Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We all have witnessed human suffering, it can happen in many ways. Some physical some mental, in some instances both. Most of the time the cause is government. To me there is no difference if it comes at the end of a rifle barrel or the end of a needle, as we have seen the needle can cause more suffering even mentally. Mathew Perna on Jan. 6th walked through an open door at the capital and did nothing but take pictures. The government was escalating charges to terrorism and Mathew who had lost his business, was cancelled, and ridiculed by people that didn’t know him committed suicide. His family said he loved his country and community but the justice department killed his spirit and his zest for life. I wanted to post a few lines from the Declaration of Independence; “whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such a form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” So there you have it, a document written 247 years ago still directs us to the solution of todays new tyrant. Hope you all can find a piece of happiness this Sunday. J.Goodrich

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I wish they left a set of 'alter or abolish' instructions that would work in the 21st century, the century in which reason and wisdom was finally totally jettisoned.

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Shelley, we just have to start and Our Heavenly Father will direct our steps!

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Indeed, but let's not do a convention of states.

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ABSOLUTELY NOT! The "Collective Left" has the "New States Constitution 2020" waiting in the wings to replace the "outmoded", "white supremacist", "racist" and "unjust" US Constitution.

Having READ this "New Constitution" it is the neo-Left's blueprint for absolute SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM - which incidentally has NO provision in it for INDIVIDUAL firearms - only police and military.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023

Sorry, I miss read what you said.....I DO agree, a COS would likely be a disaster, might even get us all killed.

At one time, I agreed. But we really have a constitution, it is just being ignored. A COS would likely be "purchased" and doom us, take away our rights, our guns.

As one billionaire put it, as long as Politicians can be purchased for so little money, voting, nothing else matters.

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Your thoughts? Why?

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Too many to detail here. But, I will posit two things. The Constitution is not flawed, the public servants are (human nature can’t be changed) and, there are no rules to stop Congress from usurping total control of the endeavor. I will let this speak for me Ana: https://jbs.org/video/concon/the-harsh-reality-of-a-convention-of-states/

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Think also that the states have rolled over and played dead. As I say every time this comes up, that 10th amendment gives them incredible power if they would only apply themselves. Look how a very few state AGs such as Paxton have tied this administration in knots in their own damn courts.

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The Lords Prayer...translated from Aramaic directly into English rather than from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English: O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration, soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide. Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission. Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire. Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish. Untie the tangled threads of destiny that binds us, as we release others from entanglement of past mistakes. Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment. For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again. And So it is !

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Wow, that's different. Asking for quite a bit there. I'm so use to the bread, forgiveness, no temptation and no evil.

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I guess I f you don’t ask for a lot you won’t get a lot. Ask BIG!!

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Ask big, just don't be disappointed if you get the bare minimum, which is really quite a lot.

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This paraphrased version to my way of thinking is excellent clarification of the Prayer and the reason that I posted it. Further investigation shows various translations. Personally, from a spiritual viewpoint, the patriarchal structuring seems artificially imposed.

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In our email correspondence with Douglas-Klotz, we soon learned what appeared to be happening with the "O cosmic Birther" translation that was being shared on Facebook. He told us that there have been no shortage of what he termed "paraphrases" of his previous translations:

There have been an enormous number of "paraphrases” (in publishing terms plagiarism) of my multiple translations of the prayer floating around online for the past 30+ years. The one now floating around is the current one. As far as I can tell none of the people doing them know Aramaic. They are just improvising based on their own fancy, using material from the multiple actual translations from Aramaic in my first book (1990), "Prayers of the Cosmos." My methodology and sources are in "The Hidden Gospel" (1999).

He also said that the idea that there's one true and original translation of the Lord's Prayer just doesn't square with reality:

Ancient Semitic languages, their root-and-pattern system and their 'way of knowing' (epistemology) in the ancient world mean that the words of prophet or visionary would always be understood on multiple levels. The ideal of one, single "literal" translation did not exist. That comes later with Christian theology.

According to Douglas-Klotz's work, the "O cosmic Birther" variation on Facebook appears to simply be a paraphrased version of the translations he published in his book in 1990, meaning that it is not, in fact, any sort of an original, definitive, or literal translation of the Lord's Prayer.

"I have nothing against people improvising on what I’ve done for their own use, or composing their own prayers from scratch," Douglas-Klotz said. "It’s when they begin to post that something is the 'one, true' translation from Aramaic that I start getting a lot of email (or doing multiple posts on Facebook, which is what’s happening now)." So it is....interesting.

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When "alter or abolish" was conceived of we did not yet have the FBI. Now, it is "We, The People" who will be altered or abolished.

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Add the CIA

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In 1776 they would have handled things a whole lot different. It would have been a real cleanup.

Nobody would have been jailed for a peaceful protest.

Politicians doing things then that they get by doing today would have got them hanged.

It got pretty loud and violent even writing and agreeing on The Constitution.

Those people signing their names risked their lives. They also didn't sit behind a desk and send someone else out to fight.

Somewhere in about 200 of those years in between 1812 and now warrior leaders quit leading and started lawyer pushing.

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Things have been too good for too long. Americans have grown soft. This will change it’s an unstoppable progression of life. The sooner people regain the spirit of 1776 the sooner we will get back our way of life.

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I guess I have a hard time with broad generalities, James. I know of many who are young and work hard to have a life and share their goods too. "Things" have not been good for a very long time, but the veil of deceit has been thick. I know what you are saying, but I don't know if I want to go back to the "way things were". Love you anyhow, (is what my husband says to me).

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Maybe the point of what James is thinking is the way things were is a whale of a lot closer to how things might have been than things are today which is a very long way away from that. Ya think?

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You’re correct Dr. Nash. Social change that happens naturally can be healthy. An overbearing government that uses its powers to push social change, destroy people for political reason or thought crime is completely unacceptable. This and 10,000 other problems we see have been destructive to the citizen.

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Thank You DD. I also know many young people that work hard and are giving people. This veil of deceit is in large part taking the opportunity for the young to achieve the American dream. Each American today owes over 500 thousand dollars to pay the national debt. Our government has put the young into a position of permanent servitude. Without major change the young are scroed.

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That really spooks me cause we will owe even more as the jab kills off more!

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In 1776 the people had more guns than the government.

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With also better guns, and privately owned cannons.

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And ARMS means we should also have cannons, tanks, missiles and the like. We are doing good to keep what we have. Now they even own media and mind control.

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We should all be angered of how Jan 6 was orchestrated! I see some hope, but if we don't stop the injections now, we are entering the twilight zone of humanity.


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Yes, I agree it sure seems like Jan6 was an orchestrated trap to imprison the most vocal Trump supporters, and go after Trump himself. Orchestrated by Pelosi it seems.

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The document formerly known as the "Declaration of Independence" has been officially renamed the "Declaration of Insurrection" and is forbidden to be read, discussed, disseminated, or taught in any educational institution. Also, Bidenomics is working.

Hail Hydra!

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023

Lara Logan has been doing a great series on J6, as I'm sure many know. Along with Revolver News being one of the go to places for analysis of that day.

I had always heard, since a young man, that Thomas Jefferson said the nation needed a new revolution every 20 years, approx every generation. Never looked up the quote, but given how much the country and its laws have changed since 1776, (the year of the US Declaration of Independence for those taking or had modern Civics classes or lack thereof) maybe we have had them...

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From Monticello.org. From Jefferson's Tree of Liberty letter, 1787.

"And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it’s motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20. years without such a rebellion.[1] The people can not be all, and always, well informed. .....

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."

-footnote states this may have been misquoted to say every generation.

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Great statement 👏 my friend!!!

We know the answer.

Why are We The People so hesitant to act 🎬 🙄

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well said, thank you.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Afuera! Viva Javier Milei

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We are all Mileistas now!

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Bk. I like that Mileistas. Can I use it?

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Of course! My snark is 100% open source, public license, free range, and free to use anywhere and everywhere.

Use it wisely. Use it widely.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a simple fix to nearly all of government corruption and we don’t need a Miele. Make it a constitutional amendment that citizen taxpayers have to assign their tax dollars to (or not to) every proposed spending bill before it is funded. Every year with every tax return. Given that, how long before the CIA would be ethical, pro constitutional, and transparent or looking for desk space in San Francisco among the homeless. Politicians should do what they do best, propose but only citizen should fund the governance they are willing to pay for. Everyone wins because everyone gets the government they are paying for to the extent that all are willing to (or not) pay for it. If you let citizen taxpayers choose to put their tax dollars toward Ukraine, the war would have been over before it started. It is OUR money and we need to be the ones deciding how it is spent (since clearly neither Democrats nor Republicans reflect our real wishes). Corruption of politicians by big industrial complexes would collapse, since they can’t buy off everyone. Propaganda would be a continuing problem but only until obviously truthful journalism put them out of business. Citizen taxpayers rise up ... again. Remember 1776!

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EXACTLY! We should have a place on our income tax forms designating where they can spend it.

That would end the pork projects and war mongering in a flash!

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Your fix is fascinating as it excludes those (50%) that don’t pay taxes and I approve, although we currently vote in those supposedly representing us! The founding fathers used reason and wisdom to protect us from our government. First Article 1, Section 2 - (...direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States...) The voting custom was only male property owners could vote but the States were self-determining expansion to males without property. The 15th amendment allowed black males to vote, then the 19th amendment allowed females the right to vote although a State may have determined such earlier. The 26th amendment lowered the age to 18. This drift toward total suffrage based on age only is seen as a good thing by many, but not all (like me).

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That was a mistake as they knew when they did it. Kids have no business in a voting booth.

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Which is why the donkeys want to lower the voting age to 16.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023

I am reading that the tax rate passed 60% for high end earners living in 4 states-NJ, CA, NY, another, due to both fed and state income taxes. And that when all taxes (fed, state, sales, fees, gas, etc) are considered, we all are paying over 50% of our income in taxes. That's due to poor and low end paying more of their income in regressive sales and hidden taxes and fees. But I hadn't heard that half don't pay taxes. I assume that references fed income tax, but do you have a link?

However, the main point remains that taxes are way, way too high, and even then the federal government is spending nearly twice what it takes in. And probably more when the full effects of re-financing our massive, strangling debts have finished at rates 2-4 basis points higher.

Edit-almost forgot-the states themselves are dependent on federal largess for 40% of their spending. It easy to see there's no present way to repay these debts, even trying to inflate away these debts, that the most likely scenario is collapse. Inflating the USD was the solution in the days that followed the old Concord Coalition circa 2000. But the debt has grown much faster than inflation... And so, so many leftist organizations, documents, agreements etc are waiting in the wings to take over.

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Only fed Income Tax not payroll taxes. No actuals exist for 2022 yet, so 2021 is the last I could find and it included increases in the child tax credit, the earned income tax credit, and the child and the dependent care tax credit and there was the Congressional pandemic stimulus in which no taxes were owed. https://taxfoundation.org/blog/us-households-paying-no-income-tax/ and here https://thehill.com/policy/finance/599753-study-57-percent-of-us-households-paid-no-federal-income-tax-last-year-amid/.

I prefer a sales tax (I do not consider regressive) rather than income because taxing productivity is nonsensical. Businesses, which vie for resources (labor/material) should not be able to expense those. They already pay payroll tax on labor but should have to pay tax on materials purchased rather than tax on income. Only those sound business will be able to afford materials, thus not wasting finite resources. If one thinks of all consumption tax as regressive it is not looking at one’s lifetime.

Once the 16th amendment eliminated the tax apportionment among the states, funding the Feds became an individual thing without the states having a say in the ultimate rate. No checks there.

No comment on the states looking for handouts.

This is from a recent article:


Fiscal year 2022, 22 states reported a Taxpayer Surplus™, the amount of money left over after the state paid its bills divided by its estimated number of taxpayers. AK had the highest surplus of $80,000 per taxpayer followed by ND’s $47,400 and WYs $24,600. Other states reporting surpluses include UT, TN, NE, ID, OR, SD, OK IA, VA, MT, MN, NC, IN, FL, WI, CO, WV, AR and Oh.

28 states reported debts and taxpayer burdens: NJ, CT, IL, MA, HI, KY, DE, LA, CA, VT, SC, NY, MI, MD, PA, RI, NM, MS, AL, KS, TX, ME, WA, NH, NV, MO, AZ and GA.

NJ had the highest taxpayer burden of $53,600 per taxpayer. CT with $50,7000, II ranked third worst with $41,600. The least worst had minimal taxpayer burdens: NV ($900), MO ($700), AZ ($600), and GA ($5).


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We may not like a sales tax, and find it, correctly, nonsensical in trying to hobble productivity, but it is regressive in that the poorer one is, the higher % of one's income is paid in taxes. This is esp true in states that tax food. For the poor spend, and hence are taxed on, all their income.

Did you note in your link the top states for revenue surplus were all big petroleum/fossil fuel producers? Alaska-oil, ND and WY---Bakken shale oil w/ WY having a big bite of coal. And yes, the states with big debts were by and large, dem states.

That aside, I get tired of each researcher, valid point or not, creating a new stat for their analysis. Tax Payer Burden has a nice ring, but defining who in each state who pays what tax takes alot of running down.

"...We are all familiar with Federal Debt to GDP rising from 60% to 120% since 09 banking crisis.

However, an unnoticed trend of State Debt declining from 33% of total public debt in 09 to 10% today has resulted in federal power grab.

2) About 40% of a state's annual budget now comes from the Feds resulting in:

✅Reduced competition for private capital amongst states..."



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The ‘poor’ can’t possibly be taxed on all of their income even in states that tax most foods. The Dem states overpay public employees and their pensions to buy votes. It works. KY Gov Bevans barely lost his second term to a Dem only because the Dem promised not to touch pensions and said Bevans would.

That stat on State debt declining since 2009 is multi-faceted. First, Obama rewarded the States heavily with Stimulus money. I know what OR did in 2012 - hired top investors to invest pension money and boy did that work. And in 2020/2021 the States were again bailed out with pandemic relief. I have seen no evidence that states have stopped trying to woe corporation, but I have seen their citizens reject the oversized tax incentives used as lures. Obama had a job to do, take down the U.S. He gave us socialized medicine, a full house of deep staters, a limp military and much debt. Biden is to finish the job.

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Without a revolt using more than Trump flags and crying, my bet is nothing changes. Those counting the votes in heavily populated Dem cities share the same philosophy already demonstrated that it’s justified to lie, break the law, strip people of their jobs, force risky experimental medical treatments, recklessly spent our taxes, and put us in debt so deep a meltdown is guaranteed. Joe isn’t senile, men can have babies, abortion isn’t bad, debt doesn’t matter, war is peace, censorship is good, CO2 is poison, men competing against women isn’t unfair, unlimited immigration without assimilation has no risk, debate is violence, voting is without fraud, etc, etc, etc … The load of bullshit people are accepting appears unlimited and those in charge know it, why would they stop? Our leaders have Baghdad Bob syndrome.

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Worms are turning. The black mayor of the 2nd largest city in Texas, Dallas, has recently left the dim party, declared rep and said the big cities need to wake up (opposed to being woke). Now that I call a very good sign of possible good news on the horizon

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And what does that say for the 50% of American voters who believe and embrace the lies, along with a complete abandonment of the founding principles of this nation?

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Remember that the Federal Income Tax came about alongside Prohibition as a way to fund the government in place of liquor taxes.

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Continuing: the logistics: post every spending proposal (which would be required to be single issue or single department-as logically as possible and without hidden-in-the-fine-print add ins) on X. Add debate and Community Notes to fact check. Link to a bitcoin account for tax alone and give every citizen taxpayer an account. All transactions safe, secure and transparent but unbreakable. Use AI to determine what percentage each proposal would/should get from individual taxpayer and use that to deposit yes votes to that proposal’s account. Note: no corporate tax could be assigned to anything except a single account that would be used, first, to pay down the national debt and then to accumulate a nest egg for citizens to later choose how to use - like maybe building a border, ending drug addiction, electrifying every roof top... whatever we think would enrich US the citizens and not THEM the corporate manipulators.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Couldn't help but hear Daffy Duck's voice on "Have a great day folks!" I hardly ever eat out anymore, there are a few restaurants with organic choices, but not many. We even brought our own organic food to my son's house for TG dinner. They eat healthy, but not the food they ordered for TG. I prefer to make my own. I loved a few of the memes, altho some are just too true to be funny anymore. We got our first snow! Eat less, Live longer!!!

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We got our first snow last night!

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Snow….reminds me of basic training in Texas in January in virtually unheated barracks with little insulation and….it snowed. And I made a snowball and brought it into the barracks and said here was a snowball in hell!!

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I bet basic training in today's military is different, but perhaps not the barracks.

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That joke was as good as any today!

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is great - actually delving into the issue of inflation is on the list of topics for this week, this fits right in with that.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If Dr. Malone's SS members joined JBS it would be quite effective in educating more people in how to personally combat the fed and state over-reach. It has so many programs geared for expanding truth and action. People can use their homes, churches, or other settings to invite family and neighbors to its educational seminars. Growing informed communities is a great way to combat the onslaught of malfeasance. It must be an ‘above the ground’ and not an under-ground movement, as we are not in survival mode yet.

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The John Birch Society is great!


So is their affiliate magazine, "The New American"


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Their motto: Less government; more individual responsibility; and with God’s help, a better world!

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I recently read about this organization as a way for like-minded people to meet one another in their own communities. Your privacy is apparently guaranteed unless you wish for it to be otherwise. I have not yet joined, but am inclined to do so. For those who are interested, here is the link for local resistance.....https://localresistance.org/

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Do you know who funds it?

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This is the comment that mentioned the local resistance organization......Fight back. We are living through exceptionally dangerous times. Never before has the entire human race faced a simultaneous global attack from an army of fascist billionaires who believe that they alone have the right to control the earth's resources and dictate the future of humanity. Pooling their incredible wealth these psychopaths have captured our democracies and institutions and now spew continuous propaganda and public disinformation to conceal their real intentions. Controlling information, suppressing dissent and abolishing freedom of speech is an essential part of their plan. They need an obedient public that is willing and eager to follow them blindly into the technocratic dystopia of total control that they are building with the UN, World Bank, WHO and WEF.

LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to connect neighbours and initiate local action. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist. Here we provide a searchable database to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. To protect your safety and privacy you are not required to provide your real name to the database. If you are comfortable doing so later with the people you connect with that is your choice. Your level of involvement is totally up to you. You can talk privately here using our anonymous email system until you are comfortable with meeting in person, then you can work with others to establish working groups, organize events... anything is possible. No one will know your real name or see your e-mail address unless you give it to them. Your privacy is absolute.

LocalResistance.org is just a search tool, not a community group. User interests and beliefs don’t have to align with those of any other organization. There is no administrative hierarchy to restrain or approve you. Users form their own local groups independently based upon their shared concerns. LocalResistance.org exists solely to co-ordinate communications and establish partnerships… it has no other agenda of its own. We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you. https://localresistance.org

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Thanks for including this link, Vicki...the speaker in the black & white portions of the "Fall-of America" is Robert Welch who Founded the John Birch Society - a patriot ONLY trying to warn the American people of EXACTLY WHAT HAS happened since he spoke those words!

The "Collective Left" in the USA, i.e., the liberals, progressives, Socialists & Communists went BERSERK at the the effrontery of Welch! How DARE he EXPOSE "their" hair-brained plans for

a Communist utopia in the USA? Ditto with Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh, the Babylon Bee nails it every time! And your memes are always the best out there. And you just gave me the best advice ever; eat less! I will do that. I NEED to do that!

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great Sunday funnies! Yes groceries go up daily. And restaurants-forget it. The customer service here in Hawaii is non-existent and the food has deteriorated to the point that we ask ourselves why we even bothered. We eat all our meals at home. God Bless everyone 🙏🏻♥️💯🌞

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doctor Malone, it's too funny 😁 😂 😀 🤣

My sister was also tickled by Milei's #Afuera!!

I just sent this substack to her!!!

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Hey, you with teeth! Afuera!

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

these are great

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is one of the best collections yet! Thank you as always.

Every little bit of effort helps thwart the Bidenomics in OUR Comics. We too are eating less (breakfast, dinner only), stocking up at Costco where we can buy in bulk and get big bags of organic frozen veggies and fruits for our garage freezer, and eating at home almost all the time (easy, since there aren’t many restaurants here anyway). Freezing apples, oranges, and bananas to reduce spoilage. Buying eggs locally. You know the drill!

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The answer to the question posed in the first is that some folks incapable of ever admitting a mistake and will double down on that mistake in their arrogance.

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Yes, but we need to see that it is 'they' who are the minority without any power.

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Great stuff, Dr. Malone! Thanks for the sarcasm! It makes me laugh when I should be crying! I'm praying the Big Guy gets 10%. That's 10% of the 2024 POTUS votes!

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Great selection! Start out with Terms and Conditions. From there to our US Afuera! Do note it's much easier to achieve healthy intake at home. Even there - my boss delivered a Thanksgiving dinner (several No Nos) and a friend had Mac n cheese plus 8 pieces of chicken delivered (more No Nos). Being brought up with 'waste not want not,' all gone now. Back to the drawing board. Delighted you're all set for successfully pursuing best health intakes again!

Positive thoughts and

Very Best ♡♡♡

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Afuera, Werwones! (Sp?)

Love this guy.

I hope men start wearing their hair like this again.

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