Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, what a funny and brilliant video link red-pilling college students about how to really address reducing carbon emissions: technology to provide clean energy to China / India vs. supporting symbolic but unrealistic micro-changes that don't significantly reduce carbon emissions.

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I just love that video too and plan on sharing it as a "stand alone" link later in the week. I will be mining for more video by Konstantin Kisin in the weeks that come, because he is brilliant!

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That he is. One of the best, most effective speeches I ever heard.

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Best video I’ve watched recently. Bravo Konstantin.

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Another speaker at that conference, James Lindsay, also brings up some good points about the tactics of the Woke. I listen to his podcasts as well as yours; as a public school teacher (one of the few who isn't woke) I found great knowledge in his series on the Marxification of Education.

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Excellent video, thank you

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"..........that don't significantly reduce carbon emissions."

Unfortunately, this belief plays into the ubiquitous climate brainwashing that "carbon emissions" are the main driver of changing the world's climate. As Popper might have said - this theory is not falsifiable, has never been proven and is therefore not scientific.

Climate is due to a complexity of causes, such as the sun, axial tilt of the planet, which wobbles on its axis taking this or that pole nearer to the sun, precession of the equinoxes, the Pacific decadal oscillation, water vapour etc. Carbon dioxide is 0.04% of the atmosphere - less than one tenth of one percent – one part in 2,500. It is a trace gas. The man-made portion of this 0.04% is small (only 4%) while all the rest (96%) comes from natural processes. So now we are down to man’s activities contributing only one part in 60,000 of the atmospheric gases. Climate change has always existed - our current "warming" is mainly due to our emerging from the last ice age 11,500 years ago, with intermittent very cold and warming periods since then.

C02 is a vital plant food without which we would die and the increase in the last hundred or so years has resulted in beneficial greening/ 15% increase in food production etc. The CO2 "scare" is purely for fear and control of the masses, just like the Covid saga and is being used by the WEF, UN, IPCC and various globalist megalomaniacs to redistribute wealth and destroy our way of life. It's surprising that more people don't see this, or understand that the so-called scientific "consensus" is based on the profession having to toe the official narrative or lose their livelihoods.

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People confuse "carbon emissions" with soot ( "a mass of impure carbon particles resulting from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons.'') Carbon is one of the two elements that make up the gaseous molecule called "carbon dioxide.'' This is high school chemistry which is definitely not "woke".

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That's true - I caught my word choice after posting. I've seen convincing comments regarding correlating climate change to changing impact of sun activity. I'll edit :)

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where does water vapor rank for GHG?

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wait a minute, atmospheric water is that important?

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If you read the article you might find some more surprises.

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Have you ever noticed as we have in Southern CA that the clear evening , after days and nights of rain, when you can clearly see all the stars that the average temperature is cooler than during the cloud covered rains? Clouds, that is water vapor, act like a blanket, warming the atmosphere below them. As others have noted CO2 gas makes up a tiny tiny proportion of so-called greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But if you truly want a green America your photo synthetic plants demand more CO2! You do know, don’t you, that CO2 is often pumped into greenhouses in order to encourage growth of the plants that will be sold on the market? Don’t ever count on an ignoramus like Al Gore to teach you science.

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depends if the plant is C3 or C4 of course, but get your point

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The root problem causing most of our other problems is that our main operating system (government/schools/media/medicine) have been corrupted.

If you tell us the kind of systems that govern over you, we can accurately predict your quality of life. If those systems are corrupted then so are you (and your families).

It is time to organize with other like minded individuals and fix them.

We know the solutions. Decentralize everything. Demand transparency in systems. And most efficiently, weaponize the tyranny of the masses back onto the people corrupting our systems to end this Global Agenda.

Please, give this some thought: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/weaponized-direct-democracy-the-kryptonite?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Awake? Good, now go comb your hair, brush your teeth, put on some decent clothes and find a job.

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First, make your bed. 🙂

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But Mommmmm!!! Arghhhh.....

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re: Woke Culture and reparations... Reparations were in fact provided to the actual freed slaves by republican Abraham Lincoln after the Civil War. General Sherman was sent by Lincoln to meet with a delegation of freed slaves, they asked for land, the right to self govern, minimal supplies for starting their operations and protection for a limited time until they could protect themselves. Lincoln, thru Sherman, grated all of their requests. Lincoln was assassinated shortly thereafter, but just a coincidence (just like people dying after the jab). Upon assassination, democrat Andrew Johnson was installed as POTUS and among his very first acts was to repeal reparations. Democrats went on to enact Jim Crow laws over the following century. During his administration, Eisenhower (R) attempted to enact civil rights legislation to right the injustices of blacks fighting honorably in WWII only to come home to a system that was for them arguably worse than what they fought against. Democrats blocked this effort for about a decade and into the Kennedy administration. Kennedy (D) was assassinated after embracing Eisenhower's initiative (another coincidence) and LBJ (D) was installed and eventually embraced the movement for political gain and enacted it. He purportedly stated "I'll have them n______s voting democrat the next 200 years!" while selling his plan to his up-to-that-point-not-on-board democrat colleagues. Democrats went on to take over large inner cities and summarily destroy black commerce, black nuclear families, law and order, and began pipelining blacks to prison via draconian laws passed by Joe Biden (D) and his contemporaries. Interestingly today, most blacks still vote for democrats despite it all. Just as interestingly, a smaller percentage of blacks are woke than are white democrats. So wokeness would appear to be a shrewd manipulation to leverage white democrat guilt for their close to three century legacy of enslavement of the black community. Whether physically, or whether circumstantially. But the bottom line is reparations were paid long, long ago by a republican administration, and democrats took it all away. And have been doing so ever since...

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Brilliant brilliant brilliant . I have run a company for about 37 years and have had all different races and nationality’s work with me. I have found many people truly don’t know history. They are taught what they believe is truth but when told what the actual facts are, many change their views and their votes. Some however just stay on the same road of taking the crumbs that the dems have allowed them to have. I personally feel everyone can have whatever they strive to have. I love successful people of any race ethnicity etc.. I think it could be considered part of the 5G war that psychologically people are taught to be victims. And I also have seen people being held back this way and in the not so distant past held back in other ways. It’s my belief that with a proper history education, like you laid out so eloquently, that people will change their views.

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Love the elephant in the room and speaking of that, I was listening to music walking my dogs this morning and I heard a S & G song sound of silence. Listening to the lyrics it made sense.

And in the naked light I saw 10000 people maybe more people talking without speaking people hearing without listening no one dared disturb the sound of silence. Fools said I, you do not know silence like a cancer grows.

I’m pretty sure both S & G say shut the F up and take the shot (this I don’t know), but as more celebrities drop dead of heart attacks and strokes will any of them break their silence? J.Goodrich

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Nice comment James. About four years ago Glenn Beck on his radio program walked through all of the versus of that song and said it was masterful how it identified why our existence was so detached and degraded. Pretty sure also that S&G live in that woke world.

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I’m sure they are woke. The song fits in this mRNA world we are all living in. It struck me this AM.

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Thought you might like this one.


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Wow, that COVID-1984 version of Sound of Silence is amazing:

"And I found that the words of the prophets are written in the Substack mail

and Twitter jail."

So powerful and well done!

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That was my favorite line also!

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Holy Crapp.

THAT is powerful.

Thank YOU!

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How appropriate was that!!! I thought it was a going to be a version George Nori plays on coast to coast late night.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great quote from Clarke. The two most important things in life. Good ones today.



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Thank you 🙏 Drs. Malone! You have offered one of the best collections of Sunday funnies yet! Every panel is a gem 💎. And because the unwoke video from Konstantinos Kisin is SO BRILLIANT 🧐, I’m putting the video link right here in my comment. Fellow readers: please share widely: https://youtu.be/zJdqJu-6ZPo

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The Rand Paul quote is good, but it should have stopped after “thinking.”

I’m really glad you shared Konstantin’s Oxford Union presentation—that was fabulous. Toby Young’s talk was stellar, too:


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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Saw this today in Politico - if it makes any difference after everything else! https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/13/david-kessler-bidens-covid-response-depart-00077903

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First Fauci, then Kessler. It's a good start though there's lots more to go.

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Don' t care what door they leave through so much as the cell door I would like to see them enter

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We'll need to keep a watch on what Fauci's group opines as to 'What's next with Covid 19' at Davos this week. Wonder if he's auditioning for his next position?

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Maybe the door leading to the 'green mile'.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have learned (in part, thanks to you Robert and Jill) - I have loved - I have been happy. Yes indeed, priceless worth.

God bless you both on this beautiful Sunday - which isn't often during our winters in Ohio.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The quote from Arthur Clarke is magnificent. Please keep sharing these, Dr. Malone. Wisdom comes to those who pursue wisdom. You and I clearly do. As did Sir Arthur.

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I'm gonna put that "Truth: It's The New Hate Speech" on a T-shirt and wear it everywhere.

Come to think of it, maybe I'll get two shirts.

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I hope someone transcribes Kisin's speech. It's a keeper.

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If you don't mind youtube's generated version of a transcript, you can select the ellipsis to the right side of the options under the video and choose "show transcript". From there you can select the text and copy it.

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Why thank you. Even with my headset on I have a real problem hearing, especially fast talkers with any accent. Two people I do not need a headset to listen too - Glenn Beck and DJT. I will see if I can find the transcript to 4+4=5!

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Love the "gaveling in".

The realest problem of all is who spends 60 years in the bureaucracy.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the "Sunday Funnies" again! I look forward each week to ALL of your emails. I love that video. Love that guy Kostantin! Love you too Robert!

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The video is excellent! The other standouts (of an outstanding selection) for me are the fate from sleeping at the wheel and Paul's observation. Thank you so much for yet another thought stimulating collection. Love how you hero/heroines personify learning and loving.

Thank you. Bestest and then some!

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Doc, the first one is sooooo baaad!

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Excellent! All of them. My husband found the Kisin speech and passed it around. It would be interesting to also see those who spoke before him, who he alluded to - James Lindsay maybe?

He has a podcast with another guy called Triggernometry in case you're not aware of it.

Far Side cartoons never get old.

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