As humanity continues on its path of planning its own suicide, we are running out of time. To say we are sorry to our young, for what we have allowed to happen, does not seem like enough. We have let the Trojan horse through the gate and now we watch our young generations disconnect from life and be enhanced and fascinated by electronic machines. We all have been forced into this game that none of us here will win. In the beginning of the rise of the machine it was to simplify life and was a status symbol. Now it is mandatory. The monthly statements we all receive are simply paper and ink generated by the machine. Paper and ink much like our constitution that the controllers of the machines disregard. For years I hesitated to connect with the machine but now I can’t conduct business or life without it. I fear even people that are strong enough to unplug from this insanity, in the end, will not be able to exist unscathed. Eventually the machine and their supporters will devour all. J.Goodrich

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James, I equally feel your burden and urge you to remember that it is always darkest before the dawn!

I choose to believe THAT, and I won't EVER SURRENDER!

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We CANNOT ever surrender!! Look at “The Great Resist” meme!

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Absolutely 💯 right!

I saw that meme. We ALL need to have that put EVERYWHERE! On SIGNS, BILLBOARDS, and of course on T-SHIRTS!!!!!

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I won’t either Ana I’m with you!!

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James, Our Heavenly Father will also NEVER GIVE UP ON US!!

We just got out from the movies 🎬.

We saw the movie, "The Shift" from Angel Studios. 😇

It had a wonderful message 😊 for this special Christmas 🎄 season.

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Amen… that is Faith.

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We're fighting Arnold in so many ways......

I have a buddy who lives, just about off the grid. He's so happy, as he knows that if / when the total shutdown of the grid occurs, by the keepers in our govt who want us all to suffer, that it won't affect him very much at all. His house is / was designed by him to be simplistic, have plenty of heat, water, a place to go to the bathroom, and if the electricity was shut down right now, all he will have is to throw a few switches, and enjoy the peace and solitude of no one bothering him.

I envy him, so.

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

There is living off grid by substituting a mini grid for the public one, and then there is a simpler lifestyle based on more reproducible low tech equipment such as the Amish typically use. Your friend's "throw a few switches" response is likewise not sustainable if we really end up in a grid-down situation because it will take literally years to get it up-and-running again after a catastrophic failure due to sabotage. And by then the Mad Max chaos will have wiped out nearly all the urbanites and much of the small town inhabitants as well. Your friend had better have plenty of replacement parts on hand. ONE burned-out critical component and any high-tech device will be toast. And after a possible EMP attack? Is his system sufficiently "hardened"?

In other words, we cannot necessarily just exchange one unsustainable system for another. True preparedness will rest on having a broad enough knowledge base to get by comfortably at ANY level of technology, or lack thereof. Does everyone reading this know how to make fire without matches or a lighter? Gather and prepare firewood without a hatchet or saw? Hunt and butcher your catch? And cook it without utensils? Find water and render it safe to drink? Can you boil water in a hollowed out log, etc. with hot stones? Can you MAKE a hollowed log using fire? Can you construct a shelter, make clothing, collect bedding? Can you flintknapp an arrowhead or stone knife or spear point? YOUR ANCESTERS COULD OR YOU WOULDN'T BE HERE!!! I highly recommend having at least some rudimentary survival skills, but not those that depend on fancy manmade-anything. Ones oriented to living in harmony with nature are the most practical and realistic.

In a prolonged grid-down scenario, we won't be thrust back into the pre-electric "horse and buggy days" as some have opined. We don't HAVE THE INFRASTRUCTURE! And we generally don't have the knowledge base to recreate it on the scale that would be necessary. Or the hand- or water- or animal-powered tools to build it. According to Congressional reports, by one year after loss of our power grids we would be seeing a 90% die-off of the American population!!!!

Everyone needs an emergency backup "Plan B" just in case! Because we really don't know how bad it might get, with crazy people running the world bent on mass genocide! And having a gas-powered portable generator with a one week supply of fuel isn't going to cut it! And it won't cut it for the hundred-or-so nuclear power plants in the U.S. after the fuel tanks run dry for the generators that supply the cooling pond pumps that keep the spent fuel rods from burning and spewing out clouds of radioactive particles. DON'T live downwind of a nuclear power station!

Hopefully God's grace will help prevent worst case scenarios. But if things continue onward toward a real life Armageddon, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better!

And guess what? "Global warming" is a made-up hoax designed to wrest power and control from us "useless eaters" and transfer it to the Globalist nut jobs through the stupid means of carbon taxes and carbon credits. There is no global warming. Instead the difficult times ahead are most likely to be exacerbated by global COOLING and colder winters ahead combined with shorter growing seasons and more crop failures because the Earth is entering a Grand Solar Minimum that will last for about thirty years. So plan accordingly and get seeds for more cold hardy varieties and shorter-maturing varieties, just in case. Insulate your house really well and get goose down comforters and a good wood stove!


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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

Well. two things:

If indeed 90% of the American population is dead, the globalists have already begun the replacement process at the border. So if Kill Gates and Scamta Klaus have their way, they already have people to fill our shoes, underwear, pants, shirts, homes, cars and anything else we have or do, waiting in the wings.

Kill and Scamta have promised a celebratory BBQ party after we're all gone, in appreciation of all the work they did to get here for the takeover.

"When you pry it from my dead, cold hands"


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The Third World invaders may not fare much better. The Chinese have a long-term plan to invade and take over the U.S. for its resources, especially for its excellent Midwestern agricultural land. They covet it for producing food for their own people. They don't want any of us and plan a mass extermination and replacement with themselves. They will manipulate our CCP puppet government every which way first to get our guns confiscated. The Chinese serioisly want us disarmed and helpless before they mount their takeover. Biden and the co-criminals in his administration are traitors, pure and simple! Everything they are doing is aiding the enemy and the destruction of America!

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And it is currently under way right now.

They will spare no one, inxluding the shithead politicians who have sold us out


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Very good video! Thanks!

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James, exactly! I’m a neighbor to a conservative Amish community. I’ve been without my brand new fancy gas stove with its super duper touch screen controls for 5 months. My friend, Lois, has never spent a single moment of her life without a functional stove(it’s wood fired), never been on hold with customer service, never waited 3 months for a repairman who calls to reschedule at the end of a day she stayed home to wait on him, never waited another full day for the repairman (who showed up this time) to declare the stove needed a replacement part he didn’t have and rescheduled the next appointment 2 months into the future. She never spent any time fixing all the computer bugs that happened daily, never was without her toilet because the electricity was down, was never freezing cold in a winter snow for same reason... need I go on? With the creep of convenience came the chains of debt and failure to perform. And it’s only getting worse. It all boils down to money and indebtedness. Keep your money and get rid of the indebtedness. Also, give up convenience... that’s the kicker.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

As I have grown older, my sincere respect and admiration for the Amish, Mennonites, and the like, has grown immensely. When I was a kid, I was misinformed as to the real value these "separists" have in showing the world what life is, and should really be about.

Yes, they have their problems too, but primarily are self reliant, and their faith in God surpasses most of these issues.

My wife and I met a former Mennonite who still lives in their community. He left the parish (but stayed physically in place) because he found out about an instance where one of the elders was sexually abusing one (or more) of their own, and he was ostracized by coming forwards about it.

I didnt ask what happened to the pedo, but he still lives there, and conducts business. He unsinuated it was handled "their way" whatever that means.

Barbara Lee, I love your descriptive glimpse into your experiences, fwiw.

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? What kind of a toilet needs electricity?

I think that anybody who lives in a cold climate had better have a backup wood stove and a stash of firewood . . . even if there are local laws against them. Then when the SHTF they will be able to stay warm. That is a survival imperative . . . screw the stupid laws!!!!

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All my water is pumped uphill with electric pump. Sorry, that did seem odd when I reread it. Good catch! Not only do I not have a toilet, I don’t have any water at all. One winter it was 10 days. My neighbors came and got me and I got to live like they do. After an adjustment period of about 15 minutes, I was completely comfortable with all the amenities... just a little different. But their houses are set up for that (horse driven pumps to gravity fed holding tanks). Mine is not because it is a modern standard building. I suggest we change all that.

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I would love to see their horse-driven pumps! Have you seen them in action? Do the horses walk around in a circle? Where do they get pumps like that? I imagine they are used a lot still in Third World countries.

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The Amish underground has lots of old fashioned equipment that generally lasts several lifetimes. There are annual auctions around the country that cater to them. I go usually in April to the one in Scottsville Kentucky and fill my truck up with Amish men who need a ride. About the pump- almost any windmill pump works and they simply create a gear system that horses spin by walking in a circle. Kind of like a windmill laid flat. A pipe runs up hill to a decommissioned dairy tank with about 15,000 gallons of water. This usually serves several families down hill. Lots of the ladies here have this gear system hooked to their washing machines so the horses do the laundry. They actually don’t lack for much except the convenience of flipping a switch.

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Remember the RESURRECTION came after the passion and crucifixion!. They thought they had forever done away with the Creator and Savior of the world. But - not so much! You can't keep a good man down.

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Consider if voters would put a dozen Ken Paxtons in state houses they just might manage to begin grinding the fed behemoth down to a more manageable level. I still believe that if Abbott had kept Texas open during the faux pandemic its economy might very well have prevented or at least lessened the nation’s economic collapse. Just that one state, so maybe things not as dour as it seems.

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Dr Nash, let’s skip the vain hope of politicians with teeth and go right for the jugular: make citizen taxpayers assign their tax dollars for (or not for) every proposed spending bill. I can assure you that based on the past three years performance I feel confident that the following would be on the streets of San Francisco with the rest of the homeless: FBI, CIA, CDC, DOE, DOJ, NIAID, NIH, DHS, and probably a few more that I can’t quite call to mind. Feel free to add below!

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Nice if you can do it. How?

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Look, I’m old, naive, not that smart so probably this needs an Elon level brain. But here’s some ideas: 1. Every bill (once it makes it through the House /Senate process) gets posted to X (Twitter) and debate ensues. Pro and con senators and HofReps weigh in long form and then the public has their say (Bring on Community Notes). 2. The bill gets added to every citizen taxpayer’s form with a Yes and a No box. (Yes you can use whatever portion of my tax dollars would have gone to this if divided equally across all taxpayers or No you can’t use my money for this. In which case I could assign it to pay down the national debt or build a national nest egg or something like that). 3. Alternatively, X provides a link to a personal bitcoin account into which my tax liability is or has been deposited and neither I nor the government can get any of it unless and until I check a yes box on X specific to that bill. This is such a huge problem, I don’t want to pretend the answer is simple. What IS simple is that We The People are funding this stupid spent thrift government and we need more fiscal control over our own money choices.

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What you are arguing for is a democracy, which our Founders wisely rejected for a republic. We basically vote how our money is spent by voting for the spenders…or we did until we allowed congress to create all these agencies who are unwisely spending all that money. The agencies take the target off the backs of congress where it belongs. If SCOTUS were to rule that these agencies could only advise but not regulate a lot of what is wrong would be fixed. And they could start the process by overturning that idiotic Chevron decision.

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This would be a blend of representative and democracy which I understand could be misused. But as you note, representative government isn’t working either. My money is being spent LARGELY on things I object to: for example abortion. I’m not standing in anyone’s way (although when is abortion murder asks me myself all the time) I just absolutely do not want my money spent on it and to hell with what the majority of politicians negotiate. Why not let citizens buy the governance they are willing to pay for. There will ALWAYS be a budget. Just the size will fluctuate as it should. Since congress is powerless to stop corruption, we must. Listen to Rand Paul speak to empty seats about the waste in government funded spending and you get an object lesson in why Congress won’t do what they should, not even with your suggested change to agency policy.

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That's the process, agency advise back to Congress for specific okays on any regulations, especially ones that involve additional $s to the agency or additional expenses on the regulated.

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Great idea

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While I feel that darkness, I refuse to go quietly into the night. Peace to all.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

The evolution of the machine was the peaceful means of causing the surrender of freedoms, rights, autonomy, sovereignty. Were they just an illusion for us and a way of life for the younger ones? I got my computer back from the PC shop last Friday. Owner was about 30. We are not only the product but the captive.

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No trustin' AI ....

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

I don't have a TV and rarely watch movies. I read books, not digital, but hardcopy. I'm a professional artist and never create depressing or horrifc works. I don't why people do and why others would purchase and then hang their garbage on their walls at home. All I have to do is look at most movie introductions and advertisement images and I think, "Why on Earth would anybody want to watch that?" They're either depressing or outright horrific. The last six months the number of synchronistic experiences I've had are off the charts, sometimes as many as 3 per day. I've had phases before where they appear, around one a day for maybe a few weeks, then cease and start up again a few months later. But never so many and as for long a stretch of time as I'm experiencing now. It feels like a magical time. Yet, I'm convinced that what we repeatedly think and with feelings associated with those thoughts create our experiences whether we recognize this fact or not. That's what synchronicities demonstrate. Looking at the media, and in particular with the news and worse yet in entertainment where we revel in tragedy, anger, fear and misery. it is no wonder humanity is having a very bad time of it to the extent of destroying children's lives and self-destructing.

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Many times Leslie I like to write things to make people think. I build things for a living, and though it’s a tough profession, I have to stay positive especially to customers. I like what I do as it sounds you do as well. There is much art in carpentry. I do have much concern over computers, the young, and the governments ability to shut people off from their money. Banks produce monthly statements that really are just paper and ink.

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My sincere compliments James. Yet again, you pen a clear consise summary of your feelings, and my observation is that many agree with your general thrust. However, we (in my opinion) CANNOT simply sit back and allow these arseholes to follow through on their evil plans. I do have a plan of sorts, which I have tried to attract the attention of Dr Malone, but I recognise, that I am a "nobody from many Thousands of miles away downunder". Pity there is not a way we can communicate in silence, but as general comment, I BELIEVE there is a chance, but it takes a HUGE action on the part of many people.


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I never much respected Limbaugh's approach. But the one thing he once said that made sense was that when you vote in the primaries, you vote for the most conservative (hence, constitutional) candidate. That would have stopped a lot of the usurpation of State powers, making the real battle more local and therefore winnable. But seemingly there were never enough people doing that.

Now we have a uni-party Leviathan that has indebted us to a degree that some chaos is inevitable, including war. But if we can at least stop mandatory vaccination and quarantines, we may can increase the probability that we can die a natural death, even if we die poor. I'll take what I can get.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

James, What would the Native elders say about the future we are leaving, when their philosophy is to remember the effects of our decisions unto the third generation? I was thinking of this yesterday while reading Dr. Malone's book speech.

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Machines are nothing— just force-multipliers for carrying out human agendas.

It is the humans BEHIND the machines you should be looking at: those who program and utilize them! Don't get "lost in the weeds" blaming the mindless machines!

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Very well aware that it’s the people behind the machine pushing this rot on our children Faith. For now it is the people. Some of the other massive problems we have are peoples life savings are on paper. You can’t go to a bank and withdraw 600,000 dollars in cash, the bank doesn’t have it. It’s numbers on a piece of paper you get monthly or quarterly. If a foreign country (China) which is quickly gaining technology to knock out our electric grid and internet could wipe out peoples life savings in an instance. This is a massive problem with the dependence we have placed on the machine. The other problem is we have handed trillions of dollars over to these people who control these machines (government) and they at any time could freeze the assets of anyone they want to. Your statement of paper and ink produced by the machine means nothing, and the banks and companies like Blackrock could turn off or on your finances whenever they want to. These are some of the problems I see with us allowing machines and yes people to control so much. The controlling people will use the machine as an excuse to gain power over all.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

One of your best collections, Dr. Malone! I'm so glad to see that you laugh, twinkle with mischief, and still meet so many challenges while retaining your sense of humor! It's a great balancer.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

Today is the 3rd Sunday in Advent… we light the candle called ‘JOY’. It is the shepherd’s candle, "Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” -Luke 2:10-11 (Remember Linus’ speech when asked 'what the meaning of Christmas was’? Have a blessed Sunday!)

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The voice of Linus immediately sprang into my head after the first five words! Thanks for posting that.

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Yes Sir! Amen

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Be sure to get your kids vaccinated.

Don't forget to set your kids on fire to keep your neighbor’s kids warm.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched and laughed at The Three Little Pigs" by John Branyan. It was so funny (I'm a retired teacher), that I had to watch it again - and share it with my two genius sons. As I use to read to them and their sister, all the time when they were youngins. I will go back and watch it again. He is so right about our now limited vocabulary, and the vocabulary geniuses of Webster have dummed down their own book!!

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Great collection, ah and Ghost rider ! Thank u .

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Loved "The Three Little Pigs!"

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Me too!

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Me three!!

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Me four!!!!

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Say what?

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The Ukraine rep sliding money in to Biden's pocket is another truth-ism.

Did anyone else see the recent video from Ukraine where a gentleman in a government, or town council meeting dropped 3 grenades in the middle of the room, as they were arguing, blowing himself up and others around him in the process ?

Just watched it today, and it reminded me of the Biden administration.

The "Go back to Cali" was a real hoot.

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The Ukraine 'rep' appeared, to me, to be taking the wallet from "Dear Leader's" pocket. But I did wonder if it was supposed be sliding it back in.

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Double headed coin ?

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I read the account of he grenades but did not watch the video.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

You dont see much past the initial explosions, two on the floor, and the 3rd in his hand.

Smoke, dark room, and screams. Kind of like a hunter biden laptop video😳

I did not enjoy it, no

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert Malone, it's a pleasure to read the funny stories and cartoons you post. There are some really creative people out there and they bring a smile to my face. I can't thank you enough to have gone thru everything you have and still want to fight to make things right. The main articles are always very informative, even though they may be depressing to see how far we have fallen and how far we have to go. Robert Malone for president????

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One need not go as far back as Shakespeare to find elaborate language. I read my first Dickens novels last year (Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations). One of those exercises that some attempt at a young age, but that I pursued only later in life. It took effort and a dictionary on the side table. No regrets, it was worth the effort.

American Jack London's Call of the Wild (1903) is separated from those Dickens novels by less than a century, but the language is stripped down and the read is almost effortless. There's still a beauty in its simplicity, and the language could almost pass for contemporary.

Where I don't want to end up is with Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four Newspeak, and with everyone dumbed down to submit to the will of Big Brother. The problem seems to be that those elites David Rogers Webb is warning us about have been using Orwell's book as a blueprint rather than a warning.

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I heard an interesting explanation for the simplification of the English language from a German, who was of the opinion that because English became so universal (the new "Latin", if you will) and it became the second language for large parts of the civilized world, people were learning an almost stripped-down version of the language (and passing on the same) almost out of necessity. (It became the language of commerce.)

The languages in the small, insulated countries (Iceland and the countries in Scandinavia come to mind) never had everyone else jumping on board to learn them, and were consequently able to maintain much of their original complexity over time.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just a note on the White House Christmas comparison meme. John Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd 1963. Christmas 1963 was a very somber time, There would be no John and Jackie Kennedy standing by the Christmas tree that year.

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That detail stood out to me as well, and I couldn't unsee it.

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"Where is a wolf when you need him?": Feasting upon the blue hair festooned pusillanimous peccaries passively awaiting upon government housing provision to be given forthwith and in due government haste.

Another great Sunday serving of graphic imagery and video story and song. Say what?

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There must have been a teleprompter for him to read from. How can anyone remember all those lines given the wording...

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Memorizing Shakespeare is not too hard once you get into it. I've done so for acting class assignments. In John Branyan's case, he no doubt wrote out the routine first, and that alone would help in committing it to memory.

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I have been trying to memorize just part of To Be or Not to Be for almost 60 years to no avail. It wasn't until 20 or so years ago that I realized it was thoughts on suicide.

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Man oh man….Ghost Riders! Back in 1948 I would be outside playing and Mom would yell out the door…Mike, Ghost Riders! and I would tear back in to hear Vaughn Monroe singing this song playing on the radio. I loved it. This group did it proud.

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Yes! One of my very favorites!

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I can see why you posted the "Three Pigs". Language is important and will become obsolete in its finer usage if all we do is small mind entertainment. I still am into promoting Dylan's "You Gotta Serve Somebody" gospel music. The various singers do justice to the lyrics like no-one else. My Sunday morning service. I'm gonna put on my coat now, so my neighbor will be warm.

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Wonderful Sunday Strip! Ghost Riders in the sky....AWESOME, beautiful talented group! Love this...Thank you!

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Re: Dogs.

Nothing will bring you out of bed faster than the sound of a dog puking, eh?

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