Saw a patient yesterday. 45-55 y/o female, registered nurse, medical hx negative, no meds, prosthetic right foot. Had her right foot and ankle amputated last year- 2 months after the 2nd Pfizer jab. She is a critical thinker (AKA conspiracy theorist). Multiple blood clots to the right lower extremity, not amenable to clot buster medications or vascular surgical intervention, because the clots were TOO small and in the MICROVASCULATURE. Reported to VAERS. Lets pray that the EUA indemnification from product liability GOES AWAY with the recent FOIA dump from Pfizer and the FEDS. These people need compensation. Where is the plaintiffs bar other that Thomas Rentz?

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I've also been wondering about that. Where are all the lawyers? I am assuming as more data (proof) emerges the lawsuits will start flying.

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Edward Dowd, a Wall St investment guy, is saying that there is provable Pfizer fraud which will probably result in insurance companies, governments and class action suits against it. I hope these poor individuals get some help via the courts!

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From how I understand it, fraud by drug companies removes liability protection…

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Could be one of many reasons the government agencies will not release data.

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Check out Aaron Siri.

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Thanks. Just looked him up.

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Lawyers (and doctors) lean heavily left, and are uninterested in undermining leftist ideology. This has been an ideological disaster from the beginning. Our best hope for a constructive outcome is that many more people will realize that ideologues cannot be trusted, about anything, ever.

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Not sure about that. I think it has more to with groupthink and believing in authority rather than political ideology. The CDC = science.

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If the groupthink is ideological, they think ideologically. Look at who ABA and AMA donate to. Certainly not all docs and lawyers are commies, but the organizations they subscribe to and are controlled by, are.

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We can quibble about whether the whole thing is fascism (the unholy alliance of government and Big Business, which it is) or "communism" which has become something similar, a totalitarian system with a social credit system, much-admired by the avitars/gods of capitalism-Gates, Bezos, name-your-billionaire-here. The fact that Bojo, Merkel, so-called conservative politicians have imposed mandates (as well as their liberal cousins) clot-shot support and administration says it all. If Klaus Schwab is a "commie," then I'm Santa Claus. No doubt China is their model, not because of Marxism per se, but because China has become the darling of the technocratic elite and their scientific/financial enablers. The U.S. screams about China, all the while instituting the WEF/technocratic/transhuman agenda.

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I prefer not to quibble. I used "commies" as a metaphor, not a definition. Those who try to apply "-isms" to their strategies aren't really as interested in pedantic philosophies as they are in their own acquisition of power, by any means. But I was speaking of leftist docs and lawyers. I don't know if Klaus is either. And China certainly doesn't fit any standard model. It's a complicated world, defying academic categories. The most consistent thing is some people seek power over others, and most people are willing to allow it.

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

You are 🎯 perfect! I was under impression doctors weren't so inclined to be left but was told attys. think they can resolve all the world's issues (hilarious!) via indoctrination or were yrs. ago. Nutters‼️ Reckon it's same today. Wait until they're taxed to death! Many lazy ones who can't make decent living go into politics.

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They think of paying taxes like donating to their favorite charities - just another signal of their virtues.

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My husband is a lawyer but not his area of expertise and that's critical. PI/criminal attys. are plentiful (constitutional law experts not so much ?) and I'm sure they'll be accessible/accommodating. They need (and all the other junkies) to get their heads out of MSM (unbalanced political tripe) for their daily fix.

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The death count is going to be cataclysmic for the Insurance Industry, then THEY will go after the government criminals.

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I keep hoping this won't happen to humanoids -- horrific if it does.

Miss Rodeo -- great screen name.

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Well then, let’s hope they do.

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Oh, God. Hadn’t thought of amputation due to blood clot. The horrors keep coming.

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My daughter has had spontaneous bleeding issues since her third Moderna booster. I hate that I can't protect my children from propaganda. They are adult New Yorkers 😔

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Where are all the civil liberties litigators? Missing In Action, when most we need them. Defeat the Mandates. Health care always has been and must always remain a matter of individual choice.

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Just terrible, another good life, good innocent person, tragically and irreversibly impacted by this unregulated poison.

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I am hoping these lawyers are doing their research and planning as this info is released from Pfizer. The amazing thing is the bad news that’s been contained in these first data dumps. I obviously haven’t read everything that’s come out, but has there been ANY not negative data in this paperwork?

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They'll be lining up. Probate lawyers must be slammed with work.

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As I recall from the get-go it was "fixed" so thye drug companies could NOT ever be held responsible. Thus no one can sue them.

Wonder if Fauci can be sued as an individual? Doubt it. Same for CDC. Do not think the federal government can be sued either over this mess.

Something was terribly wrong when the responsiblity of failures could not be held accounable. Esp Pfizer and Moderma. Those 2 seem to be the main culprits. J&J seems to have faded into the shawdows.

Speaking of Fauci, where has the little weasel disappeared to?

Prayers for those people affected by these experimental vaccines. Truely the biggest mistake America has ever made. Using private citizens in their diabolocal experiment.

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I had assumed Pharma is protected by the EUA. Once the Emergency is dropped, liability kicks in UNLESS the “vaccine” is approved on the Childhood vaccine list. Then they have no liability. I think all were surprised the vaccine was not added the Childhood Vaccine Schedule, but thanks to the 40k comments sent to the Federal Register (I was one), they backed off. Guess this is why Biden is continuing the Emergency, to protect his Pharma buddies.

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I believe Dr. Martin has stated that according to EUA law if a conspiracy to commit a felony can be proven then all liability exemption drops away.

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We are going to need some whistleblowers with conscience.

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Add judges with the same sensitivity to that wish-list too.

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yes, I was also one who sent comments. thanks for letting us know there were 40,000! Excellent. Love your avatar pic Miss Rodeo!

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One more thing. Pfizer and all the other dirty companies need to be litigated to death, liquidated and proceeds from the liquidation going to a fund to compensate vaccine injured patients. If it can be done to the Sacklers and Purdue Pharma, it can be done to these evil bastards.

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And all those responsible must be indicted and prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity. We must never forget what these monsters have done. And full justice must be rendered.

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Excellent segment by JP & fantastic WEF clips ty!

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JP appeared to struggle to be his usual funny self in this one. After watching the clips it's understandable. I stay up with things and expect the worst and yet I was shocked...

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Do any of you feel the burden of knowing the truth? Here are just a few examples:

a) He fainted, fell backward and cracked his head- total paralysis. Only lived a few hours.

d) Last summer my doctor diagnosed me as immunocompromised. He can’t figure it out.

c) She had a UTI, and 2 days later she’s dead of sepsis

Only 3 dead in my small community compared to 5 last week. I can only bite my tongue.

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Yes. It is a burden. I sometimes wish that I was ignorant and naive like most of the people I’m trying to educate. But I’d rather be a lion than a sheep. And boy, I am a lion now!

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Me, too, but my friends and family cannot “unvaccinate,” and I am worried for them.

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I sure can relate to this. And even the family that thinks I'm insane-worried for all of them.

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Check out the protocol on FLCCC for after you’ve been vaccinated

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I sent my son the How Bad is My Batch link from Dr. Malone. He had 1235 deaths reported to VAERS in his Moderna vaccine batch. He is 42 with 2 small children. All I can do is pray.

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I know! Around vaxxed friends, I have to bite my tongue. I look at them and wonder what’s going to happen, but I can’t just yell out “you’re doomed!” It’s a lonely place to be. Each incident, like you listed, is different and can usually be explained away (age, was already ill, etc). The cemetery burial rate in my local area doubled between 2019 and 2021 but not due to Covid, so it’s happening here. At some point it will be too obvious to ignore, especially when the lawsuits happen. I’ll again have to bite my tongue to avoid saying “I told you so.”

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I hear ya re/"vaxxed friends," and their arrogance and advice. I was even told I need to get vaxxed and President Trump said to. Like I care what he says about what's best FTS (for Thor's sake). I've learned to just ignore, keep my pie hole closed and lie low. Any mention of socializing fine and respond soon, I hope. I care less if I'm shunned/snubbed and would rather stay clear of shedding.

Until Fox News and CNN reports the issues ad infinitum they won't believe. They're running on 2 cylinders - braindead drones.

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I, too, am leery of being around too many vaxxed due to shedding and potential viral load. They’d be shocked if they knew that!

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You know, I am not. I have had 2 jabs and have not gotten the virus. I am not afraid. It is my belief everyone(!) will eventually contract this disease-- excepting those who are naturally immune or have fantastic immune systems. If I get it, I KNOW what to do to prevent the stage two virus spread and am ready for a fight. Regardless, I am not afraid to die. Bring it on.

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Heard about hs classmate, she healthy and thriving, came down with UTI, sepsis in quick order, unconscious for a while, vented, and now trying to recover…..

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Thank you for the comic relief, we needed.

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Watching Dr. Harari on the JP video reminds me of how the bad guy always starts monologue-ing when he thinks it’s too late for his victim to do anything to change his evil schemes.

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Great JP video, as usual! 🥰

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My daughter sent me JP’s video yesterday. I’m glad he can add humor to a terrible situation. My husband watched it with me. He shook his head and said. How are we going to survive this. I told him that we have the big guy in the sky to help us. It’s his planet not Evil Schwab’s.

One of my student’s mom had the jab. She is just recovering from having blood clots in her lungs. She was already on blood thinners. She has to have heavy duty blood thinners now . Yesterday she was coughing up blood and the dr found her lungs have been per entry damaged. She just became a grandma this week. She is in her 40’s.

Something has to be done to hold these evil designing (men) accountable. Oh and now our local grocery store checkers don’t have to wear masks now. Neither does the students at the local university. Just like that Covid is gone. Thanks for being our mouth piece. We will continue to fight.

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My grandkids call me Mary Poppins. Love the cartoons.

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Excellent collection, I can always tell when someone watches a lot of TV, because they are usually wearing two masks, and stop dead in their tracks if anyone gets near them at the supermarket. Free will is definitely under assault. It is surprising to see someone blatantly saying, "hey, we've taken your freedom and will do more." How about "thanks for the memories" ?

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He's clearly a sociopath and also figures he'll be on top of the cloud if he follows the Schwabsters. I think he might be in for a surprise.

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Harari is clearly an atheist. You can also tell by his body that he doesn’t enjoy food- that’s beneath him. Probably lives on soylent green.

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JP Sears once again knocks it out of the park! Great video. People need to wake up.

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Here I was, thinking that something was afoot with all of these leaders making decisions about our lives that only ever bring about negative results, in perfect lockstep with one another, and somehow always escaping any consequences for their actions. I'm so glad to learn that it has just been an amazing string of coincidences going back decades! Whew! Coincidences. Just lots and lots of unbelievable coincidences. I can't believe I was actually concerned about this. Must have been all that thinking I was doing. Thanks, JP! ( Thanks for posting Dr. Malone! )

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Anyone seeing any MSM coverage of the trucker convoy that arrived in the DC area today? I just called Fox News 888-369-4762 and asked them why they aren’t covering this story. So did a lot of my friends and family. Let’s inundate them! WE THE PEOPLE!!!

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Compelling evidence China (and global intel agencies) knew about Russian Invasion of Ukraine last November - https://archive.ph/CMVhK

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We, you and me, the ones who are left and have not been poisoned by the fake “Vax” must walk a careful line between our bravery to not get the Vax, the knowledge that we know right and wrong and sympathy for our fellow humans who either had no choice or were mislead by evil doers or just complacent.

Quoted from the Nuremberg Trials:

“The United States stands for Justice, Truth, and the Value of a single Human being.” This was said to Ernst Janning from the Tribunal Judge.

It is my opinion, that as the days, weeks, months and years pass, we will be seeing more and more fall ill to autoimmune diseases. Nothing short of living in a bubble will save a lot of people.

I am not a mask wearer, however, I don’t care if anyone wears one, even now. But, if you see someone wearing a mask going forward be sympathetic because it may be the only thing protecting them from germs, bacteria and microbes because when you don’t have an immune system, because an evil maniac stole it, you can become very sick very fast.

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awesome video by JP! Sent it to . . . those who have potential to learn or reverse their brain.

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I wish. 2 of my 3 have blocked me. I pushed too hard trying to warn them about the jabs last spring and then went full court press in the fall, begging please do NOT booster (both are brainwashed nurses). JP's videos may have been better received. He makes learning fun, his work is also multi-sensory. My personal favorite is when his hair is down and he swings his head abruptly and his hair flys.

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It's so hard. Don't beat urself up. I decided to be super careful with my friends/family and I only presented science/questions. I have been relentlessly hitting them with it since last May. Even so...most of them think I've lost it-the pushback has been brutal. And these are intelligent people. Many of them got boosted-but not all. Think I made a difference in maybe 25%. If you got thru to even one of your kids-you made a difference!

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yep, you got it Rachel, I am batting 50/50 with our two kids-- in their 40's! Maybe I can add a bit more though since last year we got a new "kid"-- my son's new wife who takes the red pill too! BTW-- her name is Rachel.

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Interesting how seamlessly the mass formation programmers have shifted from covid to Ukraine without missing a beat. I believe that the the second part of the one/two punch is about to land on our right side in the vicinity of the floating ribs with devastating results. They have been setting us up for the cyber attack going on five years now starting with the Russian Collusion hoax of 2016. I wondered how they could keep pushing it even after Nunes and the rest of the bulldog Freedom Caucus Republicans exposed the conspiracy. And the deepstate operators with their accomplices of both parties and media facilitators kept pushing the Russia narrative right up until Putin's intervention in Ukraine. Now they are in hyper acceleration with the Russian man bad rhetoric. It is the perfect environment to inject Klaus Schwab's Cyber Polygon scenario and blame it on Putin. Cyber interference with Russia has been floated as a possible recourse over the past couple weeks by various players in this game of thrones episode. So the table has been set. And what better way to take all attention off the covid related crimes of the past two and half years, the imploding economy (hyper inflation), injection induced sickness as it manifests, etc. The chaos that will ensue with our infrastructure crippled by a cyber attack would allow a lot of cover for the maleficence leading up to it. And I am not convinced that it will be an outside enemy that levels the attack. More and more it is being revealed that our harshest, most ruthless enemy resides within our own borders and operates within the auspices of our own institutions. Be strong people, get right with God, do not fall prey to the propaganda. If you watch television or God forbid "mainstream news" at all you should be watching it thinking, "How does this narrative help them bring me where I would not otherwise go without being lied to?" If you watch it thinking you are getting the honest truth, you are not awake, your brain has been hijacked. The television is the equivalent of a lipid like nano particle and the information being delivered is the mRNA induced spike protein, your brain is the gullible ribosome...adverse events will follow.

That being said I refer you to Dr. Malone's substack article, "Get Prepared for 2022".

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