πŸ‡πŸ‡ That first one has me in stitches, Dr. Malone, especially coming from someone as distinguished as you 😹😹

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My son was telling my daughter-in-law the proper way to eat chocolate rabbits - he thinks ears first so they can't hear the munching ;)

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When I was little I loved my chocolate bunny so much I slept with it. Was traumatized when I woke up in a giant smear-pool of chocolate with little candy eyes floating in it. Never the same.

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I sense there will be a new Substack devoted to airing of holiday trauma. The vignettes would probably make an excellent book.

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When I was little my brother (who was 10 at the time) told me I had to eat the entire head first so I could not hear it scream or see the look of terror in its eyes. When he mercifully relieved me of my giant white rabbit he bit the head off he screamed with a closed mouth while chewing it. To this day I don't eat white chocolate or chocolate Easter bunnies.

Raptor antifunnies Sunday.

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I’ve had the bunny one in my bulletin board for probably 10 years. Toooo funny. Thanks for including it.

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We were seven, so I had to hide it from my brothers and sisters. The best place I found, was under the bed of my parents. But we lived in an old farmhouse and there were mice ...

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I LOVE these. They make the week a little lighter.

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Jokes telling truths. πŸ‘πŸ‘

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I'm seeing trollers. I always hope they learn a bit while amongst us. Flccc.net - treatment updates. TheHighwire.com - world news, medical journalism, legal. *Highly recommend watching both of these orgs weekly video updates covering Dr. M and all the top docs helping us through the plandemic.

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Apr 3, 2022Β·edited Apr 3, 2022

For those offended by the language in some of these cartoons, GET A LIFE PEOPLE!

Why do a few of cartoons which depict disturbing issues surrounding us have to become a forum for expressing your moralities, upbringings, values, political and medical debates, muck-racking, and so on? There are plenty other fora for that.

Just enjoy the cartoons and move one. If it offends you, enter the 21st century. The English spoken today, unfortunately, is not the one spoken in 20th century. Don’t get upset at a cartoon which depicts reality.

Dr. Malone is one of the very few medical authorities who has sacrificed much to enlighten us and help us with facts (and occasional humor) so we can decide for ourselves. Trying to taint that work with your superficial and unfounded offense at a cartoon or two is just bunk.

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Good morning Dr. M! Thanks again so much for the bi-weekly humor. It is much appreciated. I see the haters starting to pop up, so I guess the bot-makers are getting worried you may be gaining too much influence. Keep us on a steady course- we are over the target!

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We have all seen people getting shots in arms daily for about 2 years now. It’s on every news outlet and it’s constant. This is not an accident but it’s to make us believe that this is normal and we should do it.

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Branco is the best. Just the best!

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Actually I kind of thought the mask one was really below your dignity……I know humor is supposed to help in dark times….but I think I have lost my sense of humor. I used to laugh easily, find the funny in so many things. Not anymore. πŸ₯€

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Leslie - The gloves are off, and Robert is one of a hand full of super heroes fighting for billions of people. If you have heard his public speeches, he advocates the exercise of "dignity" in the compassionate communication towards those uneducated and/or uninformed regarding the facts regarding the dangers of the vaccines. The mask cartoon is directed towards and makes fun at the very undignified tyrants who, quite frankly stink. The cartoon brilliantly doubles to illustrate the fact that the viral GAS particles (being one-third the size of the smallest hole in an N95 mask) easily flow through it, as would a mosquito through a chain-link fence. I do understand your offense, but also understand the immense pressure of war that the good doctor is fighting 'like a lion' on our behalf. By the way, thanks doc. You have more support than you know.

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You are right, in thinking about it, it was a good comparison.

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Leslie - A French philosopher wrote this quote few hundred years ago and sometime, it's better to laugh. It's good medecine anyway. We are at war now and the enemy for a kind of world shadow government is... us.

Β¨We must laugh before we are happy, for fear of dying without having laughed at all.Β¨ Jean de La Bruyere. 1645-1696

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Reminds me of the saying, don’t let me die while still alive ( or something of that nature.) Thank you for being kind & reminding me.

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You are very welcome Leslie. I am not sure but it seems that the quote is Β¨Let me not die when I am still alive.Β¨ Unknown

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Yes, that’s it. Thank you!

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It means don’t be the walking dead. Have purpose & emotions.

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RemovedApr 3, 2022Β·edited Apr 3, 2022
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When Dr Malone was developing this technology he was doing it in good faith. The blame for what people are being injected with today is the fault of the pharmaceutical industry and Tony Fauci. Dr Malone is one of the people making personal sacrifices to expose and hopefully correct the current situation and he should be applauded for this. He is one who can do this with credibility because of his expertise. Most others cannot because we don’t have the knowledge of the technology.

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RemovedApr 3, 2022Β·edited Apr 3, 2022
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Why and how were you used as a lab rat?

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If he told you, he'd have to kill you. ; )

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You need to make some corrections & explain this in some more detail. As it is, it’s a wild, unsupported accusation. You have every right to make an accusation. If it’s true & I’m not saying it isn’t, it needs more clarity & supporting evidence.

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RemovedApr 3, 2022Β·edited Apr 3, 2022
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I have to say, after 23 frustrating years with a federal agency and looking at the current WEF, US White House leadership, Fauci, Collins, DHS, DOD, NIH cabals - transparency wont begin to do much. It will take a thorough housecleaning and restructuring. At this point we need make enough issues apparent to the voters to effect the voting. With a post election Congress that supports needed actions, we can get started. In my opinion it takes an insider to direct investigations and to participate in engineering the needed changes. IMO there isn't another candidate better suited to help us in such an effort. While I suppose we could waste time and effort tearing into the past, from a likely less tainted perspective, time is short and we need to move ahead. Looking at the events as they are unfolding - there is NO time to waste. My vote is that we continue to support Drs. Malone's leadership and mount the NEEDED attack for the future!

Now, just how are you going to be contributing to deflecting the trajectory to the disaster the WEF and our complicit Government, including the federal medical setup are in the process of implementing?

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If I were to be President, Malone is the person I would use to clean up this mess along with Robert Kennedy. Malone is not on-board yet with major problems in the Vaxx Schedule, Kennedy is a champion of the inflated, but some still needed, Vaxx Schedule and he knows that "Vaxx Court" is a joke.

Historically this worked when President Roosevelt appointed Joe Kennedy, a known stock manipulator, to be the first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which he led from 1934 to 1935." 431 Days: Joseph P. Kennedy and the Creation of the SEC (1934-35) -https://www.sechistorical.org/museum/galleries/kennedy/

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Only when beating my wife! (sarcasm)

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Excuse me, but Dr. Malone invented technologies for mRNA vaccines, NOT the contents that fills the vials for the Covid-19 injections. Sorry to differ with your perspective, but in my view he IS a super hero for standing up against misuse of the technology.

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Good point. Harry Query.

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Thanks Leslie. I made the comment because many uninformed people who hear that Dr. Malone "invented the mRNA technology" mistakenly construe that to mean that he is directly responsible for the covid jab contents.

He and we need to constantly make that point clear in our discussions so as to avoid misunderstandings that may be sown by his opposition.

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I agree. Something that could be used for good can often be taken & misused with very bad intentions.

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We have to find humor in things these days or it doesn’t bode well for our mental health. The mask one isn’t below any of our dignity. Perhaps the word fart is a trigger for a past trauma you experienced?

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You are probably right about humor. You must be a psychologist, only someone trained would come up with a stupid comment like that. The word fart is something 5-8 year olds find hilarious. I have a lot of respect for Dr. Malone & was just very surprised that he would find that humorous. But he’s a guy & women β€œusually” don’t find that kind of stuff funny.

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Body humor is always funny and we all fart. Or if you prefer, perhaps the word β€œfluffy” better suits your preference. It’s what my sister taught her daughter to say as a toddler in the event they were out in public and didn’t want her to use the word fart. Regalrdless, it’s from a meme and I’d bet you, Dr Malone didn’t make it himself. Lighten up. It’s good for your heart, not to mention your relationships

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You know I was thinking this through, I will at times post these cartoons because often they say in a few words & a picture something that gets the point across deftly that a whole long article or blog just wouldn’t manage.

Instead of going to the lengths of putting down to some kind of trauma, it would be more realistic to say maybe I’m having a bad day or really I just wouldn’t use that meme because I consider myself to be a lady. It’s how I was brought up. I’m probably old enough to be your mother. So people from different generations react differently to some things. I think that’s enough said about the subject. I’m sorry that I even responded at all. It wasn’t worth it.

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Farts are actually composed of micro-particles of feces. This is what is hilarious, not the word fart in itself.

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"Perhaps the word fart is a trigger for a past trauma you experienced?"


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Yes, I immediately thought β€œred flag” shrink aboard.

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Why? Does your gas not stink? Ponder this Leslie, How much natural gas are we throwing away by discounting the stuff we can make? The left may force a life of beans upon us and then demand we collect our own methane for climate change. I wouldn't put it beyond them at this point.

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If I found flatulence undignified, I would have never married.

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Possibly the best comment ever!

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But that one makes super-senseβ€”and its message might actually get through to the crasser of the masses.

The more minds that open, the better.

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One might also want to keep in mind that Dr Malone and Dr Jill have crossed the ocean to France and were coming back as this was coming out. France to the US. They have/are spending the (10 to 12 whatever hours) whole time in surgical masks (that wouldn't protect from Covid transmission. I don't know about you, but 45 minutes shopping in my cloth mask leaves me hungered for air. I can share the sentiment.

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You must live in a state with indoor mask requirements. I stopped wearing a mask several months before our county health director lifted the requirement and no one said anything. I wasn’t the only one but there weren’t many of us.

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I have not worn a mask & I live in Commiefornia.

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Maryland, California east. They recently lifted mask requirements but quite a few businesses still have "Please wear masks" signs up. I have a mask with a section of the American Flag in a heart, so other than wishing for air, I'm satisfied with sharing a message.

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I'm in the People's Republic of MD. I have seen businesses with those signs up but I do not wear a mask. Not one employee has said anything - yet. If/when they do, I will leave and not buy anything at that store or any branches thereof until they return to normal life.

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Actually masks are still required on buses. My area is deep blue. I don't feel a need to make folks in the area uncomfortable. I mentioned my vax status to one and she ran from me screaming. One of my customers fired me. These were inadvertent disclosures. The other day I forgot to put on my mask (oh that was so nice)!. You're right. Tho the employees were wearing ;masks no one said anything.

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β€œThese were inadvertent disclosures.”

This whole disaster has made people too willing to share personal medical information with inquisitive strangers and colleagues. The lack of respect for personal privacy still blows my mind!

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I envy that you didn’t experience Karen customers in those businesses!

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Hey, the Karens could always come out! haha

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It’s good to get your message out but I refuse to wear a mask, period. I canceled my annual dermatology appointment because they require masks in the waiting room. I will do the same this fall when I am supposed to have my annual physical.

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They lifted the mask mandate in my sh*thole city. I still avoid most of the stores here, preferring to shop in suburban and rural areas that left people alone.

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I refuse to drink the beer now from what I consider to be the best craft brewer in the area because of their outspoken support of both the vaccines and BLM. They lost a customer because of their actions and I won’t support the businesses that insist on masks for entry. They are part of the problem and promoters of fear so I take my business elsewhere.

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I thought the mask one was one of the funniest!!!! Lol!!

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Important Alert: Farting is funny

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But it gets the point across.

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Those are just belly laugh funny!

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It really is remarkable that Joe Biden can barely utter a competent sentence and no one in the news media says boo.

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Thanks for the Laughs Doc. Safe Travels and Hug that trusty women of yours for us!

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Dr. Malone, would you mind please telling us if you’ve had time to review the study mentioned in this news story & lots of others? https://www.kare11.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/ivermectin-study-shows-drug-did-not-reduce-covid-19-hospitalizations/89-6edd2ba0-7e2e-47fe-94ca-802369f87696

What’s your take? Was this another gerrymandered study, or does it look like it was done according to generally accepted scientific methods & principles?

I know a bunch of my friends & doctors are going to use it as evidence Ivermectin doesn’t work, & I am curious about your take on it.

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Dr. Malone. I love your Funny Friday and Sunday Strip series. Keep β€˜em coming. I will make sure in the future tho, that I don’t read ANY of the toxic comments (so many here). They are a drain to my fountain (that you are constantly filling for me). May I suggest you don’t either.

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I don't know whether it's funny or sad but the NY Times has a feature with you on the front cover today: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/03/technology/robert-malone-covid.html

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NYT = Garbage.

Their complicity in covering up Hunter's computer contents prior to the 2020 elections and acknowledging their damaging authenticity now, after their ulterior motives have been served, is the proof. It's a third-rate rag now.

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It’s the same measure of truth they gave Hunter’s laptop. Basically the β€œFollow Fauci” mantra, with the same smears they give anyone who questions their brand of science.


Cut and paste the link into the top browser, it strips the paywall.

(I’m a paying subscriber here and to other publications worthy of support)

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Expect the usual paint by number drivel, rehash of their previous slams with a sort of pedantic whining about how those questioning the official narrative won't debate them or something like that; accusing others of what they themselves have done in spades....

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All advertising is good advertising; or the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.....

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