Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Although all great memes, the farting cows View was the best πŸ˜‚

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Yeah, because the in your face meaning is heartfelt.

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We defeat the Nee World Order agenda by forming SWARMS, using new transparent and decentralized systems called Human Swarm Intelligence. Never heard of Swarming? It’s time to learn: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/defeating-the-new-world-order-agenda?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Took me a minute to get the dessert/deserted one, but when I finally did I laughed, thank you. Here is one for you Dr. Malone:

life (noun): A sexually transmitted disease which always ends in death; there is currently no known cure.

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"there is currently no known cure"

The COVID vaccines are showing promise.

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Omg, thank you. It was driving me so crazy I debated asking for help in the comment section

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I was like why do they get all of those desserts and it whizzed right by me.

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Sep 3, 2023Β·edited Sep 3, 2023

Hillary is working on one (a cure). It's a process of whining, complaining and bitching about losing an election, and on the sideline is running her suicide request hotline. Seems as though she's so popular, even rich folks in Martha's Vineyard are now ordering the special from her.

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TriTorch - Haha! I didn't get it until I read your comment.

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Okay, after your comment, I get it now. πŸ˜„ I need more coffee! lol

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Sep 3, 2023Β·edited Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have I told you lately that I love sub-stack😘.

If we are ever able to get America back on the rails of liberty, freedom, and prosperity a giant obstacle we have to move past is the liberal media. (By the way my favorite was the farting View cows!!) It’s not their gullibility that has got us to see this large cog that is missing in the machine of freedom. Certainly the motive for them is to walk lock step with the tyrants which allows them to operate unfettered sharing a piece of the power in harmony with government. It’s the intentional deceptions and the in your face lies from the leftist media that devastates middle class America’s ability to right this republic. Their projection that conservatism is out dated, anti science, and culturally backwards is a reflection of their desired socialist style government that time and time again throughout history has failed. It will fail again. The leftist media is a cult like road block that shuts down dissent as they hand out awards to the most fervent radical left wing liars. This in a sick way is done to not only deceive the public but elevate their colleagues as to be proof that their want for fundamental change is the correct political direction for OUR country. How politically incestuous can you be? If the ones that get past their gate ever raise questions of their deceptive motives they will be cancelled and cast back to non existent status. The biggest hurdle we face is forcing the left wing media to begin truthful reporting. The best way to achieve this goal is with truth, courage, and the boundless ability to denigrate the leftist media. We see this happening at a glacial pace, as the house slowly and methodically expose the Biden family bribery scams and tax evasion schemes. It has been a slow process but it is achieving results amongst the public. I believe we the peoples role in this is yes to vote, but we must educate as many family and friends as we can. Share posts and links. Get people to subscribe to Drs. Malone sub-stack!!! Happy Labor Day!! J.Goodrich

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Sep 3, 2023Β·edited Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

James, know this is hard for folks in blue states but I really believe that concerted efforts at the state level will be this Republic's salvation. Better proof can hardly be found than the angst shared by rinos and dims alike of Ken Paxton. I learned my State Senator was recipient of big money from TLR who is one of the elements supporting his impeachment. As I e-mailed her...we need him unhandcuffed and better yet cloned and parcelled out to other states.

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State sovereignty - rocks!

We need to shrink the Federal government - the question is how. Certainly, controlling the budget is one way, IF the GOP would actually do their job.

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You’re 1000% correct. Why they refuse to defund all this BS is a pure sign of their complicity to the deep state. This could shrink government tomorrow as you rightly say.

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During the covid planned-demic, I worked for several "state workers" who were home pretending to be afraid of the covid monster. It was all a sham, and they knew it.

I worked in a neighborhood where most of the people on the block were federal, or state employees. NONE of them were working, all home, playing with their brand new Harley Davidson motorcycles that their "in " job got them. They all knew that the scamdemic was all bullshit, and they went along with it, because of their big fat paychecks, and never having to do any work for any of it.

Repugnant, at best.

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You have a point. Altho the fed workers I know actually worked on line from home.

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Friends still employed with OR State gov are still working from home. I think it is more than reasonable to assume this is to keep employees from having little water cooler chit-chats about important things.

In August 2016, a few months out from the election, our manager gathered his group to share the latest human resource dictates. We are to be careful what we say at work so as not to upset each other. As a nine-year veteran of this sandbox, I asked did they (HR) provide you with examples so we would know what topics were forbidden? He said no, but we are all adults here - no examples are needed. I almost said, after looking around the room at the stoic faces, well, we were adults at one time.

I graduated from that sandbox on November 1, 2016 when my retirement papers became effective.

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They might have worked from home, but being outside during the day, playing with their new motorcycles didn't seem like hard work to me.

I met a man on a particular job in that neighborhood. He was the trash guy, and he was there picking up the 4 barrels of garbage this one particular customer had out. I helped him with the barrels to the township garbage truck, and I asked him.

"So, how you doing with all this covid madness ? "

He replied.. "The garbage gotta get gone. I'm essential worker, so I won't lose my job even if there's a nuclear war. I haven't been sick, and no one I know was sick, so I really don't know what the big deal is."

Nice fella. No mask, no fear, no nothing other than kindness and a good sense of commonality with a working schmuck like me.

Life is what we make of it. It can be as simple as meeting a local garbage man, and having a 2 minute conversation about the stupidity surrounding us. He was black, I am white, and neither one of us gave a shit. That's what America is about. No one caring what color they are, what job they hold, what size wallet they possess.

I cherish and retain those moments.

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Convention of States would help if we didn't have all the Rino's working together with the Party of DEATH, for their Uniparty long term goals. Most of them just play the Pence card, and pretend that they don't have the power to do anything, so that when it all blows over, they enact legislation that really removes that power.

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But names are being named and if folks actually start to pay attention....

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We have some in MO whose funding comes from big biz. New congressional map gave Dems another stronghold. Many common sense bills never made it out of committees. Follow the money...

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" If "

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Agreed and to your point:

COS is a major rabbit hole we must never go down. We do not need to officially open up our Constitution to changes. What we need to do is scrub the fed hierarchy of those that continue, since J. Adam, to subvert it. The many states formed the Feds and they can take it down by removing themselves from the its teats.



Commentary: by Steve Byas

Millions of Americans are understandably frustrated at the inexorable growth of governmental power, especially at the federal level. This frustration has caused many to look for solutions, many of which will either do nothing or have the potential to make the problem worseβ€”much worse.

In fact, calling a national convention to change our Constitution in our present toxic atmosphere could very well provide the final blow to our constitutional republic. As the late Justice Antonin Scalia once told the Federalist Society, in reference to the push for such a convention, this is a bad century in which to write a constitution.

While this might seem to be alarmist, the threat is real. Harper’s magazine sponsored a forum at New York University in 2019 that illustrates the danger. The left-wing β€œscholars” at the forum argued that it’s our Constitution that’s the chief obstacle to the full implementation of the progressive agenda. One participant, Lawrence Lessig, argued that the best way to achieve progressive goals is a constitutional convention, provided for in Article V of the Constitution.

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The interesting thing is that our waiting patiently in the wings for an O invite, has been handing out million dollar grants 2 to 3 times a week, all smiles. The grants have run out and State moneys don't begin the address the mushrooming debt. Direct tax hikes, gas tax hikes, property tax hikes are certainties. No doubt they'll spend the rest of this year creatively designing avenues for more State income. Maybe seeing we moldy oldies get all 3 of our shots? Not buying it here. So we'll see. We need more capable protection for our "prime" contenders. Fasten our seat belts. 2024 promises to be a challenging ride!

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Michael, I am glad that many of us are finding out how our representatives have been deceiving us!!!

Now it is time for ALL of us to get busy at primarying them!!!

We don't have much time to vet proper replacements!!!!

We definitely don't want them to get away with it like Cornyn did during the last election!!!

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This list is very long indeed. Let's start at the top with McConnell. Pay attention to everything said by any of them. If you do, you will find even people like Ted Cruz can't be trusted.

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Shelly, we can't spread ourselves too thin. I'm not pleased with McConnell, however we need to focus on keeping TEXAS RED.

At the same time, we need to keep all of these politicians accountable by having them on a short rope!!! We have to also be vigilant so that we the GRASSROOT PEOPLE don't get fooled by their cunning ways!!

Our local representative voted to impeach Ken Paxton. There may be a justified reason, however πŸ€” conducting this impeachment behind closed door πŸšͺ, doesn't engender our trust.

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That is the short rope - reminding them that we listen to what they say, don't say and what they do and don't do. Call them out every time, otherwise they think they can walk the fence.

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Some of us idiots in blue states know, but we keep the secret to ourselves, so the zombies don't break into our houses while we are out, and wizz in our refrigerated condiments.

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T I was going to say I live i the commywealth of Massachusetts with a governor like Healy and a mayor like Wu states rights mean totalitarianism.

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I paased through Taxachusets yesterday as i took gwb through yonkers, to Meritt parkway up to 91 to VT. Very pretty in the upper part of the state

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The Massachusetts Bay Colony, the first colony forced into communal living (under contract for seven years) that survived. It was the bedrock of America’s founding. It was the first to fall to the predators - but it took 330+ years.

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Boy oh boy - could we ever use several of him here. The catch is that our masses of takers would never vote for any of them.

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I'm constantly sending out Dr. R's substacks to people, and although I don't hear much back, I do find that those I sent them to, are beginning to realize there is more out there to undersand and fight back, then just sitting around playing with themselves.

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Agree with you, but should replace "Socialism" with "Totalitarianism".

7 syllables, and Whoopi, more than likely, ascribes to it.

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This is on par@ the end of WW2 with the fight over with Japan, and all those now totally uninformed young Japanese soldiers doing all they can to remain holed up on all those small islands in the Pacific. The war was over, they had lost. Now how to try and convince them to come out of those deep tunnels? Plug the holes? Or just leave and let them starve?

We have a real lack of cooperation towards understanding what our future holds for situations exactly like this. What to do with the Brain washed that only know resistance.

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One way to start is to cancel cable

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The cartwheel funny is so true. A couple of our granddaughter’s asked my husband and I if we could do cartwheels. We both said that we use to be able to do them. Then they asked us to do a cartwheel. My husband went first. Well let’s just say the landing was less than soft. Then it was my turn. I was pretty smug. I had been a cheerleader back in the day. Well let’s say landing on one’s hip in stead of one’s feet was definitely not a perfect 10. Have a great Sunday. We are glamping in our camp trailer. Love the outdoors.

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Lmao !

Thanks, as I completely envision what you just said.


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Joe probably put a phony quarter in the washing machine!🀑

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Me: Haha !

Millenial : Huh ?

New kid on the block: My cell phone question box has no answer to what you mean ?

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

+Lots of good ones. The Aussie lady making fun of the delusional lefty totalitarians gendering and the gaseous "View" ( I wonder if there's any way to catch the C1 they are spewing and put it in a pipeline for use) are the best among many.

Thanks for sharing!

Danny Huckabee

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Great as usual! My husband's fave was the "dessert island" bc that's his kind of humor! Mine was the cow farts.

I didn't realize Rita Panahi was an Aussie. Her last example with the completely deranged individual is further proof we're living under the influence of demonic principalities. Oh my.

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I do think this was the best bunch yet and that is saying something

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Second place to last Friday's!

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Good morning Malone's! Blessed Sunday

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Oh, come on now. Where's all the funnin ?

Stop being perfect.


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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brownstone published your "The Delights of the Pfizer/Moderna Catfight" Dr. Malone. Caught it this morning.

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She is from New York and she doesn’t know which ocean is on the East coast? Wow. None of them knew? They never heard of Washington DC ? University students? Damn. Speechless. I can’t even laugh at that.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Off Topic:

Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: β€œFDA is Not a Physician”


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The VIEW: These are the farting cows that are destroying the planet! πŸ€£πŸ„πŸŒ©οΈ

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Yes, one libtard at a time.

Isn't it just wonderful how money can corrupt one's sensibilities, and honor ? These fat cows farting on TV think that what they do really matters, when in reality they don't matter to real folks at all. The only ones impressed are the mentally ill, and isolated who cant seem to turn the propaganda device off, because they misinterpret that relationship with the box of crap, as a friend they interact with daily.

My mother, God rest her soul, was one of those.

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I have never seen The View except for isolated pieces which normal people make a topic of discussion as if it was worthy of one's time. For all I know it has a TV audience of one and an in-person audience that is there working on their penance.

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Same here. Saw bits and pieces on Tuckers show, or when that POS whoopie or the evil fake red head armpit scuz, somehow make to the surface

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I agree.

If the show hosts would stop watching πŸ‘€ them, we might find out that the hosts were the only ones watching!

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And we might find out the show only airs as a distraction for those it mocks. .

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or those "BOTS" the billionaires pay for.

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They're everywhere.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There’s a gem at the end of the Lefties Loosing It video, for anyone that didn’t watch

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Loved your yesterday’s substack - as always. Marriage is a huge theme and I look forward to this new book and - what I hope - some substacks in advance πŸ˜‰

What also is important is food. Similar to Italy here in Austria we have (hopefully still) the highest standard of organic food growing in Europe, for fruits, vegetables and meat. Italy for sure is very very close in this high standard. So when the EU (of which we are a part of) started with their organic standard we feared that our Austrian standard is watered, which means that you can call something organic pursuant to EU regulations but it would not be organic under Austrian or Italian regulations (we forbid more pesticides and demand more controls etc.). So you really have to take care and watch out for the stamps on the food you buy and where the food is from.

The newest story in this context is the stamp of the Rainforest Alliance frog funded by Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation. It is said that sweets or any other products with this frog stamp, even the organic products, have mRNA in it. So here is my question: is this even possible at all? Have you heard about this? I mean can the same mRNA that is in the vaccines be put in food? I have problems to believe this... https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2007/11/opp45625

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One questions the sanity of all involved, if this is real! Honesty isn't Gates most notable accomplishments. Gene therapies aren't something most would want to consume in their daily meals.

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Farting cows, hahahaha

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