Jun 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Father's Day Dr. Malone. And to all the fathers here that love him like I do (and also Dr. Jill). God bless

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Happy Father’s Day Dr. Malone! Your voice is a light in the wilderness of Pharma insanity.

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn't it marvelous what 1 BILLION dollars in CDC Media spending can do to convince mankind that injecting a nano drug that tricks the immune system is good for your health and reprograms cellular function!

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Sparkle socks Justine Trudope says it is People kind not Mankind. There we here in O Canada have been told, now every one else follow. FJT!!!

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I have mixed feelings about making fun of people when they trip and fall. Especially elderly people suffering from dementia. Make fun of their policies and ideas, but it just seems like a cheap shot to go after Biden publicly over a foible that any one of us could do on any given day.

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I think making fun of a monster that is hell-bent on destroying our country is totally appropriate. Considering what he and his puppet masters are doing to us and our children on a daily basis.

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Actually, IT IS A DUTY!

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Biden mocks the elderly by his pretending he doesn't have to also cope with his age and make adjustments.

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That's why I say 'mixed feelings'. I'm all for targeting the psychopathy of this man and his minions. I just don't think it's helpful to our cause. It makes us look petty.

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I agree somewhat—yet the “leader of the free world” should not have dementia and all these trips and stumbles are part of the whole picture. A rare stumble is one thing, and is nothing in the absence of all the other signs. But this is different.

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I agree. Somehow we are tripping into a place that lacks dignity.

The stupid advisor, his wife, all who know anything about riding who let Biden use shoe clips on his pedals are at fault. Unless badass riding for 100+ miles up and down mountains, ya don't use clips!

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I agree, one might question their thought processes.

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Considering the hell he has wreaked on an entire nation, getting a laugh out his clumsiness is totally apropos...in my opinion

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I felt as you do, for about a split second. Then reality smacked me from my musings. Biden is an enemy of my country and my fellow countrymen. As such, he's fair game all day, every day. Too bad all we can do is make fun of him - better we had the power to perp walk the SOB directly to a prison cell. If it makes you feel any better, I can guarantee you that soulless old man would laugh himself silly if someone did that in front of him.

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I understand. Sometimes I feel the same way but I try to live up to my ideals of compassion and I know I’m far from perfect. When I’m grumpy I’m less forgiving.

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Do you recall a POTUS ever in the position of the laughing stock of the world prior to Brandon?

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Thank you for saying this SignmeUplease. I also have worried and mixed feelings about making fun of Biden's fall. I have people that I love best in the world that have fallen for the whole terrifying "vaxx" narrative. I, along with them, voted for Biden. Probably many of us here on this site did. It just doesn't help at all to try to bring into our current reality to make fun of Biden in this particular way. It makes it so I can't as easily share other substack articles by Dr. Malone. Which are SO important. Because these loved ones might see these cartoons making fun of Biden and just completely shut down. I honestly am wondering if you would consider just deleting this whole set of cartoons from substack.

Dr. Malone and Jill: I am so deeply grateful for all you have done with such incredible courage and I ask this favor with some trepidation.

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If it makes you feel better I have vaxxed loved ones and voted for Biden, too.

In my job duties I have given medical attention to minors and adult criminals who had horrible things done to them and did horrible things to others. I think people come on shades of grey, not strictly black and white. Most people have compassion and don't really want to make anyone else suffer. That's why I didn't vibe with the cartoon. That being said, Schadenfreude is understandable. When we feel anger, hurt and betrayal there is an urge to satisfy a sense of justice.

Nevertheless, I don't think we should delete the cartoons. It's an expression of someone's feelings and everyone has their own way of dealing with anger. At this point, I think freedom of speech is more important than offending someone.

You could tell your blue pill friends about the cartoon, you don't agree with it and let them draw their own conclusions.

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AnonR: With respect, it is this kind of nonsense that has delivered us to this precise place and time in our history. You are asking for censorship of a cartoon that makes you and a handful of others uncomfortable. Do you truly not comprehend the damage that has been done to this country through the kind of censorship you're requesting? And the veiled threat that you may not feel comfortable sharing Dr. Malone's work in the future is beyond the pale. Seriously.

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I don't think that it is censorship to ASK that a cartoon be removed. If it were censorship one wouldn't ask. To think together about the effect of a cartoon like this I think is how we all will need to work together. I don't think these are easy questions. I agree with SignmeUplease who says earlier, "I'm all for targeting the psychopathy of this man and his minions. I just don't think it's helpful to our cause. It makes us look petty." I want us to do everything possible to win those who may be part of that wavering 30% over to the truth of the horrendous situation we are all caught in.

I wish we could talk about this in person-I'm sure we would find we are much closer in point of view than may seem apparent with the limitations of the written word as a medium of exchange.

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JanC1955 apparently your message is falling on deaf ears, to put it nicely...

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I noticed, lol. My goodness, but Trump's 4 years featured minute-by-minute vicious savagery against him in writings, cartoons, and daily conversation the likes of which most of us had never experienced. Never once did I ask a critic to censor him/herself, nor did I try to guilt anyone by threatening to pick up my toys and go home. The call for "unity" at this point in this country is wasted effort. Imo, this isn't a time for the kind of "unity" the left-leaners are looking for, because that kind of "unity" involves the right-leaners letting the left lead the way. That's how we got here. No more.

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Isn't it interesting that instead of not engaging in topics that some (the left) don't approve of, they want the topic removed so those who do appreciate it, cannot?

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Interesting is one word for it, lol. We must get past appeasing this kind of thing. The right has been well-trained to back right off in the face of any sort of guilt inducement from the left, no matter how petty or inappropriate.

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Jun 22, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022

Apparently Robert is not the only one making fun of Biden, in case you haven't noticed. In reality, the whole world is. Your scope must be very narrow if you have not noticed...


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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

AnonR the comment to which you are referencing received 16 likes, the first reply it received, which supported Robert's stance, received over 40, yours received zero.. You feel the minority's wishes should be met and the majority's wishes ignored. Are you familiar with what the 1st Amendment says?

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I am asking as a person who is incredibly grateful for everything Dr. Malone has said and done, with enormous courage and wisdom, to speak the truth into the world. If people decide together that a particular message is not going to be helpful for getting out the bigger message that we are all working for that has nothing to do with the 1st amendment and freedom of speech. Instead it is people working together in community to try with all their heart and soul to find the best way to open up the world to a horrifying truth.

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AnonR, in an effort to be of aide to your problem, you can always copy and paste the cartoons you approve of, and don't share the ones you don't approve of. That's what I do. You don't have to share the entire Substack. If you don't know how to copy and paste, I would be happy to help you

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AnonR, I deeply appreciate where you are coming from - a peacemaker to be sure. Hatred, name calling - it's all the same no matter which "side" it is coming from. I remember when Trump was president and all the people and most of my friends trashing him - and still doing that. That mentality has gotten us to where we are now - mostly instigated by the media. It's up to us, the people, to come together and find common ground. After reading the substack by Charles E. challenging us to choose healing instead of punishment, I remembered the movie "Where to Invade Next" and went to watch again the clip on prisons in Norway. It says it all:


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Sandi, tell me who you feel AnonR is attempting to make peace with. I see him attempting to divide and conquer

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Makes peace amongst all of us and try to create kindness on all sides of any issue.

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For what it's worth-her.

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Sandi, thank you for your note.....at this point it was much needed by me. Also, thank you for pointing the way toward Charles Eisenstein and toward the movie (which I never saw). For me and I'm sure many of us, at this time, I find it is deeply personal to discover and wind our way toward healing. Never, in our country, have friends and family been so divided. In the spirit of sharing I recommend Jonathan Gustin's "Purpose Discovery" program and his interviews with Eisenstein and Joanna Macy which I think may be publicly available online. I wish substack had a way for commenters to meet or exchange emails. If this were possible you would be someone I would like continue a further exchange with.

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AnonR, I have heard over the past few years several wise people commenting on the same thing - that humanity is aligning itself to inhabit literally two different timelines. Those who choose love and healing and those intent on power over and division. May we all wake up to love and healing.

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Thank you. Sounds like we appreciate some of the same people - including Dr. Malone. A few cartoons aside, he is absolutely a model of wisdom and compassion for me. I willl check out Jonathan Gustin. And perhaps we can continue to share via this post.

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"a person who is incredibly grateful for everything Dr. Malone has said and done". This is untrue. I wish I could underline 'everything'. If that were the case you would not question what he chooses to publish in HIS Substack. Keep in mind, you are free to publish your own, that would reflect YOUR beliefs, like I do.

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What truth are you referring to, specifically? That our current president (and I use that term loosely)is corrupt and intentionally harming our country? When you hold a public office you had better understand that you do not have approval from everyone and be prepared for the backlash. Did you ever ask those criticizing or making fun of President Trump to stop? I'm eagerly awaiting your response. Finally, all in all...you are outnumbered. The majority of Robert's readers like his Sunday Funnies.

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I agree, however when it is an evil, traitor, liar, scumbag it is just fine to make fun of them, as they with their attitude laugh at us constantly.

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In family, I would be made fun of if I tripped; first they would check to make sure I’m OK, then laugh. The big difference is, I know they love me.

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Yes, ideally we shouldn't wish pain and suffering on others no matter how mad we are.

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From Charles Eisenstein - he addresses this beautifully: “. . . there will come a moment when you’ll have to choose between punishment and healing, and you’ll have to choose. . . .” An excellent interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM2eZMtj2ng

He addresses this issue at about minute 25-28:35

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I listened to the link. He's a nice guy, yes. But it's too weak - I hear lots of this broad type of ideas of consciousness, love wins... Sadly, it didn't work in the 70's and won't now. The Devil/Evil is REAL. It's what we are facing now in full view.

I have a strong belief in God and the Bible. I don't wear it on my sleeve, or preach it, but it's second nature to me to work at being Good. I realized as a 20ish that I must WORK at it. We have to figure out a way to fight bodily instincts, worldly temptations to do Bad. It's that simple. The Bible, the Ten Commandments even, the basics!, are wonderful reinforcers for me to work toward being my best. Simplifying it here, but basically, traditions of my upbringing - church, community, these constant reinforcements of ethics and values (of God, Country, Family) have helped me all through my life. I encourage anyone that has never read the bible to do so. Read greats, like St. Augustine. Other one God religions have their wise authors. Memorize some prayers. Learning must be on purpose, and often reinforced. It's why older religions have traditions. They are tools to help humanity stay Human - combat the Evil, encourage the Good. Strange to make this observation - but right now, in the US, just putting a flag on your property is a sign you are working at being Good, and rejecting Evil. I say this as I notice many don't do this anymore. Why? Are they afraid? We have to Not be afraid - that's what God intends for us to not be afraid. And to help others do so too.

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Ephesians 6:12 sums it up.

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I always appreciate a bible verse from more learned ones. Thank you. Eph 6:12,

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.".

Yes, powers of this dark world. I'm reading Dr. Peter McCullough's book now. The Courage to Face Covid-19. His co-author mentions several books and important people, like Dr. Breggin, who have realized the pharma shenanigans (i.e., the powers of the dark world) for many years. I have some catching up to do.

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Just as we need Sunday funnies, we could use a choice biblical or spiritual quote of the week to be get us through.

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Actually, we will never have to choose because the punishment will be for us and healing and rewords for them.

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Except that Biden is not humble and was trying to show off as if his fitness level was pristine. Slips and falls a meaningful cause of death and disability in elderly, with quite a bit of funded research about how to prevent and mitigate it. So it would be a good moment to make an appropriate educational opportunity out of this episode and remind people to be safe. Biden could have looked sporting on a recumbent adult CAT trike, equipped with electric batteries for assist as needed on longer trips, highlighting the safety features that most of these bikes tend to have, encouraging exercise, social interaction in bike clubs, getting out in the summer.

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May I suggest the Empire State Building!

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Happy Father’s Day!!

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Russell was really excellent on this video. He keeps getting better and better with speaking truth to Power! Power of the truth in connection with scientific evidence- or lack thereof. But reaping in the money profits. The CDC and FDA trying to depopulate through their fear-mongering resulting in complete compliance of the masses. Sad, though, that even with proof put in their faces and people dying all around them, they still walk in fear and do as they are told and make the enemy the unvaxxed, and they are the ones who are healthiest!!! Jesus was right (again/still) people are like sheep. The shepherds are profiting with the enemy.

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Where in the Bible does Jesus say people are like sheep, in the context that they are easily led?

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I like the picture of the girl writing on the car...reminds me when the tgen 4 and 2 year old “drew” with charcoal they found by the grill all over the car...good times

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Hey Dr Malone, I don’t know if you saw the news but the fake injection arm was attempted and it failed. I applaud the gentleman that tried it and I would not convict him of any crime.

Edit: It was a based Italian dentist. This is just the first link I found.


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I noticed that Armstrong Economics posted an Epoch Times / Facts Matter piece to his global readers today. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/corruption/fauci-secret-payments/

He also offered a Funny. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/understanding-insurrections-for-dummies/ . Enjoy your Special Day. Your work is spreading and most of us completely understand your message. V

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Great stuff! Thank you!

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Kinda wondering if he can swim as bad as he bicycles. I'd pay to see that!

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Not sure we want to see that lol, apparently he likes to swim naked! 😂🤣😂

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I'm picturing gasping and floundering.....like the poor old dude on a Baywatch episode.

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With a shark close behind and the sound of Jaws! 🤣

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Happy Fathers Day.

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Fortunately, "Dr" Jill is always nearby to provide first responder care.

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Some great funnies. The shot in the arm was perfect. All the Father’s Day ones are funny. Down loading the music for her dad, priceless. I love the expression on his face. Happy Father’s Dr Malone. Enjoy your family.

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Happy Fathers Day Dr. Malone and all the Dads out there! Oh my god, these had me laughing out loud uproariously! I’m now choking! Lol 😂🤣😂 these were awesome esp. the Biden ones but had to admit, the thought of using a fake arm was brilliant!

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Robert, have a glorious Father's Day. Spend time with your family and animals (they are your children too), and try to stay out of trouble...

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