So many places to go and things to do! But we appreciate the time you take to post a few smiles for us on Sundays and Fridays and of course all your educational posts. Now get a bit of rest, ok?

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No rest for the weary. Off to the airport, then to Vienna! Home again, home again!

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No rest for the wicked and precious little for the virtuous.

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Then hopefully you and Jill can get some well deserved rest and enjoy your lovely farm!

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Actually, Drs M, get up and walk around the cabin every hour or so. You’re not getting any younger you know. I speak from experience ;>)

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Speaking of the Romanians ...

It's a little hard to find, but there's a wonderful documentary titled "Chuck Norris vs. Communism" about Romania in the 1980's, and a vast underground for (dubbed into Romanian) American movies: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2442080/

It describes how people would gather surreptitiously to watch - lest the secret police found out - and the glimpses of life in (Reagan's) America gave them hope for a better life.

Watching it reminds us Americans how blessed we have been to be born here, and how we truly were that "shining city on a hill" for the rest of the world.

After 2020, its description of life then in Romania also serves as a warning of the creeping dystopia that the Globalist-CCP Axis intends for us, and that its puppet the Biden-Harris Junta is moving full-speed-ahead to execute.

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Let us not forget they were under the rule of the iron fist and were destitute! Coming to America if the citizens don’t rise up and stop the medical police state from controlling their lives!

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Speaking more of Romanians...

The barbaric totalitarian cherry on top of the horrors of the 20th century has to be Dictator Ceausescu’s policy of encouraging babies in family’s who couldn’t afford to care for them.

The babies were sent to live in a barracks where they were fed and never touched, held, and bonded into a safe loving reality. Most expired.

Someone remind me how the Seniorcidal Governors and medical establishment treated Seniors during Covid?

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Spot on! Isolation is coming to America and will be embraced. Continued use of fear of death via a virus will accelerate the change. Have been trained to use iPhone to interact with others and live up close social interaction is disappearing! Self-indulgence is winning.

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Everybody dead so I can be safe.

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Alan, do you know of the "wire monkey" experiment? What happens when there is no human warmth.

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My Romanian experience is less salubrious. Shared office with a former communist Romanian natl. guard officer who redefined the word arsehole at every level.

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Entice them while their young. With decades of war against our kids in schools, social media, big business, even half of our government attacking our constitution and the bill of rights, can our 1st amendment survive? I have heard social justice could not have survived or grown without the 1st amendment, now can the two co exist? With the Marxist takeover of so many institutions including the justice department, the fbi, cia, dod etc. it seems that opposing the forceful spread of many social justice issues has become hate crimes. This in many cases have been an infringement of our 1st amendment. Our self proclaimed sophisticated society which includes most politicians, have turned equal justice under the law into individual justice depending on which citizen. All of these freedom or incarceration issues seem to be left up to the 9 members of the Supreme Court if you are able to survive or afford to make it there. In my opinion it is high time for the Supreme Court to become much more accessible, step up, and punch these infringers square in the nose. J.Goodrich

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Agree James. No more recruits to the court from the ivies. Aside from their stinky politics they really do not even understand how the law is supposed to work, I,e. derived from and defined by our Constitution.

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Some of the justices are easily intimidated while others are outright commies, and one thinks the court can impose dignity on individuals from the bench by using jujutsu to usurp Congress and proclaim a law that does not exist. Gorsuch’s opinion was a gift to the Dems who have introduced bills to include gender identity as a protected classes under Title VII since 1994 without success. Gorsuch handed the Dems this win in 2020 because the Court combined a “gender” case with two sexual orientation cases. “Gender” is still not included in Title VII but apparently with his opinion it doesn’t need to be codified in law, because he made it up out of whole cloth. The DOJ’s brief in the Gender case sided with the employer not the man who dressed as a woman because ‘gender’ was not covered by law.

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You will not find the right to privacy in the Constitution either. Another invention of theirs. Unfortunately common law is a concept a bit too ambiguous so judges can rip pretty well whatever they want out of it and shove it down our throat…as they do.

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Amen, Brother!

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Or have SCOTUS learn a little basic biology, something to do with chromosomes...

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Come on, now ! They dont study Biology, they study law.

Except for Kamungi, who could not respond when asked about our constitutional ammendments, as she never "thought about them".

The SC is a joke, minus Thomas and Alito

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And the right to body autonomy.

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Chief Justice Warren Burger In his 1984 book he indicated it was long overdue to put the Federal and Higher Court systems on trail. Imagine the foresight he had compiled over time.

Then came 1986 when product liability got shot and no one reported about the upcoming probability of future Medical tricks with death pain suffering and no possible recourse. WOW.

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Take care on your travels and take care of each other.

The school and junk food comics were quite relevant. I just sent this to our local school officials, especially in light of recent "incidents" at the school:


From The High Wire Episode 346: Mighty Moms

November 17, 2023. DEADLY TOXINS FOUND IN FAST FOOD. Mom’s Across America Executive Director, Zen Honeycutt, discussed test results from 21 of the biggest fast-food chains. They found unacceptable levels of deadly toxins, heavy metals and chemicals, including glyphosate. They also found these foods are deficient in key nutrients necessary for mental health.

Many of these foods are being supplied to schools, or students are eating them on a regular basis. Honeycutt discovered that making simple changes in student diets created a vast improvement in their behavior. This might be worth considering as you evaluate behavior issues at XX School. (Also mentioned briefly were the dangers of having students take SSRIs, as these drugs often contribute to violent or suicidal behavior.)


* Segment (40 min): https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/deadly-toxins-found-in-fast-food/

* Full Episode (2 hr): https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/mighty-moms/

* SSRIs: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/there-is-decades-of-evidence-that

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Corporate food is as nourishing as corporate medicine is curative.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Taliban meme was so right on. For dog owners: Cases of a fatal respiratory condition in dogs have appeared in Oregon, Indiana, Illinois, Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada and throughout the Northeast as veterinarians scramble to determine what is causing the mysterious illness. https://resistthemainstream.com/pet-owners-warned-to-take-immediate-action-amid-respiratory-mystery-illness/

VAERS has two systems, only one is public. https://www.bmj.com/content/383/bmj.p2582

Safe travels!

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Wonder if cdc will lock down doggie parks, enforce social distancing on the streets and make them wear masks indoors and out?

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Muzzles for your pups mailed to every household along with your 2024 ballot? Nothing surprises me anymore.

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Wouldn't surprise me a bit if it was something in dog food or doggie Vax.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My vet has let me know that she will NOT give any mRNA vaccines ever! I asked if the next time I got sick could I make an appointment. She said “no”. I asked if I could identify as a cat would that help. She said, “probably not.” She’s a good vet.

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Our vet is a friend but to my knowledge he took the jab himself. I am going to have to talk to him and get a promise he won't jab my dogs with it.

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My thinking also. Just another pin in the American voodoo doll to keep us worried and confused.

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Animals don't need vax after vax after vax. It's a money-making ploy by the vets.

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Shelley, I haven’t heard about this. I will take a look after I walk my mongrels.

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Thanks for the link. My wife mentioned this to me yesterday, while a was driving for a dog rescue group in IL. We'll have to keep an I on it for our dogs. I did strip in the garage and got a quick shower when I got back. We'll see.

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dogs offer some protection

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I really love the middle class family meme ending with, all on one income. That is how I grew up in west central Indiana in a small town. Now we have neglected teens with millionaire parents who are too busy to see that their children are creating mayhem in upscale neighborhoods in north east Mesa Arizona. I became a successful entrepreneur, while many of these teens have no direction. They buck authority, put others in danger, and do not care who they harm with their behavior. They race on our streets in fast cars not caring what could and does occasionally happen. I can only pray for them. I think that maybe having a stay at home Mom makes a big difference. Sitting down for breakfast and dinner as a whole family is quite priceless in these weird times.

I know that for most this is not possible with the price of things, but my siblings and myself are all confident, caring people. We are grounded.

Godspeed coming home.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hello from a PA Farm boy in Germany. Have a safe trip back home.

I thought that I could just let it slide, but the comparison in the cartoon about the Nazi's, brainwashing and the "acceptance of wearing masks" got me to thinking how superficial the comparison is, but at the same time, appropriate on a much different level.

Like always, it is impossible for me to be succinct in such a complicated topic. I beg your patience.

To the Nazi part: Both of my In-laws were involved in different capacities. My Father-in-Law was part of the last Calvary unit at the start of the war. They took away the horses, and he became the Commander of a Panzer unit. He did not subscribe to the whole narrative, he was caught up in the Military part. My Mother-in-Law, on the other hand, was the second in the BDM. When all the trains in 1945 were going West, she took one of the last ones east to Königsberg for "Operation Werewolf."

There is a long story about her escape and survival from Königsberg, but when she was captured by the French, and questioned about her allegiance to Adolf Hitler, she answered: "Just because you won the war, does not mean that you change my thinking about Adolf Hitler." In the two years in prison, she organised a women's Choir, as well as taught others how to cope. Hannelore was a "Power Frau."

Hitler was never elected, and Germany was not a Democracy. The situation after WWI and the crisis of the Weimar Republic, as well as the occupation and terms of the Versailles Treaty, all set the stage for a population diminutized, under the terms of the Treaty, to want to have the pride of their existence and culture back. History shows how the "Administrative State" of the Nazi's went horribly wrong.

The comparison to the blind acceptance of wearing masks, therefore, is an even more disturbing event. That an entire populace would accept wearing something absolutely ineffective to prevent disease, but also to shun others who were not immunised, is appalling. It happened anyway.

That so many folks blindly complied, in a time of peace and prosperity, is more disturbing than seeing a photo of a Nazi gathering from 70 years ago.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023

I agree. What happened and is happening to us is scary and appalling.

My riding teacher was from Sudetenland. When he was 16 in 1945, the SS came to his school and showed the boys movies of the cavalry riding quadrille with the SS men on black horses in black bridles with red pompoms between their ears; the men in their black uniforms with red piping and high, black boots. (Of course, the cavalry never participated in WW2.)

The SS men told the boys how wonderful it would be to enlist early in the cavalry so they could ride all day instead of going to war. The boys all signed up for the SS.

When the war ended soon thereafter, both sides came looking for the boys who signed up. My teacher fled to West Berlin during the night. He never saw his mother again. His brother worked in a Uranium mine.

In 1959, my teacher qualified as an alternative for the Olympics. Pretty impressive, his whole story.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My husband had a Romanian employee in the early 80s who was one of the kindest, most dedicated hard workers I’d ever known at the time. He was beyond grateful to be in the U.S. with a job to be able to feed his family. Happy your experience there was a positive one! Wishing you and Dr. Jill safe travels and solid rest upon return to your amazing farm!

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The 4th Ape 🦧 is a priceless truth today.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s true, a middle class family could buy a 1,000-1200 sq ft house… 3 bed, 1 ba. One family car, which dad or his friend at the local garage could easily fix. You mowed your own little patch of law. You grew flowers and/or veggies in the sunny patch of your (sometimes fenced) back yard and the kids played in the sandbox, kiddie pool or sprinkler. There were no computers or other electronic devices to spend outrageous amounts of money on. You did your homework and chores before anything else when you got home from school. There was one phone. A tv was the big purchase, and not left on all day. Maybe you got a record player as a teen. People didn’t eat out, except maybe for an anniversary. Birthday dinners and kids parties were at home affairs. Your parents taught you the skills you needed to fix and maintain things, cooking, sewing, cleaning and childcare. People read books, played board or other games for family fun. Kids rode their bicycles everywhere and played outside. You knew everyone on your street and all your kids’ friends, and usually their parents as well. Families went to church each Sunday and had a nice dinner afterwards.

There have been some great achievements since then, but overall… it has been a disaster for the family and interpersonal skills.

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This has been lost in so many communities. Thank you for helping me remember what it was like

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You’re welcome.

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Whenever I walk into Joann Fabrics, I have to restrain myself from buying patterns and wanting to sit and sew all day with my sister and girlfriends. I am still that young lady who plays the piano and was brought up to be a genteel wife. Then the 80s came along.

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I read your comment again tonight, and loved the simplicity of the time.(The 50'?)s My childhood was blemished by anger and the 50's mentality. The Catholic Church I was raised in was small. yet we had sexual and abuse issues. All was not roses, but so much easier to comprehend.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The above description was my spouse’s upbringing and socio-economic situation, not mine. (I believe the era fits well into the 'pre-sexual revolution’.) I grew up in a very different environment at home, but some branches of my family were more similar to my description. Every era has its positives and negatives, and we tend to forget some of these when faced with the shocking state of this nation currently. I am so sorry you witnessed abuses the hands of those who should have been demonstrating the love of Christ, not the wickedness of humanity. The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and binds up the wounds we surrender over to Him for His healing. I know this peace personally, I pray you do as well.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, even tho I do not profess the traditional quotes and bible phrases, I love the persona of Jesus. I would feel comfortable hanging with him, and talking of my challenges. I feel close and feel the exceptional compassion of the Christ. Peace be to you.

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Thank you, peace to you as well. He is wonderful to spend time with in prayer and through His faithful promises in His word. Life is certainly not perfect here, but we can still find joy in Him and in the eternal life to come with Him.

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Yeah, all that was happening but no one knew what to do about it or even that others were experiencing the same thing. My brother had Tourette's. Who knew?

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is not only Romanians, but eastern Europe understand totalitarian regimes much better then western world. It seems like mostly people that resisted the jab in USA where people from Eastern Europe and I have many example in my practice, none of them go for any nonsense of this program with vaccines. In addition to that they do understand brainwashing with transgender, etc.

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Ya gone an’ done it agin! Another great selection.. loaded with satirical humor

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Couple things: Amazing that so many people that claim SOCIALISM is a GOOD form of government - much better than the evil capitalism; who regularly call anyone they don't like a "NAZI" still do not get it that "NAZI" are "INITIALS", like the "ACLU", or AFL-CIO, or the NEA or ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, etc.

"NAZI" are the initials that signify the "National SOCIALIST German Workers" (party). A Left wing LABOR party of the 1930s - in short form (they) called themselves the "NATIONAL SOCIALISTS".

The COMMUNIST Bolsheviks in Russia used the moniker, the U.S.S.R. - the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics ( a name V.I. Lenin - the Communist Party Dictator - coined. The C.C.P., Chinese Communist "party" regularly refer to themselves as "SOCIALISTS"

Today, Dr. Malone (visiting Romania) mentions how wonderful and friendly the Romanian people are. Too bad he didn't ask them what they think of the political aspects of the U.S.S.A. today being that from 1965 to 1986, the Romanian people were subjects of the Romanian Communist party - and co-Dictators Nicolae & Elena Ceausescu, who ruthlessly enslaved the Romanian population - until they BOTH were executed by the Romanian people in December 1989.

As an aside, Bill & Hillary Clinton were "good friends" with and visited many times with the Ceausescu's while they were in power.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The first cartoon is great-including the bumper stickers, along with replacing the Taliban....didn't we just give them an extra bit o' pocket change --$2.5 billion "humanitarian aid", and we are begging the soldiers chucked out for the vax to return?


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Me thinks they are planning to engage and those that refused the jabs are welcomed back to be the first deployed in harms way.

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We certainly can’t fight a war in high heels and skirts.

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It certainly wouldn't surprise me.

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jeepers, Such talent

How do you get a rodent to look so much like the Resident in Chief?

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just tuned in a couple of hours ago to RSBN and watched Texas Gov Greg Abbott receive President Trump at a Thanksgiving event held for Border Patrol, Nat’l Guard, Texas dept of Public Safety. Trump helped serve every single one of those men and women in line. Each of them wanted a photo with him. I watched faces of those people, they showed so much respect and love for Trump. This took a couple of hours, but Trump showed his love back for these people.

In remarks that followed, Gov Abbott wholeheartedly endorsed Trump for President. I was reminded of a time when we were energy independent, a time of relative world peace, a time of pride in our nation and realized that was only 3 years ago. As we approach Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all the blessings God provides. I’m thankful for the wisdom of Dr Malone that he shares with us. I have no doubt his words saved me and my husband from taking the vax that has caused so much harm to many. Thank you Doc, you’re a fine man and your lovely Jill is a gem!

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