May 1, 2022·edited May 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ve got the scissors queued up for the first meme. Would you like to do the honors, Dr. Malone?

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A good laugh is a well deserved long exhale on a rainy Sunday morning! Good on ye Robert!

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JP really gets it as does Tucker. I actually worry about them both for their ability to keep getting their messages out and for their personal safety.

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Russell Brand is another that is allowed to speak a surprising amount of truth.

I wonder about Biden's new Ministry of Truth, and whether the regime picked such a ridiculous person as its first leader to reduce early objections. That department in the hands of intelligent people is an incredible threat to everyone.

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I never thought that in 2022, Russel Brand would be a trusted source of information and free thinking. I'm super happy he's getting the message out there though in a thoughtful, even-handed way. Another comedian is Ryan Long of the Boys Podcast. He's been on point the last two years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev373c7wSRg&t=45s

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so I will come back to this thread.. sounds very fascinating..

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If Tucker's ratings are any indication, he is indeed getting the message out and people are listening. This is why the establishment and the Left fear him so and are committed to his total and complete destruction. Good luck with that.

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I also believe the truth that is told on OANN, was the reason AT&T dropped OANN. Now, a lawsuit may be forthcoming. The Truth shall set us free, & I personally believe this is why the left wing wacko's are nervous about 2022!!!

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I am big fan of OANN and I met Chanel Rion a couple years ago.. wonderful lady.. and her fiancée: as lovely in person as she is on TV and very smart.. too.

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She does seem like a wonderful, intelligent & sweet person! How cool to have met her!

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Tucker is a smart guy.. don't worry.. after the WHITE HOUSE drunk fest awards or whatever ya call it.. with Noah Trevor and BidenRot's mumbling.. they really pounded on Sean Hannity and Peter Doocy too. I have never heard of Noah Trevor .. for a South African (I also did not know) comedian he was pretty good.. for WOKE left wing comedian. Apparently the booze was flowing liberally according to the Fox news post "analysis" I don't drink any longer so I couldn't tell .. I thought they acted perfectly normal.. considering they are INSANE.. :) welcome to WH PRESS CORP one flew of the CooCooNest. whatever. :)

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I thought Noah Trevor was funny the first time I watched him; over the past few years he has become increasingly annoying! Of course he caters to the WOKE left wing lunatics.

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Hugh Peterson, I fear for everyone ….openly going against the lefty narrative. Great Sunday Strip.

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Can the NYT do anything more ridiculous to lose their credibilty than attack Tucker? Seriously, anyone still reading that rag or voluntarily wearing a mask is brain damaged at this point.

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Anyone who still reads that rag is likely wearing a mask while reading it. The paperboy may have been infected.

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The very sad fact is that there's a large number of voters who 1) listen to NPR in the car, 2) watch CNN at the airports, 3) get USA Today in their hotel rooms, 4) get NYT and or BBC online, 5) get NYT Sunday edition delivered. Not to mention the smart-phone, social media, and search engine algorithms that force-feed the agenda. With that mix, how can busy people learn the truth? And, all the while, they truly believe they are consuming a wide variety of perspectives.

Yesterday I happened to hear NPR's foreshadowing of the-summer-of-insurrection-coverage (the left's Watergate homage). All coverage all summer, with the conclusions arriving, oh, I-don't-know-maybe-September-or-October? The reporter did not even hide how they are trying very hard to remake Watergate.

Do not get complacent that these 2022 elections are going to swing all-red due to the covid debacle. There are definite optics in the works. And once again, in plain sight!

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And I see in the WSJ that farmers are starting to use Gates-backed microbes because of the fertilizer shortage/price increases. Nothing suspicious about that either.

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Oh geeze no.....Gates is an evil man! Farmers do need to wake up, & stop listening to Gates. Gates wants to create his own personalized world, minus those that don't follow his negative narrative!

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Wholly agree. He set out who he was with not allowing MS Office 6 folks to access MS Office 7 data files and visa versa. Have never used Office as a result. He thinks he should rule the world with just the serfs who serve him faithfully surviving.

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I will be getting rid of MS & decided to purchase a new Apple system- I'm done with MS & him!

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Happy Landings! Would join you but I do WordPerfect and it's no longer on Apple.

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Come on Farmers, wake the hell up.

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Love the Funnies they are so on the mark! On the other hand re Gates involvements:

Excerpts WSJ re GATES

The World Needs a Pandemic Protection Team

I call it the GERM—Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization—team, and the job of its people should be to wake up every day asking themselves the same questions: “Is the world ready for the next outbreak? GERM would need about 3,000 full-time employees I put the cost of running the GERM team in the neighborhood of $1 billion a year

Gates’s new book “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,” which will be published on May 3

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Gates wants his own world, done his way. Evil man...!

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Absolute narcissist.

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Absolutely is a narcissist!

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Gates is an idiot.

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Gates - GERM 1 (looking to sub contract the operation?)

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Happy Sunday - happy May 1, 2022!

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Being any kind of nationalist is a bad thing, because it means someone who mindlessly supports whatever their government is pushing. Tucker is not a nationalist.

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If I were Tucker, I'd frame that one.

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Stopped in at a grocery store and saw the Times hit piece on Tucker. It’s written by one of their senior writers. Stoking white fear is what Tucker does, according to the Times. I no

Longer subscribe to cable TV, but I watched his show every night for a year, and I have no idea what the Times is talking about.

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Are we more like 1984 or Brave New World?

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Good Morning - this is not a Funny but worth listening to. https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Martin-Armstrong-Session-100-Odysee:8

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I really love this regular feature of yours.

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May 1, 2022·edited May 2, 2022

You outdid yourself today Robert...until next week, I presume. I am going to post what I have found most interesting this week on my SubStack today...

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Thank you again. Bless you Dr. Malone!

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and next week I will get back on Twitter on my old account.. think.. I think if it is still here.. Elon told AOC to quit hitting on him.. :) RFOL.. yep..

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Good friend of mine texted me in a panic because her 23 year old daughter, who is a nurse, was just diagnosed with COVID. This after 2 long years of her hysterical worry over every “exposure”. There is no getting over this crap for some people. Unbelievable.

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