Doc, these Friday and Sunday funnies are a blessing in our troubled time. 🇺🇸❤️ Your blessed brother. Tell your better half the same please. Alaska

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Kudos & thanks for the Rumble link.. deny ScrewTube every possible page view!! :~)

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These were all very funny and on point. Thanks Dr. Malone.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All on the money! Hard to pick a favorite. Do appreciate the levity.

Off topic aside: Watched Dr Urso's two Epoch TV interviews yesterday. LOVED his description of medical care in the works for tomorrow! You all are coming up with sterling directions!

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Dr. Urso is truly a wonder and a great friend.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Speaking of censorship, Wikipedia is no longer (has been like this for a while) a source of non-censored information.

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Nope. If I remember correctly, it’s funded by George Soros. That’s never good!

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Love your Sunday Memes.. shared on Facebook, I have another very brilliant young man (my son's age" who also shares similar "appropriate memes. :) Love it. RFOL. for real

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Dear Dr. Malone. The Question is: How do we initiate a global silent protest to the crimes against humanity that have occurred and will in the future do great harm to the human race. Depopulation is coming via biological warfare, release of atomic energy, denying food and water to the masses, or any other contrived scenario such as the mRNA injections allowed by the elitists. We need to send a clear message that we don't like wars and having ethic population become the pawns in war games and suffer the loss of their lives, families and homes. May I suggest that on May 13th. A Black Friday, that at 9 PM around the world till Midnight, that everyone that see the great harm that has been done and will be done TURN OFF ALL LIGHT! as a silent protest. In addition, it should be a day when all Tech media like Twitter, Facebook and etc are not accessed for their role in preventing the truth to be known. Break out the candles and be ready for this event. All we need is a concise formal declaration that all bloggers can send to their readers around the world. Does anyone agree?

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Interesting idea. The first thing that struck me is that date is typically during peak Spring Migration for neotropical migrants and they would be helped greatly in their journey by a completely dark sky!

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Yes sir, I thank you for your comment, & depopulation has been a concern of mine since 3/19/2020! I truly believe any type of boycott towards big tech/big pharma & all companies that follow the left-wing-lunatic agenda!

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I think it’s a great idea. I just bought a bunch of yahrtzeit candles because they burn 24 hours (usually I only use for rememberance purposes) but thought they’d be a good idea to have on-hand. I’ll mark my calendar. 👍

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:) I also have remembrance candles but for "other things".. :) Have a quiet Monday.. ! I unplugging my phone now. !

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Long non Sunday answer required but.. important question.. I will be back to this week to take a shot at that.. very complex questions require very complex and thoughtful answers.. take care :) Isabell

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Apr 24, 2022·edited Apr 24, 2022

My favorite: Pronouns = "Safe & Effective!"

ALT: "I'm identifying as Safe & Effective"

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some really good ones today.

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Yes, thank you for the Sunday Strip- "The Truth Shall Set US Free...or will it?" I pray we all VOTE out this corrupt administration!

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Some great funnies! I love the electric army tank. Priceless. 😂

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Yep... Welcome to the ‘upside-down’. Thanks, Dr. Malone. Have a blessed Sunday.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 that funny of Biden and his press 🤣🤣

Thank you Doctor Malone.

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Are we going to follow in Canada's footsteps and "license" media organizations? Will those who work for the unlicensed organizations, such as Rebel News, have their bank accounts frozen? https://www.foxnews.com/media/rebel-news-license-justin-trudeau-founder-speaks-tucker-carlson

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Doc thank you for everything you do for our nation.

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It is hazardous to your health to have Democrats for parents, assuming you survived the Planned Parenthood appointment, of course.


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