I'm SICK 😫 of this FAKE/PRETEND outrage from people like Mike Johnson saying: Our enemies were watching 👀 ⁉️‼️⁉️

He has seen him up close and personal, and NOW he's worried⁉️

Give me a break ‼️

We haven't seen him in person like ALL OF THEM HAVE, and we knew‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

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I'm 100% convinced the Deep State has dirt on Speaker Johnson. He's a tool.

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Jun 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our biggest and most dangerous enemy is the multiple data storage centers out in Utah controlled by DHS.

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What would happen to these data strorage centers if you changed the signs out front of them to:

"USA food production facility keeping Americans alive" ??

Would they have planes crash into them?

Catch fire, burn to the ground?

The FDA go in, shut them down, classifying them as a "health crisis"

Asking for a friend.

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Have long opined that very few clean hands make to d.c. because of all the damage they can cause the political machines, i.e. parties.

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So true. Has any Swamp Rat come out against pedophilia? Let alone done anything about it?

Like Carlin said, “They are I a club and you are t in it”. Thank God.

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He is a tool alright.

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The M.O. of the so-called "Deep State",i.e., the COMMUNISTS, is dig for - or MAKE UP FAKE DIRT on anyone they perceive as a threat to their agenda to DESTROY the ONLY nation in 5000 years or recorded history that provided liberty and freedom for INDIVIDUALS, aka "self rule" - and revert BACK to the OLD way of SUBJUGATION and TYRANNICAL rule OVER the 'masse' by a TOTALITARIAN form of "government" or dictatorship...in THE NAME of SOCIAL JUSTICE and EQUALITY! EXACT same MARXIST BULL-EXCREMENT the Socialists and Communists spoon feed to generation after generation - who NEVER learn (till its too late) - they are being HAD!

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Make up fake dirt is absolutely 💯% right!

Pelosi's latest lie is that many of her doctor friends say: Trump had dementia!!!

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Ever look at Pelosi's eyes?? JUST like Biden's - there is No 'there, there '...just a hollow brain dead look.

QUITE possibly it is PELOSI who is showing signs of dementia.

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Right out of their playbook: Projection!!

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Yes and the first lie is always sex related. It's the one that can't be beat because it's "he said, she said" and the damage is already done just by the headline being posted.

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With the Communists controlling about 90% of TV, print, internet and even radio communications, their 24/7 LIES, propaganda and MORE LIES is spread like the WUHAN virus.

CNN ( the Communist Nutjobs Network) SATURATES TV in virtually EVERY airport in the USSA.

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Piglosi said to get the schmear out, rinse, then repeat, over and over. Even if not true, the masses will validate it by frequency of interaction. Some will continue to believe, even if proven false comes about

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It's really sad the ones who will refuse to believe it was lies.

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There's a reason Mike was selected Speaker.

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Well, he talked a good game, at 1st. . . .

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Bringing to mind the aphorism...data talks and b.s. walks.

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Our enemies (including those that have bought him) have been watching since day one and have taken as much of the high ground as they can

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Rambler, we need to call them out and EXPOSE ALL OF THEM!

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such a great point! I hadn't thought of that, but totally should have. How many times HAS the Speaker actually met with Biden and came away saying "we talked, we are making things work" or something like that but he most DEFINITELY had sit downs with that man so he HAD to have known he was "not all there"

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Bullseye on target DJ!!!

For sure Putin and Xi already found out as well when they met with him!!!

Yet these people continue to parade him all over the world 🌎 for all of our enemies to know that they have a GREEN LIGHT!!!

Actions speak louder than their untrustworthy words!!!

This is maddening and infuriating because they think that their gaslighted on us is working!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

It's not working on MANY of us but amazingly enough it is working on some that just can't for whatever reason, get past their TDS ... so sad

And when Biden was at G7, THOSE leaders had to have walked away thinking "we're in a world of hurt if we have to depend on HIM to help us defend our country" HOLY SHIT how embarrassing ... but like you said, WE here in the real world KNEW. Now we have to worry about which country is going to try and take advantage of his weakness (Trump warned them Friday I believe). So WHO is REALLY running things because we KNOW it ain't Joe Biden.

So now what...?? #1 -The 25th amendment gets pulled, we get Kamala "in charge" and on the ticket in Nov because she will raise holy hell if she's president for 4 months & isn't picked. #2 -Joe admits he's not up to another term and removes his name from the ticket, allowing the DNC conference to fill the ballot in August (what a shit-show that will be) #3 -we're attacked from within by any number of the crazies allowed over the border since Jan 2021 & "whoever is in charge" determines it isn't safe to have elections in November and the DNC takes over completely and our Republic dies ....

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DJ, Where to begin? These are trying times.

The TDS is REAL & IMHO, it was created and nurtured by the rats 🐀 🐀 with the help of of the media, their propaganda arm. They're the ones that made up a HOST of terrible lies about Trump. Those lies were given legs by repeating them OVER AND OVER so that the masses believe them as being true because they heard it from their "Trusted" news source.

CONVERSELY, they have ignored ALL of bitme's RACIST STATEMENTS to hold him out as a kind and decent person 🙄!

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yep, say it often enough it turns into the "truth"

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DJ, to continue the conversation about the G7 event, AGAIN, EXACTLY, ALL of them also already knew because unlike some of our citizens, THEY'RE PAYING ATTENTION, but MORE IMPORTANTLY as previously stated, we ALL (EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN) SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!!!!





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I’m sure when Xi casts his mail in vote this November it won’t be Trump and honestly the same goes for Putins mail in ballet, they are both big supporters of Brain Dead Biden for president.

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Dr. Malone, I’ve been reading your essays now for over 2 years. I find that many peoples written thoughts here, where we try to find the truth, reveal a deep level of complexity knowledge and thoughtfulness.

Wouldn’t it be something if people had no filter. In many cases filters stunt thoughts which may halt important decisions or actions that we should take. Unspoken words or thoughts many times will never become a topic or be understood, they remain GHOSTS inside of us. In a way our filter is a self censuring tool that’s built-in to most all of us. (Extremely disheartening to see government coercion so heavily influence what we may say and what we may be coerced not to say).

I’m sure most of us have finished a sentence of someone close in our life. Maybe you’ve said “you read my mind”, how does this happen? Some people are so close to us or possibly more intuitive than others, they seem able to gain a sense of what we’re thinking.

Writing, for me, when unprovoked, seems to be a very controlled way of combining “filter” and “thoughts” that allows the transfer of my ideas to those interested, which is the whole idea of sub stacks essays, posts or writings in general. What an awesome forum, what an awesome idea. So grateful I found all of you!! Thanks Drs. Malone!! J.Goodrich Heres a GREAT post inspiring song, enjoy, your Sunday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiU2lrGnT7U

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One of my favorite songs - thank you.

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Thank you for letting me post my sometimes off the beaten path thoughts, I very much enjoy you and your subscribers, thank you both!!!

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James, love this song. Saw him in concert many years ago and he was mesmerizing!!

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I wish I could have seen him in concert I’m a little jealous Barbara!! I have him on pandora which is a good mix of music.

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James, it was a small, intimate venue in Denver in his later year, but the audience was so spellbound! He never got the acclaim he should have.

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Small venue is nice especially for an artist like Gordon L., God rest his soul.

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What an interesting thought, James. Yikes, no filter? I have heard that is what it's like on the "other side" telepathy doesn't have the usual filters. There is a fascinating book "Testimony of Light" by Helen Greaves 1969. True, and one I have read numerous times. Life after death.

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I don’t know about everyone else but for me my day to day is constant holding back what I think. Not that life would get better if I blurted everything out that I thought but It certainly would make life interesting DD!!!

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And people's heads would explode from being offended by the thoughts being released.


I will tell you, flat out, that your ideas you come up with are what I find intriguing in humans, vs sheep, dogs, horses, or any other animals out there. Maybe its the animals lack of communication which ia the hurdle faced.

Humans tend to be irritating to me, because of this very subject you're attempting to bring up here. It is about people not having filters, and the opposite of living by the code of "not offending anyone". I would rather know the truth, thn to be fed some crap that,the person made up, just so they wouldn't offend me.

I'd rather be offended.

If you can not, or are not allowed to offend anyone, with your thoughts, words, or feelings, then you can never be true to yourself, or truthful to others. Plain and simple.

Problem today, vs years ago, is people get offended over EVERYTHING, especially more so now, regarding anything that's mainstream.

God forbid, you should have an opinion on Ukraine, Trump, biden, homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, or all this fake gender identifying crap they have people believing in. You are born a man, born a woman, or on the rare occasion, a hermaphrodite. This concept that you have genitals of one, and feel like the other is a reflection of something that is either medically or psychologically wrong with you.

Maybe you have a chemical imbalance?

Maybe some sick bastard injected you with some horrible gender altering dysphoric chemical, when they told you it was a safe vaccine?

Maybe its atrizine in your food?

Gay, straight, bi... Been around since humanity began.

This other going on now isnt normal. Something else is happening now, never before seen in human kind, and I would bet every dollar i have ever made, that this is intentionally being used, and thrust upon human kind by some really nefarious individuals.

Oh, dear god !! I just dropped my filter !!! I better put it back on before someone gets offended !!

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Thank you for sharing this D D!!!!! I just bought on Kindle. My husband is under hospice care now and I have been absorbing all sorts of books/YT etc. on this subject. Also there is something Einstein said about our physical skull being what keeps this heightened sense of awareness at bay. He didn't say brain, he said it is our skull that blocks this kind of awareness probably being metaphorical I just did a quick google search and couldn't find it. Re: NDE This link, an article by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, Catholic priest, educator, author https://ronrolheiser.com/gods-closeness/

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MrsMc, Check out Dannion Brinkley, I did hospice training under his program. You can find him under "LightStream Productions. Dannion is the real deal and a friend. May your husband's passing be fruitful for you too. My mother visited both myself and my son on the same night in dreams, after her transition.

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Wow, I had not heard this in many years. Thank you for sharing it James.

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Your welcome Deanna I’m glad you got to hear it again. I’ve listened to it a couple dozen times over the past week it’s that kind of a song!!

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You would not want me to speak without a filter. I am beyond angry and frustrated with the state of things. Were I totally candid I would lose half of the support of my family, and several friends. Still, it is tempting to let it go!

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James, You are on a run with the timing of posting this song. I just saw an ad from a musician friend of mine...IF YOU COULD READ MY MIND honoring the music of Gordon Lightfoot. Michael Monroe artist.

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I searched for your friend and I think I found him I think it said Michael Monroe Folk artist?? He was singing James Taylor on the clip I saw. He sounded really good!! I have to hand it to people that can make a living playing music that they love, it must be a dream if it works…

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Yes, he is one of those rare musicians who didn't sell their soul for money. His own writing is insightful, his wife is his manager and quite the powerhouse.

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Really a great song, I’ll try looking him up!!!

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Great song! Thank you

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Biden has done to America what the bull did in the china shop.

What he didn't break, he shit on.

Obama taught him well.

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O and team direct him well. He's their perfect sockpuppet.

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Obummer is the main puppet master!!! All roads lead to him and if Bitme is replaced by Michelle, we will ALL BE IN TROUBLE because the collapse of our country will be complete!

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i like your end statement, but I think its way beyond Obummer. This has been going on for way longer than Obummer has been alive, and way too intricate, and convoluted for one man to be capable of

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You are absolutely 💯% right. However, he's their current envoy.

If we get to him, we'll get to them and many of the other players.

There's no way that I would imply that the pot smoking bum would be capable of or smart enough to taking our great company all by himself!

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Jun 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Learn how to grow vegetables instead of electing them" was my fav. Glad you two are home for a few days. Any foals appear? I hope you don't get snowed on while getting that interview!

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Like the messaging you did with the Texas flag

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

The struggle to remove Biden from the Democrat candidacy and likely the presidency will be quite the chess match. On one hand, Biden's ego, his inability to think and reason clearly, and his need to remain in a position to pardon Hunter will strengthen his resistance. Jill will be no help. Her motives will be aligned with his.

OTOH, TPTB can give him a lot of convincing reasons why he should depart. If things really get bad, and they will, they can do to him what they do to many of our elected officials, including those claiming to be conservative- threaten to expose whatever hidden dirt they've collected. In Biden's case, there's tons of it stemming from his and his family's graft and corruption. If they want to ratchet up the pressure, they'll threaten prison time for multiple family members.

Getting Biden out of the way will be the first of their challenges. Finessing the removal and replacement of VP Harris will be the next bridge to cross. Along with who to replace her with.

I've maintained from the beginning, these people have only their massive store of resources to beat us over the head with. Thinking things through and gaming them out is not one of their strengths. They've really painted themselves into a corner.

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About painting into a corner. I think they knew he could not debate, wanted him to fail, want him to resign and their hail mary will be forcing a vote between Harris and Trump. If Trump wins, they have plans for that too, like prison or accidental death.

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Biden was installed as Resident under the agreement he would be the puppet for the masters, and his family,would be spared all real consequences.

The old man is being used as a scapegoat for all the shitty legislation (e.o's) he,put in place, and wont be held accountable for any of it, citing dementia. Its like covid. Blame china for covid, when it was developed and released out of a military base in the US.

We all just cant grab our pitchforks and torches and walk to China, but if it was in a NC military facility, people could envision themselves doing it.

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Yep Evil Incarnate!

They always seem to end up in that proverbial corner!

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The world can't afford another World War. Jibberish Joe seems to not care and supports US policy that is moving us in that direction. It was a Mud slinging contest! Voters want to hear rational discussions on negative Biden policies that are interfering with their family lives. Nothing more important than knowing how we will avoid WWIII that will consume their sons and daughters! Biden is bringing back the draft in preparation for the war effort! M/I-CIA pulling Biden’s strings? Biden from day one in public service was self centered and unprincipled! WWIII may be the apocalypse that terminates life on earth. My view.

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Maybe I missed something but I thought 18 yr old males still had to register...was never really ended. Now talking about making females register which is where I differ from Cruz/Roy by thinking it is only fair (dare I say equitable?).

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at least it's effective application may awaken a few women to the reality of actual LOSS or maiming -- both mothers and 18 yr olds.

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True. Nobody really knows what is going on unless they have some skin in the game!

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I believed the reg. for 18yo males is still true or else they can't get things like student loans. New wave feminism would lead to 18yo females also registering. Women have always been in the military, since WW1, at least, as volunteers. Where I differ on all this now is the usage of drafting the youth of our nations to fight in the forever wars the powers that be are concocting and pushing us into. They know that people see what is happening no longer want to volunteer.

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Yeah I know...met my wife in the Air Force. Believe if we had a no deferment draft like Israel there wold be less of a tendency to send our kids overseas.

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I would tend to agree BUT what they did in the military should be completely different with separate training. If you think PTSD is bad in combat exposed men, wait tell you see what combat does to women!

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As I have pointed out before, if we went from volunteer to draft + volunteer, there would be enough males for all the combat positions. My wife was in AF during Nam and had little likelihood of ever seeing combat. Could be that way again.

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Eckhart Tolle has said that when he steps off a plane in Germany he can feel the residue from war. That is true everywhere there has been war. The residue of fear, anger, death and violence lingers on for millennia.

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Readily felt when I visited Dachau and saw the evil of man who preplanned the machinery of the death camp.

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When you meet with Miss Shanahan rfk's running mate will you kindly find out exactly what her involvement has been with George Soros and let us know.

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Doubt if she’d be truthful about that!

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Jun 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can imagine it must be really satisfying to arrive home and see the nice changes that have taken place.

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So... what puzzles me is Mr Biden's presentation was actually somewhat better than I've seen in the last 3 years... likely because he was pumped up with some drug cocktail but why is it NOW just becoming a thing? That is the BIG question. I might posit that this was strategic so that he could be "removed" and another person placed in his spot. Just my opinion.

My favorite funny was "Please dispose of celebrities' opinions properly".

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These are some great funnies! I’m doing the job of three men was a great one. Columbo is so true. The vegan cat funny is sad but true. My husband was reading an article in our newspaper this morning that stated” Gender is decided at birth.” People are idiots. It is assigned at conception. Duh! There they go again trying to change science to fit their agenda.

Your fruits and vegetables are about 2 months ahead of ours. We are getting blossoms on our tomatoes and our peaches are about the size of a plum. Our apples are small as well. Come August to Sept we will have some great eating.

Have a great day. We are having the family over for a barbecue on the 4th. The city fireworks will be shot off about 4 blocks away at the Wellness Complex then we will come back home so the kids can light off their fireworks. My husband has a blow torch to light them with. The kids love that. Have a great day!

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(snark incoming) What person will be the replacement Democratic Party Presidential candidate? Easy, replace Biden with Bibi - problem solved. Netanyahu is coming to address US Congress in July. That would be the perfect time to make the announcement to the nation. (end of snark)

(snark2) Might as well replace Republican Party Presidential candidate Trump with Netanyahu too. Since both parties are owned by AIPAC, it would simplify the election a lot. (end of snark2)

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Awesome post, Ned B. !

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there is of course the fact, that had they made Biden step down, Kamala would have become president. Can you imagine that?

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Jun 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not enough antiemetic medication in the world for that scenario. 😂

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In dreams. No sorry....nightmares!

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one of your worst nightmares !

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but, but she has such a winning laugh.

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for a hen house maybe ?

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Jun 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our peaches have been ripe for about a week and they are soooo juicy and flavorful. I’ve been making caprese salad with peaches added in. So freaking good. Raking in lots of peppers, beans, squash, peas and tomatoes🤤. Now just trying to keep the squirrels 🐿️ out of the pear trees🤨

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Toni, have you tried to use cayenne pepper around the trees? That is the only way I can keep chipmunks off of my hibiscus bushes. (Plus my dog who is now three for four).

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I haven’t. I’ll give it a try. Thank you.

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That it took a very telling and undeniably bad debate performance to start progressives talking of removing Biden says a lot about his supporters. Lie about the man, his cabinet, his atrocious policies, and his opponent to all of America until the proof of his mental state is irrefutable. We are being led by an unelected bunch of buffoons. This has been going on for 4 years and they only want him dumped because they can’t lie their way out of this mess now.

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Have to go with the owl and the cat then add the Texas gal for good measure. The itinerary is formidable. Safe travels! Biden is surely broken from his fall off the wall. RFK Jr still a mystry in terms of several of the issues that count. Granted they're all headlining - no particulars. On we go. No relief before Nov. Maybe not then.

Your produce should offer a huge welcome home. My potted veggies are surviving but progressing very slowly. Don't get much sun and that can't be helped.

Have fun winging it. Be safe. ♡♡♡

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