The Darth Vader costuming wasn’t necessary. Klaus Schwab always looked like the king of the dark side!!

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With the voice of a Bond Villan.

Envisioning his looking at a basket below him, on stage, in Davos.

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He IS the king of the Dark side. Or he works directly for him.

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Yesterday there was some discussion about how cats can be used to protect chickens. This has of course been long employed is asia where a Tibetan branch of Shaolin monks recruit and train cats for this purpose in a temple called Kat-kan-du.

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You got a chuckle Micheal!

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Kat-Kan-Du, now that’s 😂

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You had me going there for a second, and I was doubting the veracity of the story you were told.

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Ah so, desu ka.

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Got me on that one

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"Ah, that's how it is!"

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Thanks for the translation

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You're welcome. I've picked up various expressions from different cultures that, in my world view (Weltanshauung), are better in the original. Thanks for appreciating. Cool place Dr. Malone has here.

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(Weltanschauung Deutsch) Worldview. Autonomy of lifestyle and Philosophy, Weltanschauung, a comprehensive view of the world and human life. We are seeing it now, but far from optimism.

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Get out

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How many times has a person pulled up to you and said, I’m lost, could you help me get to so and so street. We have all been there. There is a vulnerability for a person that is in need of direction. We feel compassion for a person that has lost their way. Today we see so many people that we trusted with our rights and our health try to deceive us. Because of their misuse of power they have sold us out for financial gain. They have chose money over people. They bartered away our physical security and broke our trust and many times our friendships. Complaining about the situation, like I have many times, may make me feel better for a moment, but it doesn’t change a thing. If we are to change the direction of our country and these officials that have lost their way, it is up to us to lead and correct what has happened. We are the people we all have been looking for. When we look in the mirror we should say I can make a difference. In a way if we don’t stand up now, like our ancestors did, we will be the ones history says have lost their way. I am going to write down a few simple things I can do to make a change from volunteering at my local polling place, talking to people that are on the fence about what is at stake in this election, offer to drive people to vote, call my representatives to push new legislation that helps in a good way. With all of us working together we can make a difference. J.Goodrich

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I learned at age 16 that money was more important than I was as I was being swepted out the door. Never mind, gpod lesson.

You've got a good list of helpful things we all should consider starting with.

You are appreciated

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I have heard of this being practised in Slavic countries. Sad as I think strong family bonds makes for a better life for everyone.

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Which is why the elites have worked so diligently to destroy the nuclear family, and its associated values.

Entitlement, hedonism, constant marketing ( propaganda ) are doing an excellent job dissolving the bonds between humans.

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Thank You Jean!!! Your very much appreciated also!!!

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J. Goodrich: yes!

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deletedFeb 6·edited Feb 22
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Thank you Patriot!! Your words inspire me as well. Your story made my day. It connects people together like Dr. Malones sub stack has certainly done for me. Your right there’s not much time left. If we are to save this country and even this forum that has connected us we must act with haste. I can’t imagine sometimes the hardships people in history had gone through and survived. People that were put in concentration camps and watched their families murdered. People that went 1/2 way around the world to help those people like my father did end up being shot in the back and go on to have 4 children. There are amazing people in this world. This may sound corny but I always think of George Washington getting onto the boat to cross the Delaware River on that freezing snowy icy Christmas night to fight the Hessians. He didn’t say I’m not going over there!!! I could be jailed, killed, or hung. Without people like George Washington, people like my father, people like Dr. Malone, or people like you Patriot, this world would be a much much different place. We have less than 9 months to create this movement to save our country and this world. As America goes so goes the world. Thank you for sharing your story because I have my down days too, you make my small effort larger and worth it. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of paths today for people like us to make a difference but you did the other day in the snowstorm and in your post to me, thank you.

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hold that emu while you can Robert. They get large....possible career with Liberty Insurance?

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Can remember great grandmother brought unhomogenized milk by a horse drawn Meadow Gold milk wagon.

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4

Michael, this might sound odd:

Every time you post something like this, I thank God you didnt get the jab of death.

Just sayin...

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Thanks for that. Hope you missed it too, need folks like you around these days

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No freaking way

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I remember going to the barn with grandpa to milk the cows. Grandma let me churn the milk to make butter. I don’t remember how she made buttermilk, but I remember Grandpa drinking that smelly stuff. I couldn’t get it past my nose. I’m glad I know where food comes from, it makes me appreciate the Yoder family Doc wrote about.

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Had a step mom who drank the stuff but could not get it past where I once had tonsils.

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4

I had to look it up! Buttermilk is the byproduct of churning raw milk when making butter, and it’s already cultured no additives needed and keeps about 2 weeks in the fridge.

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Ditto, we had milk delivered to our milk chute in the 60's. My great uncle had milk delivered by a horse drawn wagon in the 60's in the small town he lived in.

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I loved that horse. This was Okla. City 1948

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My grandmother and aunt would make 17 loaves of bread on Monday mornings, for the family and all the hired hands to eat during the week.

My aunt said she was driving one day and saw a sign about taking a class on how to make and bake bread. LOL She said if she never baked another loaf of bread in her life...

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My cousin owns a milking farm. If we want raw milk, we just go out after the morning or evening milking and open the tap. :-D This is how it should be again. The world has gotten too big (sophisticated) for its britches.

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You do realize that businesses like Yoder's Country Marked are in danger of becoming a thing of the past if the people at Davos, World Economic Forum (WEF), gets their way!

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Our "conservative" Virginia administration has already shown its teeth against farmers when it raided a farm (Amish?) in the Appomattox area, confiscating all of its dairy produce. The farmer was selling to subscription-only buyers. I emailed Youngkin asking him for an explanation, asking for a reply, and heard nothing. Last fall I asked one of Atty. Gen. Miyares assistants at a fund-raising event (for local candidates) the same question, and she skipped over my question, pleading ignorance of the event.

The same was done to an Amish farm recently in Pennsylvania.

I suspect we are being prepped for future raids of small farms. This was just the mood music (to quote Neil Oliver).

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Those two farmers tales were where the second amendment is supposed to come in. You tell me I can’t do business any way I please, you and I are gonna have troubles. It will only take one or two. We missed two chances. Especially the pa one.

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One farmer doesn't stand a chance against an army of state employees. Not sure if the VA one was Amish, but the PA one was, and they don't have guns so they're pretty low-hanging fruit for our overlords. To mix metaphors, I'm afraid their religion has made them sitting ducks. This is a case where the government (state, sad to say) behaves like a terrorist. As Mao would say, shoot one, scare a million.

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Wait Amish don’t believe in arms? I did not know that, and did much business with them back when i lived in western Ny. Learn something new everyday.

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They were put on the endangered list when the first supermarket was built

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When 6-7 used to be parked over weekends with an aunt pre-supermarket. She would take me to maybe 3 different stores shopping for groceries. Mostly meat at one, canned goods at another, produce at another. That old lady walked my little legs off. But she seemed to enjoy it and meeting the grocers and certainly would not have enjoyed a supermarket as much

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and Amazon, and Walmart, and Target. . .

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It goes beyond these big three. There is a world wide movement to destroy the farming industry. It is already in progress in Europe.

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone you’re looking pretty healthy there. Thinner too. Good for you.

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I lived in Virginia (western Loudoun County), we would go to South Mountain Creamery. The milk is so wonderful.

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When did you leave?

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Left Loudoun County end of 2017 and moved onto a boat full time to travel. Do you live in Loudoun?

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4

Yep, Western-Loudoun. It’s sad to see all the changes, I think the board would like to make us Fairfax. Congrats on the dream coming true.

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Move across the border to West Virginia. Love it, and the taxes soooooooo much lower. Peace...

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It is a beautiful area, no doubt. I have a sibling who did this, but they moved back to NVA, they needed more job opportunities and they didn’t like driving 45 minutes to get to the type of shopping they needed/want.

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It IS beautiful. I have an Aldi's and Weis 12-15 minutes away. But my farmers are closer :) Sometimes I go weeks without going to a grocery store. Job opportunities I understand. They are sparse here, though one could commute on the Marc into DC quite easily. I drive into Baltimore once/week for my job; the rest of the time I am remote. Peace...

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I get my milk delivered in glass bottles in the UK.

Swallowing a whole egg looks like a very uncomfortable business.

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Welcome baby Emus‼️

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Hopefully new safegards in place, preventing another accidental emu death

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Maybe part of it already is their being white. Hard to miss.

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Another great Sunday Strip. We all need to become eleutheromaniacs if we're to save ourselves and our country.

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The "you did that Joe" meme is so sad 😞 !

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Yup he is responsible for the whole shooting match we are witnessing now.

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Just carryin' out orders folks ...

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Indeed, the mental midget that he is would never admit any wrongdoing.

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The order giver(s) likely won't admit it either. On the other hand the whole compliment likely believe it's all a success and moving in their direction.

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That’s the scary version

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Not sure if you think the order giver is Obeyme, but that stupid bastard is dumber than Joey. Now his handler, Jarrett on the other hand, is a killer. Literally. Treason is too nice a term for what that particular cunt is guilty of.

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Didn’t work then, guess we will see if it works this time

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just FYI, "ému" in French means (emotionally) moved or touched.

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The baby emu is darling. The miracle of life. My granddaughter is ready to give birth. I’m so excited to hold that beautiful baby boy.

There are 2 Farmer’s Markets in our area. There is also a farm in our area that grows corn and raspberries , a pumpkin patch and red potatoes. It is a popular place in the Fall. The farm also has a corn maze through the month of October. It is a fun place for a date night for the teenagers and a field trip day for grade school age children.

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Feb 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An especially good harvest this week.

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4

Oh Robert, the look on your face is priceless! A baby anything will do that to most people. "Another word for freedom " has become so true, where have all the flowers gone? The mass formation and a little money to boot, has turned some of my music heroes into people I just don't want to see or hear anymore, so damn sad. I forgot to add that the co-op we go to does regular stories and pics of the farms we get our food from, so the kids will know it's not grown in a lab or the internet. (when I said "Robert" i got a bit of a sick feeling, remembering MAA using that familiar term. Sorry)

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