Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the warning about the "fowl language," Robert 😹 Hopefully, no poultry were injured in the making of this video 🐓

P.S. Now that I'm listening to the video, I realized that emoji should be 🦆

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Suspect birds would be safer from mr. 10% with a shotgun than they are from wind farms, particularly given his propensity to shoot himself in the foot

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Doesn’t it make sense that Joe Biden would own several of the most deadliest weapons of war that at onetime were banished in the Geneva convention for the devastating effects it had in trench warfare. This gun is still the most deadly and shoots the most lead more rapidly than any semi automatic weapon, a 12 gauge shotgun. What a foolish hypocrite.

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As long as the deep state has its finger on the voting system, I fear no amount of Democrat self-destruction will help us out of this cultural and political collapse. Especially since Republicans appear incapable of not shooting each other in the groin at the same time. Could we maybe start a new party. Let’s call it ACE for Anti Centralized Establishment. Our ACE in the hole would be for every citizen taxpayer to withhold their taxes until a constitutional amendment gave each of us the right and responsibility to assign our tax dollars to the spending proposals by line item every year! That would certainly put the hurts on corrupt lobbyists

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I have always favored a law outlawing lobbying. That alone might be enough to persuade many of the unsavory to stay out of politics since ultimately lobbying appears to be their end game

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Actually already too many laws. That suggestion to shrink the gov to fit inside the Constitution was dead on the money

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I know but we really need to simplify our legal system. Had to pass a law requiring insurance policies be readable by the purchasers. The crowd making them unreadable are the same as are writing our laws. King Ferdinand showed his mental acumen by forbidding entry of lawyers into his New World colonies because of their propensity to sow discord. A similar law limiting their role in writing our laws would sure tickle my fancy

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Barbara Lee

26 min ago

"As long as the deep state has its finger on the voting system, I fear no amount of Democrat self-destruction will help us out of this cultural and political collapse."

The veracity of that statement erases the grins of the cartoons in nothing flat. Just look what they did to the mountains of evidence for Kari Lake, AZ Supreme Court shifts it back to the bottleneck court that denies her (us, the voters) to examine the signatures and attempts to criminalize her actions to show the bogus claims of signature.

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But the point is that we are hearing about all that. They no longer can keep a tight lid on info they want hidden, so stuff they truly fear being exposed is leaking out around the edges and at the point of becoming a flood

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Ana my point is that msm losing ground. Once we were the they. listening to the river of lies from msm. Now we aren't. Just look at cnn. Everybody once watched then and now,only folks in waiting rooms. They are losing.

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True. Take heart tho that those snowflakes seem to be the minority today

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Never thought I would see the day America would be accused of being a banana republic.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

OMG -- Every panel was a gem 💎! And Buddy Brown (my fave!) was hilarious as always. 😂

Unfortunately, Buddy's story contains three serious logic errors 😱:

1. Joe already banned ammunition and guns 🛑 🔫, so ol' Joe couldn't go duck 🦆 huntin' in 2024.

2. Joe has no nuts 🥜.

3. Joe doesn't know the definition of a man 👨, so Joe sent Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, to provide the official nuts 🥜.

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Drs. Malone today unlike other days I especially appreciate the memes. A few days back Douglass Mackey was convicted of election interference for posting a meme of Hillary Clinton. Not to long ago America had a 1st amendment that guaranteed freedom of speech and the freedom of expression. Nearly300 years ago Ben Franklin printed a cartoon, similar to the don’t tread on me flag, Join or Die intended to unite the colonies against the French and Native Americans. Since then Americans have used satirical cartoons to state a point of view usually as humor but sometimes to unite a movement or voting block. As in all tyrannical governments, similar to the tyrannical government we are all being suppressed under even as I write this comment, memes, humor, and thoughtful expression against this regime are becoming forbidden and must be crushed. I truly hope that humorous witty thoughtful expressions that make light of current conditions we all bear witness to are never allowed to be crushed by these outlaw tyrants.


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You're right, authority is notoriously humorless. That is because humor destroys it. It shows us the chains of servitude are all to often self-imposed.

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Take heart. I do from things like the ethics complaint filed by the Moms of Tick Tock on that aberration from brooklyn who could not even face her in a hallway. She (it?) epitomizes the cowardly left in my mind

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Good morning, Robert. You have to know that 99.9% of the people who subscribe to your Substack speak and understand French just fine. Ain't nothin' offends us ... who all live in a basket of Deplorables. Just sayin'.

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“At’s okay Joe, you can have the duck.”

Best laugh my wife and I have had in a week. Keep ‘em comin’ 🙏🏽

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You out did yourself brother.

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Definitely a good collection. Have to feel particular empathy with the retired folks tho. But the bug and the cop was a hoot

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Humor helps balance the stress we all feel for being turned into lab rats! The following article by Dr. Malone which was published last week needs to be read and understood by all. It drills down to the root cause of why we are in the mRNA crisis. It should be forwarded to your Congressman at www.senate.gov with the comment. Stop the injections Now! I no longer want to be a lab rat!


The manipulation of medical science for $$$$ rather than good medicine dominates and has destroyed my confidence in the medical system!

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This implosion has been in the works at least since the a.m.a. went all in for medicare. My stepdad was a very smart guy ( had a masters from Washington U in business math--years before advent of the m.b.a.and c.p.a.s) and he very accurately predicted the effect it would have on our economy. But as much a sceptic as he was, do not think even he saw the damage that the money grubbing it induced would have on medical ethnics.

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Old Buddy Hackett joke, but it would be great to see it happen to Joe.

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The most frustrating thing about now, is those who understand the danger are not the ones we need to repeatedly convince even more. Unfortunately those who are ignoring the obvious danger appear to believe the danger is actually those exposing the danger and there solution is to demonize them with every despicable ludicrous absurd accusation regardless of its immorality. (See Sam Harris) They believe it’s justified to abandon all principles to stop the 50% of us who aren’t morally pure like them.. Our only hope is for each one of us to convince just one these propagandized zombies to accept they have been fooled before it’s too late.

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I don’t know, there was some pretty “fowl” language in that video. I loved all the funnies but I think my favorite was wily donkey and the TNT.

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Yeah, the not so wily coyote. Have been thinking about how so much has changed not for the better and Saturday cartoons serve as an example. They were for kids but.....bet adults enjoyed them every bit as much as they did. I know I watched them well into my 30s. Only have glimpsed the offerings today for kids but it goes to point out why they are so conflicted. Can only be thankful I did not have thst kind of crap inflicted on me as a kid.

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You'd think Democrats would have learned by now that they usually end up shooting themselves in the foot every time they pull off one of these stunts. Karma is real!

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😂, it’s ok Joe, you can keep the duck 🤣🤣🤣

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there's not twitter freedom until all files can be accessed by anyone

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Funniest yet! I really like sharing these.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

I think I would have preferred ‘gender affirming care’ with all the bells and whistles for him…”

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