Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Living vicariously through the beauty of the Malone "estate". Thankyou for sharing the beauty. You are living the dream!!

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for the video of your emu, that was such a delight. I live in Cyprus where this sort of thing would only occur up in the mountains because at sea level it is far too hot most of the year and so I have to live through your homestead and I have loved every minute of it, please do not stop. Yes, I love all the cerebral stuff you post but this is utterly gorgeous and such an antithesis to my life right now. XXX

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Do you know that now I can't find ONE single truth about the Tuskegee experiment..everything on it has been altered. They say that they gathered men from the black community that they assumed "already had" syphilis and let it go untreated. If you look up almost anything on History.com it will have a revised date. Revising history at warp speed.

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Zinnification of history

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

What is that? (I'm too tired to look it up.) Just tell me already...

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

I always thought that the truth was that they came across a group of black men who had it and then studied its progression; the program became a crime against humanity when they found a treatment for it but never used it to treat these men.

The one prior group of men who had gotten syphilis in recent times had been a group of sailors aboard a Norwegian warship in the late 19th century.

When scientists saw the men in Alabama suffer from the same malady, it's understandable that they would want to study it; obviously, it was unconscionable that they did not pass the treatment on.

I think the idea that these men were deliberately injected with it comes from how syphilis is contracted; it is much more in tune with the Zeitgeist to make them victims of white doctors. The one previous example of note would suggest that these men (either in a foreign port or in Alabama) contracted this from an infected prostitute(s).

But I suppose rather than admit this unpleasant (even if all too human) fact, it's easier to add to the increasingly tedious narrative that these men were victims from start to finish.

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Interesting..I don't know, I've never heard that take on it. Everything I've ever read on the subject said they gathered the men, promising free health care, injected them with syphilis, then gave placebos as "treatment" to study untreated syphilis. Kind of a Fauci type experiment

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I certainly would not put this past my government, but I think this requires a degree of gullibility among those men that stretches credibility.

Healthy black men would have taken a pass from such an offer; men who knew they needed medical help, not so much.

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Who knows? I'm still in a catatonic state from news of the Kennedy assassination. Da wha...?

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If there had been enticements in place to get syphillis shots into the black male population of Tuskegee, the evidence would be all over the place; this didn't take place in the 19th century, but in the lifetimes of many here. (Where are the pictures of the flyers that read, "Get a shot and get free health care"?)

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Easy to understand the notion why they are all pretty much vaccine hesitant.

Easy as well they all pretty much don't wear green on March 17th.

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Many Black people here have Irish surnames. Many of the Irish were overseers as well.

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So evil and sad

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think President Reagan said best! I’m from the government and I’m here to help! God help us!

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s amazing to see something once abandoned and run down turn around and become a beautiful place on earth full of life, family, friends and healthy life. I’ve seen this in my own life where caring people that make such positive change to a property or a relationship become contagious to an area. I don’t have to hear it from your neighbors, Malones, a rising tide will lift all boats. JFK. Thank You for lifting all of us. J.Goodrich

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I must say, I’ve read many of your Friday Funnies and Sunday Strips and enjoyed them all. BUT: this group has to be the best yet! Each one has a special message. The video of your little critters was the topping on the cake! Thank you.

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Liked the poor panda and the poop scooping press. Pathos and pathetic

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I enjoyed your segments with Jimmy Dore, posted yesterday on his YouTube channel. Looked like you had a good time. I was disappointed to hear about Trump doubling down on the jabs.

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thanks for that feedback

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Well, he has been/is at heart a businessman. One comes up with what believes is a doable plan. You leave it to experts to accomplish?

Should he get elected again, at some point he will have to deal with WHO/HHS issues. One hopes it will (if needs be) be his come to ... moment/time with sunlight breaking through.

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deletedMar 17·edited Mar 17
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Both Trump too many in the Medical Community and in fact too many of we the people had the utmost trust in HHS and its staffing. Dr Malone champions important issues be discussed with all sides represented. Trump passed his goal to HHS experts. They didn't staff it - they pursued the plans they had already formulated. Worse yet they suckered Trump into weekly public support for their frankenplans. Galling beyond one's worst imaginings!!! Much of our medical community and our fellow civilians can't come to grips with the indisputable truths (yet?).

The point is to get Trump associating with our GOOD Docs, best practices and moving on to constructive rebuilding for healthy tomorrows.

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Ha! I'm sure Trump is aligned with healing experts. He looks 10 years younger already. That ain't from Big Harma. His wife is European, meaning she gets notes from there about healing practices not available here, not to mention the other people in his circle advising him about best practices.

Trump's (ahem) hands are tied due to the effects of Big Harma, et al running the show.

Like when Ronald Reagan needed surgery, he went to Germany.

Trump knows more than he lets on. Most people couldn't yet handle all the info he's got; much like The Good Doctor(s) who run this substack. ;-)

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Scott Atlas tried to enlighten Trump. What happened with that?

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It looks like it was his fellows at Stanford that did in his service

Op-Ed: Atlas Shrugged? The Legacy of Scott Atlas, MD

— Did he always put science before agenda?

by Richard E. Heller, III, MD, MBA

December 20, 2020

Last Updated December 23, 2020

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I've not seen anything clear on that. He is evidently part of the analysis team that the Epoch Times reported on today. My impression has been that the Fauci crowd, at that time, was able to send Atlas off back to California. Tomorrow, I'll see if I can get my computer to work well enough to download the 45 pg pdf. However, not expecting it will offer any answers on that particular issue

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deletedMar 17·edited Mar 17
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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

Understand. Between UN/WHO and HHS hopefully it is too huge a mountain to avoid.

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Also see Stoklin article now in Epoch Times. I haven't had time for a thorough review, but a quick and dirty looks pretty promising

"A group of medical and policy experts released a report, called “COVID Lessons Learned,” which assesses the government’s response to the pandemic."

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Hard to believe the shots are being offered over the phone as we are on hold to the pharmacy or the doctor's office. Now that's power...

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I’ve not heard Trump dbl down on jabs. He was attacked for being murderous and almost impeached over pushing hydroxychloroquin! He personally advocates early intervention and he did take hydroxychloroquin when he was hospitalized and treated by the patron saint of a doctor from NY who later passed away from his battle with cancer. Sadly his name eludes me too often. I’m praying Trump takes a stand for our food and drug crises. He said they should never have been forced, many times.

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Thank you for some levity regarding what Trump might have done or said regarding Covid issues. Anti Trumpers “want” to believe rumors as opposed to knowing what is truth.

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At the least with Trump people were never forced to take the jab or loose their job. After all isn’t that mostly what we all wanted bodily autonomy?

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True that!

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deletedMar 17·edited Mar 17
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Yes Dr. Zelenko, thank-you. I feel terrible when I forget. He was instrumental both in physical and emotional healing to me and my sister and innumerable others. God bless all his works.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

I actually shed a tear, when Dr. Z. Passed. I did not know him personally, but i followed him through the plandemic, and even today i still take the Zelenco protocol daily. I prayed daily that he would ovecome, and listened to his fearless passing of the days on his Telegram channel.

RIP dr. Z. You meant more to some of us than you could have ever comprehended

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Yea you’re funny! They will, they definitely will but not the way they were taught by momma.

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But James, have you thought about why Trump still supports the jabs? I understand Pfizer gave him 1 million dollars, what for? There had to be a catch, did he sign a contract to never speak badly about them? I just saw Trump interviewed on Fox this AM and he was given the opportunity to say something, good or bad, but he sidestepped the issue.

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Have you tried to find out if Trump ACTUALLY did get a million from Pfizer, or is this a rumor?

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My guess is this is, ehm, misinformation or disinformation. Many, myself included, see many violations of the Nuremberg Code since 2019 or before. If President Trump becomes 47 it would likely increase the probability of prosecution, at least in the US although since the whole Covid mess could and should be regarded as global genocide so prosecution elsewhere is likely.

Also, a President with a business education has to rely on science advisors. My Governor had contests with prizes, but he is similarly educated. At no time did either require anyone, including public employees, to take the jab.

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Better yet. What the hell is a million dollars to him? $100.00 to me?

I despise the fact he still pushes this shit

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He pushes free choice. That's all.

Why do you still have "DOCTORS" changing their mask requirements to "Patients Freedom of Choice?"

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All I want is bodily autonomy, I say let the democrats take 100 booster shots I’ll donate money to that!!!!!

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Me too

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

Sorry, Ana

Trump claims the jabs save lives, and we know otherwise.

He may not force anyone, or tell you you should take it (anymore), but he has never stopped preaching how wonderful it is, while its killing people, maiming people, destroying lives.

No matter how you, or anyone else phrases it, Trump is still wrong not acknowledging the harm and death.

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T., abortion also kills, & destroys.

Yet he is allowing choice. Just saying!

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Or another of pfizer’s many payoffs to government officials and we know Trump hasn’t taken government pay. We may never know who all profited other than fauci taking in at least a billion in payoffs.

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Why don’t you find proof of a charge regarding Trump and Pfizer, and Trump and the “jab”, before you help spread a rumor?

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deletedMar 17
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Trump is the ONLY option.


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deletedMar 18·edited Mar 18
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I will probably survive it all, but if not, I'm okay with it, cause I know a few people who eere called up to Heaven, and theyre reserving a seat up there, after I'm done paying the tolls.

I truly worry about DJT being offed by the cabal before he can achieve much. Seems as though the infection has thoroughly spread throughout the gubbermnt, and we're going to need some mighty large tube of Ivermectin to get rid of it all

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Dore is funny.

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These were great funnies but the little emu dashing all over was not just a simple pleasure, but a pure joy!

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is 64 too old for you to adopt me? I love watching your life. My job in Heaven will be working with St. Francis of Assisi and the animals! :)

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have had ten dogs in my life. Most of the time, it has been a multi-dog household. Sadly, I lost two of them in 2023 - my sweet Suzannah, a 14-yr. old Standard Parti Poodle, & our equally sweet, Emmy Lou, a Poodle-Bichon mix. Every time I needed to say good-bye, I told them it was time for St. Francis to take care of them. Happily, I still have Ambrose, our Standard Poodle-Wheaten Terrier Mix, & Romeo, a 9-month old mini Schanuzer-Havanese mix. If I lived on a farm, such as the Malone's, I would surely have even more. They are truly a balm for the spirit, especially in these deeply disturbing times. I will gladly assist helping with the animals in heaven. I think it may have been Will Rogers who said, "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they are".

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Have known dogs. Even one that preferred me to his owner. But personally would be volunteering for the feline and equine care contingents. Takes all kinds to make heavens.

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Cats rule, dogs drool.

Grew up with dogs, even one German shepherd wolf hybrid (supposedly), grew up with cats - but no Maine Coon lion hybrid 🤣 (F1 Savannah has been an attraction but getting too damn old and busted up to be an appropriate owner), have always preferred cats.

The farms had house cats and barn cats; tell me, what comes to mind if someone says "barn dog?" Not quite the same, eh?

The other thing is, and I know folk do it, just can’t imagine a dog sharing my bed — but the cats 😊. The large short hair "spoons" in the final hours of night, his momma prefers to just walk up&down my sleeping form before the alarm. The large long hair, Maine coon cross, just wants attention and food - not necessarily in that order.

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Part of my orientation I suspect, is wanting assurance that another has adjudged (affirmed) a relationship with me is worth engaging in. Most cats are pretty discriminating. Dogs seem to pursue relations, even when owners beat and starve them. Most dogs seem to see all humans as potential friends. I like dogs well enough, but somehow mutual respect tops in appeal.

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From as far back as I can remember, and this may be what attracts me to cats/“house” cats, all Cara’s, has been the issue of “independence.” My opinion is that dogs have been so bred that they HAVE to be dependent on humans, on a pack, and without that they will die. An abandoned cat still has enough of itself inside that it CAN survive without a human, without a pack. Abandon a dog and they become mean and if they form a pack their pack is one w/o rules, as in “The Lord of the Flies” - unlike canines like wolves, coyotes; but not like hyenas. Feral cat colonies are ugly things but not in the same manner.

It’s because of this that cats don’t NEED a human and when one chooses you it’s actually making a choice. And while cats may seem distant it’s only because it knows it doesn’t HAVE to be there.

I wonder, as we descended from the trees, as we formed clans, tribes, communities, city states, nations, have we lost our inner cat and become like dogs? Without the organization and comfort of “the pack,” are we destined to become just another “Lord of the Flies” dystopia.

Maybe the ones who provide much needed vigor, new blood, direction, are just listening to their inner cat.


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Hey! Interesting purrspectives. You have a point 🐈‍⬛️

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You are so right! Love cats & horses too. Have had three cats over the years. Every one was a little love.

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We had 5 dogs, and 5 cats about 24 months ago. In that span, we lost 3 dogs and two cats. Rough 2 years, to say the least.

Although life is so much easier with less responsibilities, 3 weeks ago i went out and adopted a 6yr old handicapped ShihTzu. No one would even look at the little guy, as he fell over a lot, and when you picked him up, he would scream bloody murder. The rescue, who saved him from being euthanized in a city dog pound, thought he had neurologic and other health issues, but could not afford to do the major testing necessary, as they have at least, 60 other rescued dogs to contend with.

3 weeks, several vet visits, and he is doing wonderful. He has very little long distance stamina, but our doggie carriage allows us to take him out, let him decide when to stop, then he enjoys the rest of the day in style, crusing in his chariot, while my wife, myself, and our two beagles walk along side him.

I agree. I would spend my entire existence on earth with my furry 4 legged friends, anytime over MOST of the two legged loafs of playdoh we call humans.

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I am so sorry for your canine & feline losses. It is such a painful experience. You have done a wonderful thing by adopting that poor, sweet little Shih Tsu. I wish you many joyful years together. This quote is attributed to someone by the name of Charles F. Doran, "Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog". I would add that a dog will know how large your soul is by the way you treat them...

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Beautiful quoteby Doran.

I do hope Mr. Bentley will enjoy his life with us, as he is filling part of the void left by his predecessors passing, not that anyone ever truly is replaced.

My last pup was also a ShihTzu, and his presence in my life being gone was duly noted. Mr. Mocha was my laughter / happiness button that was activated the very moment I walked through my door at the end of every day.

No matter how crummy of a day, or moment I had, that little bugger made me smile, and calmed my being. Since my new little court jester is of the same cloth, maybe I will be blessed with another button of love I lost in September last year.

In the meanwhile his health and recuperation are our primary focus, as he has a lot of work ahead of him.

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Thank-you for sharing your story, T. I am so happy that you had that special bond with Mr. Mocha. It is more than evident that you have much depth to your person & to your soul. Your animals are truly fortunate to have you for a friend & caretaker. Many years ago, (2006 to be precise) someone gave me a small daily calendar of dog quotes. I removed a few & put them where they are visible. Those are the ones I shared with you. However, I left the rest in the book, or I would 365 of them plastered all over my walls. I love reading them. Here is another one: "No one in your family will ever be as forgiving of your mistakes as your dog". That is so true. Enjoy Mr. Bentley. He most definitely ended-up with the right person.

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Here's one for you:

If I shoved my wife and my dog in the trunk of my car, closed the lid, and came back 3 hours later, I can tell you that my dog would be happy to see me when I unlocked the trunklid.

Wife ? Not so much.

Tells you who really loves me, eh ?



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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ahhh. My weekend is now complete; I have been emotionally nourished by glimpses of the Malone's sweet farm life. That life with such good things in it is still possible, shows that the presence of God has not been withdrawn just yet, despite the encroaching darkness. We will cling to that and be grateful for our days in the sun.

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the bird video. Brings back memories. We had gray Toulouse geese growing up and I had a couple over the years that imprinted on me and thought I was their daddy.

Thanks also for the fruit tree tips. Would love to know how you deal with brown mold on the fruit trees. Every year it wipes out the peaches and plums. We, too, stay organic with our trees, but have not had much luck.

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Your peach rot may be due to curcurellio larva invasion (spelling may be off), need specific treatment, ask extension agent or source of fruit tree pesticides to find info to research.

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No horses in this episode, but it still reminds me of that old saying, "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man." God gave man dominion over the beasts of the field and fowl of the air (and some fowlsnot airborne) and without that interaction, to include selfless care and feeding, man is sterile. Blessings to you and Jill, Dr. Malone, from Yodel Valley Farm, AL.

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PMFL - that one little typo, losing the space character between 'fowls' and 'not' immediately made me think of pigeons and freshwashed cars.

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If anything I meant to delete the s since fowl is also plural.

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Now, I'm afraid to go wash the truck. There are pigeons everywhere outside, just waiting! :)

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Hope no mulberry trees nearby. That makes it really challenging.

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

Not at my current place, but our home in California (pre-1976) had several. We found out what they'd do a little late. Of course, it wasn't just the pigeons that liked those things. Even the mockingbirds had fun.

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Particularly bad when processed by pigeons. Demolished the finish on a 56 chevy we had in Okla. City

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Beautiful video and thanks for sharing .

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Boeing, Boeing ,Gone.

Business can’t get a good loan rate if they have a low ESG score.

As CEO you get bonus if you get a good loan rate.

So you have to hire incompetents and with a little sabotage company tanks.

That's all right because are other competitor planes rolling out

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If they have to lower the SAT score again who is going to be around to repair the bloody things much less design and build them?

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Jon, what is your understanding of the CCP pushing their planes that are apparently designed to compete with the failing 737’s? Not sure I’ve worded that exactly the way I heard it.

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a marvelous lot today! All, perfectly fit today's realities.

Is Boeing reason enough to skip Tenn.? Tinfoil hat - hard to believe key witness offed himself.

Cat in the hat - yes!

Government 'free Healthcare' - when will we ever learn?

Oppressed/censored because our USG and big pharma are being offened?

Your Galloping Emus - remind me of the roadrunner in Loony Tunes. Too funny!

It's a joy to see your lot out exercising. Thanks for sharing!

Greenhouse off the grid. Roman had Morano on last night. Among other

things think M mentioned WEF promoting small local farms to feed the poor. Locally Howard and Baltimore Counties have embarked on organized support for local small farms for such ends. Giving them moneys for such reasons (in exchange for control?).

Commented to Roman it would be good to know more - what with WEF goals to get us to eat weeds and bugs? Balcony and backyard gardening and chickens become even more important

FALLOUT - Last night's episode provided vitsl insights. From the extensive comments it went well, added complexity not withstanding. The blue jacket n shirt - handsome. Audience (including me) looking forward to more!

Spring - and foals (and mini-cattle?)

It's a beautiful day. Good to think of you folks enjoying your paradise ....

Bestest and More ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Mar 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I loved seeing the blossoms on your trees! Spring has arrived! Your birds are precious too!

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