Happy New Year to you and your family, Dr Malone. Love your Sunday Strip for the dependable great funnies and laughs. Keep up the great work. Agree with and appreciate Russell Brand video views. New mantra Do Not Comply which imo refers to the idea of MLK that as humans we are obliged to not follow unethical laws and that peacefully resisting is our recourse.
Happy New Year to you and your family, Dr Malone. Love your Sunday Strip for the dependable great funnies and laughs. Keep up the great work. Agree with and appreciate Russell Brand video views. New mantra Do Not Comply which imo refers to the idea of MLK that as humans we are obliged to not follow unethical laws and that peacefully resisting is our recourse.
Happy New Year to you and your family, Dr Malone. Love your Sunday Strip for the dependable great funnies and laughs. Keep up the great work. Agree with and appreciate Russell Brand video views. New mantra Do Not Comply which imo refers to the idea of MLK that as humans we are obliged to not follow unethical laws and that peacefully resisting is our recourse.
I've been sharing the "Do Not Comply" message for more than a year, along with this inspiring link to attorney KrisAnne Hall's Noncompliant Movie:
* Movie: https://libertyfirstsociety.com/noncompliant-a-documentary-film/
* Trailer: https://www.facebook.com/krisanne.hall/videos/noncompliant-movie-a-documentary-of-solutions/234798044896568/
FYI: Movie and Official Trailer are banned by YouTube - surprise surprise. The links on her January 2021 Facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/krisanne.hall/posts/noncompliant-movie-official-trailerthe-lamp-of-liberty-must-not-be-allowed-to-go/3831582780226043/) take you to YouTube, where the movie is met with the message below:
Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.