Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Living in Australia, you are so right about "Melbourne Syndrome". We are pretty much doomed down under with the majority loving living under tight governing.....god help us all to make the blind see again.

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The only people who are doomed are those who give up.

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And those who are unable to fight and never had someone to fight for them.

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Inability to fight is a choice. Often a poor choice.

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I was thinking more along the lines of those who are also unable to make a choice. There are many in that position and they're often ignored.

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I'll never give up, it's those many that do will hopefully not drag us down to their level.

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Consensus is rare. You fight with the army you have, and try to recruit more.

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Are you familiar with Martyn Iles and the Australian Christian Lobby? I live in the US, but found him awhile back and think he is very wise. This video is from February of 2021, but I don't think much has changed regarding Daniel Andrews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnvNDUpJ5sA

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No Anne I'm not familiar with this, there is so much out there though that I can't possibly keep up at times with it all....I try. Dan Andrews is back in power, there is zero hope for the state of Victoria...or any of the other states and territories. Still we push on quietly (or loudly at times) to keep what is rightfully ours.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another great Sunday strip! Thank you Doc! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert - I listened to your interview with Mike Adams https://www.bitchute.com/video/Tsvn9gL7IvT4/

Bless you for speaking (and reminding me) of your very personal struggles (and Jill’s along with you).

I hope our buddy Steve Kirsch will help fund an alternative platform when Substack gets sold to TPTB. God help us when that happens. I am grateful for Substack and the great authors such as you and Jill who opened my eyes and enabled me to discern the truth. And I am eternally grateful to you and Jill for living a life of INTEGRITY, DIGNITY and COMMUNITY. God bless you both.

“What would be morning in America?”

I too, wish I knew. My faith tells me to trust in God’s promises. I will die on the hill of living free with integrity, dignity and community.

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Laura as Dr. Malone stated clearly near the end of the Mike Adams video, this will be a Multi

Generational task. We are 7 1/12 years out from 2030. There is so much to be concerned over.

As we here all know, that decades roll by...like a blink of an eye! Sigh.......

We all must re-imagine with new found dignity, what it is we shall advocate, and stand tall for.

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Amen, Randall

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What is TPTB?

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Sorry. I just recently learned this acronym too. THE POWERS THAT BE.

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Thank you!

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I also had to look it up today

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The Urban Dictionary is expanding like a Cray Computer.

Long ago there was "Short hand" to speed the written dialog for a record.

Even that will mean something else one day soon.

Besides, who needs all those vowels and meaningless alphabet letters?

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Fear not. Elon is working on a his new version of some incentives with digital eradication tools for all Fake Publishers @ Clearing the shyt House members. Trips include free one way ship tours to any coastal destination in Australia. ( It worked well once before in England) Exile Em.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You have no idea how much I appreciate your Sunday Strip.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The cartoon of SBF doesn’t go far enough. He looks like a dopey dumb kid and he talks like an innocent but stupid please-forgive-me- kid but he acts like a sneaky clever vote-stealing lying criminal Democrat. The “oops-the-shot-that-was-safe-and-effective-isn’t-but-you-must-take-it-any-how-or-lose-your-job-reputation-life-because-we-care-about-you-and-your-freedoms “ party of never held accountable politicians.

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Your response reminds me of so many Dylan songs, "Ballad of a Thin Man", "Maggies Farm" and so many more. One of the original rappers.

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Very dark strip today. The panel "A message to all those who don't care...you will care when it's you" really struck a nerve, reminding me of the poem by Martin Niemoller that I've been sharing since the first year of the plandemic:

~~~ First They Came For The Communists ~~~

First they came for the Communists,

and I didn’t speak up,

because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn’t speak up,

because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,

and I didn’t speak up,

because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,

and by that time there was no one

left to speak up for me.

~~~ Speak Up! Resist! ~~~

Source: https://allpoetry.com/First-They-Came-For-The-Communists

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, I think the "Slippery Slope" is missing Biden's actual plan for a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh wow! It’s 6 am here and I’m starting the day with a good supply of laughs. Is the world getting worse or is the Sunday strip getting better and better?! :)) Thank you Dr M!

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@what.i.meme.to.say wow.clever.imagination

Lets hope it's not the next.big.thing.in.fastfood !!.

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I did not vote for these ant-Constitutionalists! They are no longer a legitimate authority as they have smashed the social contract… and are in violation of both the spirit and the letter of the law.

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Whoa!!! Hard hitting strip! Bug King and Slippery Slope socked it hard! All the rest as well. Thanks Dr. M as always. Keep 'em comin'!!


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"Socialism - what could go wrong"?

For the thousandth time: this is not socialism (1) and socialism is a good thing (2)...

It would appear that Dr. Malone's brain is STILL on cold war propaganda...

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022Author

Please read Agenda 2030 - and tell me that many of the 17 targets and 160 goals, which includes a global "Universal Living Wage , Universal Education, Command economy whereby the UN controls the pursestrings for governments is not a form of socialism? Whereby a digital currency - which can be switched on and off by the UN/WHO is not a command economy?




Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

Specifically, in Germany, legislation, supported by Prince Bismarck, intended to improve the condition of the working-man. Among the measures included were the insurance of workmen against accident, sickness, and old age, and the establishment of cooperative associations under state protection.

Socialism has failed again and again to protect the rights and sovereignty of people. You may think it is a good thing, I completely disagree.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Most of us are incredibly thankful that you are here and for all that you do.

It doesn't look like you get much sleep. I worry about you, most of us do.

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Worked with folks from USSR controlled eastern Europe. Said russkies had built E. Germany to be the ideal socialist state, an example of how good it could be to be socialist.. Was not so hot where they came from. And yet Russia had to build a,wall to keep all those happy German socialists there and shot the ingrates who tried to leave. Yeah, socialism is a real dream. Like maybe a nightmare.

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John Stossel has great videos displaying with real people exactly why socialism is dangerous and leads ultimately every time to extreme impoverishment of almost everyone except the leader and his cronies.

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Thanks, Hawkeye, I'll look those up. I think that our vocabularies have also been intentionally impoverished when it comes to discussing forms of gov't because we can't talk, or even think about concepts we have no words for.

In my work, I focus on small-scale sovereignty (see how clunky that is?) with three types of economies for different functions. I think there should be a subsistence economy in which people work together on community-owned land to produce food. Maybe that's a form of communism, I dunno. Then I propose a system of local trade and reciprocity through a digital currency backed by local mortgages--a form of community capitalism. And last, I think that ideas should replicate infinitely through a gift economy--down with intellectual property! I don't know what that should be called but maybe it's good there's no name for it or they'd certainly misconstrue it!

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And digital currency is going to be a disaster. Already is where they have tried it in India. The powers that be, that control the digital currency, will use it to keep control. They can take it away in a heartbeat from their enemies with a few computer keystrokes. This has already happened - in CANADA with the Freedom Convoy Truckers and GoFundMe, etc.

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CBDC will be a disaster. Just today I used cash to buy something. Excellent to have that option because without physical cash as an option, people are literally at the mercy of people sitting behind computers 100% of the time.

Look up what happened in India already.

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We already have digital currencies. No one moves stacks of physical bills from bank to store to bank. I saw a Brinks truck the other day and wondered what they were still doing around.

Whether it's Central Bank dollars, Euros, Yen or CBDC, the problem is central banks, not whether it's digital or a physical symbol of a digital value. A decentralized community currency that only exists in physical form could never compete, imo.

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Around here Brinks being replaced by Garda. The iconic Irish cops with a new name?

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You must not have learned much from history....

Communal farming always fails. Because some will not do the work it takes if it all goes out to everyone anyways...

But when everyone is responsible for their own food production and their own work, productivity explodes. Abundance for all.

Great Stossel video on that too... he has a circle of people around “land” and throws coins in. He tells them if they wait one minute to take the coins they will double in value, and keep doubling for each minute they wait. He starts the timer and no one waits. They all madly grab for coins.

Then when he divides the land up for each person, and starts the timer again, no one grabs for the coins. They let them grow in value. Because they will wait knowing no one else will take what is theirs.

Private property matters. A lot.

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I'm not certain if we disagree or are just using different words, or histories. There's a book I like called The Magna Carta Manifesto where he talks about the well thought-out rules that went into managing the commons and forest in England, to make sure no one overused them. The Tragedy of the Commons, he says, was written to justify enclosure, but it wasn't what actually happened.

I think in the same way you could write rules for cooperative farming and animal husbandry. I know that, for me, growing one or two of each veg or fruit tree and wrangling a few chickens is pretty inefficient. I'd love to be working under someone who knew what they were doing and be on a schedule, and hang out with my neighbors, building my skills and relationships.

I agree completely about private property. I think the purpose of local gov't is to increase home ownership, small local landlords, and small local businesses. It's the fields and forests around the towns or cities that I'd like to take back, that are often foreign owned and used to extract the wealth from the soil and trees. An article on CHD talked about one county in Michigan that was over 80% foreign-owned!

And what I'd picture is not a free-for-all, but neighborhood blocks taking responsibility for land together. I hope we get the chance to reinvent and see which ideas work!

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I'm glad you included a definition for the word socialism. In today's world, people tend to "borrow" terms to express related but distinctly different concepts. Followers of prominent economist Richard Wolff, for example, in reading his book "Understanding Socialism", would encounter this sentence:

"Socialism is a YEARNING by people living in a capitalist economic system, whether private or state capitalist, to do better than what that capitalism permits and enables." [emphasis mine]

How are we to have fruitful conversations if the meaning of basic terms keeps shifting? I find a similar phenomenon happening, to varying degrees, with other terms; conservative, liberal, left, right, far left, far right, and so on.

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And now taking into consideration of such a Hyphenated confusing landscape of words.

(is this a woke word hyhpnen...or the old regular garden variety english word used for eons??)


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I was thinking this morning that communism--centralized control of the means of production by gov't--and fascism--collusion between gov't and corporations to control the means of production--don't have much difference between them. The Babylon Bee skit shows how the products of labor are distributed under fascism, even though corporate employees would never call it that (and the guys should really have been drinking homemade hard cider with their cornhole after she left ;-)

Decentralization is key.

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Very perceptive, Tereza, on the nature of fascism. I put it that way too and develop it extensively in my post


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Thank you, Ernest, and for linking your thoughtful article. We do share many positions! In my book, I think it's important to define terms, and the terms contained within them. I define capitalism as ownership of the capital, which is the actual wealth or assets that back the money. In the US, 94% of the money is created through mortgages by private banks that create the dollars out of thin air. For this sleight of hand they get 30 years of our (usually dual) labor to collect as interest and put in their other pocket as venture capitalists.

Once the money they created has been 'bluewashed' with our labor, it spends (or invests) the same as our hard-won savings. When we buy into the stock market, we're really trading our stored labor for gambling chips. We give the money to the richest people on the planet and hope that some other sucker will buy it for more somewhere down the line. The money doesn't go into the business. And if the business goes under, you've got nada.

So theoretically, I agree with you that capitalism COULD be a way to provide incentives to invest in productive businesses and reward risk-taking. But as long as dollars are generated through fascism--the government giving its greatest power, to issue the currency, to for-profit corporations--we're just getting a share of the spoils at someone else's expense in the stock market casino. IMO.

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Thanks Tereza for your thoughts.

I think it necessary to point out that capitalism coexists with many other human activities and shouldn’t be confused with them.

Capitalism isn’t just private enterprise; not just ownership of capital.

Capitalism is a process that occurs only in the overlap of free markets, private enterprise, and strong but limited government. Free markets, in particular, are necessary to create the new, high-quality information that is necessary to create better, or cheaper, or new products; and, to enforce accountability for the stocks of publicly traded companies.

Living standards have risen hugely everywhere capitalism has spread.

Fascism isn't capitalism because markets aren't free of major government/political distortions. The presence of private enterprise just makes fascism look like capitalism, but fascism’s lack of freedom, plus heavy political involvement, eventually leads to dangerous or destructive actions that make life worse, such as with inflation, dangerous products, theft of national resources, war, etc.

The task is to return to strong but limited government; or at least, for a start, to more limited government. That's why I focused so much in my two posts on how big governments have hurt us so much, as well as a far more extensive discussion than I write here about what capitalism is, does, needs, and isn’t.

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"When I grow up I'm gonna be a Droid just like my Dad." circa 2030 Sigh......

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Totally agree with you, Dr. Malone. Here’s a ringing affirmation of your position: “Capitalism makes life better. Big-government socialisms make life worse.” https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/political-economy-capitalism-makes

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doesn't matter what label you put on it, what's happening is bad.

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100% on the funnies today, 44 deg. for the TP quiz, 0 confidence for Australia, and -100 in the bank after grocery shopping! But Happy Sunday cause you can’t put a number on that!

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The TP quiz answer might have been better if it were 42. considering. (42 - related to Doug Adams HGTTG)

(unless I have COMPLETELY missed the point of the thing)

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I thought it asked the question--what is the point. Otherwise I am clueless

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“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”


Todays Words of Wisdom, on the morning edition of Epoch Times.

So looks like old Ben had his good humor quill, more often readily in hand.

I'd apply that to the current sworn to secrecy tribes @ all the .GOV and associates Plandemic Crew.

Let the crematory funerals commence!

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Not a lot of people stopped to think about what could go wrong with the injectable poison. Will they be smarter this time around?

As for Melbourne and Victoria state generally, sorry, no more sympathy here. Enjoy your ride to Hell. You voted for it. If you didn't vote for this, you better exit while you still can.

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