Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Last time i'll post this, but it's too uplifting not to share with you guys on this most sacred of days:

Jessica's mom had "ugly hands". Everyone used to laugh at Jessica's mom. They used to say, "oh her hands are all scarred, they're all disgusting, they're all red, they're all patchy". And Jessica, herself, was rather scared of her mom's hands.

At times she wouldn't even want to hold her own mother's hands, and other times the boys and girls at school, they would laugh at Jessica. In fact, one day it was so bad that Jessica just spent the whole evening crying her eyes out in bed, saying, "I hate mommy! I hate mommy because she has ugly hands!"

So her father went into the room and said, "Jessica, do you know why your mom's hands look the way they do? When you were but a little baby there was a fire in our house and the staircase was on fire and you were up in the very top bedroom, but your mother was on the ground floor. So do you know what your mom did? She grabbed a blanket. She wrapped it around her waste. And then she climbed up to the top of the meta gutter pipe that led up to the bedroom."

"Every time she puts her hands on that hot gutter pipe it burns, Tsss! Tsss! Tsss!. But she got you, she saved you, and she brought you to safety in the garden. When it was all over, the firemen looked at mom's hands and saw they were a mess. You couldn't even recognize that they were hands: they were so blotchy, they were so red. That's why your mom has ugly hands."

In that moment Jessica ran out of her bed and she ran into her mother's bedroom, and she started kissing her mom's hands, and saying mom you have the most beautiful hands in the world.

God's message was the same. Jesus suffered and died for you:

Some people of the world look at Jesus's pierced hands and may see them as ugly, but to those who know the truth, we think they are the most beautiful hands in the world. Those hands were pierced, they had nails driven through them for all the times that your hands have hurt people or done cruel and nasty things.

He also had his feet pierced. His feet had nails pierced through them for all the time that your feet have walked to places you know you should not be, but you stayed there, even though your conscience was telling you to get out.

And Jesus Christ, he had his brow pierced. He wore a crown of thorns for all the times your mind has thought evil things, your mind has thought rude things, shameful things.

Here is His promise:

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?" —John 11:25-26

Excerpt from: https://bitchute.com/video/LOEfoyc0VR1a <---If someone you know needs to hear that please share it with them

Happy Easter, everyone. I wish you and your family all the best.

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Happy Easter to you and yours. ❤️

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St. Francis of Assisi acquired the stigma. Happy Easter! TD was one day early. Pandering seems to be the highlights of the current DC regime.

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Amen; thank you for sharing this beautiful message! Have a Blessed Easter Sunday...:)

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Thank u Tritorch . May the beautiful light ,love and sacrifice of the message of Easter fill our homes . 💟🙏

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A beautiful story of sacrificial love.

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How beautiful this is, Blss you for sharing it!

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Hear, hear!

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That was a beautiful story of love.

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What I find most disturbing about the trans proclamation is the absolute effrontery it offers. The progs are declaring they have won and we can do nothing about it. That is what it tells me.

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Here are some reasons which you may agree with Dr. Nash:

"The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves."

—Isaiah 3:9

1) Blasphemy is their bread and butter: for them the bigger an insult to God can be the more highly it is regarded.

2) The intention from the rainbow symbolism is to transform the world, on their terms this time, into a gender-less, Godless, wicked society. They covet and strive to birth unnatural abominations into this world and to normalize them as an affront to the creator because they hate God and all He created that is good, right and true. They live to normalize the unnatural and to corrupt sacred innocence.

"Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."


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My wife and I were both disgusted and both agnostics and could only guess the outrage the religious would feel. Of course if what the anglicans and a few others are doing is a hint our sympathy may be wasted on many who claim to be religious. Who knows anymore today?

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I am encouraged and enriched that so many are taking the time to share their reflections on our current national predicament. The Voltaire quote is certainly accurate, however it occurred to me they way it is expressed negates personal responsibility and accountability. Is anyone ever really forced to believe anything? Isn't it always a choice regardless of the rationalization applied?

Making better choices requires self-awareness, personal responsibility along with a willingness to beheld accountable. The NeoMarxist Left have made every effort to remove all three apparently to prevent thoughtful, well-considered choices and to maintain an infantilized, easily manipulated populace.. I have observed that there are no moral governors on progressives/NeoMarxists/ WOKE. Ends justify the means is their credo. Any tenet of value, especially one that is embraced by the JudeoChristian community is exploited to manipulate everyone and discount the values of moderates and conservatives (classical liberals) of all stripes. They have adopted distinctly predatory, nihilist, amoral, narcissistic, and exploitative attitudes toward humanity in general. Even religion itself is being used as a manipulative exploitative tool. Any grifter can obtain a ministers license, misuse it, and frequently do. Abusing language and communication via dialectical traps is a standard Marxist propaganda technique now regularly employed to sow chaos, violence, and discontent.

Please forgive me. I do not intend to sound hopeless. Quite the opposite. I do not want to throw the baby out with the dirty bath water, and a healthy dose of reality is necessary to make any significant change. The values espoused by Christians and Jews are also shared by Buddhists, Hindis, and others, as well as agnostics. My research and experience have revealed they all recognize the universal truths expressed in the 10 commandments and the need for accountability* in concert with our empathy, compassion, and charity for others (*without enabling dysfunctional abusive or self-abusive behavior). It is notable that, for the Left Socialist Neo Marxists, virtue signaling to inflate one's reputation is the primary goal of any act of kindness or charity. A healthy dose of cynicism is probably necessary to get through this--trust but verify.

Time is of the essence. We can still right this ship and head toward a better future.

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The evil ones in power now, whether government or religious figures, eventually will eat their own. That is just the natural progression of those with no souls, or spirit inside, IMO.

I have zero fear of death.

I have immense fear of living without my physical normalcies of walking, talking, exercising, working, loving, helping others, and living my life in a productive fashion.

If I die tomorrow, I will be reunited with the spirits who previously inhabited those I personally knew in life, and it will be a grand ole reunion.

I wish, and hope to live long enough to see the evil of the world vaporized into dust, whether inflicted by a superior being, or at the hands of mother nature, evil human beings, or a supposed diety which I have yet to meet. In any case, as long as the repugnant filth that is desecrating the world goes at the same time, I'm good with it all.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Evil has existed for so very long, you find it from the dawn of history, and I don't hold out much hope that it will end any time soon. Perhaps one reason we are here is to experience it first hand, and perhaps evil is not intended to end on this earth as we know it. The more I read, the more it seems as if the evil ones have always been in power....here on earth.

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Perhaps your thoughts are indeed correct. It sure seems that evil's pervasiveness is written into human history

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Great post. Agree with everything you said…so welll.

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Aw shucks...thank you :-)

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Isaiah 3:9 explains the gay pride parades that have escalated into full blown public depravity. They're now involving boy children dressed in: https://tritorch.com/degradation/Grooming/PreTeenChildrenParadedAround%20DuringSpainCarnivalWearingLingerieFebruary2024.mp4 [29seconds]

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Where is that depravity occurring? I don't hear English being spoken...

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To me it's an 'in your face' 'We hate you!' for not submitting. We hate you for working to shovel us out of the door. Before we go we'll damn you to WHO. We stick our fingers in your eyes!

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It definitely is a message and one we should not ignore

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One that requires a response.

If ever confronted, guaranteed, I WILL reply.

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If you thought that the Clinton White House in 2001 had to be hazmat-Lewinsky-decontaminated, imagine what Trump will have to do before he moves into the WH in 2025.

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Like butthole surfing aides in the Senate chamber, disinfecting?

Gonna need lots of bleach for that one

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Forest-fire DC-10 tankers!

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Amazing that Biden didn't think to repaint it so the could avoid calling it the "White" House.

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04/01/24: Jill had the "phlorescent pink" cans lined up and ready to go. Then no one in the WH could figure out how to open them.

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Ironic. Was thinking the very same thing this a.m.

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Striking, and an interesting coincidence, but not ironic. It would be ironic if Clinton were frog-marched into a hazmat suit and forced to clean up the mess in the office that he had once befouled himself (and fled from in 2001). Highly recommended: "Mind The Gaffe, The Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English," by Larry Trask [1944-2004]; Penguin Group (2002 paperback). Buy the English edition; AVOID the American edition... Mr. Trask's robust and resilient sense of humor will win you over.

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I think he needs to have an exorcist come and do a prayer service. Exorcism's are done to restore the home or building to the original purpose.

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Terminix will do the job for half the price AND we'll get a warranty and a Disney remake (when was their last original movie?).

If all else fails, abandon WDC altogether. If it can happen here (start at 44:26):

[YT video of ex-Communist Bulgaria multi-million dollar Communist mountaintop shrine, now abandoned.]


Given all the Chinese cash handed to Hunter for "The Big Guy" (how does this faux Mafia slag get traction?), we can file "WDC kaput" under the latest "empty Chinese city" real-estate bust-out ---

--- Added to all the others that have bankrupted Evergreen ("bankrupt" is misleading; the Evergreen Ponzi scheme never for a minute had a chance of being profitable).

Speaking of which, the Chinese push for electric vehicles will be the equivalent of the Japanese bank's $10 billion loss 1980s-90s in American real estate.

The South Sea Bubble (circa 1720) gets recycled endlessly.

In other news, I highly recommend Richard Collier, the English journalist and historian [1924-1996].

Start with "The Sands of Dunkirk," Collins (1961 hardcover). A used hardcover should be affordable (its technicals are excellent).

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Here's what they don't understand...they haven't 'won', they (the forces behind such thought) never can. (see Psalm 2) Christ died for such as THESE (including me)... NO one is too far gone for Him to reach into their lives. He invites, sometimes fervently, He does not, however, force anyone to receive His mercy, forgiveness or love. Today, of all days, I joyfully celebrate all that He has done. His is the perfect 'Paschal Lamb'. His substitutionary death in my place. His resurrection from the dead...and 40 days later His ascension to His throne. I once was lost, but now I am found. I once was blind, but now I see. He is the LIGHT that has come into the world. Hallelujah!

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Their “win” is as imaginary as being a “trans” which does not exist.

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It's the same old pattern: First they vehemently deny the obvious and accuse you of character assassination for stating the truth (that they're doing something illegal/evil). Later on --- when it suits them --- they outright admit, shamelessly --- exhibiting the worst variation of defiant, perverse "pride" imaginable --- what they had once denied, and then tell you to F off, "you're on the wrong side of history," "YOU'RE the fascist," etc. So if you hear the initial denials, you now know exactly what you'll hear down the line.

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I think what the progs are going to learn is they wished there was nothing we can do about it.

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That proclamation probably does make them feel like they have 'won', for now. But check out this video of the "Famous Atheists Last Words Before Dying And The Last Words Of Saints" :


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What it tells me, Dr. Nash, is that Joe Biden has now endorsed my view that the LGBTQ+ (Q+) agenda is actually a religion, (basic perception of reality) and as such should suffer the same restrictions in the public square as other established religions, based upon the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The furtherance of the Q+ doctrine should thus be banned from public schools. Emile Durkheim posits a “functional” definition of religion. He defines religion as "whatever system of practices unite a number of people into a single moral community (whether or not those practices involve belief in any unusual realities)" while acknowledging religion's social function of creating solidarity. Q+ qualifies!

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From the 1937 study of Chesterton by Emile Cammaerts, The Laughing Prophet, in this statement:

"The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything."

We certainly see this all around us. LGBTQ blah blah blah is an example.

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I have several Chestertons on the shelf; need to revisit - a real treasure!

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I don't Joe Biden has a thought in his head, other than he likes ice cream.

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Extremely shallow victory, in what will evolve into many Extremely shallow graves.

Like the Beatles song Elanor Rigby, Look at all the lonely People.

"Don Pardo.....Tell em what they've Won"!!! ( use your own imagination here)


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Anyone intellectually interested in the backstory of exactly how the LHBTQ + A "Rainbow Coalition" literally took over the FBI, CIA and the ENTIRE "intelligence" apparatus - a new book (Big Intel) by former CIA man - J.Michael Waller - traces and delineates the entire history of exactly how and why the DEI/WOKE 'movement' now permeates and controls the FBI, CIA and other such bureaucracies within the US federal government...and he names names of those responsible for this betrayal of the sacred duty of the US government to PROTECT American citizens FIRST and foremost - with MERIT, competence, fidelity to justice, morality and allegiance to the Constitution ignored and forgotten with the entire new rules dedicated to Race, Sex and Gender.

Bye Chapter 9, ALARM BELLS ring and SIRENS WAIL throughout one's being!


BTW, some may recall it was (CFR) member and one time Black Panther party member - Jesse Jackson - who first introduced the concept (and flag) of the "Rainbow Coalition".

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I fear it has spiritual resonance. It is is shocking that such a puny and depraved creature like Biden would insult the Creator, but it is a part of his nature, and the nature of evil, to rebel. The nature of this is to play into the deep insecurity of puberty and pretend to care, in order to ensnare precious innocents in depraved literal torture schemes. The evil of this would appall a Nazi.

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wanted to wish all of you a peaceful Easter Sunday. I hope that you all get to spend time with family, friends and neighbors. I’m doing my best to not let the classless piece of shit that was inserted and occupies the White House ruin my day. I’ve never known a lower more divisive person in my whole life, so I’m going to try and not think of him the rest of the day. Last Wednesday the two siblings I have left went to the cemetery. It was the 30th anniversary of my mothers death. It was nice to meet and talk about the old times and the three truly selfless people we all miss so much. Enjoy your loved ones today, life goes by so fast. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0d8s8h-02qKnywWqmZB3N8CAQ


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I visited and paid my silent respect to graves of your parents. May they RIP.

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I visited my grandparents' grave today. Born in the 1910s, died in 1990 and 2001. What changes they saw in our country!

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thanks James.

My Dad born in 1920 too, was in the big one. . .


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Thank you, James. It is always good to hear from you.

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Bless you and Your Family mate. Happy Easter to You and ALL my American "Cousins".

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Happy Easter to you and your family Les.

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True words, James.

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Hi James, a few days ago I posed three questions for you, but I posted them late so may not have seen them. I was hoping to get your answers. If you have time it would be much appreciated to get your opinion.

The thread had to do with "pure" capitalism, "crony" capitalism (corporatism), and socialism.

I've bought into your defense that we don't have pure capitalism here, we have corporatism.

So, here are my questions:

1) Is not Corporatism the natural, logical result of Pure Capitalism? Because the number one motivator even in Pure Capitalism is to maximize profits. In previous conversations we've had we both admit to working in construction and really caring about trying to create the best product for the least amount of cost to the customer (pure and ethical capitalism). But as a company grows and the head of the company becomes more and more distanced from the customer, then it becomes less important to maximize value for the customer, and more and more important to maximize profits.

2) Where does pure capitalism exist?

3) Are there any countries who's system is run on pure capitalism?

Here's a fourth Q: Are we doomed because of human nature?

Thanks, and have a good Easter!.........Jim

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I’ll take look in a bit Jim

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

that dog is hilarious! Happy Easter!

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A natural for the Corps of Engineers.

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Yes. I may or may not have had days like that. 🙄

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I can relate to the dog …. Sadly the last 4 years to stop the insanity, couldn’t dig a hole fast enough or deep enough . 😫

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

Sure would be fun to know what was going through his mind right about then.

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Easter to all, symbolizing the verdant return to life of springtime (in the Northern Hemisphere). There are deep religious traditions, from various religions about this time of year to be observed and honored.

Of course, over the centuries, there has been secularization. The chocolate Easter bunny is a recent example. The joke in the lede cartoon is indeed a classic, and can be instructive: when you have no ears to hear, other people's butt-hurt will not matter to you.

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Very insightful, agreed Ned. Speaking of springtime, there is a lot of argument that April 1st is actually the 1st day of the year (other's argue March 1), it's also Resurrection day, which is why they've labeled it "April Fools" because we've been fooled into a calendar that takes us out of sync with God. Give this a quick watch if you can find the time, I am curious your thoughts on it: https://bitchute.com/video/TMm0tStIdrW5 [4:10mins]

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I watched your video (if that is you speaking, I can put a face to a screen-name) and found it quite insightful. You (or the video creator, if it is not you) is quite knowledgeable about the history and evolution of the calendar. I am familiar with many of the concepts discussed in your video, having studied calendar design years ago when I published my first "conceptual artwork" a 100-year lifetime calendar wall poster titled "One of These Days..." https://oneofthesedayscalendar.com/

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The video belongs to this channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@demonerasers but it is no longer there. Thanks for watching. So much has been hidden and taken away from us. You're an incredible artist.

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I loved the comics mixed with the stories of Easter, Passover, April Fool's, and your family life. Thanks will never adequately express my gratitude for the Malones.

The only good to come of the COVID Plandemic has been the rekindled love of freedom and truth that you and others have inspired. May a Freedom Plandemic of courage echo throughout the world until everyone can live without the cabal's boots on our necks.

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My little poodle heard your dog yapping in the video and ran to the door.

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Also we should proclaim April Fools Day....Biden's Visibility Day.

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And declare he has no clothes. Necked as a jaybird.

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Easter to you, Jill and all your lovely animals 🐣🌷🧡

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our precious Princess Zoey (Labradoodle) will be 6 years old April Fool's Day! She is NO fool! Smartest dog ever! tWe need a miracle in November if America is to survive. Fear the country is on life support today.

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

He is risen! Have a blessed Easter everyone! Time to put the phone down and enjoy this day with my grandkids. Those Easter eggs aren’t going to hide themselves! Enjoy! 🐇

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When my brother and I were boys, my beloved grandparents bought us two rabbits as pets. And pretty soon, we had lots and lots of bunnies as pets. And then a bit further on, we had no bunnies at all. So at some point, reality must intrude. It's true for keeping bunnies. It's true for printing moneys.

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The money thing is kind of funny. I had a discussion about the government printing money (without any backing) with my mother back in 2016 not long before she died at 95. I remember her laughing at my consternation as she said "Well, they've been doing that for rather a long time!"

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a beautiful tribute to these special days! Rivals the telling of the real Thanksgiving. (A huge compliment btw) Much appreciated! Thank you!

For today I ride with the rabbits on their hogs. Your daffodils and the mountains are inspirational. Your pup offers a smile. That is surely a lot of water.

It's such a pleasure to think of you and yours together on a beautiful day enjoying each other's company and at peace in the world.

Bestest ever to you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

And to all here ❤️

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Easter Docs Malone! God bless you both- you are so appreciated by many! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I suspect one of the strategies of Biden's proclamation is to firm up the conviction in transgenders and others that anyone that disagrees with them also hates them. That's a belief that needs to be spread and strengthened so once the leftists give them the green light to start the rioting again, they'll be fired up and ready. It's their ace in the hole to intimidate the RINO's into giving in to whatever they want. RINO's choose peace over justice even when those suffering the injustices are constituents in their own party.

The leftists know that those on the right will be the last to resort to force of any kind in large numbers. Because most of them believe force is only justifiable for self-defense. So the leftists have that advantage until and IF the RINO's can be replaced in time.

Remember, global debt and unfunded liabilities is at a catastrophic level. The leftist elites have no intentions of distributing their wealth for the good of humanity. What they're doing, including the WHO insanity, probably, is about getting to a global order where they can remain filthy rich and empowered.

The RINO's almost certainly know this and want to remain in power, too. But they are in the uncomfortable position of having to perpetuate debt increases to prevent a global economic depression, which would almost certainly result in much more war. So they are probably perfectly happy to have a Democratic president to blame for draconian policies that both parties guaranteed by reckless spending for decade after decade.

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The "anyone who disagrees hates" is yet another Marxist dialectic trap. It is also, at the very least a false choice fallacy. Biden and acolytes insist on infantilizing every adult with such tactics in the same way a parent (appropriately) limits choices for a 3 yr old... "you can have carrots or peas, your choice".

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What's astonishing is that they can't see that it works both ways. If disagreement = hate, then anyone I disagree with must hate me, too, since they also disagree with me, by definition. I suppose they could say my disagreement is hate because it is unwarranted. But in the cases where the tactic is used, it's quite easy to show just the opposite is probably true, OR that it is a mere difference in subjective preference, given our shared assumptions/inferences. Such irrationality seems to suggest that they are the true haters. And the government exploits their irrationality for their own agenda. And the RINO's just keep getting rich off of legal insider trading.

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Biden and Dems = "left"......FALSE. I'm "left" not the Dems. The more correct labelling would be: "establishment" vs "antiestablishment". Please stop framing this as left vs right. It's Corporatism vs anti Corporatism.

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

I don't know if there is a term that captures the boundary precisely. But I wouldn't say it's corporatism vs. anti-corporatism. I suspect there are those who side with the would-be-tyrants who are anti-corporatism.

When there are only two political parties, there will always be a kind of "big tent" nature of each party where multiple constituencies that oppose each other on one or more policies nevertheless vote for the same party. By left, I mean those who support government policies that unnecessarily decrease peace and prosperity for the governed and their posterity.

Is there a term that captures that distinction more precisely?

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Let's be better humans" - I love that. A short time ago, I posted something about Term Limits for Congress and Convention of States - something I think most people agree on. Some people replied that it will never happen. My reaction to that is, we must keep trying! Better to fail trying to make things better than to never try at all. Let's be better humans. ❤️

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The reason I'm against term limits is because of one person, Rand Paul. Why would we want to fire him? It takes years for a representative to figure out how to get anything done when they are up against the deep state in that swamp. They finally figure it out and you want to fire them? I think this would just empower the deep state even more. Best approach is to focus on electing the best of the best, then let them do what needs to be done to fix the mess and make a future for our kids.

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I can understand wanting to keep Rand Paul around, but I would risk losing someone good after 2 or 3 terms if it meant Congress had to make decisions like they were the ones living with the consequences of their decisions. Because they don't, Congress has become a ruling class that sponges off of taxpayers, exempts themselves from their own laws, and enjoys the fruits of insider trading.

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If we had fair and honest elections and informed voters, term limits would both be unnecessary and ill advised. A good legislator who terms out likely could be followed by a bad one. We must be careful what we wish for.

Let’s overwhelm the ballot box with well informed, legal voters. Vote in person — no mail ins — on Election Day. Push for hand counts and paper ballots even though naysayers will tell you it’s impractical and will delay the results. Heck, we’re still counting the 2020 ballots! Talk about delayed results…

See voting guide here for some ideas (many links are for Idaho, but much will apply elsewhere too): https://tinyurl.com/yh8jhppm

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With term limits we would not have had the turtle. The insidious attraction of d.c. is too overwhelming. Ted cruz ran on a promise of supporting limits and if I remember correctly said would only serve two terms. That was then

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I'm with you. We have a method to limit terms, it's called elections. Perhaps if we limited the congress's ability to throw around free pork we could better get a handle on removing the deadbeats.

I like the idea of a convention of states too, UNTIL I remember that our lefty opponents get to vote on these changes as well. When I consider who "won" the last presidential election, my faith that a COS will automajically improve things is greatly diminished.

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Mar 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Easter everyone 🙏🏻💯♥️

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