I realize the 1984 quote is likely tongue-in-cheek, but it did prompt me to search for similar quotes in the original to see how close it was:

“The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.”

“‘The proletarians will never revolt, not in a thousand years or a million. They cannot. I do not have to tell you the reason: you know it already. If you have ever cherished any dreams of violent insurrection, you must abandon them. There is no way in which the Party can be overthrown. The rule of the Party is for ever. Make that the starting-point of your thoughts.’”

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If it wasn’t obvious, I should clarify that the second quote is from O’Brien to Winston during his torture session.

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I was particularly struck by "so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.” That's the reason that EVERYONE needs to be vaccinated, so there's no standard of comparison.

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Agreed. But that's of course still just one reason for universal vaccination.

Another *major* reason for the monomaniacal ruthlessness with which it was pursued (not public health, that's for sure!) is to establish normalized, universal, bodily-invasive access -- drugs, nanobots, and God knows what else...

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You're forgetting the most obvious: depopulation.

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Oh, yes -- agreed!

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It establishes that you do not own-control your body, "they" do. The body of a slave is the property of the master. As such the slave owner can do with his property whatever he wishes. The mRNA vaccines are patented. When the RNA reverse transcribes into your DNA genome, YOU become patented. This is similar to genetically altered seeds patented and controlled by Monsanto.

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Ironically, bodily invasion is *explicitly stated* right here in today's column, by an apparent "mad scientist" between 5:33-5:47 of the JP Sears video posted near the bottom of today's "Sunday Strip":

"By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. / But soon, at least some corporations and governments, will be able to systematically hack all the people"

Did JP take this out of context? Is it a deepfake? Is Harari complaining (not celebrating)? If not, well ...

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Oh no, Harari is deadly serious. Here is a longer clip for context:


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Thanks! I was going to hunt soon for this stuff of his.

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Astute point, Tereza. It’s also why totalitarian collectivist societies drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator and then conceal the grotesque wealth and privileges of the ruling class.

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Classical conditioning works, i.e.prisoners become "institutionalized" cannot cope with the real world. See the Shawshank Redemption. "Normalization of deviance" is a synonym. I always say: "When you're raised in a shithole, shit smells good."

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Before re-posting the Orwell quote I checked to find it in the book. Since it is not there, I did a search to find that it is from the 2017 play adaption of 1984: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/1984-theater-1015985/

The quote found above by Margaret is likely the source of the playwright's "screen" reference.

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Dr. Malone in action:) to make sure that it won't be like 1984 - 1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial (HD) 0:59 min https://youtu.be/VtvjbmoDx-I

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If course Apple is now supporting the 1984, global reset thing. Interesting.

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It's not only Apple. Our Government, Air Force unfortunately spraying Chemicals on us, all the militaries, institutions have been hijacked by the cabal. The traitors are at the top of the hierarchy. The Cabal are just few psychopaths. They have to be removed.

I only speak on my name now. This is why you have the Second Amendment. People who works for those organizations have to decide whose side are they. If it's not accordind to the U.S. Constitution, they have to say NO. I do not obey. They don't have to resign. They only have to say no, this is against the American Constitution and support each other.

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Dr. Malone in action:) 1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial (HD) 0:59 min


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What about the French Revolution?

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This is in the world of 1984 so not a statement about revolution throughout history, although it may be indicative of the future we are hurtling toward if we don’t stop it.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Agreed. The world of the future is one in which the raw aggregate of power (essentially, the accumulation of all technologies), plus power concentration, has evolved to become dangerous to an unprecedented degree.

For example, listen to the mad scientist in the middle of JP's video (near the bottom of Dr Malone's selections today) talking about elites hacking humans -- as if the population is a surplus of rats, or a set of inanimate objects, that elites may manipulate at will.

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Wrote the garbage " A brief history of HumanKind"-- HIGHLY hyped years ago-- trash.

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Ok...Many are still asleep but many are awakening to reality. Many times in the past year I have thought of the 2nd US Civil War. There are many well armed warrior patriots who would join but don't know if enough to be successful. Hope to heaven it does not come to this.

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We are probably being pushed into it for a couple of reasons. One, the destruction of our country is critical to the globalist plans. Two, if we go there, while we fight each other the Chinese, Russians, and Mexico will step in and are what is left. We need to avoid civil war like the plague it is.

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If it does, it will succeed at the simplest, most personal “point and click interface. That of a gun held by a patriot.

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It won’t.

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Best to think of what's coming as a Restoration; not a revolution.

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When memes, comic strips and comedians do a better job capturing a complex world than legacy media, you know you're living in upside-down world. Thanks, I look forward to the Sunday strip!

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Political cartoons have always done that. They are powerful.

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Are you familiar with the writings of Lloyd deMause?

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No. I'm not. I'll look him up. Thank you.

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I mention Lloyd deMause, because he repeatedly referred to political satire and cartoons as a means of predicting political outcomes, especially war.

It's utterly fascinating to follow his thought process.


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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

I knew Martha Stewart was in trouble because of the huge number of jokes about her that were showing up daily in my email inbox.. The Internet was flooded with them. This is before Twitter. The envy and malice behind the satire and humor was patent. Sure enough it wasn't all that long before the FBI charged her with lying and she ended up in jail. We now know she was set up and should never have been charged or served any time at all. She is a remarkable woman. She improved the prison while she was there, gained the respect of the inmates, helped quite a few, and came out a better person.

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Thank you, for sharing. Very interesting.

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“Own nothing, be happy”. The irony is dripping here. It literally requires dredging up one of CS Lewis’ great quotes (again):

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert - watched your movie filmed in Spain last night. So very well done. The love and respect you and Jill have for one another is a beautiful thing to see. From the words in the song at the end of the movie, "The preservation of our freedom is everyone's concern". God bless you and Jill for feeling the "moral obligation" to lead us in that fight. My prayers are always with you.

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Laura, Which movie is this and where can I see it? Thanks.

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On a recent local Facebook police scanner account a vaccination reminder was posted and the comments were absolutely eviscerating the vaccine. No one was pro vax on the thread. In the past it was mostly pro vax Karens. Many have seen the light!

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Yep, more and more. Maddingly gradual though.

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Why does everyone need to agree for change to happen? It has always been a small group of people that changes things.

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"Change is good" -- said literally multiple times in speeches by Bill Clinton in 1990s

"Greed ... is good" -- Gordon Gekko, "Wall Street", 1987 film

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"change is good" - what a fatuous bit of self-refuting nonsense. But it appeals superficially to the masses.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

It's like the "[all] hate is bad" campaign. Curiously back-seated when Trump came to power... You're not supposed to ask why a biologically native human emotion has no legitimate purpose any more.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What we are experiencing is quite surreal. Your input is like a breath of fresh air to those that are not asleep. We wish you and Jill much strength as you face the author of lies and his busybodies.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These were great but the Gates evolution is spot on.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many thank Dr. Malone for the much-needed laughter. Schwab increasingly looks like a caricature of an "evil" movie character.

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Or straight out of The Revenge of the Nerds.

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Every one of us should be suing The NY Times for feeding us lies and false information on a daily basis.

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Keep you doped with religion, and sex, and T.V.

And you think you're so clever, and classless, and free

But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see

-- John Lennon, "Working Class Hero", 1970

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Unfortunately he programmed many of his followers to do exactly that. It was a very confusing time to sort things out so I don't judge anybody accept the establishment forces at work that exploited the chaos to their benefit. Interestingly, I don't think the confusion and chaos of that era will even compare to what is coming in the next year and beyond.

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Don’t assume that “establishment forces at work” didn’t create the chaos from the start.

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John Lennon "programmed many of his followers"? What do you see him having intentionally done to deny people freedom of thought?

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Complicated answer and not easily nutshelled. As a person who grew up listening to the Beatles and Lennon I would say that he did nothing to deny people freedom of thought but his influence toward the loosening of cultural mores and promoting irresponsible social behavior had adverse effects on the generations that followed. Severe adverse effects. And I say that as someone who lived through it and suffered in ways because of it. I believe the counter culture lifestyle he promoted turned out to be very destructive and played right into the establishment culture war narratives of the day. I believe there were powerful people in high places that enjoyed watching the chaos and exploited it to their own advantage. And I believe those same forces are at work today creating a similar chaos but in a much more diabolical way. Did Lennon know he was being used? My guess would be no. But the end result was the same...a loss of cultural innocence on a grand scale. Seemingly on purpose, I might add. Bear in mind I am not blaming it all on him. There were a lot of other contributing factors. Not the least of which being the betrayal of the younger generation by compromised establishment influencers throughout the social, academic and governmental framework. Lennon was more a symptom rather than a cause of the problem.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

"[Lennon's] influence toward the loosening of cultural mores and promoting irresponsible social behavior had adverse effects on the generations that followed."

This is an unjustified pinning of major responsibility for massive cultural change on one person, no matter how famous he was -- and not even for the things he actually believed. Yes, there were adverse affects (and many positive effects) by this "cultural loosening" -- but it is not Lennon who was irresponsible in this setting. He was, in fact, was most frequently a sober source of wisdom, whatever his political preferences. What he did, in his fortunate high profile, was open minds that desperately needed opening in the 1960s, given the horrors of the Vietnam war and the MIC, of Jim Crow and Civil Rights, etc. He was a philosopher who kept asking us to ask the question "how did we get here?"

"Did Lennon know he was being used? My guess would be no." Even assuming this was true, no one can prevent "being used" in some twisted manner. It happens all the time -- you see it today, it cannot be controlled. Listening accurately is the responsibility of the listener, not the speaker. (That's what democracy requires.) Then why are you blaming him?

So who's been connecting Lennon to the failures of 1960s, and why? Lennon was not responsible for shepherding each and every one of the people hearing him. THAT responsibility fell to the "adults in the room", who should have grabbed the baton from him. That is, the character-capable (whether old or young) of the era. They know/knew who they are/were. By and large, they didn't do what was necessary. That's not Lennon's fault. Who was it that invented "don't trust anyone over 30"? Not Lennon, I can guarantee you. You personally couldn't have a heart-to-heart with Lennon himself to understand him better, could you? He wasn't your parent or other teacher. Who failed to pass the baton in your case?

There are people who can handle freedom, and there are people who cannot (often through no moral fault of their own), or are, at a period of time, too young and/or isolated from mentors. Just as economic freedom can be very challenging for people who are undisciplined, so is sexual, religious, drug, etc. freedom. Rapid change messes with most peoples' heads, and many are just not able to calmly say "yes" or "no" or "sometimes" for themselves and their charges with clear head. In any case, the cultural tipping point had not been reached even at the time Lennon died in 1980.

If Lennon had lived to a normal age, he would have been able to comment on what has happened in the last 40 years, and you would likely have been surprised. If you don't believe me, listen to the lyrics of Beatles' Revolution, as I posted below. Is that the message of an irresponsible man?

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We were all irresponsible to some degree back then, not least of all myself. As I said in my post, I do not blame him singularly for being used by evil people. My point is that his contribution to the "loosening" of social norms, as a response to foreign enemies and establishment socialist saboteurs, was substantial. He was not alone among high profile influencers caught up in and unfortunately contributing to the social upheaval. Although I should say I do understand the underlying message in Revolution was to not get drawn into the destructive activity being called for by many extremists at the time. Basically saying he wanted no part of it. His efforts and the method he used to communicate his message did wake people up to establishment manipulation...but it also led many young people down a very immoral path of licentious behavior not to make a political point, but just for the carnal indulgence of pushing the limits of "immoral" activity. And I base that on the influence it had on my own behavior. I am just making observations here for the sake of analysis, I am not judging anybody.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

Interestingly, Lennon's departure from the scene in 1980 coincided precisely with rise of the modern illusion state, with the hands-off Ronald Reagan. Now, nothing is in reality what you are told it is.

If you remember the 1960s/1970s, then you would have noticed changes like, for example, the bizarrely sequestered media that started in the 1991 Gulf War (Kuwait), a complete opposite of how Vietnam was covered.

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I would submit that “hippies” were a special breed of sheep who thought they were “free” to make their own choices while being heavily manipulated if not programmed.

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I would agree with that. They were a very confused breed of sheep. The mk ultra level programming was very effective. But really all they were was a group of scared kids that did not want to get fed into the war machine. Add a healthy dose of psychedelics to that and the end result is a hippie.

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Note that Lennon's not talking about Left vs Right here. Part of his genius, which repeatedly transcended ideological boundaries. See also Beatles' "Revolution".

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"But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao / You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow"

A slap in the face not only to the brainless portion of that era's Leftists -- but also to Chairman Mao himself, who at that very time was pursuing his infamous, murderous Cultural Revolution.

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I hear that China is again in lockdown. Could possibly involve their versions of vaccine. They are busy exporting to the third world since it requires less refrigeration. Problem is the Chinese are famous for cutting corners and for sloppy quality control. Not to worry, since WHO approves of authorization. Oh wait, doesn’t the CCP control WHO?

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China’s in lockdown because China is losing control of its populace.

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It has been firmly established that lockdowns do more harm than good. Logically therefore we must continue the lockdowns.

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The Bill Gates "Toon" is so apropos. But make no mistake, we need to act immediately if we are going to create an alternative system. So much to do and so little time...

...the acting president visited the Whitehouse this week and got the appropriate attention from his staff and supporters. That person is BHO. Biden is not in charge of anything and he makes no decisions about foreign policy. Everything that happens is orchestrated by Beijing, Barak Obama, the Deepstate and the WEF. But it is Barak Obama that coordinates the conversation between those in the group. Anyone attacking Biden for what is being done to us is like arguing with a store mannequin about the price of the sweater it is wearing. If you are putting your hope in the mid-terms or "Trump 2024" you are whistling past the graveyard, IMHO.

Actually, at this point the ones steering this controlled train wreck know it is impossible to stop so they are on a suicide mission to loot as much fiat money from the treasury as they can while it still has value and build their personal property holdings with it. That way they have something to transfer into the digital currency that is coming. While we are left holding the bag with only our bodies and our production capacity to act as collateral for whatever social credit value they assign to it. And that plebian group that has production value as compared to AI and automated options will be very small. There will be a diminished class of trans-human "resources" performing menial tasks that are drugged up and basically living a slave like existence. No matter how you look at this, in their model society, we are headed for major population reduction and a forced extinction of what is left of the human race. Remember what Klaus Schwab said, by 2026 everyone will have a digital ID tag and by 2030 "You will own nothing and be happy." This is the future they are moving us toward, people.

If you don't want to live in that world then we will have to begin immediately building a parallel system that includes a parallel economy and understand that we are literally at war. At stake is the life we once thought we had. So, sit back and do what your told or start taking aggressive action to separate from the current collapsing system. At this point resistance may not be futile, but soon, if we do nothing, it will be.

Trust no one and verify everything. This may or may not be a good first step, time will tell:


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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Agreed with much of that. I'm afraid at this point the train has left the station.

The future now mainly rests in the hands of the non-sociopathic, and sufficiently politically aware, portions of the elite's progeny and/or hackers. Are any of you readers among them?

Buckle up. It's gonna be a bumpy decade, and your guns and gardens won't save the day. But consistently thinking outside the box might.

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Agree with much of that! The train has definitely left the station and is traveling at a very high rate of speed and it is now about to cross a trestle that spans a deep chasm...and the trestle is beginning to collapse. The choice is to jump from the train now while there is a chance of survival or cope with the collapsing trestle while on board the train. By the way, the privileged class got off the train at the station and are waiting for a new trestle to be built before they cross the chasm. Any Questions?

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"The choice is to jump from the train now while there is a chance of survival"

A point of clarification I'll make...

There is no action we can take, for any of us as individuals, that comes close to guaranteeing survival. There's no recipe that can be published to "save the day". Merely by speaking out, we have target crosses on our backs, and we need to smell and drink that coffee. We need to get past the denial of the seriousness of the unprecedented situation we protesters are all living in, and act accordingly.

We are the front lines. And at this point in this notorious hybrid war, we are truly sitting ducks. But, if we persist in spreading the word, our friends and families will soon think twice when ... well, something starts happening to us ...

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FWIW, things are certainly happening to me.

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Find similarly aware people in your local area. There is safety in numbers.

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I agree, it is very important to raise awareness at every opportunity.

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Yes, my question is: Do you realize you’re drinking a different flavor of Kool-Aid?

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Valid question. I believe I am drinking a beverage mixed with the kind of truth being dispensed by Dr. Malone and others of his caliber. From a wide range of expertise. If you want to call that kool-aid, go right ahead. I call it wake-up juice. So, no, I don't buy your dismissing it as just another flavor option. I think you diminish its value in order to keep people from drinking the wake-up juice. And that is a very poor reflection on you.

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What specifically do you object to?

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Predictive programming.

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Of what? Please add some detail here...

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There's a few T- Shirts in this strip. Change the world. Become a walking billboard.

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Doc, you did it again.

Also, you have actually made life better for millions in a time of sheer evil. Personally I believe you are truly blessed and chosen for this time. Stay safe and walk in glory. 🇺🇸

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“ There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in in your philosophy.” Will S.

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Media credibility and Mass Psychosis is not a new concern. Since Disney is featured in the comics, especially the lemmings, perhaps this 1958 episode of White Wilderness can demonstrate the Disney ethos in support of overpopulation and the inexorable outcome of mass suicide.

The subsequent reality check by Snopes shows how much effort is taken to misrepresent reality.

https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/white-wilderness/. This was done before digital tools today allows "deep fakes", so the commitment to the deceitful narrative back then is impressive.

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That’s whack.

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Yup, and if Doctors are going to be impoverished for 'speech crimes' of supposed misinformation, why not apply the same standard to the Press for misinformation? I am beginning to feel that I do not need freedom OF the press, I want freedom FROM the press. Free speech should be for all, doctors included.

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“freedom FROM the press”

I love it! ❤️

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