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Happy father's day to all 🥳

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My condolences to all the families that lost their Dad to the man made Covid crisis due to medical stupidity!

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Stupidity doesn't cover the absolute medical malfeasance that took place.

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Profit motive all down the line

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You are both right!

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I DID see the Olive Stone documentary Ukraine On Fire. Excellent expose..

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Oliver Stone. I see he has one called Nuclear Now. I wish every candidate for Pres would talk to him, see his film and back nuclear energy.

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06-18-23: Flat-out MURDER. And the toll continues to rise. 48.2M Americans, "vaccinated," are all on Death Row, whether or not they know it. We're about fifteen minutes away from official statements that "There is no cause of death. Nothing causes death."

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YES. And some of them are my friends.

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My sincerest condolences.

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Thanks Don

I warned everyone, and they chose to continue forwards, listening to everyone else, including and especially msm. I sent dozens of articles, actually to the point at which i became an annoyance to some of them. They didnt want to hear it anymore, even to this day. I even tried bribing a couple of them NOT to get the jab, but they all claimed work was forcing them. Sure.

I found i can only try to pass on info, and its an individual choice to read and / or absorb any of it. You could hit them in the face with it, and they still do what they do.


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Worse than sad. Horrendous. If you haven't seen it already, pick up a copy of Edward Dowd's " 'Cause Unknown.' " I GUARANTEE you will be galvanized.

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If you do Epoch Times/TV watch very recent Thought Leaders interview with Sasha Lanatova (Sp ?). There is unquestionably more to it than just $.

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No question in my mind. There was an alignment of goals between DOD, CDC with Fauci being the thought leader, Gates and Big Pharma and WEF! It all falls apart if the injections are stopped!

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Ye! I know! I avoid factory produced pork and red meat in US!

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That video was from Greece, so it's not only america.

When I saw the "jabbing the greek produce" video, I was appalled. These sub human parasites that are doing this to the population are beyond repugnant. What's really sad are the sheer number of useful idiots out there doing the bidding of these monsters, and don't think twice about it. Innocent children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, all being poisoned by the luck of the draw of picking a veggie from their local market. Nothing more sinister than someone who will not face their victim, or opponent, while taking their lives away from them.

All of these elites need to be held accountable and hung in public square to send the message that you cannot just go around poisoning us like bugs.

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Just watched it, incredible. I just wish there was a way to get it into the general public. I believe most would want know.

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And, as the Dr. David Martin speech to the European Parliament in March reveals.. there is a LONG history to this "novel" virus and "warp speed" jab. Paper trail...

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Yes, to those that actually 'fathered'.

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Today is "non-birthing parent day".

Please edit to reflect current social norms.

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Copy that Ald Hux.....initiating Right /Left brain dialog interface to the history defrag erase.

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Wonderful to hear and very conscious of you. Instead of removing 160 bingbing points from you, you have been rewarded with 160 bingbing points 🌟, three good citizen pat on the backs 😇, a cherry emoji 🍒 (which can be used in participating stores as a discount) and a happy face pin ☺you can wear until your next infraction.

Please tell your friends on social media and remember, it is not one of us, it is all of us.

Thank you for participating in life, and remember, there is always the MAID service if you decide to opt out.

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What...no Attaboys??👍

Knock knock Housekeeping

Housekeeping 😱

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Hope for Rickie F. Wins the US Open.

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