I’ve been thinking about all of our border issues.

bor-der: a LINE separating two political or geographical areas especially but not just limited to a country; the edge or BOUNDARY.

This administration has broken nearly every federal immigration law. Biden has illegally let in 10 million people which honestly, is a low number. There are 40 states with a population less than 10 million. This has never been done in the history of our country and unbelievably it’s been done at the behest of one man.

If we think about the way our own government has destroyed our countries borders we must also see how psychologically they have themselves crossed many other borders. Because of their desire to take control over us they have manipulated us into accepting all of these issues that we know are wrong. Covid was huge but look at what they have pushed on our kids in our schools, or our having to bend a knee too tiny portions of the population, hell we have even allowed them to cross a border (line) allowing men into the little girls room.

They segregate us into classes of people based on race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality. These are all examples of borders that we have been coerced to let them cross. These control freaks (communists) are masters at manipulating and coercing us into accepting things that we would normally never accept. As many have ignored their control and manipulations, you see, they keep moving the goal posts to take more control. When you stand up and say “no” thats when the real conflict begins. This is where their tyranny and their desire for total control turns into mental or physical harm, abuse, and or restraints. In a sick twisted way I wonder if their psychological social experiments on us are done to see just how far they can push us down their road of perversion. It’s obvious to all that choose not to ignore, communists have no BOUNDARIES.

It’s time we all stand up and say we are done with our physical borders and our personal borders being overrun. When will enough be enough?J.Goodrich

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#44 and biden are call the proof needed that there exists in d.c. a cabal that controls 1600 because neither of those two sockpuppets between them have the intelligence of a turnip much less the ability to have caused the harm to this republic as has happen during their "administrations". That cabal needs exterminating

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…for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

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This is a late response, Michael, but what MUST be done to "exterminate" the CABAL you mention - which IS in fact a "NGO" Non-Governmental Organization" that I have tried to get freedom loving Americans to get WISE to: the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - which since its inception in 1921 - that's NINETEEN TWENTY ONE- has been DOMINATING and CONTROLLING U.S. Foreign (and) DOMESTIC policy.

The "CFR" IS a TINY 5000 member "NGO" (within our nation of 300 + MILLION Americans). Rush Limbaugh use to refer to the "CFR" as a "club" and "cabal". My opinion is that it has become an insidious - and PERNICIOUS - entity that is working hand-in-glove WITH the so-called "United Nations" ( more like United SOCIALISTS) to institute transnational (global) "governance" - the destruction of the national SOVEREIGNTY of the USA; and the de facto subjugation of sovereign American citizens to become "citizens of the world" of a "ONE-WORLD-ORDER" of UN-ELECTED lifetime BUREAUCRATS who will ADMINISTER the entire (global) means of production! Barrack Hussein Obama has stated that he IS a "citizen of the world"

In order for the USA to return to our (former) Republican Form of Government as per ARTICLE IV., Section 4.,of the U.S. CONSTITUTION, the CONGRESS MUST make legislation that OUTLAWS "NGO" members ( SPECIFICALLY) the "CFR" from holding ANY "elected" Office in the US federal government; and from EMPLOYMENT in ANY agency, bureau or department therein...and make that law RETROACTIVE, which means that if, say, the current House passed such a law, Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen, Lisa Monaco and MANY more "CFR" moles within OUR federal government would be de facto REMOVED from office (AND) the so-called "civil service" jobs - PERMANENTLY!

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You, Dr Nash, have studied the kernel of all evil and destruction, this scum is master in confusion and turbulence and almost always acts by proxy - American young men dying in WW1+2, the very future of a nation as well as Iraq, Afghanistan and many more - do not forget USS LIBERTY betrayed by *lyndon johnson and mcnamara* COWARDS TO BE GUILLOTINED, nothing less.

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I agree with you Dr. Nash!!! It’s plain to see why the shadows are so frightened of Trump. I know one man alone certainly didn’t create this mess and one man alone can’t fix it either. But this election if it goes right will be the beginning of the great “RESET” at least in the mind of the people. We will see the rats scurrying off the ship. It’s been a pleasure listening to the rat traitors talk about flying out of our country, good riddens!!!

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Nj's own RNC will not support trump for the 2024 election. They outright want him to fail, and not become president. They have said it. Their support is for a failed, RINO candidate for governor of this "Toilet" state of NJ, as he is the puppet the people needs

A local RNC that doesn't want a Conservative Republican president ?

Hmmm... One thing Trumpy Bear did for us, was expose what was right in front of our faces, all the while.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Their main method of manipulating us is by flat-out lying.

Biden's debate debacle makes it clear, many in the media knew he was well down the path of losing his ability to think rationally and communicate clearly, but yet they covered it up.

Their excuse is, right-wing media was pointing out Biden's handicaps, and they didn't want to let right-wing media have any credence, even if what it was saying was true.

In short, main-stream media has an agenda, and they can't successfully push it along if they tell the truth. And they know it.

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James, make that COMMUNISTS have NO morals, NO integrity, NO common sense, NO

shame, NO brains, NO heart and NO soul.

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I agree with you Tom, how did we ever let them get behind the power levers is beyond me. And your also right in the brain department or lack there of Clapper, Strzok,, Lisa Page, James Coney, Andy McCabe, Robert Mueller, Christopher Wray, Joe Biden, Merrick Garland,,, how does this happen??? What a fricken crew!!!

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James, it is the MO of SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM...insidious, deceptive, sometimes called "creeping socialism" - by creepy SOCIALISTS.

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So true, James. But what if, ala Jack Nicholson, "This is as good it gets."

Klaus Schwab at the WEF China summer gathering, is stating "that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities."

And we've seen that the left has absolutely no respect for the law or anything but thier rules.

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If Joe Biden signs full sovereignty over to an unelected unAmerican foreign body I would expect millions will revolt and then what happens after that is anyone’s guess. It isn’t going to end well for any of us.

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Given the jab, with its lockdowns, job loss, illness, deaths, and 10+ million illegals and a debt w/o any chance of repayment--that alone will hasten an authoritarian digital currency with monumental loss as liberty--I still observe nearly half of the country as complacent with the dems. I'm afraid it's not what Brandon will do before his replacement (this week?, but I hope not, he's our best chance for Trump's election), but rather like the frog in the pot, we'll all just stew until it's too late.

Take care.

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Ivrapplestock, IMHO, it doesn't matter which puppet they decide to select because we will still have the UNNAMED PUPPET MASTERS running the show!!

We need to HONE IN ON THAT MESSAGE so that we can be rid of the UNNAMED PUPPET MASTERS once and forevermore!

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So.... it wouldn't matter, it would be no different, had Hillary been elected in 2016.

I don't agree and hope you will vote for President Trump this fall.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Ivrapplestock, I think that you misunderstood what I said.

I am referring to the other person who they choose to swap out instead of Bitme if they choose to push him out.

That person would also be a puppet for the regime's agenda.

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"forced into Collaboration" yet nothing about what's in it for humanity. Extermination confinement, total control, limited travel, limited purchasing, 15 minute cities, digital cancelable currencies, "(un)safe & (in)effective" injections, bug burgers = is the only promise.

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Yep. on the way.

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James, I keep asking this myself on a regular basis and keep wondering when? I was also thinking about the border numbers and terrorists numbers last couple of days. The numbers seem low yet way too high! The border situation is resting heavily on my mind more with each passing week. Without borders, we have no Country. Without a Country, it’s gonna be hard to have solutions to all the other problems. Trump alone cannot fix this. Without the People taking an active (preferably peacefully) stand, I seriously fear what is ahead. I try to stay optimist, but some days it’s hard.

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Cheryl B, I think we’ve all been down with everything that has gone on with this administration. I feel hopeless when I see the news and they show all of these millions pouring into our country that we have all paid such a high price for. It’s hard to understand how helpless the rest of our government has been. If you think of the devastation just one man has done I think one man can also change the direction of things also. Recently we all spoke of Devine Intervention and the hand of God, I think we need this type of occurrence to save America. This election will be the first step back. We really need to do whatever we can to help make sure people vote, and if we can volunteer so to watch the process. I also pray a lot lately.

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Once again, you are spot on James.

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Well stated, as always, James Goodrich. Many of us have long thought “enough was enough!” Our problem has been convincing others who either cannot see or will not see what’s happening, not just with the border, but with all the Marxist/Communist/Socialist Orwellian policies the US has implemented and brainwashed people to accept over the past few decades.

NOTE: 🐑 We sheepishly confess we only became aware of this deep and widespread tyranny in the last 4+ years, when the USG’s COVID crimes ripped the bandaid off. But now we’re all in on stopping it.

We wrote an article about the border / immigration topic that might interest readers in Idaho and elsewhere. Check out: “Idaho’s Illegal Immigration, Open Borders, Related Crimes & Security. What Can WE Do? Do we have a border crisis in Idaho? Possibly! So what can Idaho Sheriffs, ordinary citizens, lawmakers and courts do about it?” (short link): https://tinyurl.com/222xzb7p

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Big E, the first biggest step that has to happen is WE have to win this election. If that can happen all of the letter agencies are going to have to be cleaned of these communists that have taken part in the persecution of any person for partisan or almost any reason except true law breakers. I think it can happen not 100% but within 2 years. This will set a whole new tone throughout the entire world. The other major hurdle is picking the right vice president that absolutely 100% will win in 4 and 1/2 years. We will need at least that to make a dent in fixing this absolute mess… History doesn’t show Trump having a great track record of picking decent vice presidents I hope to God he gets this one right!!!!

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I hope you are right, James, but honestly I don’t have great hope for either of the two major party candidates. Both have proven themselves to be failures in many ways — though Trump certainly had more successes and seems to be a decent person at his core.

Unfortunately, I cannot forgive Trump’s response to COVID. I’ll never understand how much he knew about what Operation Warp Speed would unleash or its true purpose and roots in the DoD. But he’s done nothing to allay fears that such a response could or would not happen again. He repeatedly expresses unapologetic pride in his COVID response and his @#$% shots. And he and Congress spent like a drunken sailor during his term. Still, his objective to Make America Great Again is one that I do support.

Some people don’t think the US President has ANY power due to the entrenched Deep State. I’m not sure I fully agree, but I doubt that any single person can ride in on a White Horse (or a White House or even a good VP) to save the day and fix what’s terribly broken in America and the world.

We must return to Constitutional culture and the traditional American values of our Founders, starting from the bottom up while also working from the top down. If elections are not free and fair (and only conducted with valid citizen voters), we will end up with more of the same. And our Congress/Senate Uniparty certainly won’t do anything to stop the bleed of money and treasure from US citizens and the march toward globalism. These elected folks and others in the unelected Deep State are all part of the game.

It’s up to the American People (and perhaps the courts) now, not the easily corrupted elected officials and their corporate partners.

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Perfectly put Bug E, I tend to be optimistic and that is probably being naive but I have to think positive. My biggest fear aside from terrorism is another stolen election, either are very probable. Let’s keep praying for a miracle

Big E!!!

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I like optimists, even if I am not one. Your song 🎶 for the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao4gKsFpqys

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That was wonderful Big E thank you!! This is what I woke up to this morning, please pay no attention to the dog hair on the man’s sweat pants. There was a family meeting at 5am and I was attacked 😂https://share.icloud.com/photos/012o2VRts3Id3vLU3scNb4pKQ

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Trump says he will investigate Big Pharma. Political rhetoric or a real promise. Don't know.

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We're never sure.

All we have to go by is the overwhelming amount of promises that he has kept.

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Sometimes I think that the only thing decent at his core is his soul, but everyone has one, even Hitler did. His past is littered with shady dealings, the Trump U., golf course debacles, Roy Cohen as his mentor, failed Casinos, and a pin-up wife who doesn't mind posing. Sheesh

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One can only imagine how far down the hellhole this country would be w/o Trump. There would be no conservative shift in the Supreme court, in fact Gorsuch would have been replaced with the current Attorney General, what a nightmare. No Kavanaugh either, more, or worse, of justices unable to say what woman is, delegating that to biologists. Double Sheesh. The deep state would be impossibly hidden. Our energy situation would be especially dire, in fact, I imagine the east coast today would be going through brownouts. It appears that shutting down Amtrack in the NY-Boston yesterday averted it. For those wondering about Trump and the vax, I suggest reading Scot Atlas's "A plague upon our house". We certainly wouldn't have all illegals, and China's road through the Darien Gap would still be nonexistent, a deep jungle still.

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Trump is not the end-all to this madness. There is so much he does not recognize as adverse to the human soul, and the founding of this nation - all the areas the two parties deemed 'social' issues decades ago, as if they were not the means used to conquer the nation over time. He uses 'moral' concepts to gain support, but personally is not grounded in its principles. They don't guide his life.

DeSantis, on the other hand, could have rallied a great many independents and dems to the ticket as he knows how to speak directly to these issues. That did not happen, so the VP pick must hold these principles.

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DD it’s really sad that in a country of 330 million we only really have 3 legitimate choices, and really only 2 that clearly at this point can win. It’s truly depressing we don’t have a great intelligent well spoken leader that can at least somewhat bridge these divides in our country. I think Trump has made some forward progress in this direction. If he is able to win he could be a very positive transformational president, we will see.

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I just listened to RFK JR talk about what he saw when his father was killed. We've got entrenched killers in very high and powerful places and they didn't get there overnight. That would be a hope of mine that Trump is familiar with these types, James

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James, all I know is that my candidate of choice is the one that has been consistent in what he has been saying!

The below clip really shows the INTEGRITY OF THE MEDIA or lack thereof ‼️



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Again I say WOW James. From the perspective of a "far off lover of The USA" your post today scares the living daylights out of me. I am going to recommend a video to you, and ask that you watch it. It is scary, but I am sure you will agree with it (and me) if you watch it (assuming you have not seen it as yet).

Great post mate, we ALL need to come to terms THE REAL TERMS of what has and IS happening to our World, our Countries, our Freedom and (literally) our LIVES.


Video comes from an "unusual" source, you might even like to suggest it to Dr Malone.

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Who is this one man?

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Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” except with women.

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Bad Boys Bad Boys......Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Hahaha

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The 20 people stealing in the bank meme is spot on!

That is EXACTLY what is going on in our country with one exception: the 20 people are being protected by a media that is in charge of preserving our FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

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bribed with the stolen money, our their papers and magazines been bought with it

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Ingrid, I'm SO ANGRY at them because they haven't ONLY failed at protecting one of our most sacred constitutional rights, they are also responsible for shaping the current false narrative and hate against "My Favorite President!"

This sentiment didn't exist until he decided to run for president as a Republican!?!?!

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Our "free press" has become quite expensive in terms of lost confidence. Maybe they need to be called. something else..the opposition media perhaps?

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In the 1st amendment the gov cannot abridged the free speech of the 'press'. The press, even back then was nothing more than a mouth piece for the owners as witnessed between the election choice of either Adams or Jefferson. The Press only upholds its own point of view as to what the 'news' is at press time. It is the people that no longer understand this to be true. They fail to see the Press is the mouth piece of TPTB. The Press has never been the bearer of the real news.

Let us call them what they have always been "Pravda".

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The 20 people stealing from the bank reminds me of being pushed out as the clients billing service by a new office administrator. Since my company is independent, our team collectively chose to walk away from a long term client who hired a person who was clearly trying to drive us out.

Long story short, 5 months later the doc called and begged us to come back at a higher rate. It turns out that the new administrator was a world class thief. She rightfully wanted us out because she knew our accountability processes would have caught her. To my dismay, I have caught 5 thieves in client practices over the last 30 years and not one got prosecuted since the docs felt as if it would damage their business reputation.

Imagine the ones we have not caught.

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Thanks for your sharing Deanna. I bet most everyone could add to your story, there is enough broken integrity to float a boat full of immigrants.

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VERY interesting Deanna.

hmmmm. I mean Holy Crapp!

I would never have conceived of such a thing.

There I go again. . . being naive'.

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Medicare loses billions annually because of thieves. Covid con losts billions because of the thieves. It just goes on and on.

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Indeed, I know they used me to do some of it. I cared but my plan F insurance and Medicare, both said ya we know.

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Ahh, you are one of the lucky ones who could get plan F.

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I have had it for a while. I live in MO, which has the most expensive premiums in the country. When I first got it, I lived in Salem, OR. I understand it is basically grandfathered.

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It is grandfathered for those who had it before January of 2020. Now it is unavailable now that I want it. LOL

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Yes you are right, then there are two of my practices that agreed to provide the shots who are still owed over 150K collectively since the thieves took the fund.

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Stupid is...Stupid does. When will this global nightmare end? I believe there is a three-dimensional chess game being played by multiple goal seekers who have a warped vision of how we should live on earth. Rather than learn to live in harmony with mother Earth, they believe that they can reshape it to their likeness and beliefs. We have the capacity through bio warfare gain of function, as well as genetic reengineering, and the increasing proliferation of atomic weaponry to eradicate life on earth as we now know it and most of our leadership around the world is either ignorant, fearful or complicit with what is transpiring and we cannot rely on them to stop the derangement that is transpiring. I pray for a resolution, but I believe a tragic major event will be the trigger to change direction. How many humans will be consumed in this process will not be known until it happens.

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I sometimes wonder who genocided the dinosaurs. Soros looks like he could be from that era. More to the point, who rises to take our place once humanity is gone? I’m going out on a limb here, but I suspect it will be octopus: intelligent, clever, shape shifters, fun loving and hidden deep in the ocean away from the WEF criminals. That’s their best survival strategy! Wish we had thought of that!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Dr. Malone, I agree with your assessment of the sad situation in the UK. Nigel Farage is a disrupter of their fraud and therefore had to be "stitched up," in Nigel's term. Some said Reform UK could have won up to 25 seats, instead of 5, had the stitch-up of racism not had such an effect on a populous not paying close attention. We need to pay attention in the U.S., as stitch-ups are common and effective practice here. Navarro and Bannon are now in prison because they refused to play the stitch-up game in front of the J-6 Commitee. When the media is complicit in stitching up, we always need to have a big grain of salt handy. More stitch-ups coming our way, and they don't have to wait until October. "Be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves."

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I love the Scripture Matthew 10:16!

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the video was great: "I like mine with Ranch."

Today was a country day at the farm:

-- Batty the cat this morning around 7 am. . . meoow. Where is he at? above me?

Walked to the driveway and turned a bit to see up high. . . again. He has taken to morning jaunts on the roof; involving me in his rescue. Today, I opined the wife should drive the golf cart over to the garage . . . Batty(he has that name for a reason.) jumped on and enjoyed the roof-ride over to the front door before exiting stage left.

-- a few minutes later two deer munch weeds at 40 yds from the glider.

-- next, I hear "clank, clank, clank" both cats looked up from the porch glider. . . What the heck is that in the middle of 80 acres? Walked around the side of the house to see a 4ft tall male sand hill crane looking my way. He was pecking at the open 6 ft casement window. admiring his self.

-- Now it's Missy Hissy's turn. . . out on the drive sunning herself Socks meows at me: "Hey, get a load of this, dad." OK, leaving my secret agent book on the side table I check out her view of the side yard. . . The Gang of Four are. . . back. Four big Tom Turkey's look my way-- not in any rush to leave. . . my kill rate has NOT been so great after switching to bow from shotgun a few years back. "No issue with him, man."

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This was such a treat to read, pretty red old guy!!!

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Thank you for the Climate Change post from 1989. Great post today from Elizabeth Nickson/Absurdistan on the history of the Rockefellers and their role in creating the climate change narrative and their special support of the UN.

They created/funded 990 organizations to promote the narrative. Every time you hear a "climate change" scare story, that person was PAID. He is a Rockefeller stooge. He may not know it; but his profession has been entirely corrupted.


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As a sovereign American citizen - who for some 50 years - has observed the destruction of the UK from WITHIN, it appears to me that the US (without a UK parliamentary form of government) is doing the exact same thing HERE.

Great Britain is but a SHADOW of its former self that has become egalitarian milquetoast...a toothless old lion whose ragged mane is festooned with vermin who suck the last drops of blood from its scraggly body.

Recall, London, England was where Karl Marx finally found a home - and died - after he and Engels planted the toxic seeds of ENVY and GREED via their Communist Manifesto, which "Labour" in England fully embraced - and still does...step-by-step-by- step...JUST like the "Democrat" party in the US.

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Hahaha! Love the Pizza Farm!

Since I warned a few people in 2020 that a vote for Biden was a vote for a senile old man who wouldn’t be able to act as Commander In Chief I can now say even liberals and their media pals agree with me.

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My husband and I have been watching the series, America, the story of Us, on the History channel. It is amazing to see the history we were taught from K-12 about how this country was formed, and the radical change in the colonists when they were read that God alone was their ruler, no man could enslave them but themselves. (The Declaration of Independence, Read By General Washington on the battlefield)

We have always been a people that get slapped down and come up from the dirt, determined to preserve our rights. Are we up to it again?

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Deanna, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the series.

I recorded it. Now, I'm looking forward to watching the recordings.

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Pray so

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As I've said before, and I'll say again this speeding train is actually picking up speed, not slowing down. There is a lesson about the physics of movement here. I recently watched a TV series about Julius Ceasar: The making of a dictator. I don't know how true it was, but it certainly gave me pause as to how similar a position various parts of the world are in. Stay strong, stay clear, and stay loving in the midst of this trauma.

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D D, I think that is where the saying: Art imitates life comes from, because it borrows its themes from our daily occurrences

To quote Oscar Wilde: Life imitates Art more than art imitates Life

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The bank thieves comparison to DC is a perfect analogy and playing out in realtime against Trump (We the People), if only the sheep would open their eyes and ears.

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Jul 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was once a man trapped in a woman's body. It was a dark, damp place I was stuck in. I was there for a long time, not knowing if I would ever see the light of day.

Then, mom gave birth.


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Oh man, so many good ones today, my favorite has to be 1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual. This is something I've been thinking for ages that a small group of kids my age who had to read 1984 in school back in the 80's must have thought to themselves, hey wow, that's how I can take over the world and they grew up and found each other and formed the World Economic Forum and fixes elections worldwide so they could get into power and carry out the very madness that Orwell prophetically warned us of and we were all too asleep to notice and stop them.

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Jul 7Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One way of classifying voters is those who believe the mainstream media (MSM) - and those who don’t. The recent debate has presented a wonderful opportunity to point out to MSM believers that the MSM news media either didn’t notice that our president is in dementia, or they knew and decided not to inform us of it. Those are the only options. Either way, we can’t rely on them for valid information. I’m presenting that POV to believers in a factual way and hope some will chew on it.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Perhaps there'll be some better news out of France today, with Round 2 of the elections. Le Pen's Rassemblement National is set to make big parliamentary gains, they say.

Things could get interesting.

UPDATE: It appears a left wing coalition is going to come out with the best results of the day. RN comes out short of expectations.

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one can hope

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I wonder if State's arm of agents were helping to count votes.

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I wondered the very same thing.

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