Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We all need to pay very close attention to that Lord of the Rings passage.

“That there is some good in this world and its worth fighting for. “

AMEN! I’m off to church to pray for us all.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Laughter is, in fact, the best medicine. :-)

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Woke up with brain fog and depression. Read your funnies. Instantly cured! IT’S A MIRACLE!!!!

Thanks to you, Dr. Robert and Dr. Jill, for being the best funny curators (and cure-ers) on this utterly insane planet.

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That cat one hits close to home. I have 2 Pavlov's cats which is why they get fed at 2am every morning. It's a thing.

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Me too. My cat's name is Cheetah. She is fierce, feisty, and ferocious. Her nickname is Screamer.

Before dawn she starts screaming. She wants to play cat and mouse, and I get to be the mouse. Ouch!!!

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These are great ones, Dr. Malone. Much needed humor. Sent the corndog one to my 'kids'. I love the spider one, personally. "The LORD bless and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace." - Numbers 6:24-26

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

God bless you Dr. Malone for the gift of a few laughs. We need them.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I laughed out loud for some of these and enjoyed all of them. Pavlov's cat hit close to home as my cat starts knocking things off my desk when she deems it's time for her catnip treat. Love your Friday and Sunday funnies, they help to keep things in perspective.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Doc! We gotta laugh or….. 🤪🤪🤪

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love our spiders. Just this morning the hubby got stung by a small wasp that flew up his shorts (luckily it was his thigh stung and not.....) The wasp flew out in the house and was prompty caught up in the spiders web along the ceiling. Freddy the spider quickly took care of the wasp and had a tasty breakfast. Hubby finally agreed that our little housemates are not so bad.

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Just reminded me of one of the unmentionable dangers of outhouses. Had an uncle got bit..there..by a black widow.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great funnies today! Thank you for including Samwise’s speech. Many of Tolkiens gems have gone through my mind these past months. We will defeat the shadow.

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Tolkien and Orwell. What was it about that era? Ah yes, they had experienced some of the Horrors first hand on the world stage. And we tend to forget when things are not recent.

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Oh the importance of remembering our history…

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Sunday! Great set as usual. Am I crazy or do those circles never cross? They certainly made my eyes cross!

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never cross...

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That is what I thought but I stink at this kind of puzzle.

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Ha, ok thanks!

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If you get close enough to the screen and look at the center it becomes easier to see concentric circles.

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I can't do those kinds of puzzles because of vision :) but I did like the California and a couple others. :)

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonderful Sunday strip! I love the Nitty Gritty Dirt band choice- it actually brought tears to my eyes, remembering the wonderful days growing up in the sixties- my Mom & Dad always had music in the house, & they would "throw back the rug & dance"! I remember coming home from school, playing my 45's & 33's on the record player; the stereo was a Heath kit my Dad bought & built! He housed the stereo in my Mom's dry sink cabinet! Music brings joy & so many memories to me! Thank you for this special "good old days memory"!!

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Johnny Horton's version of "Battle of New Orleans" was one of the first songs I heard on the radio as a kid. It was brought to mind a few weeks ago after reading about the failure of loaned German artillery that was subjected to high rates of fire by Ukrainian forces.

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That is so interesting; something I didn't know, thank you. I guess the song reminded me of how things were so different in the sixties, & growing up then was fun, & I have great memories. The world today is obviously so different , & I get nervous about the direction the Biden regime is going- his destruction of our country is horrible, & I pray the Primary in November will be towards a more Unified country, peacefully! Prayers for 2024 & a big red wave...IMO.

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We had a big stereo and on Saturday mornings my mother would put on records full blast, and we would dance all around the house as we were doing our cleaning chores … singing at the top of our lungs! Fond memories ❤️

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Definitely good memories! Thank you for sharing. It is such a different world today, but music is comfort for my soul, & I'm truly blessed & thankful for what I have. Have a wonderful week!

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First thing I did this morning was check for the Sunday Strip. Yes, before feeding the cats, they give up and have a cat nap. I have learned the hard way. This Labor Day weekend has a new meaning...

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the Sunday laugh, Dr. Malone.

Have a blessed Labor Day.

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Any chance California darkness will pass?…what a beautiful state, spent many years there. 🙏🧚🏼‍♂️

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Maybe, but having visited a few times over the last year, the hypnosis has a powerful hold on them

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Not all of us…

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Commifornia would be even MORE beautiful if every single Liberal, Leftist was GONE. Seriously...and I’m very accepting. They’ve destroyed this once beautiful state.

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I was born & raised near Sacramento, & at the young age of 21, I moved to Colorado with my first husband for his job. I didn't know anything about Colorado, but the move turned out to be a blessing in disguise! Watching the destruction, chaos & crime, along with wildfires burning so much of the state, is hard. I will not go back to my birth place, not even to visit. I pray 2022-2024 will be better for CA, & the current dictator is voted out!

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well .... you gotta suspect my two most favorites are Pavlov’s cat and the Corn Dogs (Cat tails). The ladies shower is appreciated. J Prine’s Inspite of Ourselves still tops my list, but did enjoy todays music.

JP’s California Texas bit is super relevant. After our discussions yesterday, it dawned on me that the JBS community, our community and likely most “conservative” communities have some Very Important VALUES in common. That one of our mutual issues is wrenching our Country back out of the radical hands currently destroying it, and back into principled hands who will guide us safely forward restoring the Country we love! It’s to grab ahold and take advantage of our opportunities to achieve such ends!

Off topic: Ran across an article indicating our outgoing Governor Hogan (evidently planning to run for President) is in the process of handing out WEF opportunities for local businesses to sign up for to enhance their opportunities for securing foreign contracts. Let see - 2 years to finish WEF elder leaders training?

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