Congratulations on the Headwind.TV release! I am especially looking forward to the roundtable discussion with Mattias.

I am immensely relieved to hear you and Jill *finally* got to enjoy a rejuvenating and much-deserved vacation! I know I’ve said this before, but I honestly worry about you guys driving yourself to an early death with your relentless schedule, and we need you and Jill to take care of yourselves as we are in this war against tyranny for the long haul.

And, Dr. Malone—Robert—your generous acknowledgment touched me deeply. Thank you. I know you wrote a while back about how you were feeling a bit downtrodden after being run through the smear machine so many times. Although I have suffered *nothing* compared to what you’ve endured, I’ve had one of those weeks. There is a particular commenter claiming to be on our side who persistently attacks me at various outlets where my articles are published. She finally made an appearance in the comments at my Stack, and her vitriol toward both of us (you, especially) was so disturbing, several of my readers commented both privately and publicly how disheartening they found her words. This felt like a toxic intrusion on a sacred space where we all buoy one another up and spur each other to greater courage and strength. I rarely feel down, but seeing how her comments affected others truly saddened me. This, coupled with losing an epic number of subs after publishing my views on gun rights in yesterday’s discussion thread, made your words at this specific moment a genuinely special gift.

Ultimately, such challenges only make us more resilient, and they fire me up to fight tyranny, hatred, and lies even harder 💪🔥🙌

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never hesitate to block those who are merely toxic. There are many types of trolls.

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I appreciate your wise advice, Robert. I have never done so in the past because of my free-speech absolutist stance, but others have reminded me that my Stack is like my home, and I am not obligated to allow everyone who demands entry inside.

That said, I feel leaving their words and any rebuttals in place allows others to see them for what they are, but I will reserve the right to ban if the need arises.

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You are not required to suffer abuse in order to promote free speech. Let the trolls spend their time on Twitter.

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Trolls are so much more starkly visible and obvious on Substack, it just isn't a fertile ground like Twitter. If one keeps hounding you like a stalker a warning might suffice, then you don't feel so awkward about removing them when they keep on trolling. People selling stuff, that is another matter, would remove that instantly.

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In fact Dr. Mary Talley Bowden has an interesting approach: she outs trolls and hate stalkers completely and lets all her followers know who they are and what they say quite clearly. I admire her guts.

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Good to know! I’ve turned numerous exchanges with Covidians into posts (e.g., https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front-d2c) as my readers enjoy reading them, but this was a troll it felt prudent not to feed.

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I like the idea of calling out the trolls. Sometimes we don't recognize them immediately, trying to understand their side of thinking, but if there is a pattern that can be seen....it is good to call them out so the rest us are not attacked too. For those of us who listen to Jonathan Pageau for enlightenment, or for ways to look at patterns in systems, we can see that our system is trying to find scapegoats.

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Agreed, why would you pay to go on a substack site if you thought the author was horrible?

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Haha, I don’t restrict my comments to paid subscribers, so anyone can comment. She’s on my mailing list, presumably to monitor and judge my content as it becomes available. Some people derive their energy from hating their perceived enemies; others derive it from joining forces with their perceived allies in a common cause.

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Great pointers, Betsy, and yes, I’ve always removed spammers immediately.

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Good point and thanks, Birdingmom :-)

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Substack often feels like the last bastion of civility and I hate it when insincere and hateful people seek to destroy the community many of us find here. As much as I believe in free speech, there is a boundary where unsafe people need to be booted off. I don't engage with them on anything but a superficial level in real life, so why would I want to here? Social media has flipped many people into haters seeking the next hit of dopamine. IMO, they are not welcome here which is why I made the earlier comment about the cesspool called Twitter. Let them swim (and drown) there!

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Substack has been a sacred place. Trollers and people who are just here to make hate and not respectfully disagree do seem to be dealt with handily by other commenters or just ignored as they should be.

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I absolutely agree, Betsy! I am profoundly thankful that Substack has given us all an opportunity to connect, speak freely, share knowledge, and support one another in our joint mission to defend freedom and lives.

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It is also special to see Substack authors write and comment on each other's posts. That adds a lot of depth to the medium.

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I agree—that is one of the aspects that makes this such a rich experience and beautiful space. I feel like we are all contributing our individual knowledge, ideas, and abilities and the gestalt that emerges from that is a sort of super-intelligence that multiplies exponentially as the community expands.

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Substack is under attack too; I remember a while ago an "add" popping on YT, asking me to sign a petition to censor Substack, because it supports "criminals" like Dr. Malone who spread "mis, cis and trans-information regarding our beloved virus"...

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That is horrible.

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Yikes, that’s terrifying. I hope they didn’t get any signatures. What pathetic people would sign such a thing?

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Margaret Anna. You are truly a hero too. Keep telling the truth. It will set us free. I too am fired up! God bless ❤️💪🙏

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Thank you for your friendship and inspiring enthusiasm, Laura! 🤗

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Margaret Anna Alice, I went and read your gun rights article and subscribed because of your stance. People need to take a step back and a deep breath. I appreciate your willingness to provide space for thoughtful discussion. Don't be discouraged.

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I totally agree Bonnie. I too went and read MAA’s stack and she provided a safe place to have a thoughtful discussion. Breathe people and let’s all respect each other. We have big battles ahead and we must win these and reclaim our great country and the world! Kudos MAA!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Thank you so much, Jennifer! I really appreciate your saying that as I tried hard to encourage respectful discussion while honestly presenting my own views. It is such an emotionally charged issue, the debates often devolve quickly, but I think people have been quite thoughtful even when expressing disagreements.

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What a moving comment, Bonnie, and I am grateful for your level-headed attitude, openness to dialogue, and meaningful support 🙏

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I wholeheartedly agree, Virginia, and thank you for adding your measured voice.

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On gun rights, one of my viewers just sent an email from Australia on how fervently she used to argue with those in the US that she didn't need a gun to feel secure. She writes, "Now I am not sure. Now in the extremely corrupt time I am sure that Australia has been targeted simply because we tend to be a push over. Time we woke up though. We have nearly lost our country to everyone."

She's also gently pointed out that my post are US-centric and sent links that are both tragic and hopeful, so I'll certainly do an episode soon on Australia & NZ, where I have another astute viewer.

I agree that Substack is a very special space for real discussion. I had one viewer who almost seemed like he had online Turrets syndrome and couldn't help from spewing insults when challenged. I feel like it's my home where I'm hosting a dinner party, and I told him he owed the other an apology. He said I could take him off and refund his subscription but I reminded him I'd never enabled paid subscriptions. So he did leave, I think with some regret because we'd had a good connection before he was triggered.

I think you might like my latest episode, We Need to Agree to Agree, which talks about sharing a purpose, a process for separating lies from truth, and a plan. I also talk about journalists I love who disagree with each other, including Robert and Matt Ehret who agree on 911, Covid, Ukraine and Trump but fall out over Jefferson vs. Hamilton. I suggest Franklin as a third paradigm (and address Robert's concern that he was a Freemason leader by saying that I don't dismiss someone based on their associations but only on their words and actions.)

Convincing other people seems futile to me these days, but I think we need to find a methodology that allows the whole realm of possibilities to be put on the table with the factors that make them more or less credible, and not reject anything (or anyone) in our small little corner of truthseekers: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/we-need-to-agree-to-agree

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Thank you for sharing that heartening anecdote about your Australian friend’s wakeup experience.

What a fascinating mashup of thinkers, Tereza, and thank you for alerting me to your piece! I love the idea of your more open-minded methodology and wholeheartedly agree that people should be judged by their words and actions rather than their associations (this is why I’m giving Tulsi Gabbard the benefit of the doubt, despite her past WEF association—although I do want to hear her disavow it) without discounting those influences entirely.

I, too, believe the religious purity-testing attitude is extremely harmful and celebrate differences of thought and opinion as together we strive to find objective truths.

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I just watched the documentary my friend sent called Battleground Melbourne and cried my way through it. I had no idea of the severity of lockdowns and $90K fines and 2 yr imprisonment for "incitement." It's a very important witness to the suffering and agenda at its most naked (for now). I recommend it highly.


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Wow, this looks powerful, Tereza. Thank you for alerting me to it! I will share this with my Australian friends.

Not sure if you’ve seen the Down Under edition of my Recommendations Roundup from a while back, but you may appreciate it:

• Recommendations Roundup #2: Down Under Edition (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-2-down-under-41b)

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Amazing work you're doing Margaret. This is an incredibly detailed compilation on your page. I posted my video mentioning you on YouTube and I'll get the Substack version up tomorrow that will link to you. Here's my video Down Under Torn Asunder: https://youtu.be/nV6M7RKzH58.

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Thank you for sharing that heartfelt video, Tereza, and I am honored to be included in your good work!

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I will definitely check that out for the episode I'll be recording today on Australia. Thank you!

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Oh my gosh, I am so sorry you were attacked. That person may have some mental illness, but I don't like to blame mental illness for intentional cruelty and the underlying evil of the bad behaviors. I am glad that you supported in other postings.

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Thank you for your sweet words, Helen. I wound up turning the exchanges into a post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-divider). I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that she is well-meaning while showing her the harm she is doing to both herself and the cause she claims to support. Hopefully, she’ll take my words to heart and adjust accordingly.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dearest Robert and Jill. It warmed my heart that you were able to take some time for much needed rest and relaxation. You are both more than deserving of it. We are all profoundly grateful for your efforts.

I have started telling people I am part of the RESISTANCE. I keep the faith that people will join me. God bless and soldier on. 💪🙏

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Since you read every comment, I implore you to insist Substack include an accurate date on all posted articles that includes the YEAR. I am an author, researcher, political analyst, who is acutely aware that every newsworthy event occurs in its historical context. Labeling an article “3 hours ago” or “3 days ago” or “May 29” is MEANINGLESS, and renders the information unusable and irrelevant. I cannot stress this enough. Journalism cannot be considered journalism without an accurate date for events, and analysis of those events. Adjusting the dating convention is a simple solution to a massive communication problem - accurate dates that include the year should be Substack’s default setting for all its postings. HELP!

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This is really an important point, I notice this problem on web articles too all the time. Substack will be an important resource for scholars and historians.

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Excellent point!!!

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so happy to hear that you and Jill had some much needed and deserved R & R.

I had the opportunity to shake Steve Kirsch's hand at a rally in Salem, OR. I was struck by the feeling that he appreciated it, but would have liked for more feedback than a firm hand shake and eye contact.

I wouldn't know how to convey to you, him or any of the other doctors, scientists and journalists who have stood up, taken the brunt of abuse, and soldiered on to fight for humanity.

I hope that some day I can look you in the eye and shake your hand, or even better give you and Jill a long, joyful hug and be able to convey to you how much it means, to know that there are people in the world like you, who will stop at nothing to do what you can for us all.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I too met Steve (in Columbus, Ohio on May 3rd) and felt the same way about him. However it was still an honor. My greatest honor that night was shaking hands with Robert and Jill. Two warm, humble and engaging humans. It was one of the most profound moments of my life to meet two people who are on the right side of history. Their names will live on forever.

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I only meant that I felt inadequate in my ability to convey my utmost respect and admiration for the work that he and others have done.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Me too. I got to shake Dr. Pierre Kory's hand and speak with him about 8 minutes in Indiana. Very meaningful moment for me.

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I have not had the opportunity to personally meet or shake hands with any of you, but am too grateful for your work. We are all on the right side of history, as you say. I don’t like to butter up to people but I’m grateful for folks like you because we are all fighting for the truth.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the Tegenwind project and I am so happy for Mattias Desmet that they won the Flamish audience award with the Headwind Documentary!!! Even tough the MSM in Belgium is totally furious about this win, which could be seen as a success for the truth on the other hand!

Can’t wait for your book ...

Much love from Austria, Bettina

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Excellent, I look forward to watching. And I'm happy for you and Jill - a well deserved vacation indeed!

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thank you, Kathleen

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks again for your excellent work towards freedom from medical tyranny. Happy to hear you and Jill were able to recharge.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you (Dr. Malone) for introducing Russel Brand to your very intellectual Substack community. Although not immediately obvious on first glance, these two man have a common characteristic. They are both very intelligent with a healthy sense of humor. I love "Sunday Strip"!

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank God Geert speaks English so well! Otherwise, the necessarily complicated vaccination and virology concepts he reveals here would be that much more difficult for me to grasp. Kinda’ like your public work Dr. Malone.... but you don’t have an accent ;)

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How do we ever say thank you to someone who has been willing to make personal and professional sacrifices to save so many and educate us, of which I am one. Much love to you and Jill for your tireless efforts and that lovely vacation is just one of many that you both deserve. I have been a follower of you and your colleagues for over a year and my life has been saved and changed for the better. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need you well and strong. Glad you had the chance for a real vacation with good people.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, so happy your vacation (even tho it seems it was partially a working vacation) was such a pleasure and helped recharge your enthusiasms and energies. The photos you provided us on GETTR were enjoyed. I really appreciate your sharing what’s been going on with your travels, experiences and reactions. A Special Thank You! On the other hand, have to admit I’m very glad to have you back enjoying your farm, horses and growing pup.

The Headwinds series are excellent. A handsome backdrop for engaging discussions. From review of the comments it appears I’ve missed a couple of your other interviews, done when you were away. For those of us, who don’t want to miss anything, is there a way that we could be kept aboard on all that is available? Maybe an add to listing somewhere?

Today’s funnies are so appropo. Am beginning to loose weight (likely a good thing). Does heighten my resolve to thwart our would be rulers, then build back from there. Your (pl) inimitable efforts are so GREATLY appreciated. Know we are 100%+++there for you and our causes. Do continue to help us know when, where and ways we can contribute to our/your efforts


With much caring.....

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Thank you Drs. Malone for your constant efforts and invaluable time you both take to get the truth out. I am an unjabbed retired physician who got called back to work because the jabbed keep getting Covid. This will just keeping getting uglier and darker the more boosters these naïve physicians take. Blessings to all and thanks again.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just saw the “ Debate” Headwind movie.

It was excellent, and I’m looking forward to the next one. Robert Malone is now in the role of Queen Esther- taking the risk to speak “truth to power” - for such a time as this. Grateful for his courage and praying for his ongoing strength and insight. Glad you got some vacation time

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A working vacation, yachting for freedom around Greece. Just fantastic. I keep wondering how you do it all, keeping up your mood and energy. So it is with gratitude to Cicero and the secret cohort of supporters in addition to all of us here that keep you and Jill strong and cheered up. A heartfelt thank you for reading our posts. It keeps us going too.

I listen to a geopolitics duo called The Duran now focusing on all things Ukraine and Russia. Contributors are Greek: Alex Christoferou and Alexander Mercouris (the nephew of the famous Greek freedom activist and actress Melina Mercouri). Chrisotferou is the son of a diplomat. Mercouris lives in London, formerly a lawyer. He has public testimony and discussion pleading for Julian Assange's release, quite beautiful and impassioned. It would be nifty for someone like you to be interviewed on their channel. They bring in other guest experts on military, geopolitics like Scott RItter and Colonel Douglas MacGregor, and younger intrepid independent journalists. The Duran haven't too much gone deep on the biolabs. Intriguingly, they are close to U.S. attorney Robert Barnes and Canadian lawyer activist David Freihart "Viva Frei." Barnes is now pursuing on behalf of pharma whistleblower Brook Jackson the case against Pfizer and Ventavia for fraud. Barnes commented this could be one of the biggest fraud cases ever. Viva became known to me during his wonderful spirited coverage of the Canadian Trucker Protests in Ottawa. Viva and Barnes have their own channel and appear on The Duran as well.

Perhaps check it out. Each of these groups become a bigger and more powerful integrated voice the more they connect and communicate.




Mercouris on Assange and "Imperialism on Trial:"




Viva Barnes Law runs a channel on Locals and also Rumble where they speak more freely.


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Few people deserve a vacation more than you. Sounds beautiful!

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