Oh Docs Malone have the best vacation ever! Lord knows you both deserve it! Be safe, enjoy and know how LOVED and RESPECTED you both are! God bless you both! ✝️💜‼️

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The SNL skit was great! One of the few funny ones in the last decade or so. Have fun and safe travels to the two of you.

Danny Huckabee

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Calvin and Hobbes still the best.

Calvin grows up….


Hate to say it but getting the Vatican onboard is a waste of time. Woke and more woke.

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Bella Dodd book tells the unfortunate story of the Catholic Church.

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God Will Provide... No worries

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Not my Potato(e) (Papa).

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So so so funny! Happy holiday Drs Malone. Try not to work 24/7 .... please.

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😹 The Viagra schtick was hilarious!

✈️ Have a wonderful trip! (Buon viaggio!)

🖼️ Great photo of Jill! (Ottima foto di Jill!)

💝 We love you both. (Vi amiamo entrambi)

🦛 P.S. I do not speak Italian, but apparently WordHippo does: https://www.wordhippo.com/

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Agree re the viagra one tho the mask/pacifier was a hoot too

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I’m partial to The Devil’s Mattress Monster even if it made me throw up in my mouth.

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Funny, because it's true... as they say in the stand-up biz

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I'm going with Betty White and the retard bicycle helmet culprits.

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Robert and Jill - one of your best Sunday Strips!

Remember back in the day when SNL was funny? Glad you could still find one that was! Loved that skit! Betty White was the best - may God rest her funny soul. 🥰

Jill - LOVE the photo of you. Hard to believe a year has gone by since I gave you a hug in KY.

Continue letting the bad things strengthen you. God will never give you more than you can bear. Trust in His word and His promises.

Safe travels. Have a wonderful time in Italy. Eat some gelato for me (my fave).

Blessings to you both. 😘❤️❤️

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Enjoy Italy, lovebirds. Most importantly, please be safe and situationally aware. You two are important!

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I don't know how you two do it on your schedule, but Jill is looking younger!

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This got me thinking about Rome...an intercontinental powerhouse brought to its knees by venal politicians, a indolent, hedonistic populace left unprotected by an under conscripted dispirited military heavily dependent on unreliable mercenaries who allowed invasion by barbarian hordes.

The USA is an intercontinental powerhouse now led by venal politicians, gifted with an increasingly indolent and hedonistic population "protected" by an under conscripted, outrageously pandered military and now being overrun by hordes across its borders.

Are we to become a Roman metaphor?

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Like to see Doc. R. Do an expose' on Italy's self destruction by the elites, either through the Replacement theory, Cloward-Piven. Or Kalergi being used to destroy western societies, comparing our border crisis, with the purposeful immigrant invasion in Europe.

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We have cloward-piven going full bore here and now

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How repulsive of a sub human do you have to be to devise, or implement this destructive path ?

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A progressive i.e., socialist, i.e., communist, i.e., rino

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The question is: How did we allow them to take over so (almost) completely? We were not paying attention and too trusting. A "friend" on fascist book unfriended me when I made a disparaging remark about Bill Gates. She said she LOVED B and M G (just noticed how their initials are BM) and how could I say such a thing? then she unfriended me. Way to have a discussion about it, lady. Wonder if she knows any different now?

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Friends don't let Friends hide the truths in life. BG is a Sub-human scum sucking parasite that needs a big dose of Ivermectin.

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

We’ve been on the RE trajectory for a while, it is too dang predictable. I have been told that Italy jumps when the US tells it to, however. Rome is a different situation. I am curious to understand the context of this news bit that came out a year ago:

"Rome Newsroom, Aug 23, 2022 / 05:51 am

Pope Francis has ordered that the Holy See and connected entities move all financial assets to the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican bank.

The pope’s rescript, issued Aug. 23, clarifies the interpretation of a paragraph in the new constitution of the Roman Curia, Praedicate Evangelium, promulgated in March.

According to Francis’ rescript, financial and liquid assets held in banks other than the IOR must be moved to the Vatican bank within 30 days of Sept. 1, 2022.

The IOR, based in Vatican City State, has 110 employees and 14,519 clients. As of 2021, it looked after 5.2 billion euros ($5.6 billion) of client assets."

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Attsa lottsa monay, mi amici

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My father-in-law said after coming back from Sunday church service that the US might as well be Rome. This was in the early 1980s.

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Your father sounds like he was a wise man to see so clearly then. Did his opinion change at all with Reagan? My parents were both quite liberal at the time, but ‘classically’ so. To say they were disappointed in Carter was all too evident.

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I never knew my in-laws political persuasion. I think they were more concerned with the culture back then, rather than the politics. They were salt of the earth people who worked hard and never took advantage of handouts. Certainly not city bred and raised.

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Ah, I misread… FIL, not father. My in-laws are kind people (quite elderly now), they were very hardworking, depression-era impacted... but still think ‘Joe’s a good guy’ & 'democrats are for the people’. I do not think their understanding ever moved on from FDR, but was never more than skin deep to begin with.

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My folks were born in 1921 and 1923. In-laws 1925 and 1927. They all passed some time ago although my FIL did in 2017. Mine were Dems as were all four of my grandparents. But Dem back then are nothing like the party now. None were socialist but patriotic Americans that served in WWII, even my mother was a Wave. As for changing the country, FDR is to blame for that.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

Yes, he did… but from their perspective, he 'helped the little man'. My maternal grandparents were business owners and both well educated, as such had different perspectives on the world than my in-laws. It is hard to rise about your own experiences or world view.

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Have a lovely holiday. I have been succoured by reading this website (light and a point of sanity in an ever darkening world), laughed and enjoyed the delicious irony and humour of the Sunday comics, and as a horseowner myself, have enjoyed too reading about the horses. It's getting harder to find, but this is one of the few places where academic honesty and the spirit of free inquiry and debate is still alive. Thanks for carrying the torch and fighting the good fight. It must be a punishing job to be the standardbearer...thank you that you do not fall.

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Thanks for the hilarious Sunday Strip. Have a wonderful, well-deserved, vacation!

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God bless you both and have a wonderful vacation. Thank you for all you have done. blessings Kim

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‘Accountability’…what a wonderful word. It is the loved child that is disciplined and raised up to lead. (see Hebrews 12)

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

I'm waiting for someone to give you shit for being in Italy or a boat, let it make you stronger.(Not necessarily here) The pic of Jill says beauty as well as the cappuccino! My cats wish their tails looked like that. We just watched the whole series of Golden Girls, what a riot!

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Maybe it's not okay to write "Shit"? SH*T says the same thing.

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I’ve been to Rome. Check out Alfredo Numero Uno where they invented Fettuccine Alfredo. My ex-wife and I got to use the golden Fork and Spoon as the honored guests of the day. Greatest city in the world.

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Now I'm hungry

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The SNL Betty White video - who ever thought that would be the woke world 13 years later?

And thanks for the Calvin and Hobbs toon. So true!

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