I’m an old school teacher prude who never so much as uttered “shut up” and I’m laughing out loud with joy that Elon Musk has finally publicly said what we all think. Corporate America “Go F*** Yourself!!”

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I really hate it when people are vulgar for no reason. I wish there were millions of fewer reasons these days.

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So true 👍.

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Mike, I know how you feel about vulgarity! I feel the same way about hate - so much hate in people's hearts...

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Sooooo, he hates when people are vulgar? Ok...

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I hope you understand that my use of the word 'hate' above was along the lines of finding something very distasteful and not the emotion of actual hatred.

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I am an old school carpenterand a bridge high walker who does not use profanity but Elon I have to agree with Barbara, you go guy.

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12/03/23: Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to afford to do that? And what IS the point of being the world's wealthiest man (for now) if you can't tell Bob Iger The Sewer Rat what his moral and ethical net worth is?

In other news, I'd like to watch the ice follies video, but I had to turn it off after about ten seconds because Christmas songs have been blaring in public since the exact minute that my doorbell stopped ringing on Halloween night. And next year, it begins again, ceaselessly, on April Fool's Day.

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I feel your pain and sympathize.

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I am an old school carpenterand a bridge high walker who does not use profanity but Elon I have to agree with Barbara, you go guy.

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Every single panel is a gem and a truth bomb. You, your lovely wife, and all your colleagues please keep bombing with truth and enjoying life.

Aside: Idaho had a Snowmaggedon event over the past few days and we're living in a beautiful snow globe despite being surrounded by globalists and totalitarians in Boise. I'll take the snow globe, thank you very much.

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The Globalists and totalitarians came in from California . I was at my cousin house in Boise this week, we flew into Boise from our vacation). She is a liberal. She was saying the Californians and their politics ruined Boise. She wishes they would move back to Boise.

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Not to Boise but California

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Same problem in Austin, Texas. Just no snow.

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Thank heaven they are afraid of Florida...

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It's not just the Californians ruining Boise. It's the Boise folks who are poorly educated by the schools and aren't paying enough attention. Worse, much of the Idaho legislature and executive branch are highly influenced by IACI, the corporatists who run the state. (Not unlike Washington, DC.)

For elections, Dems do a major get-out-the vote while the conservatives just say, "leave me alone." Unfortunately, the leave me alone attitude results in the leftists gaining a foothold and never loosening their grip. Idaho has a huge target on its back. Some of us are fighting though!

For those who wish to learn more about Idaho politics, take a look at these excellent Substacks:

* https://gemstate.substack.com/

* https://glenneda.substack.com/

* https://idahofreedomcaucus.substack.com/

* https://brianlenney.substack.com/

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Wasn't the old refrain, ala 1970's, "Don't Californicate Idaho"

but that goes back to Frank Church and Cecil D Andrus. Frank, an old dem who hated big, over reaching Government, chaired the Church Committee. Unfortunately, he was instrumental in giving away the Panama Canal. And Boise was seen as conservative town run by Simplot, among others.

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I met Gov Andrus years ago. I think I even voted for him. I met Frank Church as well. I was quite young.

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Funny you should mention these folks. The mayor of Emmett, Gordon Petrie, wrote an excellent article on this topic: https://www.cityofemmett.org/_files/ugd/0b89a7_888d70b7a21a4a2e82363cb7ad4762aa.pdf

He has a bunch more here: https://www.cityofemmett.org/mayors-corner

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Thanks for that, even a bit on Naomi Wolf pre Covid railing on excesses of the Patriot Act. I take a little issue with his conclusion of Church Committee, I they were much bigger on shedding light on the deep state.

As for the other folk, I used to get a charge driving thru Idaho and all the "Idaho is too Great to litter---Cecil D Andrus" roadside signs.

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Funny you should mention litter. My husband and I are big litter picker uppers. Sadly, it is increasing.

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My dad was from Moreland. I was born in Blackfoot. Love Idaho!

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I raised in a farming community called Aberdeen. It’s about 45 min from Blackfoot. I live in Pocatello now which is about 30 min to Blackfoot. I love Idaho !

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I just read about the history of the name "Blackfoot". Most interesting.

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Blackfoot was named after the Blackfeet Tribe. My town of Pocatello was named after Chief Pocatello.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

Isn’t this where University of East Idaho is?

Blackfoot has the world famous Potato Museum. I took my granddaughters there. All potatoes come originally from Peru in the Andes. Potatoes, chocolate, tomatoes, and corn were the greatest contributions to the world by Native American tribal culture. Pass me the French fries and catsup.

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Love the California straw ban. Tyranny cannot exist without government produced lists of subjects. To me the biggest story of last week was Jack Smith’s acquisition through the courts of millions of peoples tweets for the government, from the 2020 election. Subjugation: oppression or conquest: one group takes control over another group and forces them to do as their told. Subjugation is one of many types of injustices in the world. It has to do with one group of people dominating another group by taking away their freedom. Tyranny cannot exist without government lists of people they desire to subjugate. We are in a fight for our freedom. A person doesn’t loose when knocked down, it’s when you decide to not get up that you loose. The toughest fights are the ones worth walking into. We shouldn’t pray for an easy fight but for the strength to endure a difficult one. The expression of suffering is the fullest expression of our love for God and country. It gives us a chance to be close to our God. Hope you all have a peaceful Sunday. J.Goodrich

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So true 👍 my friend. 🌄

Have We The People lost our way? Did the conditioning tactics of the plandemic work?

Are we not willing to stand up for truth, justice and the American way anymore? Have we lost our GRIT??

YES, these are very challenging times and we do need to pray 🙏 🤲 🕍 for strength to prevail!!!

On our way to church.

I pray for a blessed and peaceful Sunday for you, your family, our Doctors Malone and all of their followers!

Stay strong 💪 ✨️

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Ana I was reading late late last night and I was thinking of a line in a prayer I’m sure most of us know, and forgive us our trespasses for we forgive those who trespass against us. Could this be a large piece of winning this fight. If we are not willing to forgive will we one day not be forgiven?

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Then you have the New Testament advising to turn the other cheek. My question is what to do after you have turned all 4 and they keep right on after you? Patience is its own reward….don’t think so.

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Maybe just a thought, I tend to agree with you Dr. Nash as I’m sure you know!!!

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To forgive is not to surrender. Forgiveness has to do with what is in your heart. Intelligence, reason, perception is at home in your brain.

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James, I have struggled with that very scripture!

I've also asked myself: Can we forgive satan 😈?

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Absolutely right Ana. .Definitely a struggle. So many have been harmed or worse.

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No. And the reverse…. God can not lie. It is impossible.

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The Bible posits "An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth" as well as "forgiveness", but for those that are hell bent on enslaving - and even slaughtering - me and my children, grand children and great grand children - I give NO quarter to anyone.

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They first must sincerely ask for forgiveness.

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Great point Terri!!

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Hi Terri, I was raised Catholic and still believe in the older Catholic teachings. I have come to believe that my religion doesn’t necessarily live in a building on Sunday. This is just what I believe. I’ve been trying to live my life as a Christian day by day. I said the other day I think forgiveness may be the key not to surrender but to defeat the enemy in this fight for our freedom. Think of a man nailed to a cross, dying, shouting out forgiveness to the people that put spikes through his wrists and ankles. If this is the basis of forgiveness in our religion we should at least consider that it may be the right thing to do to the people causing our pain and suffering. Honestly I’m not sure if I could be big enough to truly forgive these people that are trying to take away our freedom. My family has given so much to keep freedom for us citizens. I was really intending on making people think and hope that it worked.

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And with respect to Mr. Bridgen, I'd love the chance to tell him that his heroism does not go unnoticed from across the pond. On October 20 he appeared for a debate on extant high excess mortality in Parliament. The chamber was mostly empty, but the spectators in the glassed-off gallery could still be heard cheering him. Whether it's Senator Ron Johnson's January 2022 and December 2022 hearings related to COVID-19 injuries and vaccines; MP Bridgen's pleas to bored peers wearing vacant stares; or Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's 11-13-23 hearing drawing 10 out of 535 reps and senators; it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that something wicked this way comes. But it's getting harder for the active participants, the sellouts, and the go-along-to-get-along crowd to claim they never knew.

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Agreed James. Followed Johnson and Green. So sad to hear about all the injuries and Dr's and all good health care people tell their stories with tears in their eyes and heart. Heart breaking

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Another Spanish word of the day!!!!

"Cacafornia!" That’s too funny 😁 😂 😀 🤣

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It’s the special every day at “The French Laundry “

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I find it a little eerie that Newsom can still smile smugly as DeSantis is dropping truth bombs that should cause Newsom to hang his head in shame.

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Sociopaths impervious to shame

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I agree, it was as if Newsom enjoyed telling the lies and I think it was a bit bewildering for DeSantis to hear zero truths come out of Newsom mouth. It was a bit much for me to stomach, so I only watched bits and pieces.

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That's narcissism on display

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Dear Aldous:

Its not narcissism but rathe is a finding from the scientific research of the late psychologist Anndrew M. Lobsxzewdki and is reported by him the book that is entitled "Political Ponerology." Ponerology is the scientific study of evil. While psychopaths make up only about 1% of the general population they are attracted to power thus being over represented amonst the politicians who govern us.

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Robert Yoho MD has several substack writeups on ponerology from about 2 years ago, and he's also been interviewed (search "Robert YOHO MD ponerology medicine" for a 1st start) about ponerology in medicine. Just as folks with Cluster B personality disorder are attracted to politics and other careers grounded in power, so too "Cluster B's" are attracted to MEDICINE. After about 13 years in industry I was compelled to be a whistleblower WITHIN the company I worked for - - a VP and Executive VP published false data from a unit that I supervised; for TWO months my superiors knowingly looked the other way(just as today's COVID sheep have gone along for 3 years.) After changing career by fleeing to medical school, I came to realize that these same sorts of Cluster B's gravitate to medicine; after internship I could not force myself to enter residency. I NEVER imagined that the shenanigans that I witnessed in the early 1990's would become so much worse 3 decades later. Allopathic medicine has become a sham, a racket on par with organized crime.

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Thank you! I had not heard this term before. Certainly narcissism would be a necessary component if one is a poneroligist?

The shamelessness boggles my mind, you have to have a great team behind you to pull what he pulls off.

Probably why Santos went down, had no backfield.

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The only thing that would wipe the smirk off his plastic face is bringing all the destruction he’s been a part of to his front door, ripping away every facet of his privileged life, and forcing him to exist in his own filth. Short of that, Gavin will continue not to give a damn.

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That meme with Gruesome as the Joker is spot on...perfectly smarmy, malevolent face of the Joker. Nothing behind those eyes and plastic smile.

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12/03/23: Someone coached him in the debate green room that feces on the streets of California was a tourist attraction, so he tripled the tax on toilet paper just before he went on stage.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It appears some people who have never experienced living in a totalitarian environment are oblivious to the level of totalitarian progress already achieved in the West. “When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is Liberty”,it also appears the people have no fear of either. That’s the definition of oblivious.

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For our modern era and understanding of how language affects the subconscious, I would now substitute the word "awareness" or "clear perception" for fear ("The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," valid whether or not you like the progenitor of that comment :-)..). How about - When the people clearly perceive the intentions of the government and its attempts at tyrannical control, then the government can no longer effectively suppress the people's commitment to freedom/liberty.

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T.P. - Fear is paralyzing.

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40% of [voting] California DID vote to recall greasy Gavin. Though we lost that, it gave me hope. What that can mean is that ten to fifteen percent of the voters need to be persuaded over. If there was a mild conservative running in the next election, a good candidate, they could win.

The trouble is finding that person. CA's most endangered species....

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

And during the run-off I watched 100,000 votes dropped from Elders total right there on TV. There one second and gone the next. Rigged - that is how all these loons get and stay in office.

Edit: I really think it was much more, like 500,000 votes drop from Elder’s total. 38 out of 58 counties voted yes to the recall. Orange, San Bernardino and Lake Counties were just a hair from being a Yes vote. Total votes on recall were 12,838,565, against recall 7,944,092 for a recall 4,894,473. However, there were 52 candidates on the ballot, including Caitlin Jenner and Larry Elders. All 52 candidates received in Total 7,357,757 votes.

Elder got 48.3 percent of that total or 3,563,867. What they did not want to see as a result was more votes for ‘anyone other than’ then there were for “no don’t recall”.

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Those disappearing votes always ignored by the fraud deniers, aren’t they. Sorta hard to explain for them so they don’t

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40% of voting CA voted to recall the greaseball and probably almost 15% voted to keep him.

Remember - it matters not who or how many vote, it's who COUNTS the vote.

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not counts, not even reports, it's who enforces

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And to amend that problem we have to rescue our Constitution from the lawyers who have hijacked it.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

Who will protect us from our protectors?

From Forbes: (Jurgen Appelo, Former Contributor)


"If you want something done, do it yourself" a quote variously attributed to emperor Napoléon Bonaparte, dramatist Charles-Guillaume Étienne, and dictator Zorg in the movie The Fifth Element. I've said it myself more than once, as a cry of despair. But doing everything yourself is not scalable, as both Napoléon and Zorg have noticed to their dismay. So the next best alternative is to learn how to delegate better and empower the people.


Our Second Amendment delegates with good scale, authority and ability.

And, tho' often misquoted / misapplied Shakespeare came up with a good line:

“The first thing we do is, let’s kill all the lawyers.” Dick the Butcher in Henry VI, Part II, Act IV, Scene II

That shoe fits quite well no matter the foot that wears it. (apologies to those lawyers reading here. ;-) please understand.

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As I have posted before, King Ferdinand of Spain forbade lawyers from migrating to the new world colonies because of their propensity to spread discord. Had the English been so wise….

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

This is why when I saw Route 10 (5?) in LA go up in flames, it came as no surprise.

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Why are we assuming that the recall election wasn't rigged?

There comes along that inevitable, awful day when each one of us realizes that it has all been a rigged casino. And the sooner, the damn better.

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I'm not, there are narratives at each layer, the elections are totally rigged, he could have lost the vote. I dont know anyone who likes him.

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My apology, I should have made it clear that it was a rhetorical question. One thing that we also should not assume is that Biden will be the actual D. candidate in 2024. Seeing as how we have stolen the Russian copyright for government-by-murder (Pfizer!), it is possible that someone will whisper, "make it look like an accident."

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Great Sunday strip today! I don't know how you keep doing all you do, but don't ever stop. Enjoy your UK Visit.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So very happy to hear your trip abroad is going so positively. You all are well earning this terrific interlude! Hoping for your continuing enjoyments and Successes!

The cat stopped me. So like the one I visited this morning! Of the memes the 1776 to avoid 1984 hit home the hardest.


Thank you for your Skorbach and WR interviews. Caught up with them last night. Really appreciate your setting out all that needs to be accomplished. You could surely end up even busier. If so, will hope there will be a way to keep us sharing all treasured insights (DJGM?).

Continuing success, safe travels and magical interludes.

Bestest always ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy? Wickham House? Sounds like my kind of place.

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12/03/23: Married With Children, after Al's next door neighbor's first "husband" left the show and H#2 arrived: "Oh, just great! Now my name is 'Marcy D'Arcy'!"

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I wonder...anything to do with D'Arcy Spice? Beautiful, old English heirloom apple.

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Well, it certainly must smell better than California (what doesn't?).

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Laughing so hard, I'm practically choking...I usually have a favorite, but they are all priceless! So glad that you are having such a great time!

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Sunday Funnies, yes! A great compilation, as usual. Enjoy your trip and you and Jill keep on working for us! You know how much we appreciate all you do.

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There certainly is voluminous and assorted material for memes, as represented here – all true. It is sad each represent one of a thousand cuts to our existence. My four-year old gelding keeps taking my floating deicer out of the water trough and pulling on it enough it comes loose from the extension cord. At least he has not thrown it over the paddock fence and I’ve been able to find it. I thought I’ll just buy one that inserts at the bottom then notice this newer tank did not come with that common hole/plug. I must admit that half way through the Stockholm video I had to wipe my eyes to see the rest of it. I watched it three times before my laughter died down. So cool that everyone is helping even strangers stay afloat so to speak.

Safe travels while abroad Drs Malone.

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I used to use wire fence ( 2x4 no-climb) and bolt it to the sides of the trough over the area above the de-icer and water float. Worked quite well but I had to modify it and turn under any of the sharp points of wire. The mares were OK with it, but the stallion ... not so much. :)

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I have an extra panel of no-climb but planned on using it for a concrete pad on the north side of my barn in front of a slider door instead of rebar. I'm sure he would find a way to damage it or himself. I've been using float deicers for decades with no problems. He is just obnoxious and moves the tank with his mouth when the water is down enough for him to do it and I can't even move it back until its almost empty. He reaches through my pipe fencing to tear down the downspout and pulls the 20' black plastic extension into the paddock and stomps on it. He is hell on hooves. I guess I will be buying a different tank with the hole/plug. This one is too tall to use for a mini garden.

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Sounds like a bored animal. Maybe turn on a radio or television (think he would like Oprah)?

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You nailed it Micheal. He is a ball of energy that's bored out of his gourd. I think he would much prefer Road Runner cartoons. He could pretend he is Wile E. Coyote up to no good.

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We have found and have seen confirming reports that animals are calmed by classical music. We always leave a radio on playing for dogs when we had them and the cats now. Had a snob of a boxer who would pack up and go to his bed in our bedroom when we listened to big band station on Sun. nites. Once they televised Tales of Hoffman and he laid there with his head inches from a hifi speaker I rigged during the entire thing…loving it.

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I’ve owned 3 Boxers. My current is my first female adopted when she was 3 months old. She’s now a little past 2 years old now. She is higher strung than the boys were, but she has wonderful taste in music! Classical calms her, especially soft piano, she curls up and falls asleep.

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Micheal, I too, leave some classical music on for the cats (and myself). Even the plants love it, according to some studies.

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Works for me, too!

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In 1980 we were given a minx kitten someone found. It eventually died young from feline HIV. He would sit on top of the couch back when we were watching TV. Boy you should have seen him jump up with all his hairs standing straight up before he jumped down and ran back to the bedroom. All that occurred when the music started on the TV the night we were watching Jaws.

I just listen to a couple of minutes of Tales of Hoffman on the internet. Whew... a lot of high note screeching and your boxer like that? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0044103/

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Drs Malone, I love winter but I also have funds in my will put aside for Princess Snowy Boots, the mule, and Miss Cow, the .... cow, to pay some poor sucker to come out and bust the ice off their water though every day it freezes. HA HA !!

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Trough, as in tank, darn spell check

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My SC seems to be on a 'trip her up' mission these days. I wonder if they are programmed to have random fits of badness

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Am having similar problem.

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I've spudded countless holes in troughs, tanks, ponds, etc but never knew an axe to cut such a sheer walled hole in ice.

Looking at the photo closer, there seems to be an electric water heater under the influence of rolling blackouts...

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A debate between two non-candidates, I have to admit I didn’t watch partly because, although I have two dishes from a previous owner and a fiber internet connection, I haven’t bothered with anything but the internet in the two years I have lived here. I have the rare opportunity to live in the woods with deer, the occasional non-threatening yearling bear wandering through, and reliable, high speed internet. Three or four weeks ago I opened the garage door at 6:00 am to put out the garbage (overnight attracts bears) and found myself staring down an eight point buck, that retreated to the front yard and ultimately the adjacent woods.

DeSantis, although a decent governor, pretty much owes his election to Trump’s help and somehow I think he has blown this endorsement and Newsome, the California cacmaster, appears to have been Peter Principled as a florist. (No offense to the florists out there as one of my good friends in college was a florist’s son and worked in the shop where I was allowed to hang out at times. Growing flowers indoors in a northeastern winter is difficult, in San Francisco’s climate not so much!)

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