The Obama meme is perfect. I was just thinking (annoyingly in the middle of the night) that this guy is the beginning of the end of liberty. There have been plenty of bad actors before him who have crapped in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but Obama shredded these documents and most of us were clueless. People were so enamored with his folksy speech that they never really looked at the content of his character, only at the color of his skin. And I'm sure that he has still got his hand firmly up bumbling Biden's as$, puppetering us right into tyranny. I lament the state of our country and the world, really. I bounce between anger because people are so ignorant, and heartbreak because people are so ignorant. We don't need to re write our Constitution, we absolutely need to read it. I hope it's not too late. I want my kids to live in the world I knew some years ago. Only I want them to appreciate it and protect it. Our generation failed to do so and now the chickens are home to roost.

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Obama was the first Democrat I didn't vote for because I knew he was all talk and no true action. I was proven right at a televised town hall in Florida where a black woman, beautifully dressed, talked about how she and her family were living in their car because they couldn't afford the deposits to rent an apt. Instead of offering to help her, something Trump would have done, he walked over and kissed her on the cheek and the audience applauded him like he was a rock star.

When the first major black riot since the 1960's occurs under a black president, we know there is something very, very wrong with him.

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So true! A lot of bad things occurred under his watch but so many people are blind and stupid. That's good evidence that our "education" system has failed. Too many people attract to hand waving and shiny objects. The cat clearly killed curiosity, not the other way around.

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It didn't help that the media anointed him the Black savior of White America. The leftoids, racked with self-imposed white guilt, eagerly embraced him and found redemption for the sins of their race in his election. They bought into the lies without question and still do so today.

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“Not so much as a smidgen of corruption,” that lying fraud smirked. And sheeple believed him. It’s a fatal mistake for people of good will to assume that “Because I’m forthright and honest, everybody else is too.” I hope it’s a fatal mistake for radical liberals to assume that “Because we have a hidden agenda, everybody else does too.”

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I remember the words: "We are going to be,the most transparent.federal government ever"

Maybe the meant "tranny parent", which would have been way more accurate, looking back

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Nice shot! Where's my LOL emoji.......

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Not a smidgen but a cauldron.

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Personally, I do NOT believe our "education" system has failed. I believe with all my heart that it has done exactly what it was intended to do, which is convince people that following orders, doing exactly what you were told, and shown to do, gets you that shiny gold star on your paper which you can stick on your dammed fridgerator.

The controllers behind all this shit were living through knew exactly what they were doing, and now have a society which is compliant as they wanted, useful idiots doing what they are told to get their degree, capitulating to others, foregoing their independence to them on the social heirarchy.

I met a woman in her late 60s the other day who got 4 covid shots, an infusion, and whatever else she was told to do to her body, simply because someone of a higher societial status told her to, (doctors and media) when she absolutely knew, she felt okay, and had nothing but a simple cold. She got sick 4 more times after being jabbed 4 times.had all sorts of peripheral nerve issues, and has never felt the same since.

NOW, she says "No more", but I'm betting, she's not long for this world when the money printer's useful idiots release the next pathogens, either chemtrails from jets, water systrms poisoning, Bill Gates mosquitoes, or whatever other diabolical method they choose.

I pray I'm wrong, daily., but if I was required to place a bet, I'm guessing I'd win

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Great point! It isn't a bug but rather a feature. So sad. I wish people would open their eyes. Thanks for your fantastic comment. Have a wonderful day.

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"Blind and stupid" indeed if anyone still believes one man/president is running the country. Every president, black, white, or purple, is a figurehead of the powers that be.

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Obama used the color of his skin as a Trojan horse to get into our White House.

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Pulling out the bullshit race card works quite well on simpletons and democrats alike

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I hope more black people wake up to how Obama enslaved them.

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Joe is pretty good at that. Have you ever seen the hearings when Joe Biden was calling people "niggers" ? The videos are probably on Bitchute, or rumble, but most have been scrubbed.

Joe Biden sat in the hearings calling people niggers, and all these jerkoffs around him are just sitting there, not saying a word.

Really? Joe Biden is a scumbag, racist, piece of shit, and none of these F-in retards who voted for him have a freaking clue.

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I’m old enough to remember Joe Biden and KKK member Robert Byrd, Congressman from Va, where I grew up , as chums. Democrats were the slavers 100%; MLK was a lifelong Republican until politicians like Joe convinced him to become a Democrat. Doing so, the racist Democrats agreed to vote for the 1964 Civil Rights Act. How many Americans, black or white know that?

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I didn't know that, ( the reference to the conversion to Demonicrat ) so I'm sure more than just I

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And I wonder how many Republican politicians of today even know that fact? Or do they have the courage to bring it up on a regular basis?

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Indeed, the Civil War was a war between Republicans (led by Lincoln) and Democrats led by the president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. How many high school and college students in history are taught that fact? Certainly not at the Ivy League schools in my estimation.

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The Obama admin Meme barely touches on the crimes committed. O judicially nominated figure heads for the 12 cabinet positions to get Senate consent and then never met with any of them but Holder. He did however, appoint 117 Czars to run his Admin. It was all downhill from there.

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Somewhat ironic having anyone with his communist antecedents, background and associates reinstating czardoms.

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Indeed! Either he fell back on his training showing or was reminded by associates who already had them selected.

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Gutting,the Smith-Mundt act comes to my mind.

I still blame republicans who stood by and watched because they were told to.

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They all have holes in their pant legs - too much bending the knee.

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I have to think the problem is trusting, not investigating, not feeling a need to unearth the facts, not reflecting about the facts found and then thinking for oneself. Actually Hannity provided facts. Campaign kickoff with Ayes & Dohrn (sp). Proposed legislation as an IL senator - let the abortion survivor die on a shelf peacefully. Our local radio station dredged further and shared. Have to confess that was the first election where I got into particulars and, at that, it was in major part because I was at enlightening places at the right time. I did learn my lesson.

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Obeyme was as much a puppet as the idiot occupying now. Think Jarrett, pelosi, powers. Girls club now.

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Yes, Jarret, with degree from Stanford U, which pumps out more radicals then Harvard. Her father built a hospital in Iran making Iran a special interest and she held the leash on O's collar. But, let’s not forget Susan Rice the Rhodes Scholar, Brookings fellow and another Stanford U grad – O’s UN Ambassador 09-13, NSA 13-17, O’s chief of lies on Sunday talk shows re Benghazi, Bo Bergdahl was a patriot soldier. She is now Biden’s Director of the Domestic Policy Council. She started out in Clinton’s Admin; NSA staffer 93-97, Ass’t SoS African affairs 97-21.

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Don't forget Oprah Winfrey. She is a very large funder of Obama.

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At least she never had a position in his admin. She was too busy buying off voters in her audience with free stuff, like cars.

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Yes, and how could we forget


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Yeah, and what country is that in again? How many innocent people had to die to make O and H look good? In fact, "what difference does it make now." That just added another three people to her kill list that now stands at over 100.

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But he was at the concert in Las Vegas watching his fav. Beyoncé .

And of course H fell on her head and had no recall. Heartbreaking for Stephens… and all.

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A nightmare 8 years for the country and the world (ISIS forced migration) and many people suffered. Heck, we are all still suffering from their insufferable narcissism.

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I keep saying that too. The word that follows him like the tail of a dog is...mediocre. The very best that can be said of him.

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My husband refers to him as a post turtle. You know he could't get up there on his own. He has no idea why he's up there or what he's doing. He has no ability to accomplish anything from there. You don't know who the idiot was who put him there. You can only pity him for the injuries he will receive when he falls off.

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An old farmer's joke, never gets old and it represents many.

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So true

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You are too kind.

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The money printera are handing out the scripts these politicians and media follow

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Hmm.. I never considered that. Maybe explains all the emotional blackmail they use.

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people wonder who's running the show, but it's the old Obama gang.....now with more neocons!

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Couldn't be a better cartton, portraying him as the head of a snake.

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Benny Johnson has predicted that Kamala Harris (not Gavin Newsome or someone else) will take over as the Democrat Candidate if Biden drops out or is disqualified. He cites some political double speak in a recent interview with Newsome*, but if Obama is pulling the puppet strings I think Kamala would be the choice as she already is used to be given assignments and, frankly, Obama's straight side seems to have the hots for her.

* I have occasionally been a fly on the wall around politicians since I was very young and my knee-jerk was that Newsome had been warned off.

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Beautifully said! ‼️‼️‼️

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We are cheering you on. Stands strong USA! Our nation of Canada is being run into the ground by a wicked, maniacal, tyrannical WEF puppet dictator Crime Minister. We had a hope when someone strong like Trump was in the White House. With Crooked Joe in the WH, Turdeau is unrestrained in his jailing and attacks on his own people. :-( The monster Turdeau calls his own people "misogynist, often racist people with unacceptable views." He was even chastised publicly by the European Parliament! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNiL5ZivqAk

God bless America!

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Friday Funnies…So I start running a chainsaw at 8:30AM; and, getted bitched at by my neighbor. Yet, You wake Me up

at 1:30AM yelling/fighting with each other. Uhhhh…I’ll just leave it at I don’t lose. God is Great, beer is good and people are crazy. 🔥 Ed

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One of the many dilemmas of having neighbors that close by. BTW, this spring I bought a chain saw that is the handiest thing - in more ways than one.

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If You haven’t already, Buy chaps…cheap insurance. I just bought some for the 16 YO kid I’m mentoring. He ran the big saw as well as the carving saw yesterday. He was ecstatic. I watched everything He did. In skydiving, We always did a pre-brief and after-brief. Dang, He is intelligent. My Good Friend said a chainsaw was the most dangerous tool in the world…Disagree; but definitely in top 10. Very Best, Ed

Edit - I’m used to living in the “country”…not some stupid neighborhood in the uk. My response is always “Sorry, I’m from Texas”. That usually shuts people up. Even in the uk, apparently Texas is well known😂

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Father in law busted himself up pretty good using a chain saw up in a tree. It got stuck or kicked backed while he was on a ladder - then on the ground. The only problem with neighborhoods, there are neighbors. It is just how far away they are that counts. Tried that just once when my sons were in grade school. One year later sold the house and bought another on ten acres of woods. My farrier wears chaps!

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In 40 years, I’ve only had one close call. I was tired…Stopped and had a beer. It freaked me out. Ed

Edit again - big saw - (measured) 34 inch bar

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Never work when worn out, it's looking for trouble. Of course, if I was to do that then nothing would ever get done. But, it is true that doing just that one more thing can have devastating consequences. Wow Ed, and I won't even get 34 inches up a ladder.

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I don’t climb trees anymore. I don’t get on extension ladders anymore. One of my favorites is, I think, what they call a sheet rock ladder. It is about +- 4’ wide and +- 3 1/2’ tall. Super, super stable. I only wanted to cry once, i.e. - not inexpensive for good one.. One of my favorites. Ed

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Had to use one on an ash tree killed by water co.'s 3 line breaks in our yard over chlorinating the poor thing. Limbs were falling and last thing I wanted was to be responsible for creating another abbott.

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It could have killed him, so he was very lucky. I hope you were using on like my 6" Saker. Operates on battery, weights nothing and doesn't get to hot either. Fits nicely in my hand, does large branches too.

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Nope. An 8 inch plug in and fairly heavy. Had a,roaring case of sciatica going on too but that tree was getting lethal.

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Uhhh…Sciatica sucks. Ed

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I have real gas-powered one but I can never get it started! If you ever have the need again, check out the Saker and save your health Michael.

I can't believe with the short water supply you talk about that the water company would not be fixing its leaks.

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If my equipment doesn’t start on the second pull, I work on it or it goes for sevice. Let’s just say I have all but one piece of equipment that I want/need. 😂 Ed

Manual garden grooming shears suck.

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The system is old and they are always repairing breaks. We had 2 a week apart and that did it.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for being an unshakable hero on the first amendment!!! As the saying goes with age comes wisdom. Many times as we become wise we are able to stabilize our lives. Remember as a kid , you would wait in line to get on the rollercoaster not knowing the twists and turns of the ride, and you had to trust that the ride itself was put together properly. All the wisdom and stability in the world is taken out of your hands and given to the unknown. Life sometimes turns on a dime and becomes a one day at a time logic. Today my mother in law who has been sickened by a ruptured appendix is moving in with my wife and myself. Although I’m unsure of things, I have to reassure my wife that things will work out, take it day by day. To show us both that we are fortunate, we went to a fund raiser last night to support two truly awesome 50 something people that work at the hospital in Boston where my wife works. These two giving people both were diagnosed with colon cancer and are in a battle for their lives. About 150 people showed up and almost 40,000 dollars was raised to help take a tiny bit of stress off of them. If you could today please say a prayer for our two friends. Much appreciated. J.Goodrich

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Yesterday while getting raw, expensive cat food, I saw a Native man looking very ill and pushing a cart to an area on the parkway. My heart insisted that I turn around and find him to give him some money. He got a God Bless You from me and eye contact.(as well as money) I feel blessed.

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THAT’S the ticket, D D! Think global, act local. “He who is greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew 23:11). Keep on being great.

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I've sent healing prayers to your mother in law and the two people with colon cancer.

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Thanks Cindy much appriciated!!

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My husband and I see people surrounded in the White Light , it is done for all your family and friends, James.

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Thank you DD I’m sure the white light surrounds you and your husband as well.

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All I see on the Google one is the contrived evisceration of one of the few genuinely valuable functions a government actually serves in a capitalist system: anti-trust. Given that anti-trust is so critical to the rule of law and the preservation of liberty, it was of course disemboweled. As a result the deranged ravenous lunatics are now running the asylum.

The government has been usurped by corporate interests and is no longer working for those who employ them. It is far past time for the people to seize back the reins of power


And the Lord said go forth, and gain everlasting life!

But I mistakenly went fifth ... and won a toaster instead

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I seem to remember from grade school 60 sone odd years ago the name for this is fascism. Correct me if I have that wrong.

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I don't see why the government would be self-serving, corrupt, nepotistic, murderous (etc.) in everything else but somehow be able to be a neutral third party when it comes to anti-trust. Re: google, I'm not a fan, but let's be real: paying to be #1 search engine doesn't violate anyone's rights. There may be a civil liability regime for which they could be sued for false advertising or violating terms and conditions, but we don't need government anti-trust for something like that. The truth is out--we all know google pays for access now. Good. Now let's see if searchers change their behavior or just don't really care. Either way we don't need the feds getting involved.

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Um, I'm pretty sure with the government weaponizing corporate monopolies, it becomes a crime.

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I'd say it's an element of the crime, but again paying companies to become the default anything doesn't violate anyone's rights. I'm not saying it's harmless or proper. I'm saying we can't hold that the government is evil EXCEPT when regulating mon- (olig, really) opolies. The government IS the only true monopoly--monopoly on use of force and coercion--and is propping up/creating/enforcing the oligopolies.

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You're right, it's not neutral, and it has no right to regulate, and a civil suit in state court could be feasible but iffy.

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Verify the accuracy or intent of what you read. Doctor Robert Epstein has been raking in money from Glenn Beck listeners for three years now by explaining how Google manipulates what is displayed with a search. At first it was if we just had more money we could do more real-time evidence and he kept that up. Now Epstein is everywhere saying the same thing, even on Rumble. Well folks, so what if Google is.

Now let's talk pressure points. What was the intent of this article – is it the feds getting out in front of Epstein with a pretend gotcha Google, or is it a warning to Google that it had better do or finish something the Feds asked it to do. This has always been the Obama play - with the banks it was Choke Point. Want to get rid of a gun or ammo company, pressure its bank to not process the company's business transaction and if not could there be an audit coming your way. Other than banking, with large companies a threat or two on some imagined or real civil or criminal activity settle it with a fine payable to an Obama not-for-profit org.

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Google Whistle-blower: Google Uses AI to Program Its Users Like Robots: https://bitchute.com/video/2Q44uCstqlPW [3:25mins]

Excellent analysis Shelley!

If the Sherman Antritrust Act had been followed google would have been ripped into a hundred pieces years ago and that ^ would never have happened. The principle is to prevent a corporation from becoming so powerful they are able to merge with government and forge fascism in this fusion. What you're describing is a late stage power play with each faction jockeying for a higher position in the final fascists order that is coming. It is easy to get mired in the minutiae so we should be careful not to lose site of the overall picture.

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You are on top of it TriTorch!

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I constantly hear, from public and private pundits, that the giant corporations control the government and run the show, that their money and their regulation capture mean that they call the shots, that they say jump and the government says How High? I never bought this narrative as a blanket operating principle. Corporatism is a two way street, a partnership whereby there is constant tension regarding the balance of power. Yes there is a spectrum. We know about Big Pharma and the FDA, but that is not standard the model for how the rest of the Government-Industrial complex works. Take the Google government lawsuit as an example and bring up the mental image and working principle of the lion-tamer in your head. I believe this is what is going on here. Google must fear the government, and the government must ultimately be in control. The lawsuit is the lion tamers whip. There are many other examples in industry where the power balance is a two way street between industry and “government overlords”. I spent 32 years in the aviation industry. I have heard repeatedly that the airlines control the FAA. That is false. The airlines live in fear of the FAA and the power of the Federal government. So do the aircraft manufacturers like Boeing and Airbus. An individual bank, however big and powerful, knows that the government can shut them down. The relationship is tit for tat. Neo-Fascism is a dance of the powerful.

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I wish I had read your post before I reply-commented on someone else's. You are correct. I'll take it a little further. At the apex are the financial founding family foundations that use their $20 trillion to control the globe. And, not meant to offend anyone, they are historically non-orthodox Jews.

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That’s possible I don’t know the relative positions. Lobbying is big business for all industries, and it seems to get bigger and bigger. That makes sense. As the size and presence of government grows, so must the size and presence of the influencers.

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Doesn't the aircraft industry do more lobbying than some other industries?

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Ok. So some of your “funnies” are more thought provoking than others. You out did yourself today! Especially with the Obama meme! Oh how true!

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Great bit of classical music there. Really fantastic (fantastical?) chorus. Loved it!!

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Loved it too, but complained out loud that the captioned lyric were not in English.

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Re: Opera.

As my wife said-- "Cute...where does he come up with these?"

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As we move towards a total surveillance society, the preamble to the Constitution of the United States is being rewritten. It now begins with these words:

"We the peephole."

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Why is the gov't going after Google when it's such a reliable censorship machine?

Speaking of censorship, in the end the one word people in business understand is money. So if we want to stop the censors, we can take away our eyeballs--no Google, no X, no Facebook. Boycotting has been working this year--Bud Light was destroyed, Target lost a lot of money after its Pride extravaganza, and Disney is in dangerous trouble because people aren't going to their woke movies and theme parks.

There are all kinds of resistance, and where we spend our money can be a very effective form.

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In this article about Fauci's lies, Jeffrey Tucker gets around censorship to include a copy of a memo that states that neither a vaccine nor most monoclonal therapies worked against bat SARSr-CoVs in mice: https://dailyreckoning.com/fauci-humiliated-on-tv/

One note--I read some of the writers on Daily Reckoning but avoid others because of their unbridled hatred of the U.S.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm glad to see the calorie count comparison on the latté and the wine 🍷!

Especially since I'm following the recommendation from an article I read saying that wine helps lower cholesterol!

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Wine is actual great in moderation for all blood types but O, who should not have any alcohol.

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Oh Shelley, now I don't know what to believe! I got that information from a cholesterol health program newsletter and they made no mention of that!!!

I don't drink alcohol, but I was willing to try their recommendations of one glass of wine a day to keep from going on any statins!!!

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I was originally speaking of wine in general. I just looked at O again after reviewing the other blood types for Michael. O can have RED wine. It is considered neutral. Avoid white wine.

So sorry Ana, for misleading you.

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Good, they did say Red wine.

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Odd, if any I would have thought B. Heard that Orientals and Amerinds ( who are predominately B?) have low levels of alcohol dehydrogenase which is why they get snozzled on very little.

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Looked it up. Red wine is highly beneficial for Type A. AB should avoid distilled liquor but red win is neutral. B should also avoid distilled liquor but red and white wines are neutral.

Of course, everything in moderation!

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I’m so thankful for this information, as I’m Type A! I do enjoy a glass with a fine aged slab of beef.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the grins I needed this am.

You rock!

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

I like "Trump's unprecedented campaign pitch: elect me to get revenge on government."

My own suggestion- "Elect me if you expect the media to act as a watchdog against abuse of government powers."

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Google. How did it remain for this long - clearly a monopoly, and clearly a censorship machine?

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Try “Brave” search app. Never use Google now.

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“An important scientific study proves...” I keep posting this because it’s true: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Upton Sinclair

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It’s not possible to yet know how this will end. America has come to resemble Stalin's Russia, Gulags and all. One more stolen election will likely be “game over.” That would mark the end of the America we love.

We can predict the next major battle. It’s been framed by President Trump and others, “WE WILL NOT COMPLY.” No more COVID lock downs, no more loss of our rights to assemble, or to have free speech and safety in our homes.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks! I feel so much better now about my love of wine!!

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