Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, i never saw that movie, as back, some 20 years ago i was too busy getting my small, sole prop business started. My wife and I arent big movie fans, either way.

I read the transcript, and thats some either preductive programming, or amazingly accurate observations most arent willing to see. Obviously, the latter.

Scary, that people have known whats been evolving for so long, such as Carlin, for example, while others, such as myself eventually woke to the world around us, albeit a bit late

Thanks Doc. R. for being the voice of reason, and one of the sane who's willing to speak up.

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thank you for your support.

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Still believe the Mass psychosis embracing the Covid con was a masterful preplanned propaganda exercise by the hidden hand of the CIA. The mechanism to usher in RNA as the 21st century form of medical treatment for fun and profit and not good health!

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Your welcome.

We need a Xerox machine and throw your ass in there, and make a bunch of copies of you, and others like you. A large paper shredder for the rest.

Maybe just then, we can save this Republic I love so much.

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When I was working at the base hospital in Groton, CT there was an aide that did that, only it was her own and the next day everyone found copies of her ass in their inboxes with a copy of her resignation stapled to it.

It really boosted morale for a while.

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Haha, the literal version must have been impressive to the remaining workers. I could never do such a thing, as my buttocks is so small and flat, I can't keep my pants on without a belt and /or suspenders.

Genetics has an interesting twist in some lives

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I don't know what copies of Dr. Malone's ass can do, but more people following him might help. Ha!

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Dr. R. cannot accomplish this alone, being one man, with one lovely wife, as there's just so many minutes in a day. Its going to take a concerted effort among many (with Dr. R's tenacity, vision, and intestinal fortitude) working together to overcome this situation WE'VE allowed to culminate into. Others like him, unwilling to sit back and watch, will make our survival possible.

The team effort can, and will prevail if we desire it to be

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3 D ?

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Think “Fargo”. I’ll help. Ed

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Ditto ~Ghost

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T, If Maverick was a movie, I'll bet you would see it!

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Jack Kelly was the only Bart, but ya never know

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I was thinking of the original, remakes seldom carry the same impact.

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Should the leaky boat one be labeled our ship of state?

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great cartoons today, a gaggle of them! Das Boot, a take off on the great German submarine movie, is very accurate to what's happened to most people, generation after generation, in government schools, not just here but all over the Western world. I'd forgotten about "Andre" but thanks for the reminder: it didn't have as much impact on me as you and your better half but I did agree with the basis of it. Of course, Obama, the Stalinist, is running everything and Biden just a pawn. And the one about the reactions of people in the small boat with a hole is so accurate.

Thanks for sending these out. Fridays/Sundays. They add some levity to our lives, even if it's gallow's humor.

Danny Huckabee

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I was wondering if anyone would catch the Das Boot reference (also made in 1981)...

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Caught it right away and once again I was so impressed with your postings! And deplorable Hillary. Opens her mouth, inserts her boot!! Thank you Dr Malone. Seems like I say that so often but am so glad I have someone like you to thank!

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

I caught it. One of my favorite movies ever.

More than most movies, you get drawn into the experiences of the characters, experiencing what the submarine crew is experiencing. When the sub sinks to the bottom of the sea after being depth-charged, the viewer feels their hopelessness.

'Nuff said- don't want to be a spoiler.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

Never saw that movie, but I guess Ishould rent it (or whatever you young-uns do with movies, now a days )


As long as there are no animals harmed, either real or imaginary (including cartoons) maybe the wife will watch along with me


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It's a war movie. Humans are harmed in terrible ways.

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Ah, then alone it shall be

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As I keep saying it is the junta behind both that has been pulling the strings on those 2 puppets as both have barely the mental capacity to know which side of delsey to use. As proved every time either of them opens their mouth unscripted.

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Byedone can't even read the scripts anymore, except maybe for the footnotes he's not supposed to recite. He is a liability at this point, and i would not be surprised to see Newscum of Cali being sent in as second string. The kackle machine can't do it, for sure

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T, Today I am appreciating your take on names, I don't always like the derogatory energy, but it seems appropriate.

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Without the gallows humor life just wouldn’t be any fun and sometimes it’s the thing connecting us to sanity.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone - you never cease to impress. I am not sure how you do it, with all of the constraints on your time, but you continually put out such insightful & thought-provoking material. Even the cartoons are spot-on. Thank-you for always putting your all into everything you do. It matters.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the early days of commenting when most newspapers allowed anyone to do it, I made socialist's heads explode with this one simple observation:

"Socialism is ALWAYS doomed for failure. The Human spirit, with its innate need to excel will always override the collective slide into mediocrity."

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Today the Biden face off with Obama behind President f-up hits the spot (Obama’s words not mine!!😏). One wrong decision after another, the latest asinine being giving Iran 6 billion dollars. Does anyone with a half of brain really believe the current Obama administration would follow through on supporting Israel? Or for that matter that President Obama’s decision to open our southern border wide would build an inch of new wall. The boat we are all in has a thousand holes and president Obama continues to drill new ones telling us they will let the water out. J.Goodrich https://youtu.be/0i_WzKvB2HU?si=uAE7d7Qq7GEkX21.

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Saw an interesting column about how new mexico had gone from purple to deep blue. Yada, yada and oh, saw a big demographic shift, lots and lots of hispanics. Sorta like they just popped up like mushrooms after a rain shower. And with voting rights grafted onto their butts. That has served as a blueprint for the current border clownshow at 1600 maybe?

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The "Replacement Theory" the media squawked was nothing but hype is turning out to be fact. Amazing how quickly this process is happening.

Tucker had episode # 27 with Victor Davis Hansen on, and its quite obvious to anyone who can see that his prediction that our next round of elections will dictate our path forward. I've never seen VDH look so troubled before.

Not good.

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They all laughed about "white replacement." Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

It's not white replacement, it's American replacement. They don't care what color you are.

I wonder if they get it now.

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Mexico has always said that they WILL get their land back. And more.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

Saw that Tucker episode w/ VDH. Check VDH on the Epoch "Eating bugs" documentary. I never realized California had 4 dams slated for removal based on impeding salmon migration. Except there's no species of Pacific salmon that has ever spawned that far upstream.

Another big episode for Tucker is on transgender mutilation. The whole industry relies on "off label" drug prescriptions pre and post mutilation. Wasn't that just the huge, stop the bus, issue for Hydroxyquine and Ivermectin?

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Right! The “off label” issue is a red herring. Nothing wrong with doctors prescribing drugs off label--only is to the globalists when it doesn’t support their agenda.

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Just a few years ago the idea that the left pushed immigration to effect political party change was ridiculed as a conspiracy theory....and another one bites the dust.

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As they always do. The shieldmaidens of the left are poor imitation Valkyries.

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I am always looking up the words you use!

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Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries one of my favorite pieces of music

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That is major league. I'm still in peewee. I do recognize when a song is classical, like the William Tell Overture that introduced each Lone Ranger show. Love those horses!

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Shelley, me too, from you and others. Today I looked up at least two or three, what fun!

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Our learning never ends! Now, on the other, hand can I retain?

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Some are predicting a large false flag heading our way, pertaining to Texas and .50 caliber ammo. Could be the alert set out to the FFL dealers by the AteeF

Stay awake, folks

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Why do people still believe the decisions and policies made by this administration are wrong? Being 'wrong' basically depends on WHAT you're trying to do, and their purpose is at odds with everything we've publicly declared 'good for the country' in the past. They really ARE fundamentally transforming America, so their decisions and policies are 'right' - for them.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

Indeed! People always find excuse words for the purposeful take down. Senile, stupid, incompetent . . .

Too many swallow the constant rhetoric used to cover their insults to reason; equality, equity, inclusion, diversity. By 1950, America was the most diverse nation in the world with a tolerable class system with a real ladder, both up and down, based on one’s self-improvement effort. This is the system they have been beating down ever since its formation.

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Against the wishes of the majority, no doubt.

May it bite them all in the end

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I'd rather it just bit their heads off. Less pain that way. For all concerned.

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Me likey !

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In the end or in the end? haha

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Ha! Almost missed the one smart guy with the flotation device!

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I saw the little guy right away and made me laugh so hard. I can totally identify with him!

Recently, I went to a prepper meeting and was amazed the different scenarios each attendees envisioned and prepared for. I got depressed, however, because I realized how much worse my family's situation is today vs what was normal for my grandparents, who were farmers in the communist era in Hungary. By all standards of today, they were "poor", yet were 100% food and energy independent. They could live off of the land, no problem. Even during the Rakosi terror, between WWII and 1956 revolution, when the government confiscated what the farmers produced, they managed to hide food in secret cellars in the backyard. They never starved, unlike the people in the big cities. They were not freezing in the winter, because they had an enormous cast iron stove that would burn both wood and coal in the kitchen that heated up the entire house (four rooms), and naturally, this big stove was used for cooking, baking and heating water for bathing in the evenings. They used salt, smoking and fat to preserve the meat of animals they butchered themselves and preserved fruits and vegetables in 100s of glass containers during the summer. They raised pigs, ducks, chickens, rabbits and pigeons. They owned two cows for milk only and about 4-6 acres that included a small orchard as well. The two of them, my grandfather and grandmother, worked full time (where my parents and us, grandkids were asked to help occasionally) on the farm. They did not use any pesticide, of course, and did not have any big machinery at all. They hired (bartered with) farmers who had machines to harvest the grains, and helpers to store it in the attic. They stored smoked sausages and ham, and meat preserved in salt placed in wood tubs in the attic. It was an amazing view to see all the food for us and the animals piled up there. My grandparents lived in a small house with no running water and could not afford a car (did not know how to drive a car). They never took a vacation (or traveled away from the farm), earned only a small income from selling the extra food they produced. They were hard working, healthy (never seen a doctor) and happy people, who lived into their 90's.

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Happiness and good health go hand in hand! My grandparents had a couple of large tracts of land located in rural Southside Va. I was the oldest grandchild and taught to work alongside the adults. The only things they purchased at the general store -salt, sugar, coffee, tea, canning jars/lids, freezer bags, clothing and footwear. We grew all of the food we consumed. I remember the acres of corn, soybeans, wheat, barley we sold and used some for food and acres of milo we grew for the livestock. I remember churning butter with grandma, going with grandpa to milk the cows each day, feed the chickens, gather the eggs and feed the pigs We even had 2 huge chest freezers where we stored beef and chickens. I helped with prepping the chickens for the freezer. It was a nasty job, I still remember the smell from cleaning chickens. We preserved the pigs by salt curing in the smokehouse. We had huge gardens with irrigation systems. Grandpa was quite the entrepreneur as he bought bulldozers, equipment and built ponds for his own farmland and his neighbors. I remember in the fall harvesting black eyed peas and many other types of beans that had dried in the hulls, hulling, cleaning and bagging them for winter consumption. In the fall we harvested collards turnip greens, cooked and froze them. I loved the summer garden, fresh green beans, cabbage, broccoli, squash, zucchini, okra, limas, potatoes, yams, tomatoes, corn, watermelon, cantaloupe! All grown without pesticides. We had ponds stocked with fish. Grandpa taught us to fish, clean and cook them. I never did hunt with the men, but my grandma taught me how to prepare dove, wild turkey, rabbit, venison. It was hard work, but we sure did eat well.

Sometimes I long for those days working alongside my grandma in the kitchen as she made a huge meal to feed a large family. I didn’t realize at the time but I had a wonderful childhood!

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Yes I remember that time which my parents went through by listening on the radio (BBC) very carefully (in a quite mode )that the Russian invaded Ungarn to destroy the revolution, shortly after that we escaped East Germany to West Germany, we where very young then but my parents explained why it was we escaped, and that we had close relatives still living there, it was a lesson later on for us as Children to remember well what Communism is all about, and still very much alive to day, that it is here under the name of Socialism is a milder version to suppress the WORD Communism it sounds better, and by using Denmark as an example to be a so called socialist country but still capitalist, I have acknowledge that the younger generation do not understand the difference because they have not been thought by there school or even from there parents, and now with all the Cell phone Entertainment they have been rerouted to be educated by them.

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Notice his eyes. LOL

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I liked that one too! And we readers of Dr. M are wearing our flotation devices--the truth!

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Drs. Malone are my flotation device!

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Haha, i had to zoom in to see the little guy

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was 28 when it came out and remember it well. We all discussed it. We were all sure we weren't headed to the city to be both guard and resident. But we aged. And the living was relentless. We went along to get along. I wonder where Shawn stands on the shot? He has had a good career and stayed centered on the liberal literary longitude of NYC. His father was an editor of the New Yorker, so he has street cred with the most elite formulations of advanced co-optation/accommodation. He knows you can publish a magazine of such reach and importance without being owned and funded by deep corporate concerns.

Did Wally Shawn succumb to old age and fear and a winding down of critical thinking and embrace a safety first, protect me at all costs, I don't want to be killed by a kid w covid? Did he make any "public service" announcements?

The world grinds one down. We go along to get along. And now we have abandoned the institutions that can provide some insulation from the most egregious draconian forces. We have so little margin for error what with wealth and income inequality at levels only seen 110 years ago. In 1915 the outbreak of WWI ushered in an unprecedented 30 year global inferno of war, Depression, rise and fall of fascism, totalitarianism, communism, nazism, you name it. We then resurrected and had our halcyon period of low income and wealth inequality from 1945 to 1975. The Reagan Revolution reversed all that. The Boomer generation grew up in the golden years of equality, the type of equality that matters - economic equality shared by broad swaths of society.

My Dinner with Andre came out the year Reagan was inaugurated. We were about to reject the post WWII convenents, and with good reason. Ossification of the administrative state was clearly present. The corporate takeover of governmental apparatus was well under way and the "common" folk could see it.

In 1981 educated liberals could relate to the movie cause they had read the literature and history of Koestler, Orwell, Vonnegut, Huxley, etc. All that shit happened over there. In Europe. We wouldn't fall for that. And then the whole generation grew fat and tired and couldn't track modern media and ended up watching that smart Smith dropout, Rachel Maddow, and thinking maybe we better just get with the program and accept all the changes, kinda like "accept all changes" on a document when you haven't, in fact, read all the changes.

And now, perhaps like Biden's wall reversal, "the walls will come trumbling down". Of course, Biden's wall reversal is that he is putting the wall up, but it's a reversal for him.

What will the folks my age who watched My Dinner and related and said they would never comply now do? Will they let their walls come tumbling down or in?

Ten years after My Dinner With Andre my generation went from critical assessment to tolerating, if not supporting, the first Iraq War. We "embedded". We became "boots on the ground". That was cool!

And now we are all under the boot.

And Robert titled this Substack Das Boot, after the movie that also came out in 1981. Das Boot is just as relevent to our current pickle. A German submarine in the insanity and chaos of WWII. Seen from a German perspective. That was a big movie in part because Germans were finally tolerated and permited to tell their story.

When will we be able to tell our story about the pandemic in a tolerated mainstream movie? Not yet, but it's coming!

Keep up the much better than good work, my man, Robert!! I sooo appreciate your life work!

Will they take a look at RFKJr?

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Sam, I don't usually read through long posts before I deem them "too full of hot air", but yours kept my attention, thanks.

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It was interesting to read something from the perspective of someone roughly my age who decided to take a more "acceptable" path than I did. I know a few different people like that. People I knew in high school who impressed me as "free thinkers." But the forces of life brought them into line with the limited version of liberal thought that most of the "educated" world is stuck with.

And now most of them won't talk to me! I know a marketing executive (now retired I believe), an art and communications teacher, another who is an insurance agent if I remember right. You could do any of those things and also be aware of the trap, but it wouldn't be easy. Even I depend on conventional income sources to stay alive. I worked for 25 years for an unconventional employer. But it's not the kind of life that most of us are trained to expect or tolerate.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You really got some great ones for this week! I can't even pick a favorite, although the bit from "My Dinner With Andre" was extremely powerful.

Thank you!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the movie references, who knows what I was doing in 1981 except surviving with a young child, working my ass off and learning about Spirituality at an even deeper level. You and Jill woke up earlier than some and now it feels a little more even. The choices of memes you and Jill picked today were superb!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was at event today where the person next to me confidently said that they had just received their SIXTH covid jab. I looked across the table to a friend and we just locked eyes for a moment, knowing there was absolutely NOTHING that could be said.

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Living similar paths, here as well.

My wife and I just experienced the same.

The look of a deer in the headlights is how I would describe the woman who told us this, as I believe she was grasping for reassurance she was going to be okay, and continue life as normal.

The kitten walking along the highway divider, as we passed along at 70mph flashes before us

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn’t it amazing that the movies of the past always show the future 🤔. Great job Dr Malone!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not so hard to believe. History does repeat, just like a broken record.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great round up Doc.! And well let’s face it, that dinner with Andre clip is like a daily occurrence at my NY dinner table!!

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Thank you for this great collection to set our minds in motion!

The Strongest weapon - Right on

The Ship of State - Needs a Brain

Face behind the face! Right!

The 3 - best not to listen

Gaetz - Haven't been closely following. These ?s should be enhancing and passing 12 (is it?) bills. Reminds me of 'Lucille' ( song)

Clinton - Very jubilant with their restart of their Foundation and her plans for us. Is it psyops or Do we need to know why she she's so up?

Gadsden (sp) snake - YES!

True Knowledge - All sources. Got it!

Favorite - Patriotic American

Big day tomorrow! Best to all! Hoping it will be able to significantly contribute to better tomorrow's! Glad to see the CPAC opportunity!

Have a great day and good week! On ward! You folks are the BEST!

Bestest Ever! ♡♡♡

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Thanks for sharing the My Dinner with Andre script. I saw that movie in 1981 and loved it. It was so un-Hollywood even then but oh how it resonates today.

I had forgotten point about the 60s being perhaps the last surge of the human spirit. I may not have agreed with that in 1981 but now it feels like it might be right. It does seem to me that our world since then has been ruined by money. And it’s not the same as guns. We say guns don’t kill people, people kill people. And that is true. But money I believe does kill people, just more slowly and differently. It does so by killing society, in various ways, and society is our immune system. It’s health protects us. So if money kills society it becomes like autoimmune disease, and we as individuals start dying off, knowing not what really caused it. And I also believe there is a spiritual pathogen underneath it all - the underlying cause of death, so to speak.

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Where "we" in the U.S.S.A. (are) now, today circa 2023 - can be traced directly back to the 1960s generation of "students" who were mentally spoon-fed ( by radicalized "professors") the wet-dream of a glorious utopia of a socialist/communist (world) in which everyone would be absolutely equal; money would be abolished - as would the police; and everything would be "free" in their dream world that would transcend the absolute evils of capitalism and the "inequality" of life in America - forever.

"They" - those 60s "radicalized" students - now hold the levers of power throughout America, with

a prime example being - Hillary Rodham Clinton - who was "radicalized" when she attended the all-girls Wellesley College, where she read "Rules for Radicals" by the American Communist "activist" - Saul Alinsky - which had such an impact on Hillary that her thesis at Wellesley was a paean to Saul Alinsky - whom she had corresponded with, met with - and became friends with.

As a young, "radicalized" lawyer, Hillary Rodham - pro-bono- defended members of the Black Panthers on charges of murder. Further, when Hillary Rodham was a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was FIRED by her supervisor - a lifelong Democrat - Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman

said in an interview "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality". Some things NEVER change!

in todays "Sunday Funnies", (TWO) very funny 'toons' of Hillary Clinton both expose her inveterate totalitarian mindset in that she wants anyone associated with Making America Great Again - "DEPROGRAMED"! Shades of Mao Zedong ! And she is NOT kidding.

And to top it all off, Hillary Rodham Clinton is listed as an "Notable" member of the perfidious, pernicious and anti-American (globalist) "NGO"- the "Council on Foreign Relations"- which absolutely explains WHY Hilary Rodham Clinton is NEVER "held accountable" for any of her transgressions - both in and out of federal office - against the United States and the American people.

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Thanks for highlighting her devious, sadistic, calculating character. An abysmal role model for our young women. Far too many like her in positions of power. 😔

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Thank you Chica... Had Trump not been a presidential candidate, the CFR plan to install Hillary to complete the Collective Left's plan to "Fundamentally Transform America" would now be set in concrete...but, CFR member and Leftist comrade - Joe Biden - filling in for Hillary - is doing one hell of a job of destroying (what remains) of our Republic.

What ever happened to the notion of TREASON? And the price one would pay for engaging in the overthrow of our Republican form of government - for a SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST one?

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Do not forget #44 being befriended by that communist thug ayers. Took over where mom and dad left off.

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Yes, indeed. When he was still Barry Soterio (as a 'teener'- smoking chume and partying in Hawaii), #44 was himself "radicalized" by his personal "groomer" who just happened -coincidentally - to be not only a "community organizer", but also a card-carrying member of the "CPUSA" (Communist Party of the USA) - a black man named Frank Marshall.

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When you have decepive concepts of "reality" like this being engrained into society, its easy to see why sone fall for the allure of communism


All is peaceful, oppulent, serene


The squalor, filth, pain and suffering are veiled in white mansions of excess

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The "reality" really is that the "communist utopia" dreamed up by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels is a quasi-religion, based upon a FUTURE world of absolute co-operation where everything is free and crime doesn't exist.

Another reality is that this "utopian communist" world of the future is "taught" - make that "embedded" in young student minds via (supposedly) "adult" professors - generation after generation after generation.

Another significant flaw in the glories of absolute communism, is that beyond the appropriation of the "means of production" - as Marx called it - from the capitalists and hated bourgeois, neither Karl Marx - nor Frederich Engles after Marx death - included ANY instructions as to how to implement their fantasy of making every human being absolutely equal from birth to death and also have absolutely equal OUTCOMES throughout their lifetimes.

Lenin, Stalin, Mao, pol pot, Castro, Mugabe, Imin and numerous other Communist "leaders" imposed "their" visions of "utopian communist society" upon the "masses" with absolutely disastrous results for the "masses" - not so for the "party", i.e., the STATE - who lived the good life.

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