Aug 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Sunday Strip brings some balance too life🤔.

What an amazing 4 weeks of ups and downs we’ve had. It’s sometimes hard to stay level headed during all of this. As bad as things have been, or will get, we all have choices everyday and these choices many times will determine how our days go. If we wake up each morning dwelling on all of the negatives in the world chances are we’re not going to have a very happy day. We all need some balance in our lives. When we wake up, we have a choice to make, are we going to dread the day or are we going to conquer the day. Yes, it is a choice to be happy. You will find from the moment you wake, if you decide to be happy and have a good positive attitude you are more likely to have a successful happy day. If you constantly allow negative situations to overtake your thoughts it will inevitably take over your life. Days can turn into weeks, weeks into months and months into years.

People are not attracted to a miserable person, rather they go towards positivity including friends, family, coworkers your boss or a customer. No one wants to constantly hear what can’t happen they want a solution to what is possible, what will fix things. So my advice is when you wake up, no matter what, choose to be happy and positive and I promise, you’ll see your life move in a positive happy direction 😁😁🙏🙏😇😇. Happy Sunday!!! J.Goodrich

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I had a bummer week. My pain spine Dr and chiropractor both said I won’t get back to where I was before the car wreck. So a downer week. But my goal is to not get worse. Do everything in my power to not get worse. No I do not take opioids my sister was addicted to them. I’m working to keeping moving. Each day is a new day. Learn something new . I’m trying to teach myself to piece together quilt tops. My mom made quilts but she is gone. How can you contribute to community.

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Find a good physical therapist and you will improve if you do your homework. I have one who is a petite gal about 5' tall, but she can make me squeak when she starts pressing on hot spots. I've had rotator cuff and hip issues and she's always made me better, if not completely well. At over 3/4 century some things just don't really get WELL but I'll take functioning without pain any day.

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You are right. Good ones worth their weight in gold

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It was a big surprise to me as I had been a fan of chiropractic for a long time, but one session of PT several years ago made me a believer for life. My wife had a hip replaced back in January, walked out that day, did her PT and it's like it never happened. Obviously, kudos to the orthopedic surgeon as well.

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Dear Dr Nash, thank you for appreciating my sober comment on being made a foreigner in our own countries (I am Swiss and Switzerland is going down the drain), so sad that HONOR has become obsolete. Here a link to the best historian I have encountered in 30 years of study:


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Water exercise at a local pool. Therapist have great insights into what’s needed. They deal with issues hundreds of times a month in their careers.

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Therapists at the local pool or do you meet yours there for a session?

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I am on PT for neurological issues. It had helped immensely pretty quickly.

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When it works, it's almost like magic. Glad it's working for you too.

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Yes ice and heat.

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I have had PT , cortisone shots ( which messed up my thyroid but work on my neck not back but I can’t take it because of my sensitivity to the cortisone. It messed with my heart), ablations that didn’t work.

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I've had the shots too, but too much in the same place can mess with your tendons. You try ice and heat and/or some CBD which is sometimes surprising.

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Heart Ablations really seem t/b poor probability to work. We have probably 5-10 friends have from 1 to 3, with very few seeing much reduction in arrhythmias.

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Nerve ablation

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Hi Melanie, sorry I didn’t respond before now, we had company and I was trying to entertain friends without distractions and aggravating my wife. I’m not telling you not to listen to your doctor or take his advice. I’m not telling you that he may not be right. But I would take his words as a challenge to prove him wrong. So many times I’ve seen or heard a doctor say your going to be sick as a dog, or these pills will cure you, or you won’t get better, and things do get better, people don’t get as sick as they say. I had an accountant that kept telling me I would never get out of penalties I owed. Over and over again he told me just pay it and forget it. I decided to call an old friend that used to do my taxes and in one phone call the penalty was removed. I’m not telling you to quit your pain doctor, but you may want to have someone else see if they can help you. Positive outcomes sometimes need fresh positive ideas.

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What is the treatment called?

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Is there a video to purchase? I think your gym is clear across the country try.

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This is a class they have similar to the PT they do. They won’t show what they actually do. It starts light and mostly stays light weight wise but I had great success feeling better. I had someone meet the best pt trainor…

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It is a series of exercises they call Balance. It was developed by a man whose father had patented that old nautilus machine they had in high schools and gyms back in the late 70’s?? Anyways they actually did a patent on the machines. It’s a different approach to, as I had said, strengthen many small muscles surrounding your weakened area. It is the Balance Program at Dedham Health Spine Center. I’m going to google it to see what comes up, if it shows I’ll send you the link.

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James thank you for your reply. I’m proactive and I’m not about to give up. I’m determined. It was just sadness because I’m trying so hard to improve. Since going to the new chiropractor I have improved some. I was much worse before going to him. I’m not about to be crippled and in a wheelchair. I tried to waterski in the middle of July and I couldn’t keep my ski under the water. My left leg was too weak. I told my chiropractor about it and he worked on some muscles on my hip and leg that he had worked on before. I was able to get up skiing. My ski held into place and I got up. Yay. I just have to have him check that muscle to make sure it is firing up. Even sitting on my couch is better all because of that set of muscles working. He has been a miracle for me. A few Summers ago I was so weak my husband had to pick me up off of the jet ski that I had tried and failed to drive. I go to the pool 5 days a week . It keeps me mobile and flexible.

Prior to the wreck I could do everything thing. I walked all over London, Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Bruges and another trip my daughter and I walked all over Washington DC. Now I have a hard time walking up the block . I’m a bit worried about a cruise in the Mediterranean in Nov. worried about walking. We will see what happens. I won’t give up or stop trying. Thank you for your concern.

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Hi Melanie, I do work at a health club that has a spine center and a physical therapy business. They have what they call a balance program that I actually did for a bunch of ailments I’ve had. The idea is to strengthen many small muscles around the area of your weakness which helps strengthen the area of your weakness. I know structural problems are tough to recover from. I’m glad your having some success and I knew you wouldn’t give up, I had another person on Dr. Malones sub stack try this balance program which also involves stretching and I think he’s had some success. I’m glad your feeling better and wish you success!!!

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Sounds good. Neurosurgeon says not to lift more than 5 lbs. It can compress my spine.

I do water weights in the pool for my arms. I wonder what I could do?

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Having had an industrial accident damage my spinal column (at age 18), pain has been ongoing - with some days better than others - but with no real remedy or relief. I have never had surgery because when spine surgeons recommended that venue - and I asked if they would agree to non payment if the surgery didn't work - NONE would agree. Over the years, I have become a full 4 inches shorter than my original 5' 11-1/2 inches..now with my lower ribs almost touching my hip bones.

So I commiserate with your pain, Melanie. Have you thought of trying the "TEETER" inversion machine? Some people swear by it. I have no place to put one, else I'd try it - after trying virtually every means (NO pain pills) of pain relief all my adult life.

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Tom I am so sorry! You have been through a lot. I think I posted about my back to possibly help you.

I have had scoliosis since I was 14. I have been able to do anything I wanted to do. I had no limitations. As I got older I had a few more chiropractic appointments to line me back up. But the car wreck dropped my height 2 “. I have 3 severe curves in my back. 42 degrees, 52 degrees, 44.5 degrees. The wreck made my back unstable. I have had PT ,cortisone shots and ablations. On a post up above I explained those. Nothing worked. My hands go numb as well which is hard for me to play the piano for my voice students. I have an inverter table but I don’t know that is the same thing as a Teeter inversion.

I have been going to a new chiropractor that uses a new technique. He does Advanced Muscle Integration Techniques . It restores function to inhibited muscles using specific reflex points combined with chiropractic protocols. His back adjustment is the Arturo Stim technique. It has helped a lot but I have to go once a week to keep me moving. I have started falling because the left leg is weak. He worked on a certain muscle group and it strengthened my leg. He is amazing. But I still have to go once a week to keep moving. I also go to the swimming pool 5 times a week. The water feels so good. It is zero gravity so the pressure is let off of your back. I do water aerobics. It has helped tremendously. I have to have the water up to my shoulders. I have water weights since I am not supposed to to lift more than 5 lbs. The neurosurgeon is one of the top in the country. He said if I had to have surgery it would mean cutting my back muscles, putting 3 rods. And 36 screws into my back. It would be a year recovery time. 70 percent chance of complications and no guarantees it would help. I said no way and he said good. His notes talked about possible surgery. I am going to continue what I am doing. So maybe you can check to see if there is someone in your area that does the Advanced Muscle Integration technique. Go to the pool it is amazing. Best of luck to you.

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My back (spine) problems are nothing compared to what you have been going through since you were 14! Hopefully you have a loving 'other' that is there for you 24/7/365.

Yes, 'Teeter' is I believe a brand name for the inverter table. Does it help at all?

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I think the inverter table is a good thing . The neurosurgeon thought it would be ok. I have been good until the wreck Tom. Oh problems here and there but nothing like now. My life has stopped considerably. But I’m pretty determined to try to do things. My husband is great. He takes up the slack without complaint. Life is a journey. I got up on the trainer boom waterskiing. This Summer. Short distance . I will never be able to get up on the rope. With the boom you’re almost out of the water.

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My favorite word is perseverance. Determination is another.

Great that you are on the waterskiing training boom! ...and never say never!

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I just took a peek at your profile and it confirms my first impression that you are one helluva trooper who can NOT be kept down. Hang tough, Melanie and I'm sure that you will continue to prevail, but please, don't try any triathlons. <BG>

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Been there done that, DD.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

Damn! A medical psychic? I know I'm shooting into the dark, but Dannion Brinkley has done accurate readings, after the lightening strike he became psychic, much to his dismay. Go to LightStream Productions. He is a friend of mine from doing his hospice training. When all else fails I go to the mystical, Tom. This is not to look for a fix, but to understand the spiritual direction.

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THAT I have not tried, DD..."mystical" sounds pretty cool!

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Have you ever considered microcurrent? We have a device that is made in the USA and is FDA approved for pain relief. My D.O. Suggests it for his patients and we have many chiros, MD’s and massage therapists who use it in their practices. People have had relief from pain that nothing else has fixed.

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I have been using a micro current device to help the circulation problems in both calves....for over a year...and it has helped considerably.

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😂Neal I will try to contain myself. It might be tempting!

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Try some DMSO!! It's amazing stuff... both pain relieving and healing!!! Search Amazon... the combo DMSO and Aloe Vera cream looks interesting!! If you get the straight liquid... just dab it on!!! If you rub it in/on it could cause itching!!

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That you for the info!

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Don't you love spell check??? ;-)

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Way to stay positive James! I try to remember that too! A couple of stories I read 40 plus years ago have stuck with me and is a stark reminder to not carry anger and ill feelings and also stay positive. Both were from a book of parables named, “Zen Flesh, Zen Bones - a collection of Zen and pre-Zen writings -1957” by Paul Reps. There’s all sorts of free PDF versions on the web now. Anyway, the first story that reminded me not to carry anger was the parable named “Muddy Road” the story goes like this:

Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling.

Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unble to cross the intersection.

"Come on, girl," said Tanzan at once. Lifting her in his arms, he carriedher over the mud.

Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple. Then he could no longer restrain himself. "We monks don't go near females," he told Tanzan, "especially not young and lovely ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do that?"

"I left the girl there," said Tanzan. "Are you still carrying her?

End of story. Simple but straight to the point as well a good example of what can happen if we carry those feelings for too long…! After all, hanging on to anger is like drinking poison and hoping the other person is going to die.

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Thanks for the reminder about that book, A friend gave it to me, seems like a hundred years ago. Seems like you would enjoy reading "A Midwestern Doctor" too.

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Thanks for the recommendation

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Deep Sea there have been a couple of things ex friends did to me and at that time my girlfriend, now my wife, years ago, that I have not been able to give forgiveness for. I struggle with different situations like everyone does. I, for a couple of years now am really trying to confront some of these issues, and truly forgive these people and move forward. Life is so short.

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I concur... with every fiber of my being.

Scary though, that is what the H&W campaign is trying to sell. Joy and hope. And the left is gobbling it right up. I have a measure, albeit quite small, of sympathy because they are so desperate for these emotions. You'd have to be outright mean to not feel a smidge of compassion for them. Some part of their humanity that remains, yearns for this.

That being said, DJT needs to take some advice and take this by the horns and wrestle it back to the netherworld. And at this point, I am willing to stoop to their tactics. They will understand those better. And it will be hard for them to argue.

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P.B., SADLY 😥 they can't experience any joy without having a personal relationship with Our Heavenly Father and they've already shown us that they have no intention of doing that.

They lie without even giving it a second thought!

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Lying is baked into the Leftist mindset.

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Talking about lying 🤥 🙄.

Bitme lied about the NATO countries were now paying their fair share because of him!!!!

Now Kaca-mala is saying that she came up with the "NO TAXES ON TIPS" is her idea!!!!

For sure now they will also say that the NO TAXES ON SOCIAL SECURITY" is also their idea!!!

They steal everything!

Just like they steal valor and elections!!!!!!

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Absolutely, Ana...the "Collective Left" liberals, progressives, Socialists, Communists and Maoists have NO morals, NO integrity, NO consciences and NO compunction (or) remorse for their inveterate lying, cheating, stealing, looting, burning and destroying private property - and even cold-blooded murder to achieve their aims of absolute control of human beings.

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Tom, that's exactly why my favorite president needs to be SO CAREFUL!!

The video below sounds the alarm ⏰️!


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I hope Donald Trump READS Sasha, Stones' words of wisdom (via the link Dr. Malone kindly provided) - Sasha is spot-on on what Trump should NOT do - like calling Kalamity Harris "dumb". HELLO, Donald Trump: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE your ENEMY - especially when they have the Leftist (MARXIST) mindset - which is set in Communist Concrete. So FORGET what Kalamity sez, but call her out on WHAT SHE HAS DONE and NOT done - beginning with her absolute and total FAILURE as "Border Czar" for Biden.

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Might I add, Kalamity Harris TOTAL failure to "UPHOLD" the U.S. Constitution she "SWORE" to do (SPECIFICALLY as written in ARTICLE IV., Section 4., to "Protect the States against INVASION") - which By definition IS an act of TREASON and is MORE than enough to IMPEACH HER - that is IF America had a House and Senate who had an ounce of INTESTINAL FORTITUDE!

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Real joy and true hope come from knowing Jesus Christ as your Messiah. Peace peace peace Shalom.

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You know Mr. Potts, you are of course absolutely right about true joy. And knowing Christ.

But reading the conversation between Ana Gonzalez and Tom Daniel and then your words made me realize that because I'm hard wired for sympathy towards others, I maybe didn't think my "smidgen of sympathy" all the way through. In reality, the left desiring and reveling in joy brings out sympathy in me because they are lost and pathetic and desperate. Thank you for helping me to clarify my thoughts. I appreciate your reply immensely. I have spoken of a moment of true joy in my life that has stayed with me for 45 years. Joy like that, true joy doesn't fade or is replaced. Great lesson for me this morning.

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Well, okay then! Bobby McFerrin must have been in your ear this morning. Great advice for a war torn world. Go, James, Go!

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James never let anyone steal your JOY!

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I should have added that GMoody!!

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A cute dog post for you James


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I hope you don't mind me "butting" in. But that was a lovely video. Currently, we have four dogs. Over the course of 35 years, we have cared for 12 dogs. I will share that video if you don't mind.

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Glad you liked it. It was sent to me by a friend who loves sending me clips of animals of all sorts.

I have had several dogs over the years but the best one was purchased for $1 out of a shopping cart in front of a grocery store in 1960 by my mother. A little shaggy dog puppy I named Muffin to fit in with the two neighbor collies, cornbread and biscuit.

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Sorry Shelley responding so late we had company. I watched the video it was awesome!!! As you know I’m a dog person.

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08/11/24: Hi, James. Hope you are well.

I'll be the bad guy in all this.

"Many of us out there have been canceled, and the communities that use Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc., are clueless. They literally have no idea."

People with poor judgment who made the initial mistake of voluntarily enlisting in FB et al (basically armies whose members have ZERO RIGHTS) and then get cancelled HAVE NO ONE BUT THEMSELVES TO BLAME. When you get into bed with rats, they bite you.

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08/11/24: Thank you. Being personally responsible for one's actions (seeing FB et al as a fraudulent "something-for-nothing" deal) protects us from the snakes like Zuckerberg (repulsive chap. Separated at birth from Robert Maxwell). And one is freed from the debilitating onus/burden of telling others that we were "victims."

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Unfortuntely, Don, "Being personally responsible for one's actions" is no longer a pre-requisite for a civilized society (sorry for the 'z') LOL!

Unless THAT concept as well as MERIT are not reinstated, the Homo-Sapiens species is headed for a headlong dive into a DEEP ocean of abject excrement.

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BYO Skivvies! Only way that comes back is, as the pre-09/11 detectives said ruefully, "when they see the body bags" (full). CNN: "20,000 dead video tapes are CHEAP FAKES!"

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When you "Change" the way you look at things....

The "Things" you look at will change.

Wayne Dyer

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This is the second story that stuck with me from the aforementioned book “Zen Flesh, Zen Bones”

A Parable

Buddha told a parable in a sutra:

A man travelling across a field encountered a tiger. He fled, the tiger after him. Coming to a precipice, he caught hold of the root of a wild wine and swung himself down over the edge. The tiger sniffed at him from above. Trembling, the man looked down to where, far below, another tiger was waiting to eat him. Only the vine sustained him. Two mice, one white and one black, little by little started to gnaw away the vine. The man saw a luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine with one hand, he plucked the strawberry with the other. How sweet it tasted!

End of story and like many Zen writings leaves the reader with a dot, dot, dot ending. To me the meaning jumped out that we aren’t often faced with certain horrible death from Tigers or Sharp rocks. This guy was though, and yet he still could look through it and enjoy the strawberry. When I feel down now and I remember this story, I look for my metaphorical “strawberry” like the way the sunrise shines across the wildflowers and morning dew, a smile on a child’s face, etc. once I’ve found my first metaphorical strawberry, my propensity to find more increases and soon my basket is full of goodness and so is my soul.

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08/11/24: If we tell this story in Philly, how do we get a hoagie suspended on a vine on the underside of the cliff?

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Excellent. Now read Francis Wood's "Hand-grenade Practice In Peking."

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Thanks James , that makes me feel better. I also think it’s okay to have a pity day once in a blue moon then move on next day. I have found that to be helpful and another blue moon takes awhile! lol

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Excellent words! 💖

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Thank you Karen!!

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You always have a very elevated view of life, the human condition and the Cosmos. Have you ever had any experience with orthodox Hinduism regardless of what your spiritual preference may be...if you don't mind my asking.

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Nealstar, I have my daily life struggles like so many do. Sometimes I think I’m reminding myself to stay positive and choose to be happy. I do think happiness is a choice we make just as waking up with a streak of annger inside and lash out at someone is also a choice. I’ve seen this so many times even from myself. I honestly hear people on Drs. Malones sub stack and want to make them see that happiness is there if you choose it, It does work. I try to get people to think about things that I struggle with also. There are much smarter people here than I, I may just be coming from a different place.

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I know you lead a contemplative life and I think Dennis Prager on happiness will strike a sympathetic chord.


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I just listened to the link you sent me thank you for this. I know of him but never listened to him before. When I wrote my post I didn’t know if people would like it or not. You know Nealstar, after listening to Dennis Prager, I didn’t realize what all of you, my post, and your link would have as an impact on me!!

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Just returning the benefit I receive from reading your posts by sending something I consider to have value. I'm glad you found it positive and worthwhile. I don't remember if I posted it or not, but I got my official Cynic card when I was 10 and my wife calls me an optimist. Thank you for thinking my thoughts and opinions are worth a subscription. Going to have to start peddling faster to keep up with you now.

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You don’t have to pedal all that hard believe me. I realize there is going to be very rough seas coming and I know the way things are going we are going to have to fight if we are to maintain any happiness Nealstar. It’s not us pushing this confrontation that’s coming.

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Dear James, thank you for appreciating my sober comment on being made a foreigner in our own countries (I am Swiss and Switzerland is going down the drain), so sad that HONOR has become obsolete. Here a link to the best historian I have encountered in 30 years of study:


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So spot on James! We can’t let Satan steal our joy! Wake up to all the blessings that surround us and pray that sanity, common sense and justice will return! We are in a spiritual battle that we WILL WIN! God is good! 🛐✝️💟

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Life is not to make one happy. It's to be lived. Was Jesus happy?

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Hydra I saw your comment yesterday and was hoping someone would respond to you, honestly someone more intelligent than me. I agree life is meant to be lived. Life is not meant to be lived always unhappy and stressed out however. When we live that way it actually shortens our life. People are made to experience life from a perspective of intrigue, wanting to learn, looking forward to tomorrow, and I’m not saying every day should be happy either.

As far as Jesus being happy I don’t know how he couldn’t have been happy. Almost all of my most memorable moments and the times that I felt the best were when I helped someone. The other day I was pulling into Home Depot. I noticed a wallet sitting right on the pavement at the main entrance but near the contractor parking. I stopped my truck and grabbed the wallet and asked the man pushing the carriages if it was his. He said no bring it in and give it to customer service. So I parked my truck and looked in the wallet. It had the man’s license, pictures of his wife and kids, a bunch of twenties and some foreign currencies. The man had I think an Indian name and his address was 30 minutes from the Home Depot in Norwood Ma. I was afraid if I turned in the wallet this man’s money may disappear so after I shopped I drove to his house and knocked on the door. His wife hesitantly opened the door and I handed her her husbands wallet in tact. She was so happy he had called her and was a nervous wreck thinking all the bad things that could happen, but now relief came to them. She thanked me, I got in my truck and headed back to work. But the feeling I got by doing the right thing and helping someone was great. As small as that was I’ll never forget it.

I can’t imagine the rush of happiness Jesus must have got from bringing a man’s young daughter back to life, making a blind person see, getting an invalid to walk. I felt great just returning a wallet imagine how good Jesus must have felt, pure happiness!! So yes I think Jesus was a very happy person and the people that were around him benefitted in their life by his happiness!!

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I hope Britain Wakes up instead of Gives up. America certainly must WAKE UP. They are coming for us, just like they came for the pig in Plato’s cave.

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I hope they wake up before it has a chance to wake up the asleep here in the U.S.A!

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Venezuela’s inserted president, Nicolas Madura, is following America’s inserted president, Joe Biden, and throwing thousands of election protesters in prison. Protestors were heard saying “what are we becoming like America…”

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

Now we both have "J6 Prisoners!"

The ONLY DIFFERENCE is that we still have our guns!

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Speaking of...see where Ashley Babbitts family given go ahead by court to sue the gov for her murder?

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Here is some Joy for you Micheal.


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Thanks, we enjoyed them

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One of the best organizations in the USA -


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I hope the Babbitt’s win big! I’d go for 💯mil. That person who shot her should have never been anywhere near a firearm.

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Left it in the john once

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Hopefully, The Babbitt family will get one of the Trump appointed judges - that UPHOLDS the U.S. Constitution and rule of law.

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Rambler, that's great news!!!

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And AMMUNITION, Ana... without that 'guns' become useless,

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Even if Venezuela's election was plagued with problems, hearing the worst people within government and media complain about it is a big red flag. None of these people care about election integrity. They're after the oil.

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I do not understand the State Department’s fixation with mineral resources. It’s not their job to find them. Their first mistake is believing what today’s USGS tells them. USGS used to be pretty good at mineral assessments, but today the USGS is populated with weird marijuana smoking bureaucrats with the occasional white anglo-saxon Buddist thrown in for good measure. Trust me on this, but I do have had first person experience.

Wallace Pratt one of the great petroleum explorationists of all times once said “oil is found in the minds of men”. I have observed you can substitute any other mineral resource for oil. Not long ago we needed lithium for batteries and China had it all tied up.

Yellowstone is over a mantle plume or hot spot that is stationary as the earth’s crust moves over it. Back at the beginning is a caldera formed when it started on the Oregon-Nevada border and boom the worlds largest lithium deposit was found in lacustrian deposits in that caldera, but wait, an even bigger one has recently been found in Western Maine. Now there might be better battery technologies, but I will guarantee we can find the minerals necessary for that or anything else in the United States or, at least, North America and certainly the Americas! During my career I watched major energy companies leave the Appalachian Basin and then watched them come back for the Marcellus and Utica.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

A few days ago, I watched a completely cordial interview between Alex Jones and Jackson Hinkle (who is 24 years old). I have by now seen several instances of commentary from Hinkle, who is a friend of Jimmy Dore. I've seen Hinkle dismantle Piers Morgan on Piers' show on the subject of Ukraine. But this was the first time I remember Hinkle describing himself as a conservative MAGA communist.

Don't laugh. The young man is smart. Very smart. He described his recent stay in Venezuela, as well as his interaction with Maduro. Where intel agencies are involved, not everything is necessarily as it seems. I reserve judgment.

With Alex Jones:


With Jimmy Dore:


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E,r a conservative communist is an oxymoron. Conservatism here means adherence to our Constitution pretty much as written. The stated goal of the American communist party was the forceful overthrow of our government.

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I tend to agree. I didn't hear Hinkle's explanation of his self-description. But I think we're in a psy-war info blizzard; ideological language is being shuffled everywhere; and I must be ready evaluate arguments own their own merits, regardless of how the source is labeled by himself or others.

As I said, I reserve judgment. But on its face, isn't it rather remarkable that a 24 year old, who may or may not have finished college, is a guest of Alex Jones, Jimmy Dore, Piers Morgan, and Nicolas Maduro? Interesting times.

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Tangled with beau on Fri. re labels. Called himself progressive then got insulted when I called him on it. We are supposed to ignore labels and all sit at the table and negotiate. Of course with progs it always goes cutthroat and you leave the table with the same knife in your back they cut your throat with but....I pay very close attention to labels

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I think people can occupy multiple categories. I forget how the saying goes but something along the lines of even the most die hard libertarian at the society level is a socialist or even communist when it comes to their household.

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Jackson Hinkle is smart for his age, but Vladimir Lenin was smart too.

Communism (socialism) is a failed ideology. It killed millions of people in the last century - China, the USSR, Cambodia, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia - millions. It kills by famine, direct mass killings, or forced labor. It lies, distorts, hides, and dehumanizes. It destroys faith, tradition, beauty, art, justice, innovation, progress, truth, privacy, relationships, and families. It's an system of fear, lies, and inhumanity.

Jackson Hinkle possesses intelligence but not historical perspective. He's to young to have the wisdom to see how rotten he is. And he is a admitted communist.

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That’s pretty bad!

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I wish I could laugh at these today, but they are just too true. Trying to keep optimistic, but the events of the last month are getting to me :-(

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In the Hollywood movie, "The Matrix", the hero was offered a Red Pill that would reveal the truth, or a Blue Pill that would make him forget his recent experiences and he could return to his life of wondering what was wrong. He knew something was wrong. He chose the Red Pill.

What would you choose?

Life is not easy. We may suffer. Did Christ suffer?

Prayer helps

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Dan Bongino often mentions this movie but I have never seen it. I think I would choose the red pill.

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I meant to say that by frequenting Dr. Malone's channel and your mention of Dan Bongino it's obvious you have been hearing the truth for some time; that you have already taken the Red Pill, metaphorically speaking. For me, the Red Pill is nauseating, but it's still the truth. I prefer it even if it's ugly. That said, I understand why some people don't want to see it.

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Definitely. I understand why some choose the blue pill and sometimes I find that more nauseating as that’s being complicit.

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Cheryl, PLEASE, don't let them steal your JOY!

We need everyone to continue to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

Definitely not giving in! I have my license plate as a reminder thankfully! “HAPPYRD” a promise to my Mom when she died. She loved the song by Bobby McFerrin so after that she would always say “Don’t Worry, Be a Happy” and to take the Happy Road so that’s what I promised her 😊

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That's a good attitude. It's apt to provide more happy days for people than if no effort was made.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

Yup, the voice and dialogue between the pigs is disarming and creepy true. I prefer James G.and his take this morning. I did laugh out loud on a few, especially the biker. Today I am focusing on the garden, buying seed and corn for the critters and cooking some awesome, healthy food. The Native saying is "Hokahey" meaning "It's a good day to die".

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Ok you’re right, I did laugh at one out loud about the Biker lol

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Another pleasant valley Sunday.....

Charcoal burning every where...

Another pleasant valley Sunday ay....

Here in status symbol land.

Guess what I heard on my Droid Radio 100 top hits today.

A bit of Monkey business....I sang right along as loud as used to as well.....

Happy Boi.

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My favorite is the Rush Limbaugh quote. Such true words. Any new babies born yet? Have a great day!

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that newspaper man looks like prince William. UK now beyond reach - I hope no one braves to go visit !

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Re: “JOY™ is finding tampons in the men’s bathroom.” I found some free dispensers in the Men’s bathroom at the Seattle - Tacoma Airport (SEA) if you’re looking…! 🙄 Truly a clown world now…! 🤡

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Sad 😔

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Aug 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The best way to bring JOY™ to a crowd is to promise them free stuff.

Don't mention that you're going to have to steal stuff to give them all that free stuff, and when it's over they will all be poorer.

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Lately they have not been waiting for gifting but voing out and stealing it pretty much unimpeded in blue cities (soon to be called blue blazes?).

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My motto: Arise and SHINE.....vs...Arise and WHINE

and.....Are you... Humbly GRATEFUL...vs...Grumbly HATEFUL???? As usual, Dr Malone, you hit it out of the ballpark,...but it does take "greymatter" to assimilate. Thanks!!

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Aug 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the Rush quote! Sure do miss his brilliance! Thanks Docs M for the laughs! Gotta laugh or we’ll cry! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

I love bacon.

As to Kamala's type of 'joy', I know a much better One. **"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Gal. 5:22-23**

As for her...Maybe we should FIRST stop with the racist moniker of ‘woman of color’. I don’t care. She’s a lying viper, in my opinion. She pushes marxist ideology and panders to the muslims. Stop letting wicked people define the rules of engagement. Basically, she represents everything we shouldn’t want for our REPUBLIC.

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You think you like bacon. Should see our cats when we fry some. Do not get much but boy do they love what they get

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It's Sunday, therefore here's a verse from the NT, especially applicable to all those being censored/cancelled or in danger thereof: Matthew 10 : 16 ...

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Amen 🙏 and Amén!


Matthew 10:16

New King James Version

Persecutions Are Coming

16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless[a] as doves.

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This is crazy...I dreamed last night that I was trying to convince my extremely liberal/Marxist San Franciscan cousin that her reverence for Demonrats (Kamala this week) was going to end up killing her. I knew I was dreaming because she wanted to hear what I had to say. Then I woke up. She's still woke and won't share her oats...

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That was clever Karen!

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The problem I see with the pig analogy is that progressive pigs more than willing to share out other pigs oats just keep your cotton picking hands off theirs.

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Quite often the joy™ of the evil fades quickly, and even begins to seem labored. Here a chief advisor and mentor to the Biden admin illustrates:


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Beethoven saw this coming in his famous "Ode to Joy"

"O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!

Sondern laßt uns angenehmere anstimmen,

Und freudenvollere.




"O friends, not these tones!

But let’s strike up more agreeable ones,

And more joyful.



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Do not give the Democrats Lefties an Idea with Beethoven's aspirational vision of unity and peace :) in this Situation we are in now, they will apply the Ninth Symphony, to maintaining the Illusion of Democracy, and not Totalitarian which they are in tune with the Global WEF look in what is ,das ist nicht zu Vergleichen mit das Heutige Ergebnis in diese Welt, es wurde vor 200 Jahre Komponiert das alle Maenner Brueder werden, das war ein Poem von Friedrich Schiller which Beethoven made it a Beautiful Melody even today it is a joy to hear it being plaid, I have to admit the words to the song is hard to remember I was very young then, but the melody is capturing, and being happy waking up every day in a new day will be when President Trump wins the Election until then I hang in there.

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Take it as what it is; a collaboration between two brilliant artists (musician and poet) to celebrate the glory of the IDEAL of the human race.

I am an unrepentant and unapologetic racist, but I'm all inclusive and don't discriminate based on color, nationality, religion or gender. The basis of my racism are attributes and characteristics of the human race. Yep, I am prejudiced against members of the entire human race who exhibit cowardice, sloth, stupidity, slovenliness, bullying, passive-aggression, dishonesty, corruption, cupidity and pretty much anything else common in our "public servants" or exhibited by participants in "reality" shows. For as long as we've been walking upright, discovered fire and learned to use tools, we should be a great deal further along toward realizing our potential, but haven't even scratched the surface.


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