“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!”

—Edward Snowden

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Carlin looks more like a prophet with each passing year.

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Very much so

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

Great interview with Carlin here, and it might be the last one he did before passing.


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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for brightening, darkening, AND saving the day (and my life).

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The United States of America is being destroyed right now before our eyes and nothing and nobody is really stopping it. The destruction of the economy has become apparent to even most of the sleepers and the social fabric is like cloth being ripped to shreds. Today’s Sunday Strip is so pertinent. The communists are in charge and are succeeding in their goal of ruining this country. Can this be stopped even if the republicans win every congressional race in November? I seriously doubt it as so many of them are as much a part of the problem as the democrats. I now have as much faith in them as I do in the Bush family. We might not have to worry about any of this if we are stupid enough to start a nuclear war with Russia. I am sorry to say that my glass is half empty.

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Great post! We are the generation that Reagan warned us about...the "one" generation away from losing our freedom. What is the lesson after suffering the failure of the great American experiment. IMO, states cannot cede power to a central government, ever! It just starts the clock ticking to the point which we are now at. The only hope any of us have right now, and I mean RIGHT NOW, is if state governments led by their Governors opt out of the Federal system. Just secede, immediately, and establish their own sovereign entity. If that does not happen, if no state has the b*lls to do that, then they will go down with the ship. Texas, Arizona and New Mexico should have done it a year ago. The rest of the midwest states should do it immediately and begin putting administrative policies in place to absorb the damage that is coming. Any state with resources that will keep their infrastructure up and running, food available, fuel refineries and other essentials should be taking inventory and making the necessary adjustments. The fact that no governors are doing this only shows the lack of foresight and possible complicity with the end goal...because, of course, all of this crises' are being purposely orchestrated to bring us into the Great Reset. Right now we are all just spectators and victims of the NWO agenda.

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I don’t think we are being negative, just realistic, at least as we see things.

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I tried optimism for quite a while but it just kept getting worse. Now I just want someone to offer up some kind of practical solution before the clock runs out...and it is easy to argue that it already has. I believe the states seceding is the only option left. But alas, it appears we do not have any governors or state legislatures with the courage of our founding fathers. Gianforte just got an ear to ear thrill spending time during a surprise visit from "Et tu Brute" Pence this week. Does not bode well for the governor's awareness quotient in the Bigsky country...unfortunately.


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I mostly like Gianforte but he promotes getting vaccinated. There are a couple of other issues I oppose him on but overall he’s good for this state as he’s for personal freedom.

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Once again, I agree with you. I appreciate your perspective.

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Thanks and likewise.

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Do you really believe the bankers would to allow that to happen?

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Good question. Absolutely! They need it to happen because the system is broken. They have had it on life support with hyper QE printed or "digitized" money and a zero to negative interest rate since at least 2008 and that is the only thing keeping it alive. Right now because of that over inflation of the money supply and other factors they painted themselves into a corner. Conversely, on Wall Street the pump and dump scheme has run its course. The view of those who know much more about these things than I and possibly you seem to believe that they need to bring us into a hybrid digitized currency paradigm in order to be able to avoid the kind of disaster that is coming ever happening again. The Keynesian economics theory is exploding and their are no more tools in the fiscal tool box to prevent it from happening. I submit two brief summaries of the situation:

Ed Dowd


Neil McCoy


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I am so with you - today Sunday I am totally depressed. Our country has become so lost I don’t know if we can fix it. I so appreciate Dr Malone and the others who are doing what they can but I honestly don’t know if it’s fixable. Sunday blues. Plus I live in France. that does not help.

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I understand what you mean. Right now we just need to prepare. By the end of the year there will be major chaos and we need to be the ones keeping our heads on straight. Knowing that we have food to eat, clean water to drink and certain simple creature comforts to help us get by is important. We also need to think about self defense and defending our families...and protecting what we have managed to store away. Every week we need to be picking up extra food supplies and acquiring the things we can afford to acquire that we know will hold value when our currency begins to lose its purchasing power. The whole objective of what we are being subjected to is to bring us into a new economic paradigm that is based around a digital currency. But the transition to it will be a devastating shift. The most important thing is to have our mind in the right place to deal with the chaos. Expecting the collapse of the old system and preparing for it will help us gain the right mindset. Does all of what I am referring to sound extreme? Remember this exchange and we can review it in a year from now.

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Pray and put your faith in Jesus, not in man. He alone is trustworthy, holy and GOOD. I think we are under God's judgement.

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Yes but we need to FIGHT

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I understand that place you are in, I was there Wednesday evening. I just cried out to the Lord, and the Holy Spirit told me to read Daniel 7, then I read chapter 8 and that took me to Revelation 3:14 through chapter 5. He brought me His peace. I pulled up Revelation Song on YouTube and just worshiped Him with joy. Give Him your fear, your doubts your depression....and then seek direction. I hope this helps you. Peace.

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Thank you for this that I really appreciate it. But I think we va need to really fight. Not just rely on God. He WANtTS. us to fight.

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Seek His direction... He will tell you what He wants you to do. His call is not the same for everyone.

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Yes, it can be stopped.

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I hope you’re right but I am not holding my breath. The wealth and resources of this country are being destroyed every day. Are enough of us ready to rise up against this?

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To prevent WHO power grab, USA needs to join forces w/ like minded elsewhere. US has 5% of world's population. WHO has nearly 100% reach. Work together, not in isolation.

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What’s to say that it is “rising up” that will stop it?

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I knew this would be contentious when I posted it and there are two sides to this. Are you suggesting we can fix this in November? I have no faith in a party that puts Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy in leadership positions of two of the most important branches of government. I have no faith in a party that is not trying to stop the jab with the exception of Ron Johnson. I have no faith in a party that tries to undermine the re-election of people like Madison Cawthorn and Marjorie Taylor Greene. I have no faith in a party that doesn’t make a super effort to get the innocent people jailed for OVER A YEAR freed. I have no faith in a party that puts up with the likes of Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Susan Collins, etc., etc. I have no faith in a party that wants us to go to war with Russia over Ukraine. The GOP has scumbags like Lindsey Graham who conveniently say just what we want to hear at just the right time but then vote for things 100% the opposite of what we want. I can go on but I think I made my point. I am not an activist but something other than business as usual needs to happen.

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I agree, Hugh. Everyone must determine their personal line in the sand. Keep in mind, when they take away our ability to defend ourselves, the rest of the lines in the sand won't matter.

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So true, Bill, and that is one of their goals. I moved from the Communist state of Hawaii to the mostly free state of Montana 6 years ago and I go handgun shooting at my range about 3 times a month. I have been doing this for both recreation and as a challenge as I don’t think being really accurate with a handgun is the easiest thing to do. Lately I have been thinking this has been a very good idea as it’s good to have this skill.

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I’m suggesting that one not be fatalistic, for one.

The other is that there are other options. I/You/We may or may not know them yet or realize what we know. And some or many options might involve inward contemplation to determine and personal, individual action to effect.

It’s important to not always look outward—nor above—for answers or solutions.

Almost everything that I’m reading now is reactive and coming from a place of victim-consciousness.

Imagine yourself as powerful and not a victim, Grasshopper.

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What I do is not comply with the crap that they throw at us. No jab, mask, social distancing, etc. I also pass on information from people like Dr Malone to help spread the word.

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And I DO NOT think of myself as a victim. I will change my mind as the nuke descends over my house.

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Not being a victim is SO important. I had dinner with a friend last nite and I asked her - do you know anyone that had DIED ? She did not.

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Cr*p! I am terrible at that "snatch the stone from my hand" game and the whole walking on rice paper thing. Are you sitting in the Lotus position right now? Because that would be so cool.

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I notice mzlizzi did not respond. She might be at church...or maybe it's because your reply is so devastating. There she is..."not be fatalistic"? How about "realistic". Like you said in your post, you can go on, but you don't need to. You hit the nerve, hard. Right now we just need to prepare ourselves and our families for what is coming by the end of the year. When the battle shifts from the headlines to the front porch respond accordingly. No mid term election and certainly no Donald Trump 2024 is coming to rescue us. They are both a pipedream and whistling past the graveyard at the same time. When they wake from the pipedream...on the other side of the graveyard they will be face to face with the ones ready to fill another graveyard. Sorry for the gloom and doom, but at this point, realistically, I do not see a good outcome. Be ready for chaos come 2023.

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I don’t understand your need for the ad hominem.

I didn’t realize responses are meant to be responded to (reacted to) immediately. In either case, I beat you by 2 minutes. 😉

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The House and Senate are in one branch.

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Yes, thanks.

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I am glad you are optimistic. But at some point you need to be realistic. And by all means do not let your optimism prevent you from preparing for the worst...in a very practical way. I am talking food in the pantry and the proper mindset. If you are relying on some kind of political solution you are going to be very disappointed.

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LOL. No one who knows me personally thinks of me as an optimist. I know human beings too well.

Please reread what I wrote. You will also see that I am the last person to be relying on political solutions.

This all comes down to each individual and how he or she operates in the world.

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That is both profound...and meaningless. I do not say that to be insulting. Give me what would be your practical solution. Beyond the platitudes.

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mzlizzi! Thank you, and...really? Because you don't have a practical solution or are you still waiting for one to appear? If so, that's fine. That just underscores your optimism, no matter what those who know you say. [just trying to invert Karpman's Drama Triangle]

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It WILL be stopped.

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Wishing you and Jill a lovely and inspiring Sunday in Bath, Bettina

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Do you think the cat would allow any of us to join him??? hmm probably not-humans would screw it up....

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Hmm... you are definitely onto something. Two-and-a-half minutes of 'untold history' as revealed by South Park: https://youtu.be/JsmtDBHfL4w

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Monkey Shines....Bill Gates stars in the 1988 Drama Horror Sci-Fi A quadriplegic man has a trained monkey help him with his illness, (Fauci) until the little monkey begins to develop feelings, and rage, against its new master.

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That's insulting to monkeys...

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Martin Kulldorff (@MartinKulldorff) tweeted at 6:22 a.m. on Sat., May 21, 2022:

" There is a fresh and present injury done to the people we tried to break. And no one wants to talk about it." - Susan Dunham



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Is this a true realization/apology by Susan Dunham or a writing strategy? Either way, it works for me!

“It was not through quiet compliance that we avoided endless domination by pharmaceutical companies and medical checkpoints at every doorway. It was thanks to the people we tried to tear down.”


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Was she part of the tyranny?

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She makes it seem so!

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If one was to see a photo of an apple, would they still be considered a right-wing extremist? Asking for a friend.

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The Gates one is spot on. First laugh out loud in ages. Liked the cat one too. No personal cats in my life now, but get to meet with them in my work. Definitely - humans for food,water and cleanups. Not an inch further unless they prove really lovable. ;)

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Your Sunday (and Friday) funnies are treasures! Thank you so very much!

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What happens when you have had enough MSM https://twitter.com/_evelynrae/status/1527812624179597312?s=20

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I haven't watched TV or listened to Radio since December 2021, it raised my blood-pressure

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"When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed."

- Ayn Rand

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The cartoon says "The 87 cents stops here". That's a reference to Harry Truman saying "The buck stops here." Based on consumer price index, a dollar today buys about what 9 cents bought in 1948, the year Truman was elected.

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Thank God you do these every Sunday.

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I am personally freaking out - i don’t see the end of this. I’m trying to think of where to go and where to escape from all these crazies that want tu rule us. Maybe I need to go to the movies or something. maybe all the people who think I’m nuts are right ad I should just go back to sleep boy that would be easy.

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Please try not to do what’s easy.

Being in comment sections like this you can see you are not alone.

I understand it’s difficult to find like-minded people to talk to in real life, especially because many are afraid to be open. But they are out there.

Until you meet them (or more of them), please try to trust yourself and your internal strength—and God, if you are religious.

And remember how so much of all this is fear porn. Please don’t let them scare you.

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Thank you you are so right. I’im on the path to God I think It’s hard for me to believe what our fellow human biens have done to us. How do we forgive them ,

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I just joined a group called Ohio Freedom Fighters. All wide awake people like us. Kindred spirits. It has been life affirming to join such a group. We meet in person once a week. I pray you can find one in your area. They are out there.

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I actually joined a group over here in France as well - I have volunteered to help translate videos (notable of Dr Malone). I have not yet had a face to face meetin, but I’m sure that will come. A also have a neighbor who is « aware » - but the great majority of the population has just no clue.

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Thank you for the weekly "Sunday Strip". A picture says more than a thousand words. I have saved them all, and this week's pics topped them all. Compliments to the ingenious artist.

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Hahaha! These are great, as usual.

I had to look at the cat one again today before I understood what I was looking at.

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