always a joy to read these! Keep up the good work Dr. Malone! Happy Passover to all who celebrate, and Happy Easter to all who celebrate!

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Why did DOD fund Covid-19 research on Nov. 12, 2019 (before Covid-19 was known to exist or was named such)?


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I ACQUIRED MY NATURAL IMMUNITY TO THE COVID NOVEL VIRUS ON OCTOBER 31, 2019. Since then, I haven’t experienced any new symptoms aside from I might have had the aka: “Delta” cold symptoms for about 3 days. Other than that NOTHING!

My story::: I was exposed to Covid(20)19 on September 22, 2019, symptoms appeared 6 days later on September 28, 2019.

Exposure on 9/22/19 came from my business and my clients mother who joined us that day, had arrived at Ohare from China (don’t know what region) the day before on September 21, 2019. We spent better than 5 hours together on 9/22/19 in close contact they were a family of 4.

9/28/19- 6 days later my first symptoms appeared and progressed rapidly. Dry, very sore throat, bad headache, fever, cough, fatigue, and body aches couldn’t get out of bed for 12 days when I finally called my doctor.

Went to my Doctor (who said, “ugh, I don’t know what’s wrong with you”) on October 10, 2019. But instinctively she prescribed the correct meds and I was given a z-pack and a tiny gel like pill I think called benzonite to suppress my cough. Within 24 hours I felt 50% better. By October 31, 2019 I was 100%.

A total of 5 weeks from contact to cure. Additionally, I experienced what is now called Long Covid for approximately 8 months, with intermittent fatigue, low grade fever, fogginess, and lethargy. The fogginess and fatigue lead to a misstep in my business and I was fired from my job.

So for what it’s worth, there are more like me, that’s why, the small group who were fortunate enough to get the ORIGINAL Covid-19, developed Natural Immunity was onto the Big Lie! We new the GOVERNMENT WAS LYING about everything just to win an election.

Everyday I hoped a vaccine WOULD NOT BE MADE because with all Flus some people will die from it and no doubt C19 was for sure the worst strain of them all, (due to gain of function) but if given the chance, more people would have survived IF DOCTORS WERE ALLOWED TO USE THERE MEDICAL INSTINCTS AND TRADITIONAL MEDICINE INSTEAD OF HAVING THEIR HANDS TIED BEHIND THEIR BACKS by Governments trying to maintain the strong hold and deep state control over people to accomplish the even bigger lie that of which is to TAKE DOWN AMERICA AT ALL COSTS!

Their plan is falling apart, however, as quickly as we dismantle or chip away at one crime they build back another better crime. More awareness and eye opening and Omg moments are hitting people every day so there is hope.

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The drunk on the bicycle joke was hilarious!

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022

I laughed my head off with that one followed by the work out! 🤣🤣🤣

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Funny! And so apt.... like falling 7 times was just a coincidence..... no awareness of causation. Just my opinion here, but this may well be the perfect VAEDS meme!

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Another string of "good ones" and JP really hit a home run!! Only he could come up with this -still laughing but surely has some truth ringing in there. Thanks again Drs Malone!!

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I really enjoy this weekly happy place

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I find it fascinating that Bill Gates has PD, but all he talks about are vaccines. More than a little odd.

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Gates and Allen started their work in Harvard’s computer lab .They focused on preparing the program by simulating it on different computers it actually turned out well and it was at this point that Gates made his decision to drop out of Harvard

When he became involved with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation evidently one of their pursuits was healthcare. As a part of it they have a contingent charitably involving a need for vaccines that participates with WHO and others to identify needs. When needs are identified he has a business operation that gets involved.

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Parkinson’s Disease?

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Really? Is he showing any symptoms?

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He told an interviewer a few years ago. I have relatives who have it and I noticed he holds his hands under his arms and stuff to prevent tremors. So, I diagnosed him and then searched it and found he had made it public, but outside of that admission he never talks about it as far as I can tell. And no one in our "free press" talks bout it ether.

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Interesting. How did he get it? He is not even that old. Apparently he doesn’t take any of the vaccines he has been selling, those can surely cause PD.

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How did he get it? How does anyone? Probably a genetic predisposition, maybe exacerbated by all those EMF's? It's anyone's guess.

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De fanging the monster

Not a good day in Transylvania


just now

911 we don’t talk about it anymore

2007-2009 financial meltdown we don’t talk about it anymore and still no one is in jail

Iran Contra we don’t talk about it anymore All the big guys got off vacated or pardoned, couple of CIA guys served some time I believe

Failed pandemics we don’t talk about anymore

Canadian truckers we don’t talk about it anymore

The real problem is the natural human immune system is basically immune.

I can’t beat your immune system ok I can beat you administratively. So here comes the WHO. Change the mindset by changing definitions of pandemic, response, vaccine. mandates etc.

Political takeover of sovereign countries.

Several countries will sign on to the new treaty with the WHO and that’s the beginning of the end.

I can tell Canada is going to sign on no matter what. Mr. Singh aligned the NDP with Mr. Trudeau and Ms. Freeland giving Mr. Trudeau an unstoppable majority. They are intending and willing to force Canada into submission to the WHO constitution, WEF management takeover.

Consider the following, when next Mr. Trudeau wants to suppress his people(by ordering in the troops) he need not take the political consequence. The WHO made me do it, we have to obey the rule of law as stated in the constitution of the WHO, I am innocent. Its Mr. Trudeau in Canada now but the law will remain for the benefit of the next set of politicians to use to further their corporate interests. If it can happen in Canada it can happen anywhere. It can happen to you.

We must de fang the monster, we must expose them to the public right now. In addition we must re write legislation barring this from ever happening again.

What is peaceful assembly,,,, Canadians should be actively seeking that answer. Then it needs to written into law. Right now the Government of Canada is investigating the instigation of The War Measures Act by another name. Was it really required was it lawful. The committee investigating is comprised of good liberals and NDP a few conservatives for good measure no doubt.

What is a funding platform and what is your right to access that platform. The funding platforms are the most dangerous to them those platforms must be controlled. The funding platforms make us equals—- NOT ALLOWED !

What is the definition of the word pandemic. The definition is so broad a common cold can be made into a pandemic. If they didn’t intend to use it would they have bothered to redefine it. In England they would call that “on the nose”

What is a vaccine as compared to a treatment. A vaccine is a one time profit a treatment is a revenue stream. Surely we aren’t going to allow this.

Is it reasonable to mandate a drug that does not sterilize the virus. According to the vaccine corporate interests it is our duty and obligation to take the vax to protect our fellow man in this unusual time.

The duty of the vax companies is to make safe and effective vaccine for the world at zero profit to the corporation to protect our fellow men in this unusual time.

Share shawn663@substack

Stop the pandemic remove the profit!

I have said many many times in other postings we need to do a forensic investigation of legislation starting with Mulroney(canada) and Reagan(usa) (read my other postings if interested)

Even if we stop this current coup there will be more. Legislation designed to put and keep the bad actors in their place is the only way.

Other Postings at shawn663 that may be of interest

Support the cause go to Jail

Canada foreign funding

Criminal, signed, sealed and legislated

Ok the WHO is actually in Geneva, Transylvania just sounded better. don’t be mad at me.


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Top notch! Loved the long line with the eggs going through a check, one by one. All on the money. Best of holy days to all to whom it applies.

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Just signed up as a subscriber. Thank you very much.

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022

I fell off my chair laughing! I have been on fire about "Good Friday" BTW. Made me check out the Pharisees and the Sadducee's. Same shit as we are experiencing now. Jesus was a Jew, the Bible wasn't even around, and people quote the bible as if it was the Word of God. Huh!? And don't get me started on the Essene. Mary and her family were Essene. Remember Mary?

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The Gates one had me laughing out loud 😂

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OMG that creepy bunny!! This was one of your best.

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JP did an excellent job of walking people through the liberal workout program. He even showed how hypocrisy is a key element in its success, because I'm pretty sure he actually got those results with a conservative workout program. Brilliant!

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022

Oh, these are great! Thank you! Happy Easter. 😊

The anvil one is my favorite.

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These were awesome! Thanks! Happy Holidays to you and everyone 😊

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Love having a laugh at the end of the week ♥️

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Another GREAT collection of funnies! Hoping all the Malones had a happy 🐣

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