like a mind virus to many media outlets. They dislike him so much they lose all objectivity. I do have a subscription to The Epoch Times and EpochTV.com. They are just about the last real newspaper and I appreciate their anti communist stance.

One of the things I like most about Substack is the discussion. It is mostly of a higher caliber although there are some trolls.

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I also recently canceled my subscription to the WSJ after 30+ years. I told them "when they put Steven Colbert in the cover of their Saturday WSJ magazine it made me sick and it was the last straw". "He used to be funny, and then he wasn't and now he's just a useful idiot". More and more of the content is garbage and what do I care about a list of the most expensive home in the world. I kept it too long for the opinion section but that too has deteriorated in value. I'm now skeptical of all media including the Epoch Times and only follow a few individual reporters but as was discussed above I could spend a lot more and take way more time to really get a handle on the complexity and depth of our current predicament in which I mean the massive corruption of the system we thought was acting in our best interest.

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The front portion of the WSJ has been uber liberal for a while now. I always enjoyed the Opinion pages and the editorials. However, when Trump became the candidate and later president the editors lost their minds. They detested him and had to distance themselves from him at all costs even when they agreed with him. Now they are stuck with Biden. I still get the editorial titles every day so I can see their focus. They are against every Biden policy but can't bring themselves to go after him and his administration in any meaningful way. I must have had my subscription with them since the late 80's but their hatred of Trump got to be too much. They denied there could have possibly been any vote fraud taking place during the 2020 elections when if they had watched the shenanigans in real time in Philadelphia and Atlanta they would have had to admit vote fraud in those two locations at the least. If they had watched the different legislative enquiries in several states and all the testimony they would have had to conclude there was vote fraud. Now, there is concrete proof of vote fraud coming from several states and still they won't admit it. I could no longer support a newspaper that dishonest. The Epoch Times is a decent newspaper. EpochTV.com has many interesting and informative pieces and interviews. Joshua Phillips on Crossroads in one of my favorites. American Thought Leaders is outstanding.

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I tried to tell people what they did to Trump scared me way more than Trump and I don’t like the guy all that much. The real issue with election fraud is the inability to really audit votes and tie them to a person so you can suspect fraud but proving it is very difficult. To ignore the last minute changes to voting rules, many illegal, in combination with the delusional hatred and illegal fishing for dirt on Trump and them conclude the people running the elections on Blue cities would be honest is the very definition of credulity.

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Hey Naomi, good going kiddo. I also stopped the WSJ since they screwed me twice -- re-upping my subscription and forcing me to pay $40 for the last month, AND, you are right again, Epoch Times is much better. Like you, my news comes from the folks here on Substack and Epoch. Long ago I disconnected from MSM TV news & shows, garbage. I am hoping one of the platforms showing up outside of the normal "system" like JP's Zion and Torba's GAB will offer alternatives also-- allowing a complete parallel community allowing separation from the legacy media, banks, commercial marketing systems. OK, there I go ranting again, sorry.

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I think the separation is coming. There are people out there trying to figure out how to do a separate currency system.

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We cancelled WSJ after 40yr subscription when they refused to cover the stolen election. They caved to the deep state and that was the last straw. I do miss Kim, Taranto and Henniger, though.

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So happy to know we are not the only ones who cancelled WSJ. Saved us bias news and $$$. We have been subscribers for over 30 years. Cancelled in 2020. Switched to Epoch times subscription. I do not miss anything after I got used to not reading it.

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I also stopped subscribing to the WSJ. When they asked the reason, I told them the Epoch Times was a far superior newspaper. I am thinking of doing the same with DISH since they canceled RT.

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Agree. I loved WSJ for years. No relevance now. Epoch and choice substance like Dr. Malone’s post and choice podcasts, the MSM is simply noise.

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Dr. Malone, my offer still stands for a comp subscription if you’re interested :-) I try to be careful about doing too many comps but am thinking it is something I can offer to people I have featured in my “Profiles in Courage” series as a token of my gratitude for your contributions. (Speaking of, I gladly extend that offer to Dr. Tess Lawrie, too, if you want to pass that on to her—we need to get her on Substack, in any case! :-)

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Done! (although I assumed it was supposed to be info@ since that’s what you provided before :-)

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Thank you for pointing out that many are free to read. I pay for yours because I want to support you. I don’t know where the money goes but I hope most of it goes to you.

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Mar 20, 2022·edited Mar 20, 2022

I have done the same. I subscribe to Dr. Malone and Dr. Kheriaty to support them. I subscribe to Bari Weiss because I would like to show her that many conservatives appreciate her bravery. Her friend Nellie Bowles has one of the best columns going and posts on Friday. That column alone is worth the price of the subscription. Bari also invites many different writers to post on her Substack. I subscribe to Heather Heyring because I want to support her and Bret Weinstein. They are thoughtful, decent liberals. I subscribe to Glenn Greenwald because he does real investigative reporting. I subscribe to Cynthia Chung because her posts are very deep dives into political and government history. She does amazing research. I dropped Alex Berenson because he attacked Dr. Malone in an unjustified manner. Dr. Templeton's Substack is free but he doesn't post often. I subscribe to Matthew Crawford and Michael Tracey. I would like to subscribe to Mike Huckabee's new Substack (at $36/yr a real bargain) but have to wait another month or two for the budget to catch up. The History Substack is free and posts unusual bits about history that you will never see anywhere else.

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Spot on, it's good to know others share a responsibility to take the effort of finding the best facts available for decision making, sometimes it feels very lonely. Sad about Alex he's done some great work but, and more often than he realizes, he injects too much speculation and opinion. When he told Ivermectin users they were stupid because they kept telling him what he didn't want to hear and almost sounding angry, it was too much and I canceled my subscription.

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What got me about Berenson was his incessant self-promotion. I felt that he was badgering me into buying his book. I had already spent money on his subscription. Then I got sick of his whinging about being cancelled off Twitter. In the end I quit him despite having spent money on a subscription. I am careful now as to who I sign up to with a paid subscription.

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He has a thin skin and takes offense easily. When he is wrong he reverts to accusing the other of anti-semitism rather than taking personal responsibility.

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I subscribed to Unacceptable Jessica because I wanted to support a female voice in epidemiology and an important contributor to the exposè of vax risks. A bit on the pricier side, but I decided her work was too important not to support.

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I also lost interest in Alex Berenson for the same reason as you and because of his attack on the efficacy of ivermectin. I also think he is full of himself

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He seems to be but his obvious fragility is an indication he is insecure.

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Matthew Crawford is topnotch!

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Connie Chung? The reporter?

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I went back and edited it and fixed it.

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She's Canadian. Sorry...I should have written Cynthia Chung. https://cynthiachung.substack.com/

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While I know Dr. Malone’s is free to read, I pay as the content of discussion is quite excellent. Also, free gives me the opportunity to share this content and point out “free”. Great content.

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I have the paid subscription because Dr. Malone is a brave man and has stepped forward to lend his voice, his knowledge and his reputation to put truth out into the world. Truth is in short supply these days where propaganda and lies are king. TCM had the movie "This Land is Mine" recently and I taped it. It's a little gem. If you aren't sure how far the lies have taken over watch this movie. Charles Laughton's final speech to the court, the jury and the courtroom spectators is a masterwork.

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I do too for same reason.

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I only subscribe to you, Dr. Malone. read Sundance, The Last Refuge, no subscription, but I donate monthly $40 which is $53 CDN. That b....d. Trudope, blackface, peoplekind has to go.

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Treepers are everywhere! 👍

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Isn't that great, we are spreading everywhere.

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Sorry subscribe to Glen Greenwald as well.

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Doc, respectfully: why the $250/year subscription and not just the $50 which would allow, someone like Naomi above for example, to subscribe to 5 "Standing Tall" Mavericks like you and not one?

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Thanks, Patch but I am subscribing to that 5 for $250 now by subscribing to each at $50/yr. The discount would be MORE than 5 for $250. I appreciate the thought but I can do my own pitching, thank you.

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For one I'd be happy to increase my monthly contribution. One could allow the addition to be an optional amount. Unfortunately I don't think the MFP I know are ready to handle other perspectives.

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I understand the dilemma as there are so many I'm tempted to subscribe to, which is challenging since I'm trying to earn income from my own Substack as I pretty much spend 24/7/365 doing this.

Fortunately, Anne's Substack doesn't require a subscription to enjoy her cartoons freely :-)

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I'm now on a fixed income and becoming increasingly worried about the inflation. I lived under double digit inflation when Carter was president. It's going to get very ugly because the inflation now is worse.

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I have the same dilemma - I’m supporting Dr Malone now because I so much wanted to comment - but am also supporting people on Locals - all of these individual subscriptions make it hard to support everyone ! Maybe we need an aggregator service that could group people and then split the money for everyone ? I’m sure there are ideas out there that could work.

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I know restricting the comments is an effective strategy as it’s what has gotten me to subscribe to almost all of the Stacks I subbed to ;-) I could employ it myself to increase my subs, but it’s more important to me to keep the comments open as I’m trying to build a special community of kindreds at my blog. My hope is that people will appreciate the value of that and choose to support me for a positive rather than a negative incentive, although I know that’s less realistic, especially in the current economic climate.

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People must establish priorities. Truthful information is priceless. It will do more to save your life then your weekly night out.

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Absolutely and there is a shortage

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I feel I am getting to know you through these postings. You are a reasonable, rational person. I have to wait another month or two before I can subscribe to any more Substacks. Yours will be top of my next list.

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Margaret Anna is top notch. Buy her coffee!

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Haha, aww, you are so sweet, pretty-red, old guy! 😌🙏

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Aww, I greatly appreciate that, Naomi, especially given your limited budget! 🤗 I am pouring every moment into this as I feel it is the most important work I can possibly do, but I also need to figure out how to cover rising bills as I have a long ways to go before my blog becomes sustainable.

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I adore Dave Rubin and have his locals subscription. Dave has said he's trying to figure out some sort of aggregate subscription for locals. I hope he does.

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Thank you so much, Margaret Anna!

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My pleasure and well-deserved, Anne! 🙌

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Mar 20, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022

Dr. Malone, I was a TeaParty leader over a decade ago hoping the lurch toward socialism could be averted. We failed. The mass psychosis of the uniparty and MSM was in full strength following George W Bush's saving the free market from the free market. My email box is overwhelmed with donation requests from a huge amount of folks that say things I agree with but their actions have been ineffective, much the way big pharma need patients to not really recover. I realize you are one of few that are really being effective. I have little extra money, but decided to a paid subscription because I know much of what you are doing is on your own dime. Your courage, stamina and sacrifice is inspirational. Please follow through and see that the criminal corruption meets Justice. Thank you and God bless. Craig Kline

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Hey Craig, thanks for being a Tea Party leader. You tried at least. I have decided I will just support the Seal Team Pac, only occasionaly others that really deserve it like DeSantis and Johnson and put all the others aside. You gotta' focus!

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Congrats on the book!

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My favorite was the horses terrified that obese Americans will again need them for transportation. Of course, the biden energy plan is also my fav. Potty humor is always the most fun. Thank you for the much needed laughs.

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You nailed it again 🤣🙈 So much looking forward to your book 😍😍 Take care! Lots of love from Austria

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LTG Williams 60th Superintendent of the USMA sent a letter on 14 Mar to alumni regarding the drug overdose of West Point Cadets in Florida on 10 Mar. Read the supe letter and the response from the #1 Graduate of the Class of 1996....free speech on display even when told otherwise!


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This is amazing! How do we support it?

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I am hoping Dr. Malone, Alex Berenson, Steve Kirsch, Dr. McCullough will share it on their platforms. In the meantime, I thank you for sharing it wherever you are able to. God Bless the real leaders!

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We'll see how long it takes for them to cancel him.

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What a fantastic letter. He was #1 in his graduating class for a reason! Thanks for sharing that Michele!

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Agree! Feel free to share:)

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Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) tweeted at 9:16 a.m. on Sun., Mar. 20, 2022:

Fascinating https://t.co/RMXO5LIejl


Proof: Inoculations cause Brain Damage

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too funny - unless it’s true !

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It is true! Would love to see the same poll done in the U.S. versus Canada.

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I like Jack,look forward to this read.

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This was classic. Absolutely brilliant.

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You don’t know how lucky your are that I can’t post cartoons jokes.

The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language is priceless.

Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a decision. The road is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.

“The starting pay is $40,000. Later it can go up to $80,000.” Great. I’ll start later.”

Trust science. Studies show that if your parents didn’t have children there’s a high probability you won’t either.

If you’re not called crazy when you start something new, then you’re not thinking big enough.

Only in math problems can you buy 60 cantaloupe melons and no one asks, "What the Hell is wrong with you?"

When the pool re-opens, due to social distancing rules, there will be no water in lanes 1, 3, and 5.

Tip: Save business cards of people you don’t like. If you ever hit a parked car accidentally, just write, “Sorry” on the back and leave it on the windshield.

When I get a headache I take two aspirin and keep away from children just like the bottle says.

Becoming an adult is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.

Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, but no atmosphere.

If you see me talking to myself, just move along. I’m self employed. We’re having a meeting.

“Your call is very important to us. Please enjoy this 40 minute Peruvian panpipe solo".

I envy people who grow old gracefully. They age like a fine wine. I’m ageing like milk: Getting sour and chunky.

Does anyone else have a plastic bag full of plastic bags, or is it just me?

I hate it when I can’t figure out how to operate the iPad and my tech support guy is asleep. He’s 8 and it’s past his bedtime.

Tip for a successful marriage: Don’t ask your wife when dinner will be ready while she’s mowing the lawn.

So, you drive across town to a gym to walk on a treadmill?

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You made me smile.

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Hi Dr. Malone. I am happy to tell you that the Serbian Community in our Church, all have heard and now know who you are. That is great news, as I call many of them (baba) hotline, they spread the news very quickly. Cheers to you and your wife Jill. God Bless.

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Dr. Malone, you have many gifts. Now is your time and you write with fact, truth and wonderful humor. Know you Bless the world. Cannot wait for your book.

Many talk for self promotion, yet you and Dr.Jill.. a team work sacrificially to keep your audience informed. (From Congress, Medical conference, research and this sub stack. ) Get Rest, stay your Path. Thank you.

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One way to get people to realize what the rulers are doing is to pass this Substack on to a lot of people, especially those who still think the world is fine.

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I’m a big cookbook collector and foodie and I’m getting really sick of this push for cooking with insects. It’s truly astounding to watch the push for this type of lifestyle get picked up by all the blogs and some food bloggers. It goes right along with “you will own nothing”. You will eat insects.

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Ignore it and make a lovely soufflé instead.

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