One of the funniest Sunday Strips! Have a wonderful conference and safe travels with fantastic folks!

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Looking forward to the podcast 😊

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That James Madison quote is going straight into my Tyranny file.

The Netherlands data sounds intriguing. You really think the authorities will pay attention to data analysis this time? Maybe we can get Gideon van Meijeren (https://rumble.com/vsmb1j-dutch-mp-gideon-van-meijeren-confronts-pm-rutte-on-his-connections-w-klaus-.html) to press Mark Rutte on the matter :-)

Robert, I think you’ll appreciate this letter I wrote to Alex Berenson in honor of World Ivermectin Day:

• “Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world)

I was tempted to add a line about suggesting he apologize to you after he re-evaluates his position on ivermectin, but one challenge at a time 😆

I’ve asked my readers to share this using the hashtag #WorldIvermectinDay in hopes of getting that trending. Tess has asked me to keep this campaign going for a few more days as they still have WID events going on. We would be grateful if you could lend your megaphone to the cause :-)

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

During the discussion with Pierre Kory, Alex Berenson said, "Ivermectin is a side show. It's not important enough to spend a lot of time on." To those who would agree with Alex, perhaps because omicron is a relatively mild form of covid compared to its predecessors, I would offer a caution.

At any given moment these days millions of people across the world are infected with SARS-CoV-2. Random mutations abound in each of those people. This is what is leading to the rapid sequence of variants we are seeing. The covid pandemic is not over. In particular, it is possible that a more pathogenic variant may arise. Geert Vanden Bossche, who has a deep understanding of the situation, believes the probability of that happening is quite high.

If the disease moves back down into the lungs it will become much more severe. It is what Geert is predicting. Early treatment with antivirals becomes critical in avoiding or minimizing lung involvement. The most effective affordable antiviral treatments are ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. As before, you will not likely be able to get them from your doctor or a hospital. In my opinion it would be wise for us as individuals to stock up on both of these repurposed drugs now, then follow one of the protocols available on the internet for prophylaxis and/or early treatment. Such protocols are available at FLCCC.net, for example. Sad to say but we're on our own when it comes to covid.

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Agreed. We have meds, but probably need to order more.

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Agree and have everything recommended here at home. I even take it when I travel. Do you know if Ivermectin.com is a legit organization? They advertise over at Gab

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Sorry. I don't know anything about ivermectin.com.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

> You really think the authorities will pay attention to data analysis this time?

The authorities won't care, as they are clearly complicit. However it may go a long way to show the masses they were betrayed.

(The emotion of betrayal is a very powerful one.)

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Yes, Kalev, betrayal harnesses the hurt of heartbreak.



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Alex Berenson is on Substack. I read his books when they first came out. well I need to go right away.. Ivermectin should have been used all along. !

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That was a great letter you wrote to Berenson. I love the words 'hospicidal protocols.' That was just so on point.

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Wow, what a video. The corruption runs deeper than even us awake folk realize. Thank you so much ..

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I finished Mattias Desmet's book, "The Psychology of Totalitarianism." I have marked paragraphs all through it that are profound.

This is a seminal work. Please tell him I said so.

Anyone who wants to understand what is going on and what we can do about it must read this book.

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I can second the endorsement of Mattias's book. Excellent.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

Thanks for that, Naomi. I will read Desmet’s book as soon as I’ve finished “Behold a Pale Horse”

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It's a slim book but essential reading. I read Gad Saad's "The Parasitic Mind." Although they deal with the same topic, Dr. Saad's book feels superficial compared to Dr. Desmet's.

Dr. Desmet thoroughly explores the why and how. He does not inject himself or his ego into this. It is a work that people will be referring to for many years into the future.

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I will have read Desmet's book before next week's Friday Funnies, based on your recommendation alone.

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I would appreciate your feedback and your impressions on it. Hope you can "find" me again to let me know.

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deletedJul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022
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Yes, it's control. With bike lanes it is control of our movements.

I don't object to bike lanes too much because where I live there are a lot of bikers on those skinny bikes and we don't have many bike lanes. Every year at least one of these bikers is killed by a car.

The bikers hug the edge of the paved road but sometimes that isn't enough. When I am driving I give them a full lane separation. If traffic is coming then I slow down to a walking speed until there is a clear lane for me to pass the bike rider. Most people where I live do this too.

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What has always bugged me about sharing pavement with bikes is that I have to drive a car with several thousand $ of "safety" built in, most of which I could happily do without, yet those bikers only have to wear helmets that I have read provides little to no protection. Irritating.

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Do you believe they are in the same category? Both cars and bikes provide transportation, true, but the driver is somewhat protected by sitting within a metal and glass enclosure while the biker is fully exposed.

If we are talking motorcycles, bikers in Florida do not have to wear helmets and most do not.

The bicycle riders on those skinny bikes do all wear helmets.

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The point I appear to have not made clearly is that if the gov is going to impose the requirement of several thousand $ on any vehicle I buy allegedly for my safety why allow folks to share that road so flagrantly unprotected? Either impose more safety measures on bike riders or better yet take them off roads shared with autos. Studies have shown those helmets provide virtually no protection so to my mind a gov so concerned about traffic safety as to impose a virtual safety tax on autos is very hypocritical in allowing bikes to share roads with autos.

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You are making 2 separate arguments. The one is about safety equipment and standards on your vehicle you don't want or need and for which you will have to pay. Thomas Sowell made this argument very effectively about 20 years ago or so.

I searched but couldn't find the video I saw...it was probably pre-YouTube. This one is close


If bikes can't share the road with autos exactly where and how do they ride? They are not allowed on sidewalks and sidewalks are not continuous anyway.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Shinzo Abe was not serving as Prime Minister when he was assassinated earlier in July: he only was in office till Sept 16th 2020. So there can't reasonably be a link with his Covid policy.

What happened to several African leaders may be different, though.

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Shinzo Abe was shot while giving a campaign speech. He was planning to go back to politic so maybe it can be link to Covid policy. ¨Abe, 67, was Japan's longest-serving prime minister. He died after being shot while giving a campaign speech in the western city of Nara ahead of an upcoming election.¨ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/japan-shinzo-abe-shot-rcna37228

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for letting us know of your travels and meetings. That you leave your home and animals for work abroad is commendable and worthy of a good meal and conversation with good friends!

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Sounds like a great working trip, Dr. Malone. Stay sane, stay focused, stay ticked off. Blessings!

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For the upcoming elections we need is a Political Blue Book that lists all the oligarchs who have bought, bribed and blackmailed which politicians we are voting for so we know what we are really getting.

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I just read Dr. Malone's post Re data in Neatherlands.

Is there a LEGAL means by which we can force politicians to be made aware of LEGITIMATE studies of concerned scientists with a contrary opinion. I suspect that avenue does exist.

I am thinking about the future.

When this 'Coup De Globe' is finally exposed Mr. Trudeau(I am Canadian) will simply say' I acted on the information provided to me by experts in the science of..........'. Thereby protecting himself from legal retribution or consequence. We must take away that loop hole.(?)

Citizens will sue as is their legal right.

a) Pharma,,,,,, nope protected by corporate law which allows bankruptcy(it is about the money). Keep in mind corporate Bankruptcy doesn't mean you are without money

b) Politicians,,,, nope protected by parliamentary laws/rules

c) Doctors- medical staff,,,,,,,,, I expect there will be some sacrificial lambs here but redress will be limited.

d) Media ,,,,,,,,, News Actors,,,,,, I expect there will be some sacrificial lambs here but redress will be limited.

e) its us,,,,,,,,,,, we will in desperation sue Government (us) to get back our own money

(lost wages, huge CC bills, corporate driven inflation etc....... and of course our rights), but not our loved ones. Those loved ones sacrificed to Vax(profit) over IVERMECTIN/HDROXY the real science etc.....

I want the individuals that profited from this Coup de Globe, to lose that profit and be held accountable.

Those that earned by deception, doctors, media doctors, media experts, etc..... must repay those earnings in equal value plus incarceration.

"I didn't know" doesn't justify when such high quality opinion was/is available.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY- Who Knew, When did they know, Who Suppressed it


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Like “coup de globe”!

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thanks Datagal feel free to pass it along

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I am going with the Green Truck. Tell Desmond Mattias that I ordered his book on June 22nd but Amazon indicates that they are unable to fill my order at this time. Whatever that means. All the best to you in the Netherlands.

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Amazon can and does block titles and authors. They will say book unavailable and don’t know when it’s coming in. I worked in publishing and this is a common practice with them.

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Keep an eye out for the cow manure spreading equipment.

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Have a great trip and stay safe!!!😊

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Be safe as you go, Dr. M. Good interview with Dr. Mercola. Thanks for being such a warrior!

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Keep it up, Robert! And thank you...again!

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I loved the green vehicle comic! Makes me want to go out and buy a "green" car just to I can park in one of those designated parking spots! Lol! I literally did laugh out loud. The others are good too but this one tickled my funny bone. Thank you Robert! Safe travels back to the states to you and Jill. Thank you for all you both do. Blessings.

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I have a son with autism and he was marked down with a lower score on his IQ score because when they asked him to name some things that are green he said a nest thermostat a Prius and solar panels.

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Wow. Seems the "testers" are the ones who should have their IQ scores lowered. Thanks for sharing that Joseph.

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My second favourite sub stack day of the week, just behind Friday funnies!

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Looking forward to seeing the info from the Netherlands. Also wishing I still had my green truck, but alas, we sold it and got a red one.

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