Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The most mesmerizing thing is watching the Borg who assimilated to the state media narratives about the sniffles virus and toxic jabs do the same about Ukraine. The propaganda is off the charts. Kim Jong-un couldn't get away with some of the reports being smeared across CIA controlled western rags. The people of North Korea would say, "Hold on. Wait a minute. This guy is really fu**ing with us now." And yet millions across the west shut off their brains and eat it up. We're in deep trouble if the masses can be manipulated so easily.

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I have shut off my TV. I have no idea what they’re saying about Ukraine and Russia.

I did read a plausible theory in a comment section last night, though, after I already intuited that THEY are all in this together:

The Russia-Ukraine-US situation explained, from a comment section:

by Theresae Kelly

The Ukraine/Russia/Biden situation is not complicated to understand. So here it is in a nutshell. The previous Ukraine government was corrupt, it’s President a Russian. They were in bed with the Bidens, Pelosi, Kerry. They fleeced the Ukrainian people and laundered millions to the DNC. Burisma was at the center of it all.

Ukraine held new elections and elected Zelensky who is Ukrainian. 3 years ago Ukraine’s former government officials who were entangled with the Bidens were prosecuted! The whole thing was live-streamed! The Biden’s Democrat money laundering scheme was shut down! Their gravy train ended!

Biden seeks to install another puppet government to kickstart the money laundering schemes again and Putin is part of it!

Why do you thing Biden shut down the pipelines and we are now importing oil from Russia? Which by the way is making Putin filthy rich!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

I believe there is more to the story that we haven’t been hearing reported here in the states, which warrant a lot more digging. Tulsi Gabbard had some interesting comments about Ukraine (IG & FOX news) and their so called democracy. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has an interesting past and many say he was put into power by NATO allies in a coup. Russian spokeswoman, Zakharova had some interesting questions she pointed at Sky News during a news conference which I found on RT News. I have seen many comments on videos on both YT & IG of people confirming the persecution they have been experiencing at the hands of Ukraine’s National Guard - the AZOV Battalion (https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Azov_Battalion) & the Khazarian Mafia. Also, why hasn’t anyone cared that since 2014 the main water supply was cut off to the people in Crimea by a dam up river in Ukraine which was the people’s main source of water & caused their crops to die as they could only afford to buy bottled water for drinking. And now Turkey has reportedly shut off port access to the island. The US has several bio labs in Ukraine and Ukraine is very rich in many resources which could make either side want to control it. I wish we had access to more live videos of interviews with the Ukrainian people to hear from them what they feel about it all - I’m sure this would be a very mixed opinion based on where they live & who their influencers were. Tulsi Gabbard stated that the current Ukraine president jailed all his political opponents and has censored their media. Ukraine reportedly has a reputation for a high incidence of human trafficking among other things. ??? Many questions and I’m not sure we will ever get the full truth on everything. Prayers for all the people caught in the middle of this mess though!!! 😢

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I believe that former Pres. Obama and the CIA had a hand in putting Zelenskyy into power. Zelenskyy was a comedian before he took office. The whole situation is extremely complicated. Biden is buying oil from Russia for the U.S., and his family was involved with Burisma in the Ukraine. Speaking out of both sides of his mouth?

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Hmmm, yes, this helps me understand why I think they are ALL in this together.

Frankly, I’m yawning at this whole thing. It is getting very boring.

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I quit watching the “news” too. I DVR everything and was entertained last night when Dan Bongino had Col. Douglas MacGregor on as an “opposition” viewpoint.

He basically said Putin would have his “Responsibility 2 Protect” the Donbas Russians wrapped up quickly and if Zelensky refuses to negotiate without “pre-conditions” Kiev would be “annihilated”.

I will again mention all the US Bioweapons Labs currently scattered throughout Ukraine.

I hope they are destroyed.

But the MSM won’t touch any of this.

(Bongino cut MacGregor off).

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Not surprised that Bongino cut him off!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

Max Blumenthal talks with Russell "TEXAS" Bentley (who lives in Donbas) about the U.S. installed Nazis' controlling Ukraine following the U.S. sponsored coup d'état, the line of broken promises regarding NATO expansion, and the reasonable response to those broken promises by Putin (a product of the Klaus Schwab school of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" Future Leaders)


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This is great. Thank you.

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I would change that hypothetical a bit at the ending. . . Putin seeks to install his own puppet government to regain Ukraine territory. I just don't think Biden and the idiots running the show have the brains or capability for an organized coup in cooperation with Putin. Putin is doing this because it is now child's play to do so with these bumpkins bobbling our country around and because he has Western Europe by the short hairs[read oil pipeline].

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As a former colleague of mine says, “Always assume incompetency over conspiracy.”

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If we have learned anything over the last two years, the top should be question everything- at least everything presented as news…..Just something to consider:

https://youtu.be/8pHYdlXJFUc You will have to watch before YouTube also pulls down this news station. I am not a fan of Putin, but I also recognize that my viewpoints may have been mostly shaped by my government putting their own spin on things we see coming out of Russia.

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Ukraine Press Release about Joe Biden

This video includes taped conversations between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko


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Thank you Elizabeth S. for sharing that video which helps to explain why the US & EU are going to such lengths in this dispute - obviously they are very afraid of this getting out! I wonder if this has anything to do with the massive burning of papers in Kyiv outside of the Intelligence building.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Thanks for sharing - will check it out. Currently watching the documentary by Oliver Stone - Ukraine on Fire - about the US involvement in their 2014 Revolution (Maidon?). https://youtu.be/LHH10jIRJmQ

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Tin foil hat for you!

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Agree with you-as Dr Malone has pointed out many a time we are seeing Mass Formation Psychosis in real time. It is sick and sad. Really sad but all too dangerous. Many people are really controllable, it's that easy- 2 years of softening them up, next manufactured crisis (as a reality TV show, thanks Globalists, you hate us and will kill us) and more hysteria.

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MFI seems to be cyclical based on the passing of the last members of a generation that recalls prior Marxist/Fascist/Authoritarian-generated atrocities that occurred in their lifetimes. Without an easily accessible objective source of unpolluted historical fact we lose our frame of reference.

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Had to DuckDuckGo "The Borg" as I am not a Star Trek fan. Love it!!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

Extra points for using “DuckDuckGo” as a verb ;)

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DuckDuckGo is Best❤️

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I am not an optimist. But even I have struggled to accept that our governments and MSM all hate us--and they are colluding with crooked mega corporations to kill and enslave us. Pelosi's retirement plan is selling her fellow Americans to global predators. She acts crazy because she (wrongly) fears enough people will figure it out to make a difference.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone. I just finished watching your speech in Boise at the Global Covid Summit. God bless you and Jill for your tireless efforts to try and wake people up from the mass psychosis. You have inspired me to educate myself and to try and educate others. I pray God gives me just some of the strength you possess. Your name will go down in history and I am grateful that I will be on the right side of it. Praying also to keep you energized despite your grueling schedule and most importantly, safe. We so desperately need you and your colleagues to keep up this fight for the thing we hold most dear. FREEDOM!

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I'm going to watch that!

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Oh goodie, more memes for me to lob at Trudeau in my ongoing attempts to get banned from Twitter ;-)

Dr. Malone, I strongly urge you to read “Dissolving Illusions” as soon as you possibly can. I learned about it initially from my brilliant NYC cartoonist friend (https://annecantstandit.substack.com > https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/eye-opener) but was motivated to bump it to the top of my queue after Steve Kirsch recommended this article by A Midwestern Doctor:

• “The Smallpox Pandemic Response Was Eerily Similar to COVID” (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-smallpox-pandemic-response-was)

I’m still in the process of listening to the audiobook, but it is one of those mind-blowing, paradigm-shattering experiences that makes you realize the story we’ve been living through over the past two years has been repeatedly told throughout history.

Specifically, I thought you might appreciate this excerpt cited on p. 353:

“During a class-action case in Australia over Merck’s heart-attack and stroke-inducing drug, Vioxx, it was revealed that a ‘doctor hit list’ circulated within the ranks of the hierarchy. This list contained names the doctors who spoke out against the drug using labels such as ‘neutralize,’ ’neutralized,’ and ‘discredit.’ During the testimony, Julian Burnside, QC, acting for the plaintiff, read one email from a Merck employee that said, ‘We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live.’*

“Also reported in the Australian were documents that surfaced in the Federal Court in the Melbourne hearing regarding the criminal intent of Merck staffers who admitted they intended to ‘stop funding to institutions’ and ‘interfere with academic appointments.’”

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

Margaret Anna Alice, thank you for sharing the information about smallpox and the book Dissolving Illusions! I haven’t read the book yet, but I have watched interviews with both of the authors: Roman Bystrianyk & Dr. Suzanne Humphries. Apparently they went to great lengths to gather the data, including visiting national libraries in Europe and the UK to record the data from the earliest vaccinations. There definitely seems to be plenty of parallels between smallpox and our time, but also the Spanish Flu & Polio. If you watch the first day of the “Grand Jury Investigation- model proceedings “ the witnesses do a really good job of laying out the groundwork to show how the global elites have been manipulating the populations since the late 1800’s. (grand-jury.net) Yesterday was their last day of the investigative proceedings (day 6) and they finished up with some history on eugenics programs from WW2 till present times (not finished listening to all of the testimonies yet). Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & the others are hoping their proceedings will provide the groundwork for lawyers & judges in each country to eventually conduct their own investigative grand jury. Interview of Reiner Fuellmich where he describes what needs to happen & what he hopes to happen in order for those responsible for crimes against humanity to be held accountable and for societies to rebuild: https://zeeemedia.com/interview/dr-reiner-fuellmich-update-on-grand-jury-nuremberg-2-0/

If anyone would like to watch the interview of Roman Bystrianyk about the book, Dissolving Illusions, that he co-authored, here is a link for it: https://odysee.com/@jermwarfare:2/dissolving-illusions:e

If you would like to look at the pictures & charts from the book: https://dissolvingillusions.com/graphs-images/

If you would like to purchase or listen to the first few chapters for free:


Another very interesting find is the book, The Vaccine Watchman, also covering the smallpox era. Not sure of the date on this book, but you can download it or read it from this site: https://ia601807.us.archive.org/26/items/b30478637/b30478637.pdf

Jay Dyer does an interesting review of Jonas Salk’s book. I forgot the title of it, but if you try to buy it be warned it costs around 1K. People have reported that you can pay a small fee to read it online & have confirmed what Jay Dyer says about Jonas Salk stating that vaccination is the perfect way to experiment on humanity unknowingly (paraphrasing).


Have a great day! 😊

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Wow, Sunflower Storms, thank you for this extraordinarily informative comment!

It doesn’t surprise me to hear about their travels to libraries—the rigorous scholarship of the authors is evident from their extensive and extremely relevant citations.

And yes re: Spanish flu and polio … and pertussis … and measles … the corruption goes on and on and on.

Thank you for the update on the Grand Jury—I’ve only had time to watch Reiner’s opening statement! Since we’ve watched many of the Corona Berlin Investigative Committee’s interviews over the past year, I wasn’t sure how much overlap there would be, but it sounds like they are weaving it altogether in a compelling and irrefutable way.

Thanks also for all the recs and links—all look fascinating!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

Thank you, fascinating information and really appreciate the links

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I just ordered the book.

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Sadly, it looks like Dissolving Illusions is only available to purchase via Amazon.

I did find a free PDF, which I have downloaded. I will figure out how to get some $$ to the authors.

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I was reminded again that nothing is new under the sun.

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

Have you listened to this episode of Amazing Polly? I really recommend it as it shows how Christia Freeland's mother and other Ukaranians (selected group) are in the pocket of Soros and has helped me to have a greater critical eye of the corruption going on. https://www.bitchute.com/video/VHud_qBZrhM/

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Thank you for sharing this link about the Ukraine crisis! I haven’t seen it yet, but will definitely watch it. I have loved all the Amazing Polly shows I have watched! Here is her website where she posts her videos: https://amazingpolly.net/index.php

Aussie Cossack’s (Simeon Boikov) YouTube channel provides some different perspective on the Ukraine/ Russia crisis. Even if you don’t agree with him it’s good to hear from all sides (I remain neutral but my heart & prayers are for all who are wrongly suffering) + I often learn a lot from some of the comments as people who have had first hand experience provide details that you can research.

Also RT News on YouTube & IG provide some interesting interviews & footage - yes YT & IG label them as “Russia state - controlled media” but as we should all now know our own mainstream media is also censored.

I did a search on the AZOV Battalion from Ukraine including a Google Image search, as Aussie suggested and their Nazi “fascination” is evident from what I saw. Found it interesting that FB had banned them for inappropriate hate speech, but apparently because of the globalists support for Ukraine they are now lifting those restrictions:


More info on them:


I also heard that the US has several bio-weapons labs in Ukraine 🤔

More live footage from Kyiv, Ukraine: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/lord-miles-routledge-arrives-in-kiev/

For those who have seen the now infamous pictures of the Ukrainian woman with her face covered in blood- do you believe it is really from the recent military actions on 24 Feb 2022 in Kharkiv, Ukraine? I found it interesting that many were claiming that it was from 2018 during a gas explosion??? Also, interesting was how those pictures quickly went all over the world and were front page on so many newspapers and how the photographer credited with the pictures also has a whole album from 6 Jan 2021 which also went to all major papers. The picture of the woman seemed very familiar to me like I had seen it in the past (I read a lot of foreign news online), but who knows, I just wish there was confirmation of the truth. Regardless it is all very tragic! 😢



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Haven’t caught that one yet—thanks for the rec!

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My pleasure and i really recommend it.

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Watched this last night, and *wow*, now I know why you recommended it! As always, she was well-ahead of the curve by conducting this analysis in October 2019.

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Wow! That was some very eye opening revelations about those who have been pulling the strings in Ukraine! Although, I am not at all surprised by the connection to globalists. She did a great job on tying many key people & organizations together! Amazing how many WEF players there are in all of the worlds politics & major corporations. Someone who has a printing company should produce some playing cards with all of these key players listing their affiliations & facts so we can keep track of whose who! 😄

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Brilliant idea! The WEF Players! 🎴

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Good morning Margaret Anna Alice❤️

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Haha, good morning backatcha, Mimi ☀️🌷🤗

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr M, you have come a long way since the beginning of this. God bless you and Jill and your cohorts. We will prevail.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc, I love the Sunday funnies.

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What is not so funny is that this so called unecessary war executed as plan b for out of chaos comes their new world order. The Fraud of the fake plandemic failed and the exposed criminals think a game of nuclear russian roulette is their escape key from the mess they created.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hopefully everyone has Dr. M's Substack here as their homepage. Kind of puts the proper spin on the rest of the day!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the laughter. Grateful for social media such as this. Gives me an opportunity to be informed, share ideas and feel “normal”. It also gives me a railroad track to fight for freedom and become energized.

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I so agree. Dr. Malone gives a forum of truth with a good heart. Feeling a “normal” is energizing. Freedom.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks again for your Sunday selections. Monty Python? Are you kidding me? PERFECT.

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I had to share the Monty Python to all my friends, it was awesome! Dr Malone -laughter (splashed with ethics) is the best medicine!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would like to know more about the activities of the US Department of Defense biolabs in 27 foreign countries working with dangerous pathogens, including the ~13 biolabs in Ukraine. https://ua.usembassy.gov/embassy/kyiv/sections-offices/defense-threat-reduction-office/biological-threat-reduction-program/


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Wow. Yikes.

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"And when push comes to shove

I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!"

King George from "I'll Be Back" - Hamilton on Broadway

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the truth Dr Malone… wrapped in a smile. A timely gift for Sunday funnies. Good luck at CPAC where there are and will be many truths spoken.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Humour … keeps a person in the present and eases pain in the soul.

🙏 💕 thanks doc

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

🤣Love your Sunday Strip💛 Thank you😘

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, so I’m not stupid…

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Yeah, I have been listening to NPR this Sunday morning. They are actively glorifying and romanticizing war. And they continue to enforce the idea in the liberal mind, that the vaccinated can only catch Covid from the unvaccinated. One imagines many a liberal fully jabbed, marching off to fight the Russians. Perhaps the woke will lead.

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NPR “reportage”

has sickened me for years now.

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All woke, all war, all elite all the time. Their only audience now are urban liberals of the PMC. Whiter than Fox News, LOL

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