Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great selection today, laughed out loud a couple of times! Eternally grapefruit.

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My wife thought the "close the blinds" one" fit me to a T

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Happy New Year, Dr Malone! Thank you for being an anchor for so many of us this past year. May God bless you and your family.

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Mega dittos! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw a great meme the other day with Grandpa Simpson where he says to a bunch of kids gathered around him "Back in my day, people died NOT suddenly!"

Happy 2023! ( Congrats on the new addition to the family last week! )

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If you get the chance, pls copy and paste it for us. Happy new year !

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Sure, I saw it on Ed Dowd's Gettr feed here: https://gettr.com/post/p238vqv3f5e

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy New Year!

2023 will be worse. Certainly. However, we are all in this together. Get prayed up.

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It will be a time of 'great testing' is what many people are hearing in their prayers. Hold fast to Jesus, He cannot be shaken... everything else can.

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Happy NEW YEARS everyone. Dr. Malone and Jill great Sunday Strip today. 😂😂😂. I made my New Years resolution to be a thorn in the ass of liberals pushing the shot on kids. I am going to educate as many good people as I can to not take any more shots. So I’m counting on everyone to keep educating me. Thanks to all!!! J.Goodrich

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We have a similar tradition here on New Year's Day. We carefully remove the ornaments from the tree, and pack them away safely. Then we take the tree outside, tie a bureaucrat to it, and light it on fire.

No. Wait. That's the dream I had last night, but at least I woke up happy.

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Too much just way too much! 😁 you want to read CS Lewis, “the Screwtape letters” I think you’d really enjoy it!

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By the way, Screwtape was a senior demon that worked in a, “ bureaucratic office” his letter was written to his nephew, who is a DIT, demon in training.

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Read it years ago. Quite amusing in places.

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I very much look forward to seeing your posts on this forum. Do you have a very funny sense of humor. Thank you for that.

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Thank you! If you like my smart-aleck posts here, I think you might enjoy my blog posts at Almost Daily (my web site). In particular, the following: I Never Knew I Could Run So Fast In My Underwear!


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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In with the new and out with the old! Could the Fauci clone (Hoetz) double down and continue pushing the mRNA injections in 2023? Happy New Year? I have noticed that when I try to open a video, there is a message that it isn't available, but if you wait 15 seconds they appear. Is Mass media fence sitting? Will we continue to have a national security informational system in 2023 that continues to decide what we should know and refrain from telling the whole truth?

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Hoetz seems psychologically weak, which makes him dangerous, in my opinion.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy New Year!!! Laugh In brought back memories.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Best thing about the sheer volume of memes, comics, skits and clips from past and current is that it is deeply reassuring: Everyone Knows. The truth has permeated the global consciousness. So these posts you do weekly are in fact quite an important part of your Substack portfolio, humor aside.

We watched Laugh In regularly when I was a kid, it was a big event for our family each week. Treasured for that same irreverence. That was a good find.

Amazing how we knew then too, about the CIA.

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All you people talking about watching Laugh In as "kids" do really make me feel ancient.

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Me too. My two sons were born during that stretch of time.

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Really enjoyed the Ernestine video!!!!! Great memories of watching as a kid.

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Very very very good point. For time immemorial. As old as dirt.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Definitely not sure of what 2023 will bring. Definitely an active member of the Resist team. Watching intently for facts, data, ideas, thoughts and opportunities to effectively deploy. Doggone glad to be here and be ahead of the engagements.

So grateful to be a part of forging our tomorrows. Hoping we all have a productive year successfully impacting the trajectory for our and our children's tomorrow's.

With huge appreciation and positive thoughts for you good Doctors! Bestest and then some!

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love these! Satire is such a powerful tool for us in this 5G Battlefield! Happy New Year Dr! Thank you for your courage and efforts in this War for humanity!


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Happy New Year to you and your family, Dr Malone. Love your Sunday Strip for the dependable great funnies and laughs. Keep up the great work. Agree with and appreciate Russell Brand video views. New mantra Do Not Comply which imo refers to the idea of MLK that as humans we are obliged to not follow unethical laws and that peacefully resisting is our recourse.

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I've been sharing the "Do Not Comply" message for more than a year, along with this inspiring link to attorney KrisAnne Hall's Noncompliant Movie:

* Movie: https://libertyfirstsociety.com/noncompliant-a-documentary-film/

* Trailer: https://www.facebook.com/krisanne.hall/videos/noncompliant-movie-a-documentary-of-solutions/234798044896568/

FYI: Movie and Official Trailer are banned by YouTube - surprise surprise. The links on her January 2021 Facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/krisanne.hall/posts/noncompliant-movie-official-trailerthe-lamp-of-liberty-must-not-be-allowed-to-go/3831582780226043/) take you to YouTube, where the movie is met with the message below:

Video unavailable

This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

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Thanks for the New Year funnies!

Tess Lawrie wrote a very good article I’d like to share for The new year


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I read that on her side as well. I thought it was great.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy New Year everyone and thanks to all the lovely people who make the jokes.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You keep outdoing yourselves, Drs. Malone. I loved all these!

The image about milking the bull should be posted on all school campuses, bathroom doors, locker rooms, gender studies textbooks, and the office doors of military brass, legislators, judges, and executive branch members. The cows 🐄 surely know who is slinging the bull 🐂 💩 -- it’s US humans 🤦🤦‍♂️.

The Lily Tomlin clip was PRICELESS! As a college undergrad student (1971-1975), I earned extra money for school by working the dorm switchboard on a device just like Tomlin was using. I was mini-CIA: When a girl (yes, a **girl**) received an outside call, I tried to predict which hall phone she would pick up based on lights showing the already in-use hall phones; my prediction usually enabled me to be faster plugging in the correct jack and connecting her with the caller. Working the switchboard and greeting dorm visitors was one of my best college memories ever. We even wrote paper messages as needed and put them in the front-desk cubbyholes for later retrieval. At that time, the “only” woke people were girls getting ready for morning classes. (Though, I must say, college drinking was pretty bad.)

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Renewal and preparation for what lies ahead...indeed! Spent New Year's Eve with very close, like-minded friends...the kind of friends that would do anything for you as I would do for them. Definitely a spirit of RENEWAL for sure. Didn't do much preparation accept I made a killer crockpot sausage dip that was devoured rather quickly, LoL! May God's favor rest upon us and protect as we resist more evil in 2023; but may he lead us to much GOOD and JOY in the process. Onward and upward!

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