“The mask” has become a symbol of the oppressed and the oppressor. Of both woke-ism and the resistance to woke-ism.
When worn now - at the start of 2024, it is a tribal expression of solidarity with big pharma, government over-reach and even socialism. Nothing says willing compliance to authority quite like wearing a mask. For those that are back to wearing masks, as many cities and hospitals are encouraging, the Stockholm syndrome is as good as any explanation for what they are thinking.
But when used in images, the mask takes on a completely different meaning. It is an expression of freedoms lost, an America that once was and of our power to take back this country, if we work together
Never forget:
”We will not Comply”
I don’t know about this one… As I have yet to have people who are woke question what is going on. Or even to apologize for their behavior during the COVIDcrisis and move on.
What I do see is more and more people who have woken up, and are getting better educated and honing their cognitive skills. Becoming better able to separate fact, fiction and how to use the lens of critical analysis to separate what is truth, what might be truth and what is just BS?
How to use those cognitive skills to cut through the bull - that seems to be published on a more and more regular basis in so called “peer-reviewed” journals.
And then there is this from 2023…
Factcheck: True.
Well… maybe true. Disney has gotten so much flack over their remake, that the release date has been pushed back another year (the project started in 2016). Of course, Disney says the delay is about the actor’s strike- but “cynics point to upcoming reshoots as proof Disney bosses fear they've made a $330 million turkey”
What we do know is that the remake of the remake is being re-written, re-filmed and re-imagined (again).
But what about that kiss?
What Disney does admit here, as actions speak louder than words, is that most families with children don’t want woke propaganda. They want programs and movies that promote healthy lifestyles, traditional values and strong morals. That if Disney wants to stay commercially viable, it better wake up and make the kind of programming that appeal to families.
Disney won’t admit it. but our voices on alternative media are being heard. We are collectively making a difference!
Because we are all tired of this:
and this is no way to raise our children.
It is time for America to wake up, and to become the America it once was. To live up to our parents dreams for a better future.
Madison county Virginia has a healthy population of black bears and we have a black bear family that lives on or near our farm in the back woods. They are shy creatures, rarely seen.
According to the Virginia state government, black bears in Virginia are about 75 percent vegetarian; they feed on berries, fruits, nuts, grasses and insects. They rarely kill for food and when they do, it is only young, injured and defenseless.
Black bears have killed 61 people across North America since 1900. The chances of being killed by a dog, horse, bees, or lightning are vastly greater. One author points out that the chances of being murdered are about 60,000 times greater. Being outside in the woods in the Northeast is one of the safest places to be.
Recommend that you listen with the sound off to avoid the annoying commentator monolog.
Pretty sure this dude was after pig food, not the pigs themselves…
”Who is Robert Malone” is a reader supported publication. Please consider a subscription to support our work.
Through all of our working lives, and all of our professions, we all have witnessed people that are truly gifted in what they do. Many if not all will not be remembered for how wealthy they became or that they “made it”. People remember the gifted for how they treated their peers. They are remembered for how they helped others not themselves. In the near future, history will not look kindly on this administration and the medical establishment that pushed the mRNA agenda. They will be seen for their greed and cruelty to others. Hoping for a better year!! J.Goodrich
"Black bears have killed 61 people across North America since 1900. The chances of being killed by a dog, horse, bees, or lightning are vastly greater."
True story: A few weeks ago I was out on my daily walk, when to my left I saw 3 pitties or pitty mixes breaking out from their yard with owner trying in vain to call them back. When the three dogs saw me they all turned and ran up on me, barking fiercely until they were all at my feet. I braced for the worst, but didn't panic. There happened to be a man sitting in his open garage in the house to my right, and he came running out with an activated leaf blower, distracting, confusing, and chasing the dogs away.
I was remarkably unaffected by this incident. Perhaps the reason is that after 3+ years of effort by unelected government bureaucrats to "save" us, few threats seem scary by comparison.