Sunday Strip- Are We at a Turning Point, USA?
And just like that, suddenly there was a shift
I spent the last week in trendy, downtown Tampa Bay. The neighborhood was full of young people, with a gym, gigantic pilates studio, trendy restaurants and lots of Uber drivers.
However, there wasn’t a yellow/blue flag anywhere. A lot of the guys seemed pretty focused on hanging in sports bars. But politics and news stations -well, there didn’t seem to be much of that anywhere. Lots of dog walking, and quite a few baby strollers.
It all seems so very … healthy and normal. Which of course is a good thing. As Jill and I watched people buzz by, it was pretty easy to figure out that down in that part of Florida - the Millenials, Gen X and Zers aren’t taking to the state sponsored narratives. Sure, there were plenty of tattoos on the kids, but there wasn’t much in the way of cross dressing, budding breasts on young men, blue hair, masks, nose rings or any signs of Trump derangement syndrome. They all seemed pretty darn normal.
When we were in Phoenix last week, we noticed the same trends there. It seemed to be a little pocket of normalcy. The fact that Charlie Kirk came out of that area in Arizona makes complete sense. The airport was full of young men in normal clothes, no baggy pants or weird hair styles and young women without blue hair, nose rings and/or masks (nose rings and masks - that is a gross combination - shudder).
So my point is - and there is a point.
They may be shoving the climate change, non-binary genders, Ukraine war-dances down their throats, but these younger adults in red pockets throughout the USA are quietly, without much noise, kindly shoving that stuff right back up the dark sides of the powers that be. They aren’t drinking that kool-aid.
"It is time to fight, or your children are going to live in a technofascism for the rest of their natural lives."
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News anchor meme: priceless💯
Meanwhile back at the Ranch, mild mannered News Reporter R. Malone returns to post a most incredible report that life in some major cities has a pretty dang good chance of returning to what in his remarkable insights and travels as "NORMAL" ! I'll second the motion! Great reporting R.
Now back to you in the studio......