Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

It’s amazing how much truth can be packaged in a little tiny square with a simple picture and a few words. It’s also disgusting how much bullshit can be spread by the MSM in a 15 second sound bite 24/7/365.

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The question I need to ask is....

"Who watches the MSM anymore ?"

I stopped watching any "news" several years ago. I stopped watching the 1 hour of fox news, at 8 pm, M-F, when Tucker was liberated.

Best day ever, IMO.

Tucker is freed of his chains that kept him silent on things important to us, and hopefully him.

I do, however, still watch old westerns almost daily, speeding through the pharma commercials. The old westerns bring me back to a time when men were men, and no one was worried about who they offended.


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Never liked fox but trusted Tucker and knew he wouldn’t last. I agree MSM is pure propaganda and stopped years ago. I only feast on inappropriate movies, Blazing Saddles, Caddy Shack, Monty Python, etc. For information it’s Glenn G., Russell Brand, Dr Malone, Naked Emperor, and many ex Liberals who are now considered right wing conservatives.

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Mr. T.

You and I are somehow cut from the same exact cloth. We like the same exact entertainment and most of the same news feeds. We both learned that the boob tube blows, and selective viewing is not only a choice, but necessary for not being obliterated with "stupid". Too much exposure to stupid, leeches out and tries to take your soul away.

Not sure who Naked Emperor is, but I too like Glenn Greenwald, Russel Brand who is freaking brilliant, and nuts at the same time (in a monty python sort of way), Obvious our mentor Dr. Bob.

Check out Damani Felder, David Avacado Wolfe, Glenn Beck, James Okeefe, Dr. David Martin, and so on. Most can be found on Telegram, Rumble, or other conservative outlets. Dr. David Martin just testified in front of a european council explaining the entire history of the "covid" development, deception and disbursing into the public realm. Really a great speech.

Welcome brother, T. Good to know you're out there.



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I fixed one of MSM's goof ups for them: "Dodgers honor The Sisters of Perpetual Hate Speech"

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Happy father's day to all 🥳

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My condolences to all the families that lost their Dad to the man made Covid crisis due to medical stupidity!

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Stupidity doesn't cover the absolute medical malfeasance that took place.

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Profit motive all down the line

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You are both right!

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I DID see the Olive Stone documentary Ukraine On Fire. Excellent expose..

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Oliver Stone. I see he has one called Nuclear Now. I wish every candidate for Pres would talk to him, see his film and back nuclear energy.

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06-18-23: Flat-out MURDER. And the toll continues to rise. 48.2M Americans, "vaccinated," are all on Death Row, whether or not they know it. We're about fifteen minutes away from official statements that "There is no cause of death. Nothing causes death."

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YES. And some of them are my friends.

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My sincerest condolences.

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Thanks Don

I warned everyone, and they chose to continue forwards, listening to everyone else, including and especially msm. I sent dozens of articles, actually to the point at which i became an annoyance to some of them. They didnt want to hear it anymore, even to this day. I even tried bribing a couple of them NOT to get the jab, but they all claimed work was forcing them. Sure.

I found i can only try to pass on info, and its an individual choice to read and / or absorb any of it. You could hit them in the face with it, and they still do what they do.


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If you do Epoch Times/TV watch very recent Thought Leaders interview with Sasha Lanatova (Sp ?). There is unquestionably more to it than just $.

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No question in my mind. There was an alignment of goals between DOD, CDC with Fauci being the thought leader, Gates and Big Pharma and WEF! It all falls apart if the injections are stopped!

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Ye! I know! I avoid factory produced pork and red meat in US!

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That video was from Greece, so it's not only america.

When I saw the "jabbing the greek produce" video, I was appalled. These sub human parasites that are doing this to the population are beyond repugnant. What's really sad are the sheer number of useful idiots out there doing the bidding of these monsters, and don't think twice about it. Innocent children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, all being poisoned by the luck of the draw of picking a veggie from their local market. Nothing more sinister than someone who will not face their victim, or opponent, while taking their lives away from them.

All of these elites need to be held accountable and hung in public square to send the message that you cannot just go around poisoning us like bugs.

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Just watched it, incredible. I just wish there was a way to get it into the general public. I believe most would want know.

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And, as the Dr. David Martin speech to the European Parliament in March reveals.. there is a LONG history to this "novel" virus and "warp speed" jab. Paper trail...

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Yes, to those that actually 'fathered'.

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Today is "non-birthing parent day".

Please edit to reflect current social norms.

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Copy that Ald Hux.....initiating Right /Left brain dialog interface to the history defrag erase.

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Wonderful to hear and very conscious of you. Instead of removing 160 bingbing points from you, you have been rewarded with 160 bingbing points 🌟, three good citizen pat on the backs 😇, a cherry emoji 🍒 (which can be used in participating stores as a discount) and a happy face pin ☺you can wear until your next infraction.

Please tell your friends on social media and remember, it is not one of us, it is all of us.

Thank you for participating in life, and remember, there is always the MAID service if you decide to opt out.

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What...no Attaboys??👍

Knock knock Housekeeping

Housekeeping 😱

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Hope for Rickie F. Wins the US Open.

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Thanks for this great compilation of funnies. It's always better to laugh rather than cry.

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Seem to recall hearing that tragedy is,the base of most comedy. The comics in this substack would seem to prove that statement.

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Ha! We made fun of things in medicine we probably should not have; however, We had to attempt to maintain our sanity. Ed

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The one that struck me was the one speaking to extinction.

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Happy Father’s Day Dr Malone your children and your wife must be very proud to have you as their father.

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That 'Fox and Chicken' meme made my year!🤣🤣🤣

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Being Sunday and Father’s Day I hope all fathers get to sleep in late, maybe a relaxing read or a big fat breakfast. When it comes down to it, we are all blessed to be Americans. I’ve always thought American exceptionalism and our opportunity to succeed was based on our natural acceptance of different ideas, thoughts, religions and cultures. I believe the foundation of our greatness was our brilliant fore fathers constitution and it’s bill of rights. Some of us instead of counting our blessings, living in the greatest country in the history of the world, divisively put labels on other people. They truly think that “their labels” define that person and any caring thought or idea that falls outside of “their label” is nearly unfathomable. I have fielded responses from some with these attitudes. In many cases I consider people that use “their labels” as shallow and quite intolerant. Not many years ago these same people that fought for tolerance have become the very people that are intolerant. When these people say he’s a Republican, she’s a Democrat or she’s progressive, I can only think that we’re all Americans. People should base judgement not on a political party but on a person character. They should make decisions of a persons character based on the persons actions thoughts and these days respect for ones personal liberties. Look at good versus evil and the people they support. We have all made a decision to be subscribers to Dr. Malones Sub stack for a reason. Labeling people, which I may be guilty of as well, is wrong. I sincerely think it’s time we all say that we are Americans first. This could be a new beginning America so desperately needs. We are all blessed. J.Goodrich

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I think labels are often used as accusations. Aside from painting people with too broad a brush, they automatically preclude the desire to agree on anything. How are we to have meaningful conversations if we can't begin from at least some common ground?

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That was my point Russ, with some there is no common ground. It has been the near(?) fatal mistakes of conservatives dealing with progressives believing in a "middle ground". There is none and invariably conservatives lose ground in every confrontation. Putting us where we are today

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Sorry James but some folks pretty well self-label themselves and it is that label they force you to deal with.

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The most destructive consequence of any "label" is division. Seems to be working quit well for those who would destroy us. My only label is American. Although that "noun" is under constant attack, I still remember what it once stood for and why I hold it sacred. Freedom, liberty and opportunity.

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Man I wash I could articulate like you! I’m not jealous just envious🐸🥂

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These were great. Thank you, Drs. Malone, and happy Father's Day to you and all the great Dads out there (here and in the hereafter). You are loved. 🤗 ❤ 👨 🤵 👨‍👩‍👦 👨‍👩‍👧 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🤗 ❤

Here's a new meme, apropos of the Fact Checker Funnies:

🗞 ☑ 🤥 The media: A colonel of truth, an army of liars.

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As always - an enlightening Sunday set of truths!

David is right - the Fox and Chicken meme is the best!

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Happy Father’s Day! The truth in these funnies are pretty sobering . But I did laugh at the insulation funny.

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The video, although a commercial, was cute. It reminded me the more efforts to destroy the larger his presence becomes.

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I suspect that is intentional. Progressives would much prefer to battle Trump than DeSantis and if Trump should rewin the White House they can continue to make him a lame duck as they did before. Think they think the crew DeSantis would bring might pose a greater problem for the deepstaters.

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That's what Yahoo news reported last month, that Trump is the candidate Biden backers want. I'm not so sure given their propensity to flood the airwaves with propaganda rather than truth. DeSantis on the other hand has more billionaire backers than even Jeb Bush had in 2016, many of them former Trump 2020 donors. Trump's 2016 run was mainly free air time and small donors.

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Republicans need to start fighting fire with fire or we will lose what we know as America. Start with getting involved in your communities.

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I agree and I am. Thanks for the reminder to finish my JBS project. Also, everyone needs to oppose the Con/Con that Mecker is pushing. That would be for sure a death knell.

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I love it. Happy Father's Day.

May God Bless America and help us preserve our freedoms, including the First and Second Amendments.

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First and foremost Happy Father's Day to Dr Malone and heartfelt thanks to his wonderful partner who helps it all happen! Not to forget the rest of the Father's out there - Happy Father's Day to you guys too. Wishin' a pleasureful day to all. The one with the fox is my fav too. The whole lot are exceptional! Hugely appreciated!

Lotsa Love to my favorite family! Take the best of care! You more than count! ♡♡♡

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King George: "Yes, my queen, we DO have to insulate ourselves at all times from the hurtful musings of the jealous riffraff. But during my reign we'll be sticking with those bejeweled tinfoil hats in the upstairs closet."

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- while drinking the Koolade.

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Happy Fathers Day Dr. Malone. Truth in humor is so rich. “Factcheck.org” A big favorite especially with the ‘bless your heart’! No kidding on the four images

Of Extinction. There is such a diabolical goal to dismantle or ‘whiteout’ our Caucasian Families.

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Happy Father’s Day

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🌹 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 🇺🇦 🌹

Dear Leader (aka Big Guy),

Thank you for being such a great father.

Your beloved son, Hunter.

🌹 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 🇺🇦 🌹

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