I saw Trumps interview with Maria Bartiromo, he said Elon will be the new secretary of cutting spending.

So many people say I can’t believe how close this election is, (my friend Les Power more recently). Or who could possibly vote for Kamala?

The democrats have become an election, ballot producing, voting machine that doesn’t let the rules get in their way. It was certainly a wonder, watching how Kamala became their presidential candidate, and to think, how is it possible that 50% of “the people” want 4 more years of this. As she said on The View, she “wouldn’t have changed a thing”.

If we can take one motivating aspect away from these communists, it’s that the real leaders of it, are RELENTLESS. With many of them, (let’s take Mayorkas) I sometimes wonder if their motivation is just to see if they can successfully destroy America, which seems to be their hate filled prophecy.

People that succeed are many times not the people with the most talent, the most education, or the most opportune, (AOC). Faith without work is dead. Being passive and indifferent will keep us from our destiny. When it comes down to this election, it’s going to be a battle of wills. How bad do we want this communist movement to fail. Bad enough to go vote? Bad enough to make phone calls? Bad enough to take people to the polls? Bad enough to hold a sign? Bad enough to be a poll watcher? If we all could have 1/100 of Trumps drive to save this country, we will win in a landslide.

In general, success in life always comes down to who is willing to work the hardest. Who wants it more? Proverb 12:24, the hand of the diligent will rule, while the lazy man will be put to forced labor; really this should be renumbered to proverb “20:24”.


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Great comment 👍👍👍 I might want to add that when America was a young country, there were no "professional" politicians. Just about everyone had a professional life before and after serving in the government. We need to return to this model, and the first step is to eviscerate the Administrative State, pare down the size of government to the limits of the Constitution. I wrote about it a few times on Shakeyourfist.com.

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and to stop paying them astronomical wages. and health care. and transportation costs. and golden pens. and and and.

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So true! This election should NOT be close! But we know the Dems will use every trick in their book to cheat…..again…..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Those who succeed today are those who excel at networking. A synonym of which is sucking up.

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and bending over if asked.

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An example:: a fast track faculty member where I worked advised incoming grad students that they had best work on honing their networking rather than their lab skills and you can damn well guess that included sucking up to her at every opportunity.

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The company I worked at for 28 years, that became a common practice in the late 80s when recruitment from the elite universities started. Out of the first set of four recruits, one guy stood out was both smart and personable.

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Wait a minute I thought kissing ass was the Excel network magic.

And Sex was optional only after planting lips to cheeks......Anyway.......zzzzzzzz

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Your horizons expanded.

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Hahaha Roger Houston control....copy that.

Resuming takeoff 220 knots @ 5000 ....Vector Charlie 9 cleared for 34000 Alt.

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Watch your six

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Have you had a chance to watch the return back to launch pad Starship booster? OMG ....the 10 or more cameras are truly from another universe.

I'd recommend watching the new kid headed for the stars. "X".

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That's very, very true.

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Wonderful comment, indeed I agree! I also wonder “how can so MANY people actually VOTE for Harris? She is a cackling town clown, & I have not actually listened to just one of her many explanations, or a straight answer to any question(s) asked of her. All of her answers seem to be “Let me make this perfectly clear”????? Say what??? She double-backs most of her “policies”; one week it may be she will take care of the southern border, it’s going to be closed; but she has not followed through as Border Czar! Fracking? Is she for or against; health care- oh, let the Government take care of EVERYONE! Yeah, right, Kammie! How can any level-headed US citizen vote for Kammie Harris, & not laugh at how our country will actually be if this clown is elected? Yes, I hope & Pray to God Donald J. Trump wins the Presidential race this November, 2024!n

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They may have faith beloved Obama will be operating her puppet strings.

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But who is operating his?

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The WEF, the UN, the Elite Rulers of the World?

A Chosen Lacky......

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Exactly. A convenient stooge.

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The incredulous lies are profound.

One day this week, my husband and friends volunteered with Franklin Graham’s Samaritans Purse in Asheville. They are always boots on the ground globally since 9/11. After a quick orientation at the Cove in Asheville, hundreds were sent in teams. We arrived in Swannanoa, heavily hit mountain town.

It was a flooded street of cottages, all Widows77 to 92.

The goal, remove furnishings, sheetrock removal, wet insulation and flooded wood floors.. all removed.

We asked how are you doing?

So much shock, but equally grateful for the Army of Orange Shirts, with Samaritan Purse text.

Personality praying with or hugs brought the question: Have you had the federal help or government at all. No, not at all.

No food, water or power, it gets chilly at night.

It was exhilarating work with folks All over USA.

Meanwhile, a C17 plane was loaded to deliver the same day,

Only to realize it was merely a photo op for Kamala Harris.

Nothing went to the needed.

How could anyone vote for

More of the same… just to press D in the vote, no care for the lack of thinking or vocabulary of elementary child. FRIGHTENING!

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Thank you Tory for saying and doing what is needed!! It’s been the D’s operation for decades, a beautiful phony store front but when you get behind the facade all you find are empty promises, empty shelves, lies, censoring truths, and money handed to our enemies, not the needy Americans. With all the money spent on killing it’s disgraceful any American should not be helped in their time of need. I only wish Kamala voters could feel the abandonment so many have felt from these storms like the people you helped, maybe then their brainwashed minds would change.

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The LUNACY OF THE LEFT HYPNOSIS is a mostly misunderstood illness.

9 out of 10 Doctors don't really give a shit, and took the Jab.

9 out of 10 Doctors once all smoked Camel the Healthy Cigarettes'....All Died....Anyway.....

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2 Thessalonians 3:10 rephrases this: "if anyone is not willing to work, neither should he eat."

Demonratz, on the other hand, believe s/he who wants to lie in bed all day or write poetry in the park is entitled to public largesse from thems that do toil. -The Exalted Mother kaMAHla, from her book of beatitudes.

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Pelosi said the same thing many times. First I heard was Obama care. Something like every should have the right to pursue their dream without worrying about health insurances costs.

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Shelley, it’s staggering how much they take out of my wife’s check for healthcare and we keep getting less and less coverage for more and more money. Obama really did a bang up job.

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So well said James! I saw the interview too and love the idea of Elon coming in and cleaning up this monstrosity of a government! We absolutely must win and as you said stop their hate filled prophecy. They truly want to burn this great country down. We must stop them! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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believe it or not, I know a few who are going to vote for her. A few former friends.

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Just left a client home. BIG Biden-Harris sign plastered to the frig in the new home. One of the others has a Biden-Harris sign and a Harris - ? Sign on the front lawn.

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Duh? They may not have heard the tax plan that includes taxes on “unrealized gains”!

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I'm still a bit confused about the Ds and taxes. There's Trumps relief they'll let expire. Then they'll raise taxes and expand what's covered. They'll spend like crazy and there's inflation.

As for these folks, like lots of Marylanders,- they are middle-class, Democrats. They must not think?

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Well put Ingrid

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Sadly 😥, we all do!!!

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How does she get even a single vote? Quote from some liberal or other, besmirching (yes, I know, too much Hannity) “testosterone-laden, gun-toting white males.” You mean like the group that prevailed against England and birthed our country? Just look what freedom and liberty has wrought in just a couple of hundred years.

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Such a true summation.

One man works and travels to do rallies nearly everyday. The left candidate has a lid on her campaign, takes a kindred spirit with the View, as if it were a serious show.

Certainly agree that I cannot fathom

A Harris win.

A horror show, her and CA. Gov. Across the nation?

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

There was really no place for Catherine Herridge or Sharyl Attkisson at CBS. They're real, honest journalists, and that just doesn't fly there.

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Can you imagine a daily video-podcast news hour with the two of them as co-hosts? They would clean up.

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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I taught my kids that mediocrity is not an option, and to never give up. We cannot give up! Whether you like Trump’s personality or not, get off the couch and vote!

It bothers me greatly that 50% of American voters would even consider Kamala/Walz. That’s how far we have fallen, but I’m reminded that the Revolutionary War was won by 1/3 of the Colonists. One-third was neutral, one-third against it, and one-third was for the fight of Freedom. They are the ones who sacrificed their blood and fortunes so we could live as free men. Those who were neutral (couch potatoes) and those who fought for tyranny both benefited from the sacrifices of the Continental Army’s fight for freedom.

May our children and grandchildren look back one day and bless us for not giving up. If we live like couch potatoes (aka sloths) they will live in a cursed society. May God forbid that to happen, but he holds us responsible to ACT.

One last point, if Trump wins, the war is not over, so don’t get cozy on the couch thinking that evil has been defeated. There’s no rest for the wicked—they plan every day and every night while in bed, on how to promote their wickedness.

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Ditto! ❗️

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My vote goes to our kind of free stuff, followed by the clean up cart following Mz Harris.

Hope you're right that SNL proves the show is over. But do worry the main events are lurking behind the curtains.

On the other hand, its a beautiful weekend. Time to take in some vitamin D. Never let a warm sunny day go to waste.


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in the clean up cart, toon, he should have had a trail of shitty paper trailing from her pants leg, for accuracies purpose.

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The right freestuff.

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Yes Sir. As Dr Malones meme spells it out! :)

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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Almost finished PsyWars….great read

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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Crikey. I just started it. Highly recommended it on X and Facebook...

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Hat tip to the Authors for the GBS opener with this one from GBS:

Reasonable men adapt themselves to fit the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to fit himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

Making American disobedient Yankee cussedness Great Again!

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Got an email yesterday that my copy was delivered to my mail box. Have not driven down to get it yet.

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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another Best ever Bunch Dr. Malone's.......


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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sharing the funnies with my people! Hilarious! Thank-you!

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If the rabid leftist vermin could figure out a way to tax free speech, they would be all for it.

Democrats even taxed voting.

United States

Poll tax

Main article: Poll taxes in the United States

Receipt for payment of poll tax, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, 1917 (the $1 tax has the purchasing power of $24 today)

Prior to the mid 20th century, a poll tax was implemented in some U.S. state and local jurisdictions and paying it was a requirement before one could exercise one's right to vote. After this right was extended to all races by the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, many Southern states enacted poll taxes as a means of excluding African-American voters, most of whom were poor and unable to pay a tax. So as not to disenfranchise many whites, such laws sometimes included a clause exempting any people who had voted prior to enactment of the laws.[42] The poll tax, along with literacy tests and extra-legal intimidation,[43] such as by the Ku Klux Klan, achieved the desired effect of disenfranchising African Americans.

Notice how the rabid vermin at wiki fail to mention it was ONLY democrat states, led by democrats, that created the poll tax in the USA,

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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hallelujah! This group of memes was exactly on-point for this up-n-down, Presidential election! SNL has been off my viewing list for boring TV these past few years; Kudos for pulling off a hilarious video! Remy is fantastic! So many school districts are trying to keep children in America from “reading-writing-arithmetic”, & history, science, & a good education! My Daughter discovered that our school district has hidden agendas, & a curriculum (sp), & made it known to the district this is not right! Great Sunday Morning Strip; a good laugh was needed! Thank you both, Doctor’s Malone! Enjoy your beautiful Fall on the Farm!

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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great ones this week!!! Book ordered...this one will go with the other great authors like VDH, Levin, and Carlson on the bookshelf, not the E reader!

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The SNL actors are all pro Harris. I think with Harris’s ineptitude being so obvious SNL has to make jokes about it in an attempt to support her, because if they didn’t it would just be that more obvious how partisan it has become for the democrats / establishment with it’s Blackrock ownership via GE.

You add that to Obama demanding black men vote for her because she’s black (which she’s not, she’s Irish / Indian) it seems like the democrats are losing badly, but we’ll see if there is any magic that can correct for that.

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Interesting…I believe also that most of the alphabet main-stream-media outlets lean totally left; I do see where the SNL actor’s are probably on that “Harris” ticket in order to keep job security. Too bad, & that’s the way that cookie crumbles. Hollywood has gone to the dogs! Demon Dawgs IMO!

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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, Elon, YES!!

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I want to see the moment Elon walks in carrying a kitchen sink!! I just hope the drain is at least 10 inches wide. Let 80% of the top 3 tiers go immediately and watch the improvement!!

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"60 Minutes" Kamala interview prediction: CBS will finally admit to editing some video, but will claim that the edit was done to the teaser rather than the program itself. (Recall that the edit was discovered when it was noticed that the teaser differed from the interview.)

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I think 🤔 that if they do admit it, it will be after the election!

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Oct 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The SNL video was hilarious. Those are some great funnies. Now to start the book. Have a great day!

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Oct 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My son is a postman in the Denver area. He delivered ballots all day Friday. He said ballots went to house where them people had moved. They mail the ballots to everyone. That is a crock. No registration, no check for citizenship, no verifying ID. How easy is voter fraud in Colorado?

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"The eyes are useless when the mind is blind." That is worthy a second or two of contemplation. Reading our Sunday paper was like reading inaccuracy after inaccuracy. Talk about twisted perceptions and most will lap it up, unless they have a clue about the falsehoods that are constantly portrayed. I also saw Mayorkis on Face the Nation and could barely watch, but I want to see what is being spoken as truth is nothing but the same old cover-up.(LIES) It doesn't help to read Trump is "fascist to the core" Milley says. As well as "Book details Trump's affinity with Putin" that was just two out of three articles on one news page. I can only hope people will read your book and smell the coffee.

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Oct 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They Went There… SNL Runs Skit with Creepy Joe Biden Sniffing Kamala – Something the Fake News Has Given Old Joe a Pass on for Years!




All the Women Who Have Spoken Out Against Joe Biden .

Here’s a running list of the allegations against Biden.


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