Dr. Malone! Are you already up and at 'em after speaking at Hagerstown yesterday? That was the biggest honor in all my 62 years of life to hear you speak yesterday. My sister-in-law and I drove 4 hours from Ohio to hear you. Candace Owens called you an rock star. You said you were not comfortable being called that. What words can possibly describe - you are a true patriot Dr. Malone. You are selflessly risking EVERYTHING. I know I can speak for all those beautiful faces that I saw yesterday in saying how forever grateful we all are for your integrity and your tireless pursuit to "let loose" the truth. I pray for you daily. Good bless you and Jill and your family.

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Thank you for your kind words

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No thank you required. Get some rest. I pray that I get to thank you again in person one day.

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"ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 KJV

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My Bible says, “SEEK Ye the truth, and the truth shall set Ye free.”

Big difference between “seeking” and “knowing”.

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Amen 🙏

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

Apologies - reposting under this comment for visibility. I think the following is really important:

Bitcoin is a red herring. BTC was hijacked by hedge funders years ago. They bought up most of the developers and successfully recentralized what's supposed to be a decentralized currency.

BTC is intentionally hobbled. It can support only about 7 transactions per second. If every American was onboarded onto BTC, each person could use it less than once per year. It does not scale.

BCH is the version of Bitcoin that split off with remaining honest developers. That version was not intentionally hobbled and increased the maximum block size to accommodate more transactions. As a result, it was immediately attacked psychologically by fakers, resulting in the BCH / BCV split.

There is effectively no single cryptocurrency to which we could migrate the economy at the moment. No single cryptocurrency is both secure and scales to the processing power of e.g. VISA. This is a fundamental unsolved problem. It requires a breakthrough in computer science which has not yet occurred. It is NOT a matter of engineering. It requires a new and unknown idea which could occur tomorrow, in 10 years, or never. It could be impossible. The Bitcoin "Lightning Network" is a fraud which works by recentralizing a supposedly peer-to-peer network.

Even if a secure and scaling currency was possible, the centralized malicious actors can attack it in any number of ways. Psychological attack, by splintering the community, is the most obvious. Other attacks include simply breaking the internet, blocking the protocol, death penalty for using cryptocurrency, etc. You also can't use cryptocurrency if there's no power.

Cryptocurrencies have the ability to crash to near-zero MUCH faster than they rose in value. Bitcoin's inherent, intentionally limited transaction capacity means that when people cash out, most hodlers will be stuck days or weeks waiting for their transactions to confirm, while value goes to zero.

WE CANNOT AVOID dislodging the centralized banking class. We cannot route around them. The bankers must be eliminated. We need to win the political battle to create a new and honest currency.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Awesome memes Dr. Malone. Mike Rowe’s on voting out the sewage made me think: Seems to me the “party in power” isn’t worried at all about the midterms. They’re still going head on with their anti-America, Anti- common sense agenda. It’s almost as if they’re confident their like-minded media and federal bureaucracies will cover for them while they’re temporarily sidelined……..

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Military marshall law coming, suspension of rights and elections! Why are globalists/nato pushing war in Ukraine? To qote John Lennon Dont believe what they preach- Dont believe what they teach- Dont believe your free-Cause they are killing your dreams!

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If it comes to Marshall law, I suspect it’ll be seen by millions as a call to “ Water the tree of Liberty....”

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I have been thru Marshall Law, and its not pretty. Military detention centers are placed all around this country disquised as COVOD treatment centers. This has been planned a long time ago.

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The closest to Marshall Law that I recollect here in the States was New Orleans after Katrina. There were so many authoritarian abuses against the population. I think many eyes were opened!

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If you look at Canada's response to protesters, you will get a precursor. The UN has a mercernary army with no patriotism of military service but to NWO/Nato alliance. Two UN planes spotted in North Bay, Ontario. Why has our military Finest been jabbed with kill shots, and high paid athletes given an exemption. Why are the Borders in Southwest unguarded, as reports of military type illegals crossing in small groups, Why has there been no discussion between Blinken and Lavrov? Why was this senile fool reading from a teleprompter yesterday calling for regime change and the media lapping up his performance. Thought I was reliving a nitemare with Bush talking about Sadam!

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I agree with you but no worry about the UN planes spotted in North Bay, Ontario. They are rent aircrafts to UN from a company in North Bay. They were there for maintenance.

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The party that stole the power are all scared to death, that is exactly why they are pushing so hard for anything they can get now. I’ve been around politics for a looong time.

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Wow! That’s some crystal ball you got there!

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Its 21 years from 9-11 studying the scholars who have tried to connect the dots. It finally all came together with the map of Gomberg 1942. I hope you read Dr David Martins lawsuit on Mar 3,2022, charging Biden, HHS and Medicare and medicaid fraud under RICO. Its on his website, it is very concise and clear about the killshot/bioweapon-it contains genetic sequence of sars-cov-2, which is listed as a pathogen on NH list such as anthrax, ebola,and others. Now there is a man who has the details!

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Unfortunately for most of us the midterms won't offer much actual choice.

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Say “No” to nuclear war! Just as government and media have deceived us on COVID and vaccines, they’re also deceiving us on the war in Ukraine. Here’s the deceit. Here’s why we need to stay out of Ukraine:


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Thank you for this link! I read it and subscribed as I have been thinking along these lines. We can't believe anything coming from our government and our MSM, even Fox News and other resources so why should we believe anything they say about Ukraine. This is NOT our war and as much as it may hurt we should stay out of it.Right now we are hurting the American people as much as anyone but isn't that really the goal?!

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That’s a good question. It’s hard to know anything for sure.

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Indeed, it is hard to know anything for sure.,This is why I am skeptical when anyone says , “This is going to happen next. This is what They’re going to do next.”

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Dr. Malone I know others ask but asking again in just your opinion I'm not holding you to anything lol. But do you think all these Dr.'s like our family doctors hospital doctors know how dangerous the vaccine is ??? My doctor just told me like a week ago "the vaccine is so safe it's ridiculous " exact words. And got mad over what I told him is out there about the vaccine. It's all so upsetting and confusing 😢 I so appreciate what your doing. God bless you & yours 🙏

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I love the Sunday Funnies! The best comic relief in America! Thank you for providing humor through the rosie glasses of fear!

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I didn't know that you were speaking near my hometown of Cumberland MD!

Love JP Sears, who I first started watching because of you. I'm leery, however, of replacing <centralized control of communications, media & money by global banks, corporations & gov'ts> by <centralized control of the above by corporations & IT>. And how does Zion relate to Israel? That can't possibly be a name chosen at random.

I think that we need community-controlled decentralized systems of communications, media & money, and how to do that is what I write about in my book. Your Ernst Wolff article was very hopeful, to find out that he (and you) share the belief that this is all heading towards an opportunity we've been waiting for. I don't think we can just save ourselves without figuring out how to save everyone.

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That good one about pumping out the crap goes for both sides and November is a joke. Both parties are toadies for corporations. For those who might have ideas about what they want to enact or change as president, good luck with that unless it benefits the corporatocracy and the 1% which actually run the world. Fox and NBC are both main stream media, just two sides of the same coin designed to keep the masses fighting amongst ourselves.

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Can't wait to read your book. 👏🏻❤

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We will artificially change your clocks and you will be happy. Our wonderful government is trying to do that to us right now and is lying to us that this is good. They want permanent Daylight savings Time. There was an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal on March 23 saying that this is a most unhealthy thing for them to do and the best thing would be to go back to permanent Standard Time which is REAL TIME. Aside from altering our circadian rhythm think about it this way: Do you want the sun to be directly overhead at noon or at 1:00 PM? I live in Montana and am near a mountain that is SE of my property. If we go to DST permanently the sun will not hit my property in the winter until just after 10:00 AM. This will make the mornings even colder and I will not be at all happy about it. Or government wants to F up absolutely everything!

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Just set your clocks to Standard Time and go about your life. If everyone followed suit the law would follow.

Of course you might miss a few flights or doctor appointments?

But I do agree. Standard Time is it.

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Love the funnies. Thank you.

It’s sad to see JP trashing fiat and at the same time diving into promoting Bitcoin seemingly without considering economic fundamentals.

The fiat issue isn’t inherently with fiat, imo, it is rather with the politicians elected to government that tryannically impose their will, pass legislation for trillions upon trillions upon trillions (insert ellipsis), printing money without any rationale or ethical concern for our childrens future under a mountain of debt and devalued money.

Moving further away from fiat to crypto seems less wise than fixing the above issues and/or reconsidering going back to asset-backed money.

Based on my reading and research, the volatility of Bitcoin causes it to fail the criteria to be a good monetary instrument. Consider one criteria, loans. A lender and borrower enter an agreement. Some time goes by before a certain amount of bitcoin is deposited. The borrower spends it, either converting it first to other currency, or transacting the bitcoin itself, for goods and services. Then the borrower has to make periodic payments, of a fixed amount of bitcoin each payment, back to the lender over a term of years. Of course the oayments are calculated to include interest so the lender can get something out of the deal. There is almost zero chance the value at the end of a long term will be a somewhat predictable relation to what at was at the beginning of the term (e.g. inflation in fiat is a factor in fiat loans). The unpredictable and large price volatility of bitcoin makes it untenable as a loan instrument for most borrowers and lenders, as it’s value would be fluctuating throughout the term: if it drops, then the borrower wins and the lender loses; if it goes up, the lemder wins until the borrower may no longer be able to make the payments, and then the borrower loses whatever assets were put up to secure the loan. In either case there is a loser, and in some cases, both may lose.

The other economic benefit of bitcoin promoted by its advvocates is that it is an asset, digital gold, an investment. Well there are economic criteria for assets: it must generate future cash flow or utility. Bitcoin generates no cash flow (dividends, rents, etc). It’s volatility severely limits its utility.

So if it is neither good money nor a good asset, what’s left? Speculation and gambling. That’s what bitcoin is. Those who own are operating on the greater fool theory, hoping the price goes up so they can sell on and recover the fiat money they put into it.

The price volatility is influenced by a small number of whales who own the majority of bitcoin. Bitcoin is unregulated. There is no recourse when it is stolen. Speculative trading is most of the transactions, and criminal transactions are high - leaving a tiny number of transactions that are legal, legitimate exchanges for goods and services. It is an atrocious user of electricity that wastes more than Norway uses annually. The electricity goes to proof of work algorithms that are purposely highly inefficient and generate no utility other than verifying a distributed ledger book. The transactions costs mean that low-value exchanges make little economic sense.

Wrapping up here, while the decentralized aspects of bitcoin are seductive, it is deficient with respect to fundamental economic issues, and has highly unattractive externalities. It is time for a more sober evaluation.

For further reading:



One of the authors is an economist.

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The bigger lesson: We never should have moved off the gold standard.

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The Mass Psychosis is so Massive, the Lie of this liFe, that it had to be placed where no one would ever look. The key to hiding anything is to place it in plain sight, the proverbial "elephant in the room." We look at these walls, this box, the system - the matrix - and feel fairly certain we observe with all our senses. We are confident based on what we have been told, what we think we know, that everything is there for us to see. However when you are told your eyes are open, it is important to test that they truly are.

To understand what is really going on, what has happened, you must take a pause and set the self to the side. To disconnect from all we know. To clear out "ourselves" - the ego - and become a true observer. Only then when we have looked where thought impossible, improbable, ascending from what we were so assured was the truth -- can we see the lie.

The truth of the moment is right there, it has always been there, it was just placed at the very, very, last place we would think to look.

Look at it now. And break the psychosis - get to the next screen.

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Does anyone realize what is about to happen in California this week??!!:


Hello?! Is this mic on??!

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My article "Death by Medicine" Fauci Style is on www.substack.com Put the following into the search engine thomasabraunrph It discusses consensus versus discourse in medical research.

Validates Dr. Malones views.

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I hope nobody knows anyone who's had a heart attack from the clocks going forwards this sunny Sunday.

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Consider this purchased and read. Finally, a book from someone that I want to hear more from. Bravo Tango sir!

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That first one is so true, but I would have added a right turn off the winding road of the "Complex but Right". The sign at that right turn should simply read "Head for the Hills" with an arrow pointing the way.

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